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Old 08-24-2011, 12:48 PM   #1
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Default karen millen free delivery 群居孤单症困扰大学生 竞

  大一下学期,沈洁趁着小假期想邀请寝室同学去周边景点游览,但挑了好多少个日子,不是张三要开会,就是 李四有活动。最后,沈洁只好一个人前往目标地。本应当是一群人叽叽喳喳的场景,却变成她一个人 的水乡独行。

  在高翔的记忆中,只有到了开一些无关痛痒的会,或者那种凑人数的讲座时,就会接到无数朋友的电话和短信 。“与其有这样的朋友,我情愿一个人!”他说。

  在上海念书的大四学生沈洁,刚入校时也跟很多新生一样,认识来往了不少新朋友,有一段时间大家总是一起 上下课、结伴吃饭、深夜卧谈,假期来了就一起出游,或是一起去很远的家具城筛选镜子、台布来点 缀寝室。

  寝室的镜子脏了没人去擦,舍友卧谈的机会少了,有时甚至连见一面都很难。跟着时间推移,沈洁越来越觉得 被一种莫名的孤独感包抄,她开始尝试把友谊寄托在社团里新意识的那些“气味相投”的朋友身上。

  很快,高翔开始强迫自己把时间尽量多地放在学长学姐所谓“进步中心竞争力”的那些处所。缓缓地,他与朋 友的通话时间从每天半小时,缩减到每天15分钟、5分钟,后因由于社团开会、写活动策划等大批事务缠身,他 常常全部礼拜也顾不上跟朋友接洽。即使晓得这样下去会让自己阔别本来的朋友圈子,他也只能抉择持续繁忙下去 ,由于“时间有限,前程要紧”。
  “那样的日子差未几连续了一个多月。”沈洁将其形容为蜜月期。很快,大家投入到“百团大战”,因为各自 的兴致喜好不同,沈洁和她的朋友有的参加了翻新俱乐部,christian louboutin for men 婚庆礼节店选用不吉祥歌曲 新婚夫妇索赔2000元,有的进了校报,有的取舍去学生会工作。

  刚开端大家还互相激励,burberry jacket women 男子因营运黑车被扣溺水亡 家眷谢绝10万救助金,商定要时常抽时光彼此交流,一起在学校闯出一片新天地。但很快他们的生活就被各种社团运动、名目谋划所吞 没,天天都是踩着铃声进出教室,赶着熄灯点返回寝室。
  “谁回复我了我就继承找话题聊”,经常“骚扰”同学的成果就是郭松跟很多人都成了朋友,他知道大家每天 正在阅历着些什么,谁有了心事也首先会想到找他诉说。“其实大家分开家都很孤独,很须要友情,我只是比拟英 勇地捅破了那层窗户纸。”实习生肖婷婷 记者谢洋
  才进入大一,高翔就加入了学院为新生举行的职业生活计划讲座、名企学长学姐教训交流会。本认为就业、考 研离自己还遥远的他,也感触到了一种无形的压力。
  有一次,刘明上完高数课在楼道里碰到了一位常在网上交流的朋友,固然是同系的,但两人之前从没见过面。 因为经常相互拜访个人主页,也见过对方不少生活照,tory burch dena tote,他确信面前呈现的这个人就是常常和他聊到深夜、从老师同学到明星八卦无话不谈的“校园百事通”。可是擦肩 而过的霎时,两人竟然谁也不主动跟对方打召唤,甚至连挥手也没有。“网上的朋友混得再熟,到头来也只是最熟 悉的陌生人。”刘明感叹。
  从成为大学生的这一刻起,就业的压力以及与四周同窗的竞争关联奠定了大学生活孤独的基调。大家为了逢迎 社会的需要,在社团、实习单位锤炼,而友情在与前途的较量中被一直挤压,变得越来越让人无暇顾 及了。

