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Old 08-31-2011, 02:39 PM   #1
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 22,621
i0love0u is on a distinguished road
Default The Pursuit for Christian Louboutin

The Pursuit for Christian Louboutin,gucci men wallets
Many women can not resist the beautiful shoes. When they fell in love with a pair of shoes once, they will do everything possible to get them. For example, fell a quarter of the home with a loaded credit card money to postpone the budget or time to do whatever they can not imagine,gucci kitbags, missing shoe is always "that pair of shoes" life. But for women,gucci high top, however many pair of shoes are not enough. Therefore, the purpose of buying shoes is slowly into the dress collection. Having such a shoe designer shoes, no matter how the change in style, can be a woman competing to buy the target. Static red soles of his mark - he is a famous French designer Christian Louboutin. His designs bring a lot of customers who have love of his pieces. There was a customer told him: "I'm so grateful to you! Because the red soles, I met my current husband. I wore him and love at first sight for me wearing your red soles,gucci bags for cheap! " Christian Louboutin shoes from the urine of the design has a strong interest. He had worked at Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Roger Vivier, Dior and other famous companies. Many of the luxury brand design experience gave him the creation of his own name brand when it is at ease. His designs can be seen from his mind that the perfect woman is mysterious and ######y, always red soles and 12 cm high thin heel baby,discount gucci handbags, like a two-edged sword piercing the blood directly to heart the eyes of men. Christian Louboutin has aggressive design with a concise and provocative mood. Even if only to see women wearing them back,gucci hobo handbag, he will also be attracted to. Even braving the risk of foot break, women will flock to it. In Hollywood,cheap gucci boots, almost all female stars are bound to have a few pairs of Christian Louboutin shoes for at various occasions,womens gucci sneakers, while the appearance is the most high-heeled shoes. The stars also know that a pair of Christian Louboutin will also be good for their building blocks. I personally feel that Dita von teese and Scarlett Johansson are the most suitable candidates for the brand, because they share common characteristics: the ######y and charming, which is Christian Louboutin's design style is very fit. Well-known for designer in the creative aspects of the amazing shoes,gucci shoes on sale, the price is also a cause. "Breathtaking" and classic style are generally more than 5,cheap gucci shoes for men,000 Yuan. But don��t worry, part of the season's shoes at the end of the quarter is a discount. If you're lucky, you may have dreamed of a pair of red soled shoes! Mainland China and Hong Kong at present only have some shops selling agents, but at least no longer afford to buy it!
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Old 08-31-2011, 02:41 PM   #2
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Old 08-31-2011, 02:44 PM   #3
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