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Old 08-18-2011, 12:58 AM   #1
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Default Griffey Shoes 警方根据指纹抓获14年前杀人逃犯

  警方通过研判,认为凶手可能是外来人员,属于流窜作案,而且凶手应该有前科。根据分析的结论,专案组立 即对常州全市的旅馆、招待所、商店、房屋出租户以及外来人员聚居处展开全面的调查走访工作。同时对于在案发 后突然离开常州的外来人员,专案组派出工作组赶赴各地进行调查。
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  再看看当年的模拟画像,有几分神似,难道,他就是当年的那个罪犯?带着疑惑,专案组立即抽调警力对莫某 展开调查。

  新成立的专案组对案情进行了认真分析,仔细琢磨,同时依托华东刑侦区域协作和环太湖区域协作的优势,通 过网上作战,重点梳理符合体貌特征、多次流窜盗窃,具备作案时间的违法犯罪前科人员和案发前释放的两劳人员 。不久,办案民警在网上意外地发现了2005年被劳教的浙江淳安籍莫姓男子的指纹与当年案发现场留下的“指 纹十分相似”。
  莫某,男,今年40岁,是浙江省淳安县人,他人生的前半段简直是一部犯罪史。1989年,莫某流窜至江 苏省苏州市沧浪区入室盗窃商店,后被判有期徒刑一年;1991年,又因盗窃被上海市闸北区公安局收容审查; 同年,又窜至浙江省富阳县盗窃,被判有期徒刑七年,在浙江金华监狱服刑,于1997年6月刑满释放;200 5年,其又窜至浙江省兰溪县多次盗窃厂矿、企事业单位,被判有期徒刑10个月。
  据了解,两名遇害的员工都是女性,一个二十多岁,另一人六十多岁,两人均为本地人。警方勘察现场后,只 找到了罪犯的一枚指纹,综合作案现场的信息判断,这是一起偶发案件,破案会很困难。
   当年画像   十四年后被抓

  6月的淳安山区,时而骄阳似火,时而大雨倾盆,天气变化十分异常,抓捕组成员不畏山体滑坡的危险,强忍 着山间蚊虫的袭扰,克服各种困难坚守在伏击岗位上。功夫不负有心人,6月27日下午,在当地公安机关的配合 下,抓捕组成功地将刚进村上小麻将馆搓麻将的犯罪嫌疑人莫某抓获,并连夜将其押解回常州。

  据常州市公安局刑警支队史池东介绍,该案的案发地点位于当时常州市最热闹的火车站和汽车站附近,该案造 成的社会影响十分恶劣。为此,江苏省公安厅虽派专人指导破案,特别成立了数百人组成的专案组。


  接到报警后,民警迅速赶到现场进行调查,商店的其他员工打开了店门,民警进入店内后,居然发现昨晚值班 的两名员工倒在血泊中,而店内多处有被撬的痕迹。经商店员工清点,有30余条各类香烟被盗。

  案子告破后,当年案发现场附近的居民无不拍手称快。而被害人家属得悉后,也十分激动,给专案组送来锦旗 。被害人女儿流着泪说道:“我妈妈不明不白死了十几年,明年扫墓终于可以告诉她凶手已经抓到了。”目前,此 案还在进一步审讯之中。

  接下来14年的时间里,专案组行程数万公里,排查数万人,但真正的犯罪嫌疑人始终藏在重重迷雾中,不见 踪迹。时隔十四年,常州市公安局先后经历了六任分管刑侦局长、五任刑警支队长。看似不可能完成的破案任务, 竟然出现“转机”。最近,常州警方开展“清网行动”,对积案进行清理,Griffey Sneakers。先后多次组织专案组民警回头看案情,查找之前工作的疏漏,亡羊补牢;同时根据新的科技手段,拓展侦查措施 ,开辟新的侦查思路。
  2011年6月22日,常州市公安局刑警支队的相关领导带领办案民警赶赴浙江省淳安县展开工作。在走访 当地群众的过程中,办案民警了解到,莫某家境不佳,生性好赌,脾气暴躁。莫某家附近的群众在辨认模拟画像后 ,反映模拟画像与莫某年轻时的模样十分相似,这个结果更加坚定了抓捕组的信心。
  通讯员 常公轩

