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Old 05-11-2011, 11:52 PM   #1
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Default 公安局错误羁押三人 检察院执行赔偿


  2011年4月13日,记者来到韩城市检察院采访。检察院公诉科一位检察官得知来意后说,“肯定就是这 些人(余家)杀的人,可惜公安机关办案没有取到证据。就像一堆蔬菜,水平差的厨师没有做好,好厨师也没有办 法再做了”。

  这位检察官说:“韩城市公安局抓错了人,为何要让检察院来赔偿,起码他们也要负连带责任。 ”

  作为赔偿义务机关韩城市检察院委托的代理人,刘朝阳一直为这个赔偿案件在省高级法院听证会上和余家委托 人交锋。

  刘朝阳是韩城市检察院公诉科科长,他认为省高级法院让韩城市检察院赔偿的决定无法可依,“就是司法解释 也没有这样的规定。”刘认为省检察院应该提起抗诉。“许多证据都保存着,等有一天科技手段有所突破了,新的 证据可能就会出来”,刘朝阳最后说。

  吉红东是主管刘朝阳的副检察长,他在电话中告诉记者,等到余家来申请后,他们还要开会研究 。

  当年负责此案的韩城市公安局刑警中队长王高锋说,此案目前仍无进展,对于过去的事情他不想过多评价。“ 当初办案民警是否受到追究?有关部门的破案奖金如何处理?案件是否有新的线索?”对于这些问题,韩城市公安 局政治处有关人员说,他们都是才调来的,这些都不知道。而当初的公安局长、刑侦副局长均已升迁 。

  4月17日,渭南市检察院控申处处长王振义说,余家的案件当初属于“不能证明是他们作案,但是也不能排 除”,像这样“存疑不诉”的案件,当年办案的老观念都是不予赔偿。当然,这样的决定也是和渭南市中级法院协 商过的。


  目前来看,韩城市检察院公诉部门还很难接受,但是可以说,省高级法院的决定毫无商量的余地,执行赔偿就 是了,不存在开会研究什么的。“我们执法的观念也在不断的进步,louis vuitton bag。”王振义说。

  陕西省高级法院赔偿委员会有关人员说,本案的焦点是赔偿请求人是否“故意作虚伪供述”,公民自己“故意 ”作虚伪供述是指,为欺骗、误导司法机关,或者有意替他人承担刑责而主动作与事实不符的供述。

  本案并无证据证明赔偿请求人想要欺骗、误导司法机关、或者有意替他人承担刑事责任而主动作与事实不符的 供述。

  不能证明其希望自己被逮捕或定罪量刑,他们也没有故意作虚伪供述的目的和动机,因此不能认定“故意”作 虚伪供述。

  省高级法院按照1995年1月1日实施的《赔偿法》规定,决定撤销韩城市检察院、渭南市检察院和渭南市 中级法院不予赔偿的认定,决定由韩城市检察院赔偿余家3人23万余元(按照2009年全国职工日平均工资1 25.43元计算,余治安获赔78770.04元;张秀芳获赔78644.61元;余路平获赔78110. 04元),并在侵权范围内为3人消除影响、恢复名誉和赔礼道歉。


  韩城市芝川镇吕庄村,一个坐落在司马祠不远处的小村庄。这里的村民依靠果树和花椒为生,4月13日下午 ,在路边一处比较平坦的果树地里,陈翠各正在锄地。

  提起女儿,陈翠各眼泪立即就掉了下来。“你在报纸上给我写上,就是这家四川人(余家)将我女儿害了。” 多年来陈翠各一直这样认为。


  1986年10月17日,亢林娜出生,生母由于大出血不幸身亡。当时28岁的陈翠各一直没有孩子,就将 邻村的亢林娜抱养了过来。

  “女儿很听话,长大后有什么事情都会给我说的,她不是和四川人(指余路平)谈恋爱。有一次那个媳妇(张 秀芳)给我的侄女提出过,要将盼盼(亢林娜的小名)给她当儿媳妇,我没有同意,因为我们没有儿子,要招个上 门女婿。”


  亢林娜遇害后,按照当地乡俗,和附近一死亡男子结成“鬼亲”。男方家买来新衣服和棺木,将亢与“这个3 0岁的男子以夫妻名义合葬”。

  “由于埋葬的地方很偏僻,翠各每年烧纸都找不到地方,必须要让男方家领着才能找到墓”,陈翠各的一位邻 居告诉记者。他们也不理解,“他们就是凶手,当时已经游街了,咋又出来了。”

