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Old 08-13-2011, 11:15 AM   #1
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Default 哺乳耐克dunk Sb总线高跟鞋的女人建议块男乘客目瞪口

5月27日,西安的朋友吓坏了,耐克女性耐​​克DUNK SB高Heelsn头高跟鞋不好意思说什么不好的一面。这种微型博客的话题实际上是公开,NIKE DUNK SB高跟鞋哺乳婴儿的行为如何评价? 台湾的高速公路服务区耐克扣篮SB高跟鞋苗圃
微博直播聊天,八卦,聊天的心情或东西,这是一个讨论的主题,一个微博客平台。对于在公共场合,宝宝,这个 问题母乳喂养的moNike扣篮SB高Heelsrs,一个人不能接受的热烈讨论NIKE DUNK SB高Heelsir自己的微博客耐克妇女耐克DUNK SB高跟鞋的经验,耐克DUNK SB原因高跟鞋高跟鞋。

5月27日,西安的朋友范围,耐克DUNK SB高跟鞋车没有任何母乳哺育的行为激起cloNike DUNK SB高Heelss,她moNike DUNK SB高Heelsr幼儿喂养,吓坏了男乘客旁边,耐克女性耐​​克DUNK SB高Heelsn头高跟鞋不好意思说什么错误的一边。这种微型博客的话题实际上是公开,NIKE DUNK SB高跟鞋哺乳婴儿的行为如何评价?
一些朋友,耐克高跟鞋妇女p ■涟漪心泛555:我个人认为,耐克DUNK SB高跟鞋市民应采取NIKE DUNK SB高跟鞋公众的注意,哺乳期,所以人们觉得很尴尬。
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旁观者说:母乳哺育moNike DUNK SB高Heelsrs耐克女性婴儿高跟鞋应该宽容

许多用户都提到,不强求,是不是愿意公开喂哺母乳moNike DUNK SB高Heelsrs应宽容的态度。
■荞麦壳:不同的眼睛看到不同的东西,有的人看到乳房婴儿吃,moNike DUNK SB高Heelsr耐克妇女儿​​童高跟鞋considewomen耐克高跟鞋肯Griffey JR鞋2011年肯Griffey JR鞋2011年肯Griffey JR鞋2011年肯Griffey JR鞋2011肯Griffey JR鞋在2011年耐克DUNK SB“高跟鞋交换... ... ... ... ...

■雪玻璃:如果耐克DUNK SB高跟鞋的条件,大多数人都不好意思在公共场合哺乳。但谁不是一个或两个条件不容许耐克DUNK SB高跟鞋? womening moNike DUNK SB高Heelsr demnike高跟鞋。
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■电气石:吸烟在公共场所,你可以住妇女耐克高跟鞋,容忍随地吐痰,但它不能被容忍NIKE DUNK SB高跟鞋一个moNike DUNK SB高Heelsr喂养婴儿的角落?

5月27日,西安的朋友饲料耐克DUNK SB高Heelsir儿童cloNike DUNK SB高Heelss,旁边的男乘客被吓坏了,不好意思去耐克DUNK SB高跟鞋下一任不能说什么。这种微型博客的话题实际上是公开,NIKE DUNK SB高跟鞋哺乳婴儿的行为如何评价?
苗圃购物指南耐克妇女建议高跟鞋:妈妈停止oNike DUNK SB高Heelsr人不作为moNike DUNK SB高Heelsr的尴尬

,不能让耐克DUNK SB高跟鞋婴儿挨饿,作为一个女人,也应注意耐克DUNK SB高Heelsm形象。耐克DUNK SB高Heelsrefore,许多用户提出了一些建设性的意见。
■消防三:哺乳的孩子,你必须是一个伟大的moNike DUNK SB高Heelsr耐克女性优雅的女人是没有矛盾的高跟鞋,耐克DUNK SB块高跟鞋是适当的高跟鞋耐克DUNK SB oNike DUNK SB高Heelsrs尊重就是要尊重womenself耐克高跟鞋。
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,留在室内,尽可能,如果您有外出回来。如果你真的是NIKE DUNK SB高跟鞋外,耐克DUNK SB高跟鞋儿童仍然饿了,或找到一个更好的一个角落里,或一个特殊的披肩。 ■在船上NIKE DUNK SB高跟鞋月球的棺材看:耐克DUNK SB高Heelsir护理moNike DUNK SB高Heelsrs
被撬开,耐克DUNK SB高Heelsy十分尴尬。但只要一转,或回,你可以避开NIKE DUNK SB高oNike DUNK SB高Heelsrs的高跟鞋的尴尬,为什么不呢?
■猫吃蛋糕:事实上,我们的社会应该是NIKE DUNK SB高跟鞋商场幼儿园耐克DUNK SB高跟鞋最好,这个地方应该更加人性化。
他山之石:NIKE DUNK SB高跟鞋无处不在托儿所

不可否认的是,耐克DUNK SB高跟鞋公众提供护理,耐克DUNK SB高跟鞋环境,外资,为​​妇女耐克高跟鞋领域做得比我们更好。 SB高跟鞋的讨论,用户在耐克扣篮,她说,有一个孩子,因为他是一个购物狂,购物非常方便,因为大多数商场 不提供幼儿,只负责耐克扣篮前赶回家护士SB相同的高跟鞋。
孩子一个hundwomen耐克高跟鞋肯Griffey JR鞋2011年肯Griffey JR鞋2011肯Griffey JR鞋2011年肯Griffey JR鞋2011肯Griffey JR鞋2011天后,她带着NIKE DUNK SB儿童高跟鞋耐克DUNK SB高跟鞋美国经东京。要改变在东京的飞机,耐克DUNK SB高Heelsre跨门室护理,只要像耐克DUNK SB高跟鞋饥饿的婴儿,你可以很容易地去母乳哺育室,坐在舒适的沙发上,听着深刻的音乐,从耐克D UNK SB高跟鞋的房间,安静坦言哺乳。母乳喂养尿布是房间的所有设施。耐克DUNK SB高Heelsn NIKE DUNK SB高跟鞋美国,在那里几乎所有的NIKE DUNK SB高跟鞋商场有哺乳室,家庭浴室,采取NIKE DUNK SB高跟鞋的孩子购物非常方便。她希望,耐克DUNK SB国家的高跟鞋可以开辟一个幼儿园在当地一家商场,它不仅人性化,而且也提高NIKE DUNK SB高跟鞋商场的交通。据媒体报道,专门为耐克DUNK SB高跟鞋moNike扣篮SB高Heelsr耐克高跟鞋对妇女儿童的休息,喂食,换尿布,托儿所,妇女在 某些领域的耐克高跟鞋是在国外颇为流行。在加拿大,几乎所有NIKE DUNK SB公司的高跟鞋将编写一个托儿所,几乎所有的NIKE DUNK SB高跟鞋耐克DUNK SB高跟鞋耐克DUNK SB高高跟鞋耐克DUNK SB高跟鞋耐克DUNK SB高跟鞋的妇女在公共厕所中配备妇女耐克高跟鞋换尿布的大平台,在耐克公司的特殊凹槽DUNK SB“高跟鞋的房间。在法国,公共厕所,这里几乎都能找到幼儿园,商业中心,酒店,图书馆,医院,车站,机 场,政府对妇女耐克DUNK SB高跟鞋市民经常去的公共服务,没有例外的耐克高跟鞋。即使是在耐克DUNK SB高跟鞋,每节车厢之间的法国高速铁路,一个特殊的幼儿园厕所。主持人:欢迎发表评论意见建议
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Old 08-13-2011, 11:19 AM   #2
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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 18:54 on December 27, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: About Food

good to be true in future studies I started to dig under the ~ ~ ha ha! !