  在对所掌握的情况进行综合分析后,专案组认为莫某具备作案时间、思想基础等条件,而且他的盗窃手法与1 4年前案件十分类似,具有重大作案嫌疑。
  实习生 戴雯 周萌
  1997年10月21日清晨,常州市新丰街9号的益民副食品商店发生血案。一白班员工比往常稍早一点来 到商店,他准备趁早将店内的货物盘点一下,为白天的正常营业做好准备。可他来到商店时,却发现在店内值夜班 的同事没有按规定提前打开店门,他敲门不见有人来开门,呼喊同事的名字也没有人答应。这名员工立即紧张了起 来,随即产生了一种不好的预感。很快有人报了警。

  专案组立即组织精干力量对莫某展开了外围调查工作,办案民警先后赶赴上海、浙江富阳、兰溪和金华监狱调 查取证。今年6月16日,侦查人员在前往浙江兰溪调查取证的途中,突遇暴雨,Ken Griffey Sneakers,遭遇洪水围困,凶猛的洪水挡住了车辆前进的道路;但侦查人员不顾个人安危,弃车涉水而行。经过一段艰险的 历程,他们终于查明了莫某的前科、家庭、个人、住处等基本资料。


  经过一系列细致的工作,专案组很快查明犯罪嫌疑人作案前曾在案发现场附近长时间停留,Ken Griffey Jr Shoes,作案后立即在火车站附近兜售了作案劫来的香烟,并且与几个人有过接触。得知这一情况后,专案组立即请来了 全国模拟画像专家张欣,根据目击者的口述刻画出了疑犯的模拟画像。这张模拟画像便成了当时破案的关键。但最 终,未能将罪犯抓获。模拟画像对比如今被捕的罪犯,仍很相似。

  回到常州后,专案组立即组织精干审讯力量,开展对莫某的审查工作。但莫某十分狡猾,在审讯初期矢口否认 来过常州,但在证据面前,莫某难以自圆其说了,于是他就开始耍赖,以沉默相对,一言不发。对此情况,专案组 立即调整策略,以教育感化和政策攻心为主开展审讯工作。经过民警3天耐心劝导,犯罪嫌疑人莫某的心理防线彻 底崩溃,如实供述了在那个疯狂黑夜里的残忍行为。
  昨日上午,常州市公安局刑警支队召开了新闻发布会,宣布“1997.10.21”益民商店杀人案告破, 同时通报了破案的全过程。逃窜了十四年的顽犯莫某怎么都没想到,当年他作案时,犯罪现场遗留下的一枚指纹竟 然成了破案的“开关”。


  犯罪嫌疑人莫某家住淳安山区,千岛湖边,邻近安徽省黄山市,地处偏僻、地形复杂、山势险峻。为了防止犯 罪嫌疑人警觉后潜逃山林,抓捕组在其住处周围和经常出入的麻将馆设置了两个埋伏点,架起抓捕网 。

  1997年,莫某从浙江金华监狱释放不久,因经济拮据,窜至常州长途汽车站附近,白天在马路上闲逛时, 发现益民副食品商店有各类香烟在销售,莫某想到了晚上偷点香烟,Griffey Shoes,卖点钱花花。第二天凌晨,莫某悄悄地潜入店内,行窃时发现店内有两名员工值班,而放香烟的柜台又无法打开 。于是,莫某一不做,二不休,就产生了杀害值班员工继续盗窃的想法。莫某寻来凶器,残忍地将两员工杀害,随 后盗取香烟。作案后,莫某就在火车站附近将香烟出售给了几个路人,得到一笔钱财,第二天一早,他就乘车逃离 了常州。在这以后,莫某再也没敢来常州。后来莫某自以为在常州时间很短,又使用了反侦查手段,风声过后,又 干起老勾当,还娶妻生了子,但法网恢恢、疏而不漏,狡猾的莫某还是要为当年的罪恶行径付出巨大 代价。