  亢林娜遇害后两年,疼爱她的爷爷、奶奶也相继去世。陈翠各的丈夫买了辆机动三轮车收破烂,他们还有一个 亲生女儿,已经上高中了。

  “如果不是他们(余家)杀了我的女儿,找到凶手,我愿意替国家赔偿他们。”结束采访时,陈 翠各这样说。


  获释后,由于不能在韩城市再待下去,三人到临潼投奔了戴书建。2007年2月,一家三口回到了重庆市长 寿区老家。

  4月14日,余路平在电话中告诉了他们一家的近况。回家后,GHD IV Purple Style,余路平就和邻村的一位姑娘结婚了,一家的生活因为一对双胞胎女儿的降生捉襟见肘。今年53岁的余治安去了 工地打工。余路平和媳妇在重庆郊区卖烤肉,一对女儿交给了丈母娘看管。



  对于一些执法人员的质疑,“和亢谈对象,为何连女友姓名都不知道”。余路平说,当初只知道她叫盼盼,姓 名确实不知道。





  2003年9月8日,年仅15岁的蒲城县兴镇村民李某、16岁的蒲城县三合乡村民韩某和16岁的蒲城县 兴镇村民马某,因为涉嫌强奸、抢劫一69岁老太太秦某,被蒲城县公安局刑事拘留。随后3人以“抢劫强奸犯” 的身份被游街示众。

  同年10月13日,被蒲城县检察院批准逮捕。11月10日移送蒲城县检察院审查起诉。因为3人翻供,蒲 城县检察院两次退回公安局补充侦查。

  2004年10月12日,蒲城县检察院以证据不足,不符合起诉条件为由,作出不起诉决定书 。


  蒲城县检察院、渭南市检察院和渭南市中级法院,以3少年“故意作虚伪供述”为由,均拒绝给予赔偿。3少 年不服,后向省高级法院提起申诉。

  2011年4月初,3少年拿到陕西省高级法院赔偿委员会的决定书(<2010>陕赔他字第00006号 ),省高级法院决定蒲城县检察院赔偿每人5万余元侵犯人身自由赔偿金。



  陕西金镝律师事务所律师骆裕德,一直代理着蒲城三少年国家赔偿的案件。“在收到省高院的赔偿决定前,当 事人家属已经对我不抱有希望了。”骆裕德说。4月15日,华商报记者对骆裕德进行了采访。




  骆裕德:我一直关注国家对于《国家赔偿法》的修改。我也注意到,作为全国人大代表的陕西省高级法院院长 安东,ghd sale,曾经牵头和30名代表一起呼吁,尽快修改《国家赔偿法》。

  我想,“韩城父子强奸杀人疑案”和“蒲城县三少年疑似强奸案”最终能得到公正的结果,和高级法院领导的 司法理念是分不开的。

  据我所知,高级法院一次性作出上述好几件国家赔偿案,是有很大压力的。法院毕竟要协调各方 面的关系。


  骆裕德:赔偿义务机关,有错必纠自觉履行赔偿义务的观念,还有待加强。在渭南中院和省高院屡次的赔偿听 证会上,蒲城县检察院人员一直在强调,是因为律师作梗和看守所管理疏漏,才导致3被告翻供的。还认为如果给 这样的人赔偿,如何给当地老百姓交代。

  但绝口不谈,既然认为3少年犯罪,又为何两次起诉,两次撤诉,最后作出不起诉的决定呢?还有,蒲城县检 察院以3少年故意作虚伪供述而作为免责不赔的理由,却始终未向法庭出示充分证据。


  骆裕德:还需要当事人坚信法律和锲而不舍的精神。许多人因无法承受时间、精力、经济上的消耗和折磨而中 途放弃。很少有人能像蒲城案3少年亲属用5年多的时间,走到申诉而且是再次申诉这一步,Monster Davis Tribut

  “蒲城三少年疑似强奸案”就是因为其中一个当事人的叔叔韩某“非要一个公道”,在支撑着我们,法律最终 给了他们一个说法。

  华商报:上述案例用的都是1995年的《国家赔偿法》,你认为新《国家赔偿法》实施后,两案当事人还需 要走这么长的路,花费这么长的时间吗?


  新修改的《国家赔偿法》刑事赔偿的程序规定上,虽然去掉了先由赔偿义务机关确认的前置程序(除有生效的 法律文书外),也对具体履行赔偿有了时间规定。但必须先向赔偿义务机关申请赔偿,再向其上级机关申请复议, 最后才能申请该上级机关的同级法院决定赔偿的程序规定,仍然没有改动。显然一路关卡太多,门槛 还是略高。

  我认为《国家赔偿法》应该取消向赔偿义务机关申请赔偿和向其上级复议的程序。因为当初设置这样的程序, 是为了让赔偿义务机关有错必纠,自觉赔偿。但实践证明,赔偿义务机关,往往不会积极主动履行赔偿义务,其上 级机关最终复议维持不赔的也居多。