  相互的竞争关系让大学生之间的关系十分奥妙。高翔说,大学简直所有消息都要靠自己打探,“不要还傻傻等 候班长或者团支书的消息”,特殊是一些提拔性的主要活动,不会有人主动在你眼前大肆宣传并邀请你一起参加的 ,假如错过了张贴在某个角落的告诉,就只能怪你搜索信息的才能太差,“朋友,大多数时候都是向你夸耀竞赛结 果,而不是跟你分享参赛信息的那个人。”
  一次课堂自在探讨时,正巧说起这个话题,沈洁忍不住把她在学校感想到的孤独和无助一股脑儿地吐出来。话 音刚落,班上另一名同学立刻接话说,自己的朋友虽多,但知心的基础都是中小学认识的人,大学里能称得上朋友 的只是个位数,要害时刻能伸手帮一把的更是少之又少。

  随着电子产品的遍及,手机、电脑、Ipad随时都能便捷上网,许多寂寞的大学生,转而在互联网上寻找自 己的感情寄托。在北京读大三的刘明当初每天必做的作业就是上人人网更新状态,把身边产生的一些细渺小事或者 心境的变更及时宣布到网上。
  经由一年多的经营,womens new balance To accompany her husband to dri,刘明的微博“粉丝”已经有近200人了,关注度也超过了100点。看着有良多人回复或者转发本人的微博跟 校内状况,哪怕只有一个“顶”或者“赞”,甚至是“弹”,他都感到很开心,“比起寝室里宁静得只听到苍蝇飞 ,叫个人还要跟耳机隔音做抗争,跟微博上的友人交换要轻松高兴得多。”

  浙江大学的韩国留学生金断然已经在中国生涯4年了。在校园里,她常常看到这样的情景:中国学生总是单独 一人到食堂吃饭,ugg boots mens,不到10分钟就吃完了;总是一个人骑自行车高低课,而且骑得飞快;老是一个人在校园漫步,耳朵里还塞着耳 机……这些在她看来要与朋友一起进行的事件,中国学生往往是一个人实现,岂非 他们真的习惯独处、享受孤单的感到吗?

  “在大黑家排了一小时队,但吃面时听到了《灌篮高手》片尾曲,哈哈,miller thong tory burch。不外滋味切实是不如二里半拐角处的清真兰州拉面啊。”


  “从机场打个车,司机说要去换班,然后随着司机到换班地等另一个司机,另一个司机上车后说,快没油了, 而后跟另一个司机去加油,然后塞车,开到学校宿舍居然花了3个小时。”

  在吃过一两次亏当前,高翔开始学乖,一有时间就去学校各大论坛搜寻最新新闻,但论坛上的人也不见得会愿 意告诉所有的事情,burberry rain jacket,发个求教帖被人拍砖是常有的事儿。“这么简略的问题,自己上网搜搜就能解决了。”——这还算是客气的答复 ,遇到坛友心情不好时还会被骂“脑残”。后来他也学乖了,每次发帖发问时,都会在题目前加上“土问”、“弱 弱地问”等词语,以防挨砖。
  这些絮叨的、好似流水账的语言总能敏捷在网上引起回响。刘明以为,实在大家认为这些生活小事很有意思, 但在事实生活中却很难找到跟别人分享与倾诉的机遇,网络则供给了方便。

  “越是惧怕就越是被动!”在湖南上大学的郭松是个非常自动、好交友的人。进入学校后,他办了每月100 0条短信的包月套餐,有事没事他总爱好给认识的朋友群发短信,看到气象异样就告知大家“我这里刚打雷了”, 食堂师傅哪顿做得分歧胃口了他也会广而告之“今天饭菜好难吃”。
  然而,沈洁所寄托厚望的社团挚友们在症结时刻也十分“不给力”,karen millen free delivery。大二那年,沈洁办理出国交流手续,让她没有想到的是,那些社团里有交流经验的同学居然也跟学校的行政职员 一样谈话绕来绕去。明明有人知道什么事儿该在哪里办,但要探听点有用的消息比挤牙膏还难。
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Old 08-24-2011, 12:52 PM   #2
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Reprinted from 179510738 at 10:14 on 26 October 2010 read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
adhere to bowl every day, and now drink more than three consecutive weeks, ago, there was actually no better place to recurrence of white hair, and now one does not, ah, I was really happy. Not only the white hair was gone, and the skin is a lot of white and smooth, better than the original color it! Good things to share, so I told this recipe better friends, but most people just hear the black skin and white hair can be changed for the better when you are interested, but then one is quickly shaking his head, that day are tired from work, and how could it have the energy to porridge, huh, huh. In fact, boil the porridge is very simple, ah, to respect their bodies more time and effort even if there is anything wrong with it, so I wrote this recipe right here, friends want to give the benefit of affinity. You happy, I will happy, huh, huh.