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Old 08-18-2011, 01:00 AM   #2
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############## woman who,vibram fivefingers, though petite, looks a little weak, but the sound is clear and powerful statement of guilt for the murder of her husband, she retracted in court.
her, it was 7 years ago caused a sensation in Shanxi Yicheng
earlier, according to media reports, October 2, 2003, Shanxi Yicheng County mate son of Ma Zhaohui Li, director killed at home, local by storm, but the murderer has been at large. 3 years, Li and from Taiyuan, Beijing, to the people's congresses at all levels, public security, assistance, complaints, requests for public security authorities to get justice for his son as soon as possible.
It is understood that 3 years after the incident, the Shanxi police were sent to the 4 th task force investigating the case has involved. And Li Hui and Li Wenhao lover from the summoned; next day, two of Yicheng County Public Security Bureau began monitoring living, in April 4th 2004 discharged in this period, the investigating authorities had Li Hui, Li Wenhao polygraph, two were excluded; 2004 November 17, two on suspicion of manslaughter was arrested Sept. 7, 2005 for lack of evidence the prosecution made the decision not to prosecute; February 14, 2006,fivefingers shoes, the two were once again guilty of manslaughter on suspicion of criminal detention; June 2007, Shanxi Province, Linfen Intermediate People's Court and sentenced Li Wenhao, Li Hui death; June 2009, the Shanxi People's High Court decision was a Back to the Linfen Intermediate People's court for retrial.
It is reported that the case is not the first instance court public hearing, June 7, 2010, the case in Yicheng County People's Court of second instance court, the case will be the only time to date the incident Although the trial took two days, a total of 16 hours, but the court declared that the case is still the case is complex, will choose a sentencing date. Of which, the most important reason is that --- as a defendant, and Li Hui Li Wenhao are retracted in court and said he had a guilty confession reason is due to torture.
the first day of trial

defendants stunned the world

guilt confession resulting from torture?
2010 年 6 月 7 日 9 am, Shanxi Province People's Court of Yicheng County courtroom can accommodate 80 people had packed the public ##############, there are a lot of people because there are no seats and was asked out of court.
the mother of the deceased Ma Zhaohui Li a black, her face serious and sense of loss if the lost sitting in a courtroom, the father of the rickets Ma Zhaohui back lying on the table a long time did not rise.
the case of the first defendant, Li Hui Li Wenhao first accept the court's lover questioned.

and Li Wenhao following explanation, the rain-delayed in the ################## of people surprise.
According to Li Wenhao, said the incident after a lapse of 3 years, that is, February 14, 2006, he was re Detention, the task force police took him to a hotel, locked in an iron chair not to rest. I suggest one by one according to their statements.
in the subsequent interrogation, the defendant retracted the same Li Hui, Dong Yun made a similar statement.
the same time, the night of the murder case, three defendants made almost the same confession.
statement, according to Li Wenhao, night of the murder and his brother, Li Hui in their own home until 10:30 or so, more than 11 pm, Li Hui and drove home. About 20 minutes later, Li Hui said to call him
Starry estoppel with this post is basically the same statement,3 The Secretary did not show up after the gang fig, Friends Dong Yun Council to work a telephone call, he immediately went to my home.
Dong Yun, according to the third defendant confessed in court that he made under torture a false confession of guilt all the signatures on the when the opportunity to defend themselves.
by Dong Yun said, the night of the incident is that around 23:50 that night, received a phone call Li Hui, who arrived quickly and found Ma Zhaohui has become a dark blue face, it immediately reported to the police. During Ma Zhaohui brother came, and the tear occurred Li Hui, Dong Yun, after the two men pulled their car pulled into Starry, Starry encountered meters out of the family, handed them to hand Starry years after he returned to the scene, this time the police have arrived.
retracted the face of the defendant, the prosecutor provided 58 evidence in court, including the guilt of the defendant's confession, the circumstantial evidence of other witnesses and on-site inspection record, footprint identification, photographs, autopsy reports.
Ma Zhaohui met, the two sides dispute tearing. Li Hui took a knife from the kitchen, snatched by Li Wenhao, the Lian Tong Ma Zhaohui several chop wounds. then called Dong Yun called home, let him think of ways to processing the scene. Dong weapon handling the scene, clots of blood and other items. under the guidance of the director, Li Hui, Li Wenhao forged stolen the scene. are poles apart.
diametrically opposed views both parties, so that an atmosphere of very serious trial,9岁女孩坚持三年帮助邻居残疾哥哥上学(图), and Ma Zhaohui parents speak, so continue to heat up the atmosphere have been hot.
Ma Zhaohui parents pointed out that there was an attempt to investigators and Ma Zhaohui Li Hui of the divorce agreement stolen from the crime scene, which proved that the feelings of the couple was very poor, with Li Hui motive.
to motive, Li Hui's statement of defense counsel in court that Li Hui, Ma Zhaohui have a good divorce agreement, including on the property, the children have made a clear ownership belong to, Li Wenhao has openly living together before this, in this case, Li Hui, Li Wenhao is no motive for the crime.
, however, is that the prosecutor has said the emotional entanglements, and Ma Zhaohui Li Wenhao gave his wife Li Wenhao steamy text messages to be found, for which Ma Zhaohui Li Hui was kind enough to a big fight.

