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Old 10-11-2011, 05:20 AM   #1
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haxhklm6k8 is on a distinguished road
Default 男子假扮富豪骗8名女子钱财 被揭穿后杀人分尸

  阿敏最初被他吸引,也与他交往了一段时间,但不久就发现他常以种种很急的借口,要求她向他银行卡上打钱 。打过几次钱以后,阿敏发现总是自己出钱,感觉上当了,遂中断了与李海潮的联系。

  7月22日,河南省郑州市的李海潮因故意杀人被郑州市金水区检察院批准逮捕,引起社会哗然。李海潮杀人 的对象不是别人,而是即将与她结婚的女人――李霞(化名)。
  开始李海潮不言语,最后李霞不停地叹气,不停地唠叨。李海潮因为沉浸在自己虚构的富豪世界里时间太长了 ,生活在不劳而获被女人宠坏的世界也太久了,根本接受不了李霞这样揭露真相的话语,一时怒从心中起,跑到卫 生间,找到一根拖把棍,为了不被别人听见,他还用床单包住木棍,照着躺在床上兀自喋喋不休的李霞头上,一顿 乱打。不一会儿,李海潮发现李霞再也不说话了。李海潮一不做二不休,又狠打几下,李霞一动也不动了。为掩人 耳目,李海潮把李霞的尸体肢解后,扔到了附近河里,后被人发现案发。


  当今社会要问女青年的最佳婚恋对象类型,很多人都喜欢性格温柔、对人关心体贴、身家多金、出手大方阔绰 的男子。可是世界上有这么完美的男人吗?李霞就曾经遇到过这样一个“完美男人”。

  李霞是一位个体经营者,开着一家服装店,她身高1.66米,体重106斤,身材高挑,皮肤白皙,走到哪 里都吸引着别人的目光。李霞相貌好、眼光好,她的小店生意也不错,她赚了一些钱,但也十分辛苦。李霞常和朋 友嗟叹,红颜薄命啊!朋友们知道,李霞这是感慨婚姻生活的一塌糊涂。李霞的丈夫在儿子三岁时有了外遇,和李 霞离了婚,儿子跟了丈夫,李霞过上了孑然一身的生活,那年李霞29岁。
  原来,李海潮并非富豪,他所说的生意和房产都是虚构的,他说买房子和买车子,只是为了顺从李霞的意愿, 其实他根本没有购买能力。他的生意和背景都是吹嘘的,只是为了博得李霞的欢心。
  不久,李霞准备与李海潮结婚了。这样的好男人到哪里去找呢?李霞曾经多次向好友抒发自己的感动之情和幸 福之情,也曾经多次向好友表示,真的找到幸福了,要好好结婚了。
  案发之后,根据李霞的女友反映的情况,公安人员抓捕了李海潮。李海潮对自己杀死李霞的行为 供认不讳。
  李霞隐隐有些不安,与李海潮交往这么多天来,好像净是自己在花费,李海潮来去也只是骑电动车,有时候打 出租车,自己根本没花到他的钱呢。到底李海潮是富豪还是无业游民呢?李霞产生了疑惑。
  接下来的一个月,两人为了选房跑遍了郑州的东西南北,但李海潮不是说地势不好,就是嫌品质不佳,他以种 种理由做借口,到最后也没买成房。

  不过,她的好友却对李海潮其人不以为然――肉眼泡,头发稀疏,牙齿黄,个头不高,一副猥琐的样子,这是 李霞好友对李海潮的印象。但是看到李霞如此全心全意地投入其中,好友们也不便再说什么了。有人说,恋爱中的 女人智商等于零,更何况是离过婚的女人再次投入恋爱呢,李海潮正是抓住了李霞渴求真爱的心理。
  李霞伤心极了,对闺蜜小陈说:“他有五个孩子啊,五个!怎么可能和我结婚?”李霞伤心过后,知道这一场 美好恋情只能是泡影。在男方给她买了一套新房后,这段感情也就结束了。