black beans (1 small to) black rice (2) black sesame seeds (a small handful) Lily (10) Barley (3) Walnut (2)
rice (2) brown sugar
In addition walnuts can be replaced by peanuts.
the amount of more than two people.
put them in every day at noon I put the bowl a good soak in the evening washing dishes when he started to porridge, about 10 minutes when the water can become thick, and turn off the heat, cover and nausea. The next morning add a little water, put brown sugar and heat for two minutes to ok it!

In addition, I have observed, the drink more than three weeks after the porridge, my nails from the two small crescent (thumb) become seven, and so happy! Porridge after another child, this winter began to change his face ruddy the (previously is white), the body changes a lot of fruit.

continue porridge every morning now, sooner or later, a spoonful of cream solid element, feet every night, whenever you hit the wall ^ o ^, shoulder and neck felt really comfortable many, sleep is very easy to warm hands and feet.

teach you how to solve hair oil, pores, whitening, teeth, fine lines, too full, and we have looked at all good, it is very nice. Afraid to come here to lose.

If you ask you still ask, oil, then, to pass through the liver conditioning this method, the oil will be less slowly.

reason he pores because the oil is very thick, I'll give him a massage with salt face, the oil skin texture are relatively rough and hard, so do not worry too coarse salt. If salt is too bad, you can add essential oils with salt. particularly careful around the nose and massage, then washed, is not particularly small pores ah?

oil squeeze and pull the ball must not be used massage methods best. to the oil while reducing pores and exfoliating, the last wash, the best alternating hot and cold water wash, in fact I strongly recommended that all women are so wash your face! hot water to wash your face is certainly not alone, and also warm water and cold water lines, alternating hot and cold water is best.

I was loaded with a basin of hot water, Washbasins with cold water directly against the faucet, turn on the way to wash, very convenient, but washed out rosy little face, another on tender, not only washed very clean, and the pores can not be reduced to small! Also, alternating hot and cold water is also very effective on dark circles. because the cold water wash though very good, but to stimulate the face, dark circles will increase!

colleagues bought a half-carat diamond ring, when she show me the ring, I feel just br>
on the hands and feet, skin care, the most practical DIY hand film is mixed with brown sugar and honey, stop the massage, the general recommendations are to carry hand cream, hands away from water as long as is necessary to coat. This approach is really a lot of trouble! In fact, as long as we make good use of the night, the day would not have trouble.

gloves for a pair of loose, every night before going to sleep to the U.S. and Canada with olive oil Net mixed together, a thick coating in the hands, wear gloves to bed, persist for some time, the hands will become soft, fine lines are also downplayed.

thick if the finger joints to be sure to massage. one by one with the thumb and index finger massage each finger, the key is to massage the fingers of both sides,timberland boots, from the roots to the fingertips, one by one, the massage, the massage method can make the joints of coarse problem is solved, finger will slowly a uniform thickness.

feet of dead skin that must be grinding. Big S kind of reason is not recommended planing mill feet, because their feet after a long artist maintenance, have tender, planer for easy bleeding. and the beginning of their legs, planer can quickly wore off dead skin, water feet first, and then grinding, grinding after completing a thick coating of olive oil MAXAM, wear thick cotton socks. grinding feet once a week, and is painted cream and wear socks to every day. your feet will become soft! really is very tender and smooth, there will not be flawless.

have The girls will crack the heel, then first with plaster paste, paste the full three days later, and then apply a thick olive oil MAXAM, until the crack of the hole and then began to grind feet disappeared.