Assorted Lotus
Lachao D

production methods:
Ingredients: ham, green pepper and tofu Lotus
accessories: Laoganma chili sauce salt
raw materials: 100 grams of lotus 1 ham green peppers tofu 4 each one seasoning: Laoganma sauce 2 tablespoons (30ml) soy sauce 1 tablespoon (15ml) salt 1 / 2 teaspoon ( 3 g)
1) Wash green peppers seeded and cut into small stalks. Diced ham. Tofu cubes. Lotus root, peeled Houqie Ding.
2) Heat wok and pour into the oil until the oil 7 into a hot, pour tofu stir fried with the fire D 1 minute, until tofu D surface into a light yellow. The small fry 2 minutes into the lotus.
3) transferred Laoganma chili sauce, soy sauce and salt and stir fry evenly, pour in ham, green peppers Ding, and then continue to stir fry 1 minute.
** This is a deft course, is a next meal. All the raw materials dishes are around you can mix and match foods available, but no less Laoganma sauce Oh, this is a taste guarantee.
** because the flavor is very sweet lotus root, so I do not recommend everyone in this dish, use pepper or chicken, MSG and other spices.
** D to put the final cut lotus root, lotus root, thus reducing the time of the small contact with air, so black. If the small chopped lotus root, but also a long time to cook, it will be soaked in water lotus Ding, also prevent oxidation of black.
** to eat this dish, I suggest you hold rice than usual, be sure to use a small bowl.

small potatoes braised beef sauce
production methods:
Main Ingredients: beef, potatoes
accessories: Hang pepper, garlic, dried onion, coriander
ingredients: beef, 500 grams small potatoes 300 grams Hang pepper 6 shallots 3 cloves garlic, coriander root 10 2 50 grams of peanuts
spices: sweet soybean paste 3 tablespoons (45ml) salt 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) 1 tbsp cooking wine (15ml) sugar 1 teaspoon (5 grams) 1 tsp sesame oil (5ml) dry cornstarch 2 tablespoons (30 grams)
1) the size of the beef cut into 1.5cm pieces, salt, cooking wine, fermented flour paste, sugar, sesame oil and mix well after dry starch, marinated for 20 minutes. Peanut washed, soaked with water for 20 minutes.
2) is not small potatoes, washed peeled, cut in half (the case of large potatoes, cut into 3cm sized pieces.) Dry onion cut into pieces (such as with sliced onions.) Peeled garlic shoot it. Hang pepper Wash stalks, cut into 5cm long paragraph.
3) into the oil pan, the fire heated up to 7 into heat, add potatoes and continue to fry golden brown with the fire, turned over and fry other side. Jian Hao, will be appropriated for the side of potatoes with a shovel, pot of oil with the garlic, dried onion and parsley root stir incense.
4) into the marinated beef and stir fry for 2 minutes, pour another pot, not put the oil (such as a large frying pan, do not have to change the pot.) Pour boiling water into the soaked peanuts and cover the fire heated to boiling, switch to medium heat simmer 45 minutes.
5) pan before, into the Hang pepper, mix well then turn off the heat, do not need to continue to heat, the warmth just heats the vegetable Hangzhou Law, while maintaining its color unchanged.
** small potatoes, and shallot in general have a large market to sell. I was bought new source markets. 5 small potatoes 1 pound of Kazakhstan, can refer to the size of a head first exploded in the garlic, dried onions, too. Dry onions looked like onions, but onions thicker than the taste.
** Xian Jian about potatoes, in addition to increasing its flavor, it can also make potato shape, no matter how long after a simmer, will not loose bad.
** Wash coriander roots, used into the food, especially fried off after use, has a special flavor. Usually only with coriander leaves home, the stems do not remain the Kazakhstan Ministry.
** no small potatoes, use large potatoes instead. No dry onions, with onions instead. Law did not hang with the green peppers instead. No beef with the other meat alternatives. !

Mushroom Pork burn
production methods:
Ingredients: Mushroom Pork Dian
supplementary materials: ginger green onions
20 grams of mushrooms 300 grams pork 300 grams of radish scallion ginger 5 7
Spices: cooking wine 1 teaspoon (5ml) 1 tablespoon soy sauce (15ml) oyster sauce 1 tbsp (15ml) salt 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) sugar 1 teaspoon (5 grams) white pepper 1 / 4 teaspoon (1 gram) chicken powder 1 / 4 teaspoon (1 gram) sesame oil 1 / 4 teaspoon (1ml)
1) Soak mushrooms in cold water for 30 minutes after the wash. Soak mushrooms in water to filter out impurities retained. Thinly slice pork, onion slices, ginger slices. Wash radishes, cut into pieces.
2) into the oil pan, the fire heated up to 7 into a hot, changed the fire into the stir-fry pork for 5 minutes until the pork out of the oil, pour a small carrot slices, ginger and onion slices and continue to stir fry 3 minutes to the water out.
3) redeployment of soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, sugar and white pepper, mushrooms and a little soaking into the mushroom soup (have not seen half of the location of food to the pot), cover and simmer over medium heat 5 minutes, open the lid, into the fire, will receive a slightly dry sauce, chicken powder and sesame oil can be transferred to the pan.
** the key to this dish of fried, was the first full pork stir oil, then oil to stir carrot pork slices, so that would be more fragrant flavor. Radish slices and then stir the water, can remove raw carrot flavor, good taste, after taste and does not fall collapse of the water.
** In addition to this round radishes, the kind of long, similar to the length of the rabbit to eat radishes also be used for this dish. By the way, to buy time, this radish is sold with a tassel, the back, cook radishes, radish sprouts child wash, you can direct salt, vinegar, sugar, chicken and cold sesame oil, Kazakhstan, to the fire died.
** Finally, open the lid closed with the fire soup, you can make food taste more rich.

spicy pepper chicken
production methods:
Ingredients: lettuce chicken pumpkin chili pepper
Accessory: ginger scallion lobster sauce spicy Laoganma
raw materials: three yellow 1 200 grams of pumpkin flowers Qing Sun 1 100 grams of dried red chili pepper 10 green onions 5 slices ginger 5
spices: Laoganma lobster sauce 4 tablespoons (60 grams) sugar 1 teaspoon (5 grams) salt 1 teaspoon (5 grams) water 500ml
1) Wash the flowers, pepper, soaked with water for 30 minutes, then drained the water, following the pour in the water and then soaked for 30 minutes.
2) Three Yellow Chicken cleaned gutted, cut into small pieces and drain water. Peel the pumpkin into small pieces. Qing Sun peeled written in small pieces. Onion cut into sections. Ginger slices.
3) pot into the oil, till the 7 into a hot, add onion ginger until fragrant, stir constantly with a shovel into the chicken, fry about 5 minutes, placed flowers and red chili pepper Stir for 2 minutes.
4) into the Laoganma lobster sauce, sugar and salt, mix well and pour into boiling water (water and food fair), high heat for 5 minutes into the pumpkin pieces and stir Qing Sun block continue to cook for 5 minutes until the soup is slightly closed dry.
** Law in Beijing, a new source of flowers in the market to sell, but the bag full of packaging, use up the flowers and pepper, can be placed in sealed bags, fridge refrigerated.
** Law is hemp flowers, it is recommended to use repeatedly soaked with water before washing several times. Or reduce the use of the components.
** no flowers pepper, green pepper can be used instead of dry, but the taste is not so hemp, not the ordinary red pepper taste that Ma is not recommended.
** three yellow chicken is tender, perfectly cooked times the cooking time, do not worry. Chicken or chicken can also be used to do this dish, but do not recommend using chicken, is not easy to cooked, cut the hard sense.
** can not eat spicy taste of the cheese, you can put flowers pepper, red pepper and half the weight of Laoganma lobster sauce.
** Salted flavor of this dish spicy, very enjoyable to eat. Finally, the pumpkin pieces, and Qing Sun block and then to white rice, delicious ah. Keep in mind, when eating chicken, with a cold beer ha. Eat, eat a hearty little, do not arrest the.

vegetable fried bamboo shoots Duojiao
Pickled Cabbage (Brassica juncea) bag of 200 grams of bamboo shoots a number of pieces chop pepper 2 tablespoons onion salt 1 teaspoon (5 grams) sugar 1 teaspoon (5 grams) chicken little a little sesame oil
1) bamboo shoots, cut into Ding and put it into boiling water for 2 minutes, remove and drain backup.
2) the fire heated the oil in the wok until the oil 6 into the heat transferred into the time of the fire, into the onion slices until fragrant and pour into the small bamboo shoots stir-fry 2 minutes, then add chop pepper and pickled vegetables.
3) stir fry after a few Sprinkle the salt and sugar and continue to fry for 2 minutes off the heat, sprinkle a little chicken, and sesame oil.
1) the sale of pickled vegetables around the salinity varies proportionally with salt Oh, I remember!
2) fried bamboo shoots, do not stir the fire, can shoot with the fire to keep the white colors.