first day of the trial which lasted 8 hours after heated debate in both defense and prosecution was temporarily a paragraph.
court the next day

both parties diametrically opposed to

suspect there has not been excluded?
6 8, the trial continued, the prosecution and defense to the legality of evidence, relevance, and the details of crime carried out tit for tat of heated debate.
The main evidence for the case --- three accused had made statements of guilt once again become the focus of attention.
Li Fei Li Hui's defense counsel that the confession was the defendant guilty of holding the prosecution of the trial of three accused into the hotel for up to 40 days arrived.
can not be ruled out,five finger shoes, and because a violation of the law, which is illegal evidence, why the burden of proof as the main evidence for this case? But prosecutors pointed out that Li Wenhao in March 2006, said the confession had been previously talked with their own, and then strengthened his resolute determination not to recognize the fact that murder, saying what he says is sometimes true, sometimes false, is retracted, for the future.

In addition, three of the accused lawyers said that on May 30 this year, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, State Security and the Ministry of Justice jointly issued the Provisions on Several Issues of evidence to judge Lawyers asked the torture of three statements the defendant shall not be used.
the same time, Fei made in accordance with the law, the case filing in 2006, a retrial should new evidence be placed on file, while prosecutors in September 2005 the relevant authorities to make the decision in 2006 not to prosecute February 14 3 accused held again, this time did not have new evidence.
this, the prosecutor pointed out tit for tat, 3 detained after the guilt of the accused confessed is the new evidence.
addition, Hu Xiaoyong also convicted of three statements the defendant made a detailed comparison, there are many details that contradict the exact location of the wounds, as some of the sting of who is How to Ma Zhaohui and other body dragged into the room, one of the most prominent is the Starry night confession is stabbed to death with a kitchen knife Ma Zhaohui, and Li Wenhao confession is a fruit knife.
prosecutor argued that in Shanxi Province have used a thin knife fine, as each person's awareness of differences, will be called a fruit knife.
Li Wenhao lawyers also suggested that Li Wenhao the incident the next day to be controlled, but Li Wenhao who was not injured, has been wearing clothes the day before, the above is no blood, If, as the Li Wenhao guilty confession said, the night before their tussle with Ma Zhaohui, and assassinate the number of death caused by knife, then how could the next day unharmed. Starry Starry's lawyer also raised the same question there.
In addition, the two sides also material evidence --- the identification of blood, footprints, call one engaged in a fierce debate.
lawyer Hu Xiaoyong Li Wenhao court statement after the incident, the investigation organ for the blood of footprints at the crime scene were identified 3, the first of the identification results exclude Li Wenhao, the second Linfen City Li Wenhao identified by the Public Security Bureau that is left, the third by the investigation department to the Ministry of Public Security to submit to appraisal concluded that
Hu Xiaoyong, Linfen City, was also proposed to do to identify the task force, there is no forensic qualifications. Moreover, when Li Wenhao do is to put footprints identified with the blood of a similar shade shoes footprints, blood footprints of 42 yards, while Li Wenhao feet to 41 yards.
Subsequently, Hu Xiaoyong played on a slide obtained from the prosecution Li Wenhao of 2 October 2003 phone records. Records show that Li Wenhao at 21:38 to give his leadership played a phone call,vibram 5 fingers sale, this statement on his innocence in his older brother said to his leadership during a meal called a call to leaders to help him with something to colleagues found. Hu Xiaoyong Li Wenhao also produced for his leadership issued a call for written evidence on this, said Li Wenhao tone was normal.
and Hu Xiaoyong that there is a key point is that, in November 2003 sent to the Ministry of Public Security, including Li Hui, Li Wenhao do suspect, including the polygraph, a suspect named Ma sudden escape before the polygraph,vibram 5 fingers shoes, so far there is no basis for the exclusion of that person.
second day of the trial until the end of 7 pm, the last chief justice announced that the case will choose a sentencing date.
this point, the case from the incident has been 7 years, the families of the victims expect a fair decision in the community is also waiting for a convincing conclusion. In the present case of dense fog, a lot of people are eagerly awaiting the case to light the truth of the world. The next step in the progress on the case, this newspaper will continue to pay attention.
Legal Daily Yicheng (Shanxi) June 9 Xinhua

Source: Legal Daily
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