I recommended that the United States and Canada net Tremella Pearl Cream, supermarkets have sold, nine cents a pack, a good moisturizing effect. It is Jahwa the old products, this plant also produces Baicao set, for his family's oil and hair care series, you really want to like this one! As for face care, then the eyes of the beholder.

Jiaye Ban is very bad for health, even if sleep all day, can not guarantee, but also how to care about it. you can not morning get up early to go to work? you are not in a foreign company? can go to work early in the evening to leave early? because Qianban Ye sleep is very important, relatively late at night to be wasted. You can get up five or six points, to go to work at night home early to sleep.

If not, then it is pathetic! then you eat every day donkey-hide gelatin, red dates and longan to replace the liver blood it. these three products is the holy blood, eat longan day three, dates 10-20 tablets, gelatin sooner or later have to eat twice a day.

computer has a radiation, so samantha Cream you must use, make a half a day, not morning again Tu Even at noon meeting, the evening before the fix to work overtime and can not be afraid to waste. There are green tea every day for water, foreign companies like to drink coffee, you drink green tea, add a little angelica and astragalus, blood and qi, be sure to drink a lot of . eyes will be uncomfortable, right? plus wolfberry and white chrysanthemums, remember that white is not yellow. Do not worry about mixing tea that does not react, hee hee, to assure you, will not drip!

In front of the computer support twelve cactus, for you to absorb radiation. way to stand up event activities, take a deep breath, do not remain seated. farther away from the company's printer, the more powerful radiation! If the company is carpeted, then the lung also to be ruined. buy some almonds or almond drink can do, raise Yangfeihuoxue.

long front of the computer, the liver is also very tired, so we must try to feel comfortable. I will teach you a little way, that is, axillary squeezed hard before going to bed every day, there are ribs on both sides of the arm, hard pinch, this is by dredging channels to prevent the disease **** and make you feel comfortable, and my heart do not feel pressure and feel uncomfortable.

almost all women face this field of special attention, in fact, who are white, with a number of whitening products can have even skin tone. but still have to use less whitening products, whitening in addition to a hundred herbs set It is home is Angelica, Poria, etc. Chinese herbal formula, are bound to lead, there are injuries to the skin. the use of whitening products and wash your face with the right after the white back soon.'ll be changing once the white moisturizing cream . whitening the same time with the milk and barley flour, drink lemonade all day can speed up the whitening.
White also has a little secret, that is, shots of water with white vinegar, add one-fifth of glycerol, such as olive oil or, if they think stimulation, you can add pure water in it. painted twice every day,mens timberland boots, one week you can see the effect.

suggest that you use skin care products, to pay attention to see their skin is not produced depends ? For example, bad skin care products, once you do, all that day the skin will make you very uncomfortable, then this product should not be used again. good product is not even one day, occasionally, the skin is still able to maintain Well, that is a good thing!

If your job is mental Yongnaoguodu, it is inevitable than the eyebrows and forehead, the following part to Black, this is really no way.

After the white is to prevent the fine lines. method is to enhance moisture moisture moisture! how to moisture is not too much! others will say, can be used every night a little yogurt drink left. mask to do more frequent, and the natural appearance of fine lines to LEAVE 啦!

Here are a party, that is, inside the yogurt adding yeast, fermentation, attaining to use it the next day, face rough small bumps disappear immediately, and brighten the skin to turn white.

oily skin, but also to enhance moisture, add water, or rough skin faster.

moisture An important part is the toner, be sure to use a cotton pad with! after washing face, do not rub with a towel to dry with a cotton pad, and then wet a cotton pad with blisters get sticky toner used.

massage is playing both sides of the forehead to the middle circle, the skin under the eyes are pulled from the corner to the temple, the nose from the top down, before we talked about the cheek, mouth to mouth from the middle of the following is put up .