Kung Pao Chicken Flavor

ingredients: chicken breast, green peppers 250 grams of the four deep-fried peanuts 50 grams of chopped spring onion 2 teaspoons (10 grams) ginger 1 teaspoon (5 grams) minced garlic 1 teaspoon (5 g) dried red chili pepper 15 6
spices: salt, 1 teaspoon (5 grams) of cooking wine 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) of dry starch 2 teaspoons (10 grams) rice vinegar 2 tablespoons (30ml) soy sauce 1 tablespoon (15ml) white sugar 2 teaspoons (10 grams) of water 2 tablespoons (30ml) water 2 tablespoons of starch (30ml) sesame oil 1 tablespoon (15ml)
1) the small size of chicken breasts cut 1cm, add salt (1 / 2 tsp) cooking wine and dry starch, mixing evenly, let sit 5 minutes. Onion cut into slightly smaller than the Chicken grain, onion ginger cut into the end. Diced green peppers.
2) the garlic onion ginger in a bowl Sprinkle the salt (1 / 2 teaspoon), sugar, rice vinegar, soy sauce, water, water, starch transferred into the juice aside.
3) Heat up a saucepan, pour the oil, then add a little sesame oil, pepper into the cold while the oil until the pepper out the flavor, color, slightly darker, into chili until fragrant.
4) Add chicken fry color, will be put into capsules green peppers, stir fry for 10 seconds, a good tune into the feed juice, stir fry 1 minute after the fire, pour into the fried peanuts can be.
** dish, in fact, with the thigh meat tastes better than chicken breast. Carrefour to sell the kind of chicken meat can, the prices are expensive.
** This is the Road, stir-fry dishes need emergency fire, so the material in advance will be adjusted the reserve juice. Otherwise, add the spices to the pot the same as extended time, the taste of chicken will be stiff.
** do Kung pao chicken, to master a 4689 law, when you put chicken Scoop 4 mature green peppers, 6 mature into the feed juice, 8 mature frying pan, into the plate that 9, mature, and 1 into a sweltering, automatically became Kazakhstan 10.

wild rice chicken rice
Ingredients: chicken breast
accessories: wild rice, peas, peppers, egg
spices: salt, pepper, cooking wine, chicken, soy sauce, sugar
cooking methods:
1, the chicken breast and cut fine, salt, pepper, cooking wine, pickled egg and mix well for 5 minutes, wild rice stem sections alternate;
2, wok pour oil, fry the chicken out, add a little oil, under the peas, stir fry for a wild rice, salt, sugar, seasoning, add chicken, bell peppers tablets, add soy sauce, fried can be absorbed.
Features: colorful and rich nutrition.

flavored pork
raw materials: pork loin 300 g black fungus 10 200 grams of diced green onion, bamboo shoots 1 tablespoon (15 grams) ginger 1 tablespoon (15 grams) minced garlic 1 tablespoon (15 grams) chop pepper 4 tablespoons ( 60 grams)
seasoning: soy sauce 1 tablespoon (15ml) vinegar 2 tablespoons (30ml) cooking wine 1 teaspoon (5ml) sugar 1 tbsp (15ml) salt 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) sesame oil 1 / 2 tsp (3ml) water 3 tablespoons (45ml) 4 tablespoons of water, starch (60ml, 2 times with)
1) Shred the pork loin. Black fungus made by after 40 degree warm water washed and shredded. Shredded bamboo shoots. Cong Jiangsuan mince.
2) the pork in a bowl, stir starch mixed with water after curing for 5 minutes. The diced green onion into the bowl, the redeployment of soy sauce, vinegar, cooking wine, sugar, salt, sesame oil, starch, mix well with water and water use.
3) burning of oil into the wok until the oil 7 into the heat when the pork stir-fry pork into the color off after birth,lebron iii, with a shovel to the side of the pot, pour the garlic and chopped ginger Law,nike lebron, Chao Chu fragrant, and the pork mixture.
4) wire into the shredded bamboo shoots and fungus, stir fry for 2 minutes, pour in a good tune juice, stir fry 20 seconds from the bottom up, until slightly thick soup to pan.
** in cutting meat, remember That is, the texture of pork meat to be cut down.
** Soak fungus, they can spread some starch in the water, easier to clean the fungus on the impurities.
** must advance to feed juice stand a good tune. The frying this dish, if a little bit of seasoning to put in turn, delay time, the taste of pork came out, and the whole dish taste, not the same ha.

Lotus Palace of explosive
Preparation: Ingredients: lotus root
accessories: Pixian sauce of vinegar, sugar, salt chicken
Lotus Pixian sauce vinegar, sugar, salt chicken
1) lotus root to Piqie Ding,lebron james shoes, soak for a while on the water, drain water reserve.
2) Remove from heat into the oil until the oil 5 into a hot, add Pixian sauce, Stir onion flavor was added.
3) into the pot to fry the small lotus 2 minutes, then turn into vinegar, sugar, a little water and salt and continue to heat for 5 minutes, then sprinkle a little chicken.
sour, sweet, spicy, crunchy, uh, compare well with rice dishes of the friends ~~~~~~~~

sweet & sour cabbage
ingredients: cabbage 750 grams, 60 grams of lard, salt 8 grams, sugar 60 grams, 4 grams of monosodium glutamate, vinegar, 3 grams, wet starch 5 grams, 3 grams of green onion, dried chili festival 4 grams, 2 grams of pepper.
practice: 1, use cabbage leaves to stems with a knife after the pat, cut into the box, wash and drain water, salted with a little bit, squeezing thousands of water and set aside.
2, a small bowl, salt, sugar, vinegar, green onion, tune into the feed juice wet starch.
3, burning hot pan, put the lard until the oil till the Bacheng hot, the pepper wok stir about the first out, then vote fried dried chili festival, to brownish red pepper, put the cabbage, stir fry, stir the juice into the material, you can Zhuangpen consumption.
Features: Silver color, red, sweet, spicy fragrance.

Huadan wrapped beef
Ingredients: 4 eggs, 300 grams of beef, green onions 2 red pepper 1.
cooking wine 1 tbsp (15ml), soy sauce, 1 tablespoon (15ml), salad oil 1 tablespoon (15ml), starch 1 tablespoon (15 grams) salt 1 teaspoon (5 grams), vinegar, 2 tablespoons (30ml), Sugar 1 spoon (5 grams), chicken 1 / 4 teaspoon (1 gram).
1) the beef into thin slices, pour the wine, soy sauce, salad oil and starch, mix well, marinated for 20 minutes. Knock beaten eggs into the bowl, add salt and stir back.
2) Wash and chop green onions. Chopped red pepper stalks after the wash.
3) of oil into the wok, heat the fire when heated to 7 minutes, stir into the beef slices to the color, and immediately sung out. Slightly cooled, pour the egg fluid.
4) Wash the wok again into the oil, the fire heated up to 9 into a hot, green onion and red pepper into pieces, immediately filled with beef slices into the eggs. Stirring constantly circle with a shovel until the eggs solidified, transferred to vinegar, sugar and chicken, stir fry evenly off the fire.
beef cattle is the fillet. The parts of the beef in the cooking process is easily cooked, so do not need long processing time, cooking time is too long, so they will taste harsh.

Rugby Cornish
broken beans
minced pork, fresh beans (green beans)
olive dishes, cooking wine, cornstarch, salt, sugar, chicken
Hong Kong Hong Kong bottled olive dish olive dish is greasy Chaoshan characteristics of pickles, is olive green with vegetable oil and salt, after special process rendered, then add mustard leaves and spices from the color black, salty taste , smooth and refreshing. Shantou choice for high quality goods produced.
garlic, onions, ginger
system of law:
1, fresh beans and remove the two old bars, washed, cut into granules and set aside.
2, garlic with a knife or crushed garlic with the tools, spare.
3, plus the end of cooking wine pork, diced green onion, ginger and cornstarch, mix well and season with olive dish; from the pan, cooked explosion.
4, from the pan, saute garlic under the knife after the beans stir to wrinkled skin, and finally into the rugby ground meat dish and mix well, stir-fry seasoning can.
After the knife bean oil Zhashu
Drain oil, cooking will save time, the actual fuel consumption is not much; minced meat dish seasoned with olive without salt, but to pay attention to the amount; burst through more garlic can delicious dish.