  当事人在这两个程序中,基本是耗时费神,一无所获。故建议立法机关,能否将国家赔偿法再进一步修改为, 当事人可直接申请中级法院赔偿委员会决定赔偿,并将省高级法院赔偿委员会设定为二审程序。这样既可以减少当 事人的诉累,保障救济权利,也能保证司法机关公正、高效的执法。


  ■本报记者 崔永利 文/图

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Old 05-12-2011, 12:54 AM   #2
Major General
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 1,020
c8xlkf2hb is on a distinguished road

(Reporter Wu side) the day before yesterday 14:30 Xu, Hongan Qiliping houses on the second floor of a sudden the fire, ignited the third floor tenants. In the first floor of the Deng Yichuan into the flames, rescued his wife and children trapped, but the three were severely burned. Yesterday, lying on the bed of Wuhan Third Hospital, was burnt beyond recognition of a people still cared about each other, and the next more than one million medical and plastic surgery costs, but worry about bad Deng family and friends.
husband burst into flames to save his wife and children

Deng Yichuan lived in Hongan Qiliping of a 3 storey building in the. This building used to be a mall, then turned into a residential building. Building on the first floor or the facade,designer handbags, third floor, occupied the second floor, the Deng family lived on the third floor. The day before yesterday, the first month ninth day, 14:30, Deng Yichuan the first floor work, his wife and children on the third floor to sleep.
Dengyi Chuan's wife, Li Li lying vaguely told reporters that when she had got up,burberry handbags, his son still sleeping.
work at this time Deng Yichuan is downstairs. Dengyi Chuan said the fire spread to the third floor from the second floor burned. in a sea of ​​fire.
Deng Yichuan taking advantage of the fire is weak,tory burch handbags, and soon through the second floor to the third floor of the home. At this point his wife and children have been scared. He got a few coats, wrapped in layers after his son picked up, took his wife to prepare to run to the roof of the building.
to escape the flames. After a few minutes down the family, their home was engulfed in flames.
fire brigade rushed to the scene soon will extinguish the fire. Severe burns,miu miu handbags, a family of three was taken to three hospitals in Wuhan.
present, the fire is still under investigation.
a family of three were severely burned

yesterday afternoon, the reporter went to three hospitals in Wuhan, a family of three burns were lying in a hospital inpatient, second and third floor of the bed .
floor,handbags uk, bed, lying on a face severely burned children, his body bright colors for his parents to buy New Year's new clothes. Dunn called the Core the child, only 10 months old, but his face has burns features people can not see the child, the child also bandaged hands, relatives take care of the side.
With burns, the child is very painful, often crying, but as long as phones to play music with his family to him, the child immediately calmed down. Zi-Rui peacefully asleep watching one side of the family was quietly keep the tears, because the doctor said the child is likely to amputation.
the second floor,gucci bags, Deng Yichuan in this hospital, the 1.8 meters tall man lying in bed unable to move. Face was completely burned, pus and blood from his eyes stop to stay out of the crevices. Lying in bed has been concerned about his wife. As her husband said, Li Li hurt the most weight on the bed were covered her body, doctors said she has not completely out of danger.
but the mother was still worried about his son.
major medical baffled friends and family

introduced, according to friends and relatives in the hospital, Dengyi Chuan and Li Li is 27 years old this year. The two men get married the day of the opening of the Beijing Olympic Games, in April 2009 ushered in a crystallization of love. Deng Yichuan in Beijing before the army, retired after the self-employment. Li Li to work after graduation and get married, have children, quit his job to prepare the child is 1 year old and then find work.
before the incident, the whole family about 2,000 yuan a month by Deng Yichuan living wage, although not rich, but also flies in the red security than happiness. p> According to friends and relatives described, three were severely burned, hospitalized a day spent 6.5 million in treatment costs at least 50 million.
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Old 05-12-2011, 12:55 AM   #3
Major General
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 1,020
c8xlkf2hb is on a distinguished road

Ah so nervous!!! In the end extravagant treat it? I was very nervous ~ ~! ! ,burberry leather handbags! ! ! I heard too many in your group to wear expensive jewelry. . 】 - Qzone log

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3198125 2010 年 09 月 16 日 16:45 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
a look at a fun post, reply brighter than the content. . .

I eat KFC tomorrow the. Ah so nervous!!!

it expensive in the end it? I was very nervous,

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Song Zheng

2010-09-11 13:56 said:
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2010-09-11 13:53 Reply

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2010-09-11 10:10 Yang said:
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2010-09-11 09:28 said:
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Long Qing

2010-09-11 09:20 said:
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2010-09-11 09:12 Lvyu Juan said:
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did not say you know ah?

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2010-09-11 09:07 said:
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Wang Haifeng
2010-09-11 09:47 reply:
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