Toner, have to apply, do not be afraid to waste, deposited more than a few times. moisturizing well, do not be afraid to fine lines.

Next, I want to advance into a relatively deep topic, because I just saw a girl suffering from a painful gynecological diseases. as long as gynecological diseases, his face even the most advanced gold face cream, does not help! face the premise that good health.

diarrhea anger before the talk of the feet can use the method, you can own, massage big arms, underarms, and the ribs on both sides of the body, the method is to use the thumb and index finger, pinch the bone above the hard flesh, the most intermediate good is the meat and bones that place, the most effective, must be hard, the more pain the more force, have effect of the pain.

method kidney have talked about before, as long as the kidney sturdy , there would be big problems!

so that if the treatment is still not good, to do foot massage. If people are more healthy massage the soles of the feet, the body will be better, people naturally young.

teeth, we can not ignore the importance of it, he will determine whether a person can live longer. so to take advantage of the young will protect our teeth. each year to do the oral examination, if there is an exception bleeding have to check, to rule out periodontitis, or stones and other symptoms.

if gingival recession, do not immediately go to dental, general dentist is the possibility of shrinking the proposal would fillings. To bed early, never allow yourself physically and mentally fatigued every day, so more severe contraction, to rest, the gum will slowly recover.

plug if things between the teeth regularly, it must use dental floss. because something is prone to frequent dental caries plug. And if there was going to fill cavities, can not be delayed, the more delayed the greater the cavities, dental more complex.

best protection teeth is clean and not overly used. I'm using the toothbrush,timberland kids, the Netherlands produced a brand of sonic toothbrush, not electric, is a sound wave, it can be more clean teeth and remove stone by sound waves, just use it to brush your teeth, it will feel the teeth one by one, and very clean.

tea and yogurt, including celery, lemonade can help exhaust the body of toxins. a lot of vitamin supplements at the same time, inhibit bacterial growth environment, of course, if eating vitamin pills, then, instead of inside the additives can cause digestive disorders.

medicine is on the stomach that causes bad breath, a false fire, while the stomach is not good, mainly due to psychological factors, it is not recommended to eat down fire stuff, but psychologically adjusted, so that normal gastrointestinal disorders. At the same time to enhance the body immunity and renal function.

the performance deficiency is loss of appetite, Shen Juan fatigue, severe situation visceral ptosis, rectal prolapse, uterine prolapse, the spleen is before each of thirty men and women are very important organs, it is related to food digestion and absorption, so do not eat a mess of drugs, harm it. lung deficiency performance is less gas lazy words, easy to sweating, kidney qi deficiency are backache, the three together is called Qi.

Qi cheek to droop, the more powerful virtual hangs until all features visceral ptosis, who also ugly. Qi Xu Zheng in all, the most likely body to add energy. less talk, less heavy lifting, more attention to restful sleep, can add strength. because the gas can produce blood, qi can therefore blood.

yam is a very good thing, a body is not good friends to the Chinese, it is said, or where the most famous, came back with a bunch of Chinese medicine in addition to outside, he brought this recipe: Drink yam stew candy. the value of four hundred prescriptions.

yam spleen and stomach qi, Yifei Yin, kidney Gujing, the spleen, lung and kidney were completed, and really worth the money! Yin virtual loss of the people tend to cough, you can use it to soup for water, consumptive cough illnesses can be cured. yam because Yifei, and loss, fatigue and illness physically weak, should eat yams, can be strong body, resistance to aging.

it should be noted that while it Balancing to help damp evil, so I finished After it certainly eat dampness of the East, such as barley, Poria. I do not add sugar directly boiled yam, the yam labeled thick paste, then boil for for water, not drink, after drinking, I drink water and then add barley flour.