Dry bacon fried stinky Duojiao

Ingredients: dry smell, bacon, broccoli, mushrooms, chop pepper, onion, ginger
own cuisine: Sichuan Characteristics: Faint delicious, unique flavor.
material consumption: soy sauce, MSG, water, starch
production methods:
1, the smell of dry into strips, bacon slices, pour wok oil, the end of the next onion ginger, chop pepper until fragrant, add a little soy sauce, into the water, the smell of dry, bacon, mushrooms into stir fry, in the fire simmered for 5 minutes, add broccoli after opening the cover, water, starch, starch, monosodium glutamate seasoning.

fish, shrimp bean curd
materials: North tofu box of 100 grams of celery, 100 grams of shrimp shrimp paste 1 tablespoon (15 grams) a teaspoon of cooking wine 3 slices ginger (5ml) starch 1 tablespoon water (15ml)
1) shrimp to remove the sand line shell after the wash. Celery to the leaves washed and cut into segments. Wash and slice ginger. Large piece of tofu cut 2cm, into a frying pan, fry both sides with golden yellow in the fire.
2) pot and then pour a little oil until the oil 7 into a hot, blow into the fragrant ginger, stir fry shrimp paste into powder, then poured into the section of celery and shrimp, then cooked into the cooking wine Stir a few times, pour in the water, no food had pot 1 / 3.
3) into the Jianhao tofu, stamped Heat 3 minutes, Linru water, starch can thicken.

fish-flavored eggplant pot
raw materials: Jiagua 500 grams, 100 grams of chicken tablets, 10 grams of dried salted fish fried Hong, an earthen pot butter 30 grams, 50 grams of western celery, green pepper, red chilli 20 grams of grain, 1 cup of soup, rice wine , garlic, green onion, dark soy sauce, sesame oil the right amount.
practice: 1, the election body Jiagua approved peeled long to turn, tail, opened for the four, about 12 cm.
2, burning wok, under the oil, till about two-thirds roll, put Qiegua to be cooked fry about 1 minute, down from the filtered oil.
3, while the remaining oil pan, the next garlic, celery, pepper grains, Fort Tsai Sauce Hong, then a Chicken stir well, add rice wine, soup and Jiagua articles and more fried Flavors fragrant dried salted fish, a little stew a while, transferred a little cornstarch, add packet tail oil. In turn poured into a clay pot, heat to boil, lower sesame oil, green onion, and serve to seal.

Zingiber shredded pork
Ingredients: fresh pork twenty-two, Zingiber two liang, the one green peppers, green onions get light blue two-inch section
spices: salad oil, rice wine, salt, vinegar
[cooking process]
1, pork, Aberdeen, ginger, green peppers (to core), both very light blue strips;
2, a little pork with rice wine, salted moment;
3,nike hyperdunk shoes, oil burn Bacheng hot, ginger and stir under the Hong;
4, the pork, chili, spring onion together pour, stir-fried, put a little rice wine, salt, vinegar pot when the drop point.
color and elegant dish, although not add thickening, but also a transparent thin juice, hold MSG, natural delicious. As fry into eating mouth tender, Aberdeen ginger, chili, light blue crisp fat, shredded ginger into Aberdeen, particularly attractive.

bacon braised tofu
bacon 1 shallot North tofu 1 box 2 oyster sauce 2 tablespoons (30ml) sugar 1 teaspoon (5 grams) salt 1 / 4 teaspoon (1 gram) white pepper flour 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) of water, starch 2 tablespoons (30ml)
1) cold meat into the pot to high heat for 10 minutes, remove and cool slightly, slice aside. Large piece of tofu cut 2cm, into a frying pan, fry both sides with golden yellow in the fire. Green onions cut into segments.
2) pour a little oil in frying pan, into the fire heated up to seven hot, add shallot until fragrant, then poured into the meat, tofu, transferred to oyster sauce, sugar, salt and pepper stir fry evenly, into the water (you can not have half the ingredients), cover, simmer 5 minutes over medium, with open lid, stir water, starch Linru were then.
the bacon cook for 10 minutes in the water ahead of time, which can remove the salty taste and can be maintained after frying Ruannen some. Bacon and salty oyster sauce has a certain degree, so please remember that discretionary salt oh.

fried beef with oyster sauce, sweet peas

Ingredients: Beef 200 grams, 250 grams of sweet peas
materials: soy sauce, dry starch, rice wine, oyster sauce, onion, salt, oil and the right amount.
1) the sugar snap peas to the old bars optional washed into the boiling water boil hot broken health,zoom kobe v, remove and put into cold water until completely cooled and then remove and drain water.
2) beef slices with soy sauce, dry starch and mix well caught cooking wine, marinated for 10 minutes. Wash and slice green onions.
3) of oil into the wok until the oil 7 into a hot, add beef and fry 8 slices ripe slip, and then into the sugar snap peas, transferred to oyster sauce and salt, stir fry until cooked.
features: the color green dish, crisp delicious.
like sweet peas, snow peas, vegetables like broccoli, boil hot after all as far as possible into the cold water, do not omit this step, otherwise we can not keep vegetables green in color.

spicy fried preserved eggs
material: preserved eggs (egg) 2 parsley red pepper 2 5 200 grams of meat a ginger shallot 2 tablespoons cooking wine 5 grams (30ml) ; soy sauce 1 teaspoon (5ml) Laoganma lobster sauce 1 tablespoon (15 grams) salt 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) sugar 1 teaspoon (5 grams) chicken 1 / 4 teaspoon (1 gram)
1) the meat in a bowl, mix transferred to wine and soy sauce, even after the catch, marinated for 10 minutes.
2) Peel and preserved eggs into the Ding. Wash and chop parsley to the leaves. After the wash red pepper seeded and chopped stalks. Wash and chop green onion and ginger.
3) of oil into the wok, the fire heated up to 7 into a hot, into the meat until done, then remove and reserve until after the color.
4) add a small amount of oil in frying pan, into the heated chopped onion and ginger until fragrant, fragrant celery into pieces, crushed red pepper and stir fry 1 minute Ding preserved egg, pour in a good fried meat, transferred lobster sauce, salt and sugar, then stir fry 1 minute, thrown into the mix can be Chicken.
super wordy:
** this approach can also be replaced with green pepper and parsley, taste is also very good.
** Laoganma lobster sauce supermarket sale, if not buy lobster sauce can also be dry, but soaked in water before use, or too salty. Add pepper to taste but also appropriate Kazakhstan.

burning green peppers Chicken
Main Ingredients: chicken, green pepper
accessories: cooking wine, soy sauce, ginger garlic pepper
Chicken a ginger 5 green onions 4 green peppers 1 tablespoon each of a wine (15ml) soy sauce 1 tablespoon (15ml) sugar 1 teaspoon (5 grams) salt 1 tsp (5 grams) pepper 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) of starch a little
1) Chicken gutted, go head to tail, claw to claw after the wash, cut into 3 cm sized pieces. Ginger slices, spring onions cut into segments. Wash green peppers seeded and cut into triangular pieces.
2) into the oil in wok until the oil Liucheng hot, stir-fry chicken pieces into the surface of color, into the root ginger, saute onion, cooked into the cooking wine and soy sauce until the chicken color , pour a little water, sugar, salt and pepper fried mix evenly, turn the fire will burn rotten chicken (about 25 minutes). Add green peppers stir fry for 2 minutes block, water starch, starch, dry soup can be received.
super wordy:
** For more tasty, you might consider to add Boletus, or dried mushrooms and other fungi, the water bubble can be used to replace the water in the recipe, taste more fragrant, more adequate nutrition Oh.
** Chicken burning the side dishes, in addition to green peppers can also choose your favorite vegetables, adjust it according to your taste.

