lawyers; they are everybody's technicalities; the medium through
which all consider lifeand the dialect in which they express their
judgments. I knew three young men who walked together daily for
some two months in a solemn and beautiful forest and in cloudless
summer weather; daily they talked with unabated zestand yet scarce
wandered that whole time beyond two subjects - theology and love.
And perhaps neither a court of love nor an assembly of divines would
have granted their premisses or welcomed their conclusions.
Conclusionsindeedare not often reached by talk any more than by
private thinking. That is not the profit. The profit is in the exercise
and above all in the experience; for when we reason at large on any
subjectwe review our state and history in life. From time to time
howeverand speciallyI thinkin talking arttalk becomes elective
conquering like warwidening the boundaries of knowledge like an
exploration. A point arises; the question takes a problematicala
bafflingyet a likely air; the talkers begin to feel lively presentiments of
some conclusion near at hand; towards this they strive with emulous
ardoureach by his own p
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