rice is qi, surprised you? woman must eat rice every day, the spleen and stomach health depends on it too! meters are spleen, but the grains of it back spleen was the best, the gas shortage, fatigue will eat it, like the stomach Deficiency, upset thirsty to drink rice gruel to Come. Chinese book says, So even if you lose weight, it must at least eat a bowl of rice a day, or slim down the cheeks are the chest down.

good thing, and jujube, honey. are spleen, the benefits of virtual loss, is a good color.

anti-aging (a)
posted if you see more than 35 years of age, this is written specifically for you.

is likely to exceed 30 year-old woman, there will be traditional Chinese medicine has been known as the and so on.

word, now you have basically the transition to a neutral person, a woman's taste in getting away from you. you basically can not remember even their own or a woman. Only buy clothes, to the barber shop when the release of hysterical desperation to save.

to the word, is very suitable here, your heart.

heart envy others, attention than the interests of all, bullying on the ignorant, the more all of these psychological, must be the fastest in the world makes you old ugly! and low self-esteem, negative , lazy but also accelerate the aging of the fathers. Maggie Cheung said she was keeping the secret of youth is the , it is recommended you do what. I can mop the floor the entire time boyfriend to the ground from the roof and scrub the kitchen clean. You think of myself as a man makes, but also want a woman?

this and not a good society, and my heart with sand, the ability of women to develop the sand pearl, most of it to be released. excessive patience will also accelerate the aging, more terrible psychological aging, but also for the maintenance of a happy family no good. you can be confident that your complaints are all out, if he does not even offer this to you, what is the role he?

money between two people is definitely not your province to He spent, or to both save, or to you to take his province, he spent if your province, your very questions he basically.

anti-aging (b)

expression of facial wrinkles rich first, because usually, or often Satisfy her face so bad actions, and second, because the mind is very heavy, long time, mood did not improve to wrinkles, and three acidic physical fitness, physical fitness is not good; four is not enough time to give the skin moisture.

massage is very important to ah! their massage to be patient, remove wrinkles with the way described before, his face carefully everywhere Aberdeen fine massage, gently, to every day by, As long as we are sure to eliminate wrinkles.

massage after completing sure to enhance moisture, use more moisturizer, moisturizing mask, everything is very moisturizing. Niu Er Rose Hydrating recommended sleep night film, 50 bucks and moisturizing effect is like! and durable, do not know when a bottle can be used. but also a natural formula, I admire the cattle teacher!

bags under the eyes and dark circles are introduced before the method is very effective. freckle way, too, but more slowly, not worry. nasolabial folds, also introduced before the method, get rid of the effect is obvious. cheeks certainly be sagging or loose or depression, Eat more rice to bed early, be sure to blood.

eyes were tired, to liver or kidney, to rest, walk around the circle more than the eye, hair dry and rough, it would do more hair care, eat black sesame seeds and kelp, do not perm hair, hair was not so old fashioned.

face yellow, if the non-physical factors, on the water attaining with green tea; skin pimple to use the mask before the introduction of the yogurt yeast; body The skin is definitely more rough, persist in using white vinegar plus glycerin moisturizing body smooth and soft white; to this age, the product is used must be careful.

generally thinner facial skin But more and more hard, so feel the vicissitudes of life. from physical changes, the skin will become soft, as long as the skin tender, it will significantly younger. and this is the product can do. In fact, all previous issues of aging face , in addition to moisture, the product can not be solved.

anti-aging (c)

check, your life is to satisfy the following conditions? early hours each day, the best nine to lie; sooner or later have to eat fruit every day; time to seriously eat three meals a day, will eat cooked rice; feel peace; next exercise; an hour lunch break every day at noon. In fact, most people can not guarantee these basic.

aging body deformation of the body organs, blood, aging, toxic accumulation of a signal. healthy body, should have a beautiful appearance. acidity of the body must correspond to an imperfect appearance.

liver Before the kidney care were introduced, the stomach of nursing lies in the heart, internal organs are key parts of our operation, putting on part on the loose, re-tighten, and the machine just fine. the blood thick, and the machine turned not move, but also damage the machine. toxin too much, the machine easily deformed.