colorful beef tablets
ingredients: beef tenderloin 200 grams, 200 grams of peas, half a red pepper, yellow pepper half, 2 slices ginger, chili a few
spices: garlic, hot pepper sauce 2 tablespoons (30ml),kobe bryant shoes, cooking wine 1 teaspoon (5ml), soy sauce 1 tsp (5ml), dried starch, 1 teaspoon (5 grams), oyster sauce 2 tablespoons (30ml), salt, 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams)
1) beef tenderloin cut into 5mm square Ding, into the bowl, pour wine, soy sauce, garlic sauce and dry starch grasping uniform, marinated for 10 minutes. 2) peeled peas (or frozen peas), boiled into the boiling water, remove and drain after use. Red and yellow peppers cut into 5mm square Ding. 3) Pour the oil in the wok until the 7 into a hot, add dried chili peppers and ginger until fragrant, then add beef and stir fry 2 minutes, grain, peas and pour off after birth, the small red and yellow peppers, and then transferred to oyster sauce and salt, stir fry a few you can pan.
super wordy:
** no pesto sauce can not, directly with the wine sauce and pickled'll be all dry starch.
** no peppers, no yellow pepper, do not put in just fried beef and pea grain has been very good to eat myself.
** The above two points, is to remind everyone that greater use of existing refrigerator Cai Cai, random combinations Kazakhstan ~~~

hot and sour fried leek
Ingredients: Leek
accessories: red pepper, eggs
spices: salt, cooking wine, vinegar, sugar, pepper powder, red pepper, water, starch
cooking methods:
1, wash, and cut section of the leek, red pepper cut into small pieces, eggs, salt, cooking wine and water scattered reserve;
2, wok pour oil, fry eggs out next, take a small bowl of vinegar, salt, sugar, pepper powder, water, starch, stir well, pot add a little oil, add pepper and pour Fried quickly stir into the leek, add red peppers, eggs, a good tune into the juice, stir well pan can be.
features: hot and sour delicious, smooth taste.
super wordy:
cooked leek is very easy, in the frying process, we must master the time, not too long, otherwise rotten, bad color and taste bad.
time with red pepper until fragrant, do remember to put the pot from the fire Oh, otherwise sticking to friends.

black four chop
Ingredients: pork, mushrooms and mustard
supplementary materials: Pepper
material: Rose turnip 1 / 4 green peppers 1 each 100 grams of pig meat

mushrooms 6
spices: 1 tablespoon cooking wine (15ml) dry cornstarch 2 tablespoons (30ml) soy sauce 1 teaspoon (5ml) soy sauce 1 tsp (5ml) MSG 1 / 4 teaspoon (1 gram)
1) Soak the mushrooms with warm water 1 hour after the wash, to Diqie the form of pellets.
2) will be transferred to meat in the cooking wine and stir dry starch, marinated for 10 minutes. Kohlrabi and cut fine. Stalks green peppers seeded and cut into pellets.
3) Heat up a saucepan pour oil until the oil 7 into a hot, pour the meat, pressed powder with a shovel after the stir constantly 3 minutes, stir the meat full of water out, transferred fried soy sauce Sheng leveling out after use. (At this time some bar pan, pot clean)
4) Heat the wash pot, pour the oil for 7 into a hot, into the turnip seeds and grains and stir-fry mushrooms for 2 minutes, add green peppers grain, soy sauce and then transferred to fry for 2 minutes, Finally, stir into the fried meat, MSG can be transferred.
** Rose kohlrabi, I prefer Liu Biju, usually sold in supermarkets, inexpensive, one can be fried 4 times. Liu Biju of the kohlrabi and not very salty, do not need soaking before. If you buy the very salty, so before the recall 清水中浸泡 10 minutes.
** Black Third cut is a very famous dishes of Yunnan, I added a point of mushrooms, so I cut the black four-Kazakhstan. A dirty, well-established, there are bacteria, in addition to taste more delicious, but also inside me build a
** Some recipes say, fried meat and pour into a turnip, and green peppers, so of course you will, but I recommend the fried meat out after Sheng, a separate fry kohlrabi, turnip flavor this slowly out to fry.
** kohlrabi is a salty, soy sauce, soy sauce has a salty, so not to salt the dish.
** there is a dish of Yunnan, called the three-cut red, with tomatoes, kohlrabi instead of doing, other materials and practices are the same. But according to me,
** this dish, raw materials, simple, easy to make, cheap, super well with rice, and the possibility of failure is almost zero. The only special thing is told, as long as doing the dishes, will be few and steamed rice, or how many, how much you can eat, this is my painful lessons of history.
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Old 08-13-2011, 11:20 AM   #3
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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 18:54 on December 27, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: About Food

good to be true in future studies I started to dig under the ~ ~ ha ha! !

Assorted Lotus
Lachao D

production methods:
Ingredients: ham, green pepper and tofu Lotus
accessories: Laoganma chili sauce salt
raw materials: 100 grams of lotus 1 ham green peppers tofu 4 each one seasoning: Laoganma sauce 2 tablespoons (30ml) soy sauce 1 tablespoon (15ml) salt 1 / 2 teaspoon ( 3 g)
1) Wash green peppers seeded and cut into small stalks. Diced ham. Tofu cubes. Lotus root, peeled Houqie Ding.
2) Heat wok and pour into the oil until the oil 7 into a hot, pour tofu stir fried with the fire D 1 minute, until tofu D surface into a light yellow. The small fry 2 minutes into the lotus.
3) transferred Laoganma chili sauce, soy sauce and salt and stir fry evenly, pour in ham, green peppers Ding, and then continue to stir fry 1 minute.
** This is a deft course, is a next meal. All the raw materials dishes are around you can mix and match foods available, but no less Laoganma sauce Oh, this is a taste guarantee.
** because the flavor is very sweet lotus root, so I do not recommend everyone in this dish, use pepper or chicken, MSG and other spices.
** D to put the final cut lotus root, lotus root, thus reducing the time of the small contact with air, so black. If the small chopped lotus root, but also a long time to cook, it will be soaked in water lotus Ding, also prevent oxidation of black.
** to eat this dish, I suggest you hold rice than usual, be sure to use a small bowl.

small potatoes braised beef sauce
production methods:
Main Ingredients: beef, potatoes
accessories: Hang pepper, garlic, dried onion, coriander
ingredients: beef, 500 grams small potatoes 300 grams Hang pepper 6 shallots 3 cloves garlic, coriander root 10 2 50 grams of peanuts
spices: sweet soybean paste 3 tablespoons (45ml) salt 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) 1 tbsp cooking wine (15ml) sugar 1 teaspoon (5 grams) 1 tsp sesame oil (5ml) dry cornstarch 2 tablespoons (30 grams)
1) the size of the beef cut into 1.5cm pieces, salt, cooking wine, fermented flour paste, sugar, sesame oil and mix well after dry starch, marinated for 20 minutes. Peanut washed, soaked with water for 20 minutes.
2) is not small potatoes, washed peeled, cut in half (the case of large potatoes, cut into 3cm sized pieces.) Dry onion cut into pieces (such as with sliced onions.) Peeled garlic shoot it. Hang pepper Wash stalks, cut into 5cm long paragraph.
3) into the oil pan, the fire heated up to 7 into heat, add potatoes and continue to fry golden brown with the fire, turned over and fry other side. Jian Hao, will be appropriated for the side of potatoes with a shovel, pot of oil with the garlic, dried onion and parsley root stir incense.
4) into the marinated beef and stir fry for 2 minutes, pour another pot, not put the oil (such as a large frying pan, do not have to change the pot.) Pour boiling water into the soaked peanuts and cover the fire heated to boiling, switch to medium heat simmer 45 minutes.
5) pan before, into the Hang pepper, mix well then turn off the heat, do not need to continue to heat, the warmth just heats the vegetable Hangzhou Law, while maintaining its color unchanged.
** small potatoes, and shallot in general have a large market to sell. I was bought new source markets. 5 small potatoes 1 pound of Kazakhstan, can refer to the size of a head first exploded in the garlic, dried onions, too. Dry onions looked like onions, but onions thicker than the taste.
** Xian Jian about potatoes, in addition to increasing its flavor, it can also make potato shape, no matter how long after a simmer, will not loose bad.
** Wash coriander roots, used into the food, especially fried off after use, has a special flavor. Usually only with coriander leaves home, the stems do not remain the Kazakhstan Ministry.
** no small potatoes, use large potatoes instead. No dry onions, with onions instead. Law did not hang with the green peppers instead. No beef with the other meat alternatives. !

Mushroom Pork burn
production methods:
Ingredients: Mushroom Pork Dian
supplementary materials: ginger green onions
20 grams of mushrooms 300 grams pork 300 grams of radish scallion ginger 5 7
Spices: cooking wine 1 teaspoon (5ml) 1 tablespoon soy sauce (15ml) oyster sauce 1 tbsp (15ml) salt 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) sugar 1 teaspoon (5 grams) white pepper 1 / 4 teaspoon (1 gram) chicken powder 1 / 4 teaspoon (1 gram) sesame oil 1 / 4 teaspoon (1ml)
1) Soak mushrooms in cold water for 30 minutes after the wash. Soak mushrooms in water to filter out impurities retained. Thinly slice pork, onion slices, ginger slices. Wash radishes, cut into pieces.
2) into the oil pan, the fire heated up to 7 into a hot, changed the fire into the stir-fry pork for 5 minutes until the pork out of the oil, pour a small carrot slices, ginger and onion slices and continue to stir fry 3 minutes to the water out.
3) redeployment of soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, sugar and white pepper, mushrooms and a little soaking into the mushroom soup (have not seen half of the location of food to the pot), cover and simmer over medium heat 5 minutes, open the lid, into the fire, will receive a slightly dry sauce, chicken powder and sesame oil can be transferred to the pan.
** the key to this dish of fried, was the first full pork stir oil, then oil to stir carrot pork slices, so that would be more fragrant flavor. Radish slices and then stir the water, can remove raw carrot flavor, good taste, after taste and does not fall collapse of the water.
** In addition to this round radishes, the kind of long, similar to the length of the rabbit to eat radishes also be used for this dish. By the way, to buy time, this radish is sold with a tassel, the back, cook radishes, radish sprouts child wash, you can direct salt, vinegar, sugar, chicken and cold sesame oil, Kazakhstan, to the fire died.
** Finally, open the lid closed with the fire soup, you can make food taste more rich.

spicy pepper chicken
production methods:
Ingredients: lettuce chicken pumpkin chili pepper
Accessory: ginger scallion lobster sauce spicy Laoganma
raw materials: three yellow 1 200 grams of pumpkin flowers Qing Sun 1 100 grams of dried red chili pepper 10 green onions 5 slices ginger 5
spices: Laoganma lobster sauce 4 tablespoons (60 grams) sugar 1 teaspoon (5 grams) salt 1 teaspoon (5 grams) water 500ml
1) Wash the flowers, pepper, soaked with water for 30 minutes, then drained the water, following the pour in the water and then soaked for 30 minutes.
2) Three Yellow Chicken cleaned gutted, cut into small pieces and drain water. Peel the pumpkin into small pieces. Qing Sun peeled written in small pieces. Onion cut into sections. Ginger slices.
3) pot into the oil, till the 7 into a hot, add onion ginger until fragrant, stir constantly with a shovel into the chicken, fry about 5 minutes, placed flowers and red chili pepper Stir for 2 minutes.
4) into the Laoganma lobster sauce, sugar and salt, mix well and pour into boiling water (water and food fair), high heat for 5 minutes into the pumpkin pieces and stir Qing Sun block continue to cook for 5 minutes until the soup is slightly closed dry.
** Law in Beijing, a new source of flowers in the market to sell, but the bag full of packaging, use up the flowers and pepper, can be placed in sealed bags, fridge refrigerated.
** Law is hemp flowers, it is recommended to use repeatedly soaked with water before washing several times. Or reduce the use of the components.
** no flowers pepper, green pepper can be used instead of dry, but the taste is not so hemp, not the ordinary red pepper taste that Ma is not recommended.
** three yellow chicken is tender, perfectly cooked times the cooking time, do not worry. Chicken or chicken can also be used to do this dish, but do not recommend using chicken, is not easy to cooked, cut the hard sense.
** can not eat spicy taste of the cheese, you can put flowers pepper, red pepper and half the weight of Laoganma lobster sauce.
** Salted flavor of this dish spicy, very enjoyable to eat. Finally, the pumpkin pieces, and Qing Sun block and then to white rice, delicious ah. Keep in mind, when eating chicken, with a cold beer ha. Eat, eat a hearty little, do not arrest the.

vegetable fried bamboo shoots Duojiao
Pickled Cabbage (Brassica juncea) bag of 200 grams of bamboo shoots a number of pieces chop pepper 2 tablespoons onion salt 1 teaspoon (5 grams) sugar 1 teaspoon (5 grams) chicken little a little sesame oil
1) bamboo shoots, cut into Ding and put it into boiling water for 2 minutes, remove and drain backup.
2) the fire heated the oil in the wok until the oil 6 into the heat transferred into the time of the fire, into the onion slices until fragrant and pour into the small bamboo shoots stir-fry 2 minutes, then add chop pepper and pickled vegetables.
3) stir fry after a few Sprinkle the salt and sugar and continue to fry for 2 minutes off the heat, sprinkle a little chicken, and sesame oil.
1) the sale of pickled vegetables around the salinity varies proportionally with salt Oh, I remember!
2) fried bamboo shoots, do not stir the fire, can shoot with the fire to keep the white colors.

Kung Pao Chicken Flavor

ingredients: chicken breast, green peppers 250 grams of the four deep-fried peanuts 50 grams of chopped spring onion 2 teaspoons (10 grams) ginger 1 teaspoon (5 grams) minced garlic 1 teaspoon (5 g) dried red chili pepper 15 6
spices: salt, 1 teaspoon (5 grams) of cooking wine 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) of dry starch 2 teaspoons (10 grams) rice vinegar 2 tablespoons (30ml) soy sauce 1 tablespoon (15ml) white sugar 2 teaspoons (10 grams) of water 2 tablespoons (30ml) water 2 tablespoons of starch (30ml) sesame oil 1 tablespoon (15ml)
1) the small size of chicken breasts cut 1cm, add salt (1 / 2 tsp) cooking wine and dry starch, mixing evenly, let sit 5 minutes. Onion cut into slightly smaller than the Chicken grain, onion ginger cut into the end. Diced green peppers.
2) the garlic onion ginger in a bowl Sprinkle the salt (1 / 2 teaspoon), sugar, rice vinegar, soy sauce, water, water, starch transferred into the juice aside.
3) Heat up a saucepan, pour the oil, then add a little sesame oil, pepper into the cold while the oil until the pepper out the flavor, color, slightly darker, into chili until fragrant.
4) Add chicken fry color, will be put into capsules green peppers, stir fry for 10 seconds, a good tune into the feed juice, stir fry 1 minute after the fire, pour into the fried peanuts can be.
** dish, in fact, with the thigh meat tastes better than chicken breast. Carrefour to sell the kind of chicken meat can, the prices are expensive.
** This is the Road, stir-fry dishes need emergency fire, so the material in advance will be adjusted the reserve juice. Otherwise, add the spices to the pot the same as extended time, the taste of chicken will be stiff.
** do Kung pao chicken, to master a 4689 law, when you put chicken Scoop 4 mature green peppers, 6 mature into the feed juice, 8 mature frying pan, into the plate that 9, mature, and 1 into a sweltering, automatically became Kazakhstan 10.

wild rice chicken rice
Ingredients: chicken breast
accessories: wild rice, peas, peppers, egg
spices: salt, pepper, cooking wine, chicken, soy sauce, sugar
cooking methods:
1, the chicken breast and cut fine, salt, pepper, cooking wine, pickled egg and mix well for 5 minutes, wild rice stem sections alternate;
2, wok pour oil, fry the chicken out, add a little oil, under the peas, stir fry for a wild rice, salt, sugar, seasoning, add chicken, bell peppers tablets, add soy sauce, fried can be absorbed.
Features: colorful and rich nutrition.

flavored pork
raw materials: pork loin 300 g black fungus 10 200 grams of diced green onion, bamboo shoots 1 tablespoon (15 grams) ginger 1 tablespoon (15 grams) minced garlic 1 tablespoon (15 grams) chop pepper 4 tablespoons ( 60 grams)
seasoning: soy sauce 1 tablespoon (15ml) vinegar 2 tablespoons (30ml) cooking wine 1 teaspoon (5ml) sugar 1 tbsp (15ml) salt 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) sesame oil 1 / 2 tsp (3ml) water 3 tablespoons (45ml) 4 tablespoons of water, starch (60ml, 2 times with)
1) Shred the pork loin. Black fungus made by after 40 degree warm water washed and shredded. Shredded bamboo shoots. Cong Jiangsuan mince.
2) the pork in a bowl, stir starch mixed with water after curing for 5 minutes. The diced green onion into the bowl, the redeployment of soy sauce, vinegar, cooking wine, sugar, salt, sesame oil, starch, mix well with water and water use.
3) burning of oil into the wok until the oil 7 into the heat when the pork stir-fry pork into the color off after birth,lebron iii, with a shovel to the side of the pot, pour the garlic and chopped ginger Law,nike lebron, Chao Chu fragrant, and the pork mixture.
4) wire into the shredded bamboo shoots and fungus, stir fry for 2 minutes, pour in a good tune juice, stir fry 20 seconds from the bottom up, until slightly thick soup to pan.
** in cutting meat, remember That is, the texture of pork meat to be cut down.
** Soak fungus, they can spread some starch in the water, easier to clean the fungus on the impurities.
** must advance to feed juice stand a good tune. The frying this dish, if a little bit of seasoning to put in turn, delay time, the taste of pork came out, and the whole dish taste, not the same ha.