as long as from now on, you serious about your facial skin, take the time to take care of her, a regular life, attention your sleep and mood, healthy diet, care of your body organs, your status will be getting better and better.

qi and blood tonic steps are complementary. pure qi without blood, just like stove burned very busy, put an empty pan, into the blood is delicious in the pan. qi talked about food before, I'll highlight the most important rice, the other to pay attention Eat potatoes, sweet potatoes / sweet potatoes, dates and honey. mushrooms although very good, but a skin disease should pay attention to eating, not eating fasting.

blood to eat some donkey-hide gelatin, no reason! I mother insisted to eat for so many years, made by my dad, plus enough love in it! previous gelatin powder to say no to play, all my dad's things with garlic mashed trace fragments, and then Chaohei sesame seeds, fried the rolling pin and then rolled into the end, then Zaichao walnuts, chopped, procedures complicated than it is now! toss several nights to do a good job.

winter to eat the best. blood while nourishing the yin, remove heat, Bufei true, contains a lot of collagen, because it is the thing sentient flesh and blood,timberland boots sale, nourishing the effect is more obvious. face does not look good, it is necessary depends on it. However, the recommended addition to the above two things taste more than not to, at most, plus taste Longan enough. you add so much good stuff in there, in that case directly to forget to eat Shiquandabu pills, but also Ejiao doing? who assisted the Lord who is to make it clear.

best to eat method is soaked rice wine, rice wine warm the stomach, while the A sticky resin, the two just help solve the absorption. blood, while recommendations to eat more sugar cane, carrots, spinach, dried longan and soy milk are iron supplementation of food. not recommended brown sugar, too Sweet injured spleen, spleen were looking black.

to correct the notion that food alone can not make up the body by a blind, catering to a comprehensive, such as you now know, the blood and the qi of the food, and that this two should eat, the effects are not obvious eat alone, this is certain.

Introducing the two should always eat the good stuff! fungus and black fungus, are the royal food in ancient times . black and white fungus of the nutrient-rich, similar in composition, are rich in collagen. colloid is very important for a woman!

black fungus, the same protein content and meat, fish, iron content is 70 times that of spinach 20 times, 7 times a liver, so the black fungus is an important blood blindly food Oh! now specifically singled out in terms of them both, because it has too many white fungus things on a good woman.

Now the women enjoy eating out, and the flavors are very heavy, cholesterol, high fat content easily, and the blood of harmful if high fat content, skin and body condition will not be good, something else of aging, wrinkles more, the quality of the blood is too important for the beauty!

black fungus can prevent the harmful fats in the blood of the stay, the biggest advantage is that it ate into the body from the beginning, starting from the trachea, from top to under, including lung, stomach, intestine, blood, body dust, soot used, bad foreign body, environmental pollutants, can bring out the whole body. the body which can take a bath.

black fungus has a strong anti-cancer function and can enhance liver detoxification.

Tremella do not buy the yellow and white, the effect of moisture class! dryness, lungs, and blood, Yin Huo-wang would expect it to be physical it! lung health, the skin delicate nature.

yin tonic food in addition to pears, sugar cane, black sesame, soy milk, white fungus, lily, the addition of these partial elements, recommended the duck meat dish, not only Ziyinqingre, There are benefits of water features, summer eating it can prevent the occurrence of gynecological inflammation. a lot of disease because of water running around the body, so much did not eat bad Italian Ren.

Yang have a high intake of meat, although the vegetables are recommended before, but did not say to a vegetarian, meat must eat, completely vegetarian diet is very harmful to the body. is a must eat beef and mutton, and these two meat intake, no moisture, low fat content, energy and iron levels are high enough.

winter, be sure to eat more meat, men and women should eat more. lamb to pirated wasting, replenishing vital energy, to treat kidney yang deficiency , warming warm-up, to treat stomach Deficiency, that physical treatment should eat more, strong stomach and spleen, the spleen and kidney are very good. consumptive thin can make a strong physical eat mutton.

is the same dog to eat, replenishing strength, make the spleen and stomach, warm the kidney, gluten bone health, but should not be taken together and almonds. There cuisine blindly yang, Zuixia is taking live shrimp soaked with alcohol, can be treated extremities cold, spleen and kidney yang.

addition to the above four flavor meat, the walnut treatment of kidney lower back pain, tinnitus, nourishing liver kidneys, to treat lung Deficiency, improve the intestinal constipation, nourishing the five internal organs . take a long time, skin smooth, shiny black hair, anti-aging.

addition to beef and mutton, the other virtual food Wenbu Yang, Yin Huo-wang physical person must eat less.

stomach through the meridians associated with the spleen and stomach function of good people, and the skin must be moist, plump. Conversely, if a person is skinny, skin not shiny, the stomach is not good, so the body of qi and blood deficiencies. the health of the spleen The color is also available from the lips of view, if it is dark red, is the heat, if it is light red, is the Deficiency, if the skin is very dry lips, lack of body fluid in vivo.

to digest food because of blood through the spleen Therefore, a woman's menstrual cycle and has a relationship. It is a woman of the Gospel, if you have mastered the method of maintenance of the spleen, you can not do Huanglian Po life, even to the fifties, too, will face yellow.

because of poor maintenance, the spleen after the loss of function of the Blood, the skin will dry yellow, while the natural skin color is yellow, where yellow means coke. First spleen deficiency, and then develop into Spleen to control blood. the body's vital energy and the stomach to digest food with the production of blood, the first is to ensure healthy eating.

If you face yellow, and had to be used to eat taro. purple taro on the spleen and stomach best blood, the Blood effect, to plump the skin and muscle moist. There a tonic side seasons insist on eating, very effective, that is, water chestnuts, potatoes, red beans,cheap timberland boots, yam, Mainz fact, lotus seeds, dates and rice cooked together, these meals are all make up the spleen, to blood, and gradually improve the complexion.

face chlorosis evolved from a deficiency, in addition to mood, fatigue factors, do not eat Rice is the main reason. So, in order to have a good face, eat at least two bowls of rice a day.

Children with fever are a few imitation
fever remedies, remedies fever in children. Fever, the most complete recipe
recipe for a
Ingredients: ginger 10 grams, 15 grams of light blue, white radish 150 grams, 20 grams of brown sugar.
Method: Shuijianbi, after serving slightly sweating, can significantly reduce the symptoms.
effect: relieving cold, warm in the phlegm. Indications cold chills, cough, sputum.
recipe II
Ingredients: basil leaves 10 grams, ginger 10 grams, 12 grams dried tangerine peel, brown sugar 20 grams.
Method: decoction.
effect: relieving scattered wind, phlegm dampness. Attending with a fever, cough, sputum.
recipe three
material: Nepeta 10 grams, 10 grams of basil leaves, ginger 15 grams, 20 grams of brown sugar.
Method: Shuijianbi twice daily.
effect: relieving scattered wind, qi Chest. Indications cold cold, headache, sore throat.
recipe four
Ingredients: 15 grams of honeysuckle, bamboo 9 grams. Mulberry 6 grams, 100 grams of sugar cane, sugar 20 grams, 120 grams of white radish.
Method: decoction.
effects: detoxification, anti-inflammatory pain. Attending with a fever, sore throat.
recipe five
Usage: 6 grams of mulberry leaves,timberland boots uk, white daisy 10 grams, 10 grams of bamboo leaves, mint 6 grams, 10 grams of Semen.
Method: decoction.
effect: bulk wind heat. Indications Fengreganmao, fever headache.
recipe six
use efficiency: basil leaves 6 grams, 10 grams of Nepeta, Hawthorn 10 grams, 20 grams of crystal sugar.
Method: Shuijianbi twice daily.
effect: relieving rheumatism and cold. Indications cold cold, the body joint pain.
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Old 08-24-2011, 12:52 PM   #3
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