Lotus Palace of explosive
Preparation: Ingredients: lotus root
accessories: Pixian sauce of vinegar, sugar, salt chicken
Lotus Pixian sauce vinegar, sugar, salt chicken
1) lotus root to Piqie Ding,lebron james shoes, soak for a while on the water, drain water reserve.
2) Remove from heat into the oil until the oil 5 into a hot, add Pixian sauce, Stir onion flavor was added.
3) into the pot to fry the small lotus 2 minutes, then turn into vinegar, sugar, a little water and salt and continue to heat for 5 minutes, then sprinkle a little chicken.
sour, sweet, spicy, crunchy, uh, compare well with rice dishes of the friends ~~~~~~~~

sweet & sour cabbage
ingredients: cabbage 750 grams, 60 grams of lard, salt 8 grams, sugar 60 grams, 4 grams of monosodium glutamate, vinegar, 3 grams, wet starch 5 grams, 3 grams of green onion, dried chili festival 4 grams, 2 grams of pepper.
practice: 1, use cabbage leaves to stems with a knife after the pat, cut into the box, wash and drain water, salted with a little bit, squeezing thousands of water and set aside.
2, a small bowl, salt, sugar, vinegar, green onion, tune into the feed juice wet starch.
3, burning hot pan, put the lard until the oil till the Bacheng hot, the pepper wok stir about the first out, then vote fried dried chili festival, to brownish red pepper, put the cabbage, stir fry, stir the juice into the material, you can Zhuangpen consumption.
Features: Silver color, red, sweet, spicy fragrance.

Huadan wrapped beef
Ingredients: 4 eggs, 300 grams of beef, green onions 2 red pepper 1.
cooking wine 1 tbsp (15ml), soy sauce, 1 tablespoon (15ml), salad oil 1 tablespoon (15ml), starch 1 tablespoon (15 grams) salt 1 teaspoon (5 grams), vinegar, 2 tablespoons (30ml), Sugar 1 spoon (5 grams), chicken 1 / 4 teaspoon (1 gram).
1) the beef into thin slices, pour the wine, soy sauce, salad oil and starch, mix well, marinated for 20 minutes. Knock beaten eggs into the bowl, add salt and stir back.
2) Wash and chop green onions. Chopped red pepper stalks after the wash.
3) of oil into the wok, heat the fire when heated to 7 minutes, stir into the beef slices to the color, and immediately sung out. Slightly cooled, pour the egg fluid.
4) Wash the wok again into the oil, the fire heated up to 9 into a hot, green onion and red pepper into pieces, immediately filled with beef slices into the eggs. Stirring constantly circle with a shovel until the eggs solidified, transferred to vinegar, sugar and chicken, stir fry evenly off the fire.
beef cattle is the fillet. The parts of the beef in the cooking process is easily cooked, so do not need long processing time, cooking time is too long, so they will taste harsh.

Rugby Cornish
broken beans
minced pork, fresh beans (green beans)
olive dishes, cooking wine, cornstarch, salt, sugar, chicken
Hong Kong Hong Kong bottled olive dish olive dish is greasy Chaoshan characteristics of pickles, is olive green with vegetable oil and salt, after special process rendered, then add mustard leaves and spices from the color black, salty taste , smooth and refreshing. Shantou choice for high quality goods produced.
garlic, onions, ginger
system of law:
1, fresh beans and remove the two old bars, washed, cut into granules and set aside.
2, garlic with a knife or crushed garlic with the tools, spare.
3, plus the end of cooking wine pork, diced green onion, ginger and cornstarch, mix well and season with olive dish; from the pan, cooked explosion.
4, from the pan, saute garlic under the knife after the beans stir to wrinkled skin, and finally into the rugby ground meat dish and mix well, stir-fry seasoning can.
After the knife bean oil Zhashu
Drain oil, cooking will save time, the actual fuel consumption is not much; minced meat dish seasoned with olive without salt, but to pay attention to the amount; burst through more garlic can delicious dish.

Dry bacon fried stinky Duojiao

Ingredients: dry smell, bacon, broccoli, mushrooms, chop pepper, onion, ginger
own cuisine: Sichuan Characteristics: Faint delicious, unique flavor.
material consumption: soy sauce, MSG, water, starch
production methods:
1, the smell of dry into strips, bacon slices, pour wok oil, the end of the next onion ginger, chop pepper until fragrant, add a little soy sauce, into the water, the smell of dry, bacon, mushrooms into stir fry, in the fire simmered for 5 minutes, add broccoli after opening the cover, water, starch, starch, monosodium glutamate seasoning.

fish, shrimp bean curd
materials: North tofu box of 100 grams of celery, 100 grams of shrimp shrimp paste 1 tablespoon (15 grams) a teaspoon of cooking wine 3 slices ginger (5ml) starch 1 tablespoon water (15ml)
1) shrimp to remove the sand line shell after the wash. Celery to the leaves washed and cut into segments. Wash and slice ginger. Large piece of tofu cut 2cm, into a frying pan, fry both sides with golden yellow in the fire.
2) pot and then pour a little oil until the oil 7 into a hot, blow into the fragrant ginger, stir fry shrimp paste into powder, then poured into the section of celery and shrimp, then cooked into the cooking wine Stir a few times, pour in the water, no food had pot 1 / 3.
3) into the Jianhao tofu, stamped Heat 3 minutes, Linru water, starch can thicken.

fish-flavored eggplant pot
raw materials: Jiagua 500 grams, 100 grams of chicken tablets, 10 grams of dried salted fish fried Hong, an earthen pot butter 30 grams, 50 grams of western celery, green pepper, red chilli 20 grams of grain, 1 cup of soup, rice wine , garlic, green onion, dark soy sauce, sesame oil the right amount.
practice: 1, the election body Jiagua approved peeled long to turn, tail, opened for the four, about 12 cm.
2, burning wok, under the oil, till about two-thirds roll, put Qiegua to be cooked fry about 1 minute, down from the filtered oil.
3, while the remaining oil pan, the next garlic, celery, pepper grains, Fort Tsai Sauce Hong, then a Chicken stir well, add rice wine, soup and Jiagua articles and more fried Flavors fragrant dried salted fish, a little stew a while, transferred a little cornstarch, add packet tail oil. In turn poured into a clay pot, heat to boil, lower sesame oil, green onion, and serve to seal.

Zingiber shredded pork
Ingredients: fresh pork twenty-two, Zingiber two liang, the one green peppers, green onions get light blue two-inch section
spices: salad oil, rice wine, salt, vinegar
[cooking process]
1, pork, Aberdeen, ginger, green peppers (to core), both very light blue strips;
2, a little pork with rice wine, salted moment;
3,nike hyperdunk shoes, oil burn Bacheng hot, ginger and stir under the Hong;
4, the pork, chili, spring onion together pour, stir-fried, put a little rice wine, salt, vinegar pot when the drop point.
color and elegant dish, although not add thickening, but also a transparent thin juice, hold MSG, natural delicious. As fry into eating mouth tender, Aberdeen ginger, chili, light blue crisp fat, shredded ginger into Aberdeen, particularly attractive.

bacon braised tofu
bacon 1 shallot North tofu 1 box 2 oyster sauce 2 tablespoons (30ml) sugar 1 teaspoon (5 grams) salt 1 / 4 teaspoon (1 gram) white pepper flour 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) of water, starch 2 tablespoons (30ml)
1) cold meat into the pot to high heat for 10 minutes, remove and cool slightly, slice aside. Large piece of tofu cut 2cm, into a frying pan, fry both sides with golden yellow in the fire. Green onions cut into segments.
2) pour a little oil in frying pan, into the fire heated up to seven hot, add shallot until fragrant, then poured into the meat, tofu, transferred to oyster sauce, sugar, salt and pepper stir fry evenly, into the water (you can not have half the ingredients), cover, simmer 5 minutes over medium, with open lid, stir water, starch Linru were then.
the bacon cook for 10 minutes in the water ahead of time, which can remove the salty taste and can be maintained after frying Ruannen some. Bacon and salty oyster sauce has a certain degree, so please remember that discretionary salt oh.

fried beef with oyster sauce, sweet peas

Ingredients: Beef 200 grams, 250 grams of sweet peas
materials: soy sauce, dry starch, rice wine, oyster sauce, onion, salt, oil and the right amount.
1) the sugar snap peas to the old bars optional washed into the boiling water boil hot broken health,zoom kobe v, remove and put into cold water until completely cooled and then remove and drain water.
2) beef slices with soy sauce, dry starch and mix well caught cooking wine, marinated for 10 minutes. Wash and slice green onions.
3) of oil into the wok until the oil 7 into a hot, add beef and fry 8 slices ripe slip, and then into the sugar snap peas, transferred to oyster sauce and salt, stir fry until cooked.
features: the color green dish, crisp delicious.
like sweet peas, snow peas, vegetables like broccoli, boil hot after all as far as possible into the cold water, do not omit this step, otherwise we can not keep vegetables green in color.

spicy fried preserved eggs
material: preserved eggs (egg) 2 parsley red pepper 2 5 200 grams of meat a ginger shallot 2 tablespoons cooking wine 5 grams (30ml) ; soy sauce 1 teaspoon (5ml) Laoganma lobster sauce 1 tablespoon (15 grams) salt 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) sugar 1 teaspoon (5 grams) chicken 1 / 4 teaspoon (1 gram)
1) the meat in a bowl, mix transferred to wine and soy sauce, even after the catch, marinated for 10 minutes.
2) Peel and preserved eggs into the Ding. Wash and chop parsley to the leaves. After the wash red pepper seeded and chopped stalks. Wash and chop green onion and ginger.
3) of oil into the wok, the fire heated up to 7 into a hot, into the meat until done, then remove and reserve until after the color.
4) add a small amount of oil in frying pan, into the heated chopped onion and ginger until fragrant, fragrant celery into pieces, crushed red pepper and stir fry 1 minute Ding preserved egg, pour in a good fried meat, transferred lobster sauce, salt and sugar, then stir fry 1 minute, thrown into the mix can be Chicken.
super wordy:
** this approach can also be replaced with green pepper and parsley, taste is also very good.
** Laoganma lobster sauce supermarket sale, if not buy lobster sauce can also be dry, but soaked in water before use, or too salty. Add pepper to taste but also appropriate Kazakhstan.

burning green peppers Chicken
Main Ingredients: chicken, green pepper
accessories: cooking wine, soy sauce, ginger garlic pepper
Chicken a ginger 5 green onions 4 green peppers 1 tablespoon each of a wine (15ml) soy sauce 1 tablespoon (15ml) sugar 1 teaspoon (5 grams) salt 1 tsp (5 grams) pepper 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) of starch a little
1) Chicken gutted, go head to tail, claw to claw after the wash, cut into 3 cm sized pieces. Ginger slices, spring onions cut into segments. Wash green peppers seeded and cut into triangular pieces.
2) into the oil in wok until the oil Liucheng hot, stir-fry chicken pieces into the surface of color, into the root ginger, saute onion, cooked into the cooking wine and soy sauce until the chicken color , pour a little water, sugar, salt and pepper fried mix evenly, turn the fire will burn rotten chicken (about 25 minutes). Add green peppers stir fry for 2 minutes block, water starch, starch, dry soup can be received.
super wordy:
** For more tasty, you might consider to add Boletus, or dried mushrooms and other fungi, the water bubble can be used to replace the water in the recipe, taste more fragrant, more adequate nutrition Oh.
** Chicken burning the side dishes, in addition to green peppers can also choose your favorite vegetables, adjust it according to your taste.

colorful beef tablets
ingredients: beef tenderloin 200 grams, 200 grams of peas, half a red pepper, yellow pepper half, 2 slices ginger, chili a few
spices: garlic, hot pepper sauce 2 tablespoons (30ml),kobe bryant shoes, cooking wine 1 teaspoon (5ml), soy sauce 1 tsp (5ml), dried starch, 1 teaspoon (5 grams), oyster sauce 2 tablespoons (30ml), salt, 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams)
1) beef tenderloin cut into 5mm square Ding, into the bowl, pour wine, soy sauce, garlic sauce and dry starch grasping uniform, marinated for 10 minutes. 2) peeled peas (or frozen peas), boiled into the boiling water, remove and drain after use. Red and yellow peppers cut into 5mm square Ding. 3) Pour the oil in the wok until the 7 into a hot, add dried chili peppers and ginger until fragrant, then add beef and stir fry 2 minutes, grain, peas and pour off after birth, the small red and yellow peppers, and then transferred to oyster sauce and salt, stir fry a few you can pan.
super wordy:
** no pesto sauce can not, directly with the wine sauce and pickled'll be all dry starch.
** no peppers, no yellow pepper, do not put in just fried beef and pea grain has been very good to eat myself.
** The above two points, is to remind everyone that greater use of existing refrigerator Cai Cai, random combinations Kazakhstan ~~~

hot and sour fried leek
Ingredients: Leek
accessories: red pepper, eggs
spices: salt, cooking wine, vinegar, sugar, pepper powder, red pepper, water, starch
cooking methods:
1, wash, and cut section of the leek, red pepper cut into small pieces, eggs, salt, cooking wine and water scattered reserve;
2, wok pour oil, fry eggs out next, take a small bowl of vinegar, salt, sugar, pepper powder, water, starch, stir well, pot add a little oil, add pepper and pour Fried quickly stir into the leek, add red peppers, eggs, a good tune into the juice, stir well pan can be.
features: hot and sour delicious, smooth taste.
super wordy:
cooked leek is very easy, in the frying process, we must master the time, not too long, otherwise rotten, bad color and taste bad.
time with red pepper until fragrant, do remember to put the pot from the fire Oh, otherwise sticking to friends.

black four chop
Ingredients: pork, mushrooms and mustard
supplementary materials: Pepper
material: Rose turnip 1 / 4 green peppers 1 each 100 grams of pig meat

mushrooms 6
spices: 1 tablespoon cooking wine (15ml) dry cornstarch 2 tablespoons (30ml) soy sauce 1 teaspoon (5ml) soy sauce 1 tsp (5ml) MSG 1 / 4 teaspoon (1 gram)
1) Soak the mushrooms with warm water 1 hour after the wash, to Diqie the form of pellets.
2) will be transferred to meat in the cooking wine and stir dry starch, marinated for 10 minutes. Kohlrabi and cut fine. Stalks green peppers seeded and cut into pellets.
3) Heat up a saucepan pour oil until the oil 7 into a hot, pour the meat, pressed powder with a shovel after the stir constantly 3 minutes, stir the meat full of water out, transferred fried soy sauce Sheng leveling out after use. (At this time some bar pan, pot clean)
4) Heat the wash pot, pour the oil for 7 into a hot, into the turnip seeds and grains and stir-fry mushrooms for 2 minutes, add green peppers grain, soy sauce and then transferred to fry for 2 minutes, Finally, stir into the fried meat, MSG can be transferred.
** Rose kohlrabi, I prefer Liu Biju, usually sold in supermarkets, inexpensive, one can be fried 4 times. Liu Biju of the kohlrabi and not very salty, do not need soaking before. If you buy the very salty, so before the recall 清水中浸泡 10 minutes.
** Black Third cut is a very famous dishes of Yunnan, I added a point of mushrooms, so I cut the black four-Kazakhstan. A dirty, well-established, there are bacteria, in addition to taste more delicious, but also inside me build a
** Some recipes say, fried meat and pour into a turnip, and green peppers, so of course you will, but I recommend the fried meat out after Sheng, a separate fry kohlrabi, turnip flavor this slowly out to fry.
** kohlrabi is a salty, soy sauce, soy sauce has a salty, so not to salt the dish.
** there is a dish of Yunnan, called the three-cut red, with tomatoes, kohlrabi instead of doing, other materials and practices are the same. But according to me,
** this dish, raw materials, simple, easy to make, cheap, super well with rice, and the possibility of failure is almost zero. The only special thing is told, as long as doing the dishes, will be few and steamed rice, or how many, how much you can eat, this is my painful lessons of history.
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