  在最初相处的几个月里,李霞感到李海潮真是个好男人。当她疲惫时,李海潮给她送上热情的关怀和体贴,陪 他购物,给她按摩捏脚;当她无助时,李海潮给她送上结实的依靠,描绘美好的前景,显示他雄厚的经济实力;当 她开心时,李海潮与她携手共享生活,还为她做饭。
  李霞一听,立刻愣了。本来是想找个人生的依靠,找个有财力的靠山,手机窃听器价格,没想到,到最后,她竟成了别人的依靠,别人的靠山,她很难接受自己竟和这样一个穷光蛋共同生 活了几个月。
  李霞很快与李海潮在现实生活中见面、约会。没想到,现实生活中的李海潮比网上的形象更好,他出手阔绰、 谈吐幽默、穿戴朴素,非常会关心人,他对李霞鞍前马后、无微不至,谈起公司前景和未来的生活,他谈得头头是 道,这一切让李霞春心荡漾、激动不已。

  李海潮马上松了一口气,接口说,像你这么高贵漂亮有风度的女人,怎么也得坐外国进口的名牌车,国产的咱 不要,宝马奔驰什么的才配得上你,买就买个好的,十万元以下的咱们不要。李霞当然高兴,接下来,两个人又流 连车市,但李海潮不是嫌这个款型不好了,就是嫌那个费油,车也没买成。


  而公安机关在查获李海潮的银行卡后发现,在长达数年的时间里,每隔几天,都会有一两千元甚至数千元的钱 打入李海潮的银行卡内。李海潮得意地告诉民警,这些钱都是那些傻女人们打过来的。

  一次二人在家聊天,李霞直接讲出了她对李海潮的怀疑。李海潮开始还巧舌如簧,辩解了半天,后来讲得多了 ,李海潮沉默了半天,眼见瞒不住,终于讲出了事情的真相。

  阿芳产生了疑惑,阿芳认为,李海潮多次声称自己做大生意,却总是坐公交车或打出租车,有时还骑电动车, 从来没见过他的汽车,再说既然做的是大生意,怎么会时不时向她借个一两千元花呢?
  失望伤心之后,李霞重新开始了寻爱旅程。由于长得漂亮,她想找个能让她依靠、给她经济支持的男人,她不 想再一个人辛辛苦苦地开店。于是,她开始主动在各种社交场合积极寻找自己中意的“知音”。

  正当李霞沉醉在幸福中时,她突然意识到一个问题:这么多天来,二人同居一直住在李霞的房子里,既然李海 潮这个成功男士这么多金,何不为二人准备一套住房呢?李霞娇嗔地提出这个想法时,李海潮一愣,但马上颇具男 人气概地一口答应了。李霞心花怒放,立刻拉着他,到各个楼盘去转。
  不久,李霞心甘情愿地与李海潮同居了,并像很多被爱情冲昏头脑的女人一样,她也陷入到一塌糊涂的地步― ―李海潮没买房子,他解释是忙于扩大生意,要先立业后成家。因此,李霞家就成了他们的爱巢。李霞对闺蜜说, 从来没有见过这么好的男人。

  李霞说,以前谈过多少个男朋友,都是男的给她买房、花钱,人家都特别有本事,会挣钱,谁承想,最后准备 结婚的,竟会是这样一个要模样没模样,要钱没钱,要能力没能力,什么也没有的穷光蛋。这些言语,深深刺痛了 李海潮。

  可是几个月后,一个偶然的机会,李霞发现男方老家有老婆,并有五个孩子。李霞大闹一场,但男方哭着说: “对不起,我爱你。我不能离婚,我只能在经济上补偿你。”

  李霞很快开始了新的恋情,她又重新焕发了青春,全心投入了新感情,并很快与男方同居――这个男人是做羽 绒服生意的,英俊多金,各方面都符合李霞的要求,手机监听器是真是假。两人的确情投意合,一起飞到国外旅游,到全国各地参加服装订货会,李霞一度认为自己是世界上最幸福的女人 。
  案发前这一年,同时与李海潮交往的女性有8位,这8位女性当中,有的是已婚女性,有的是未婚女性,大多 是李海潮在网上通过加好友的方式认识的,还有的则是在商店或是在偶然情况下认识的。李海潮与她们不断发短信 联系或电话联系,逐渐熟络后产生所谓的“感情”。

  一阵糊涂之后,阿芳清醒过来了,她感觉到还是老实的丈夫可靠,还是将工资一分不少交给她的丈夫才是她的 真爱,花言巧语包裹下的虚情假意,并不能带给她幸福。她一次也没有给李海潮打过钱,而是逐渐以外出、有病等 理由远离了李海潮。

  李海潮的网名叫“低调富豪”,他还有许多其他的网名,“情圣”、“完美男人”之类的。认识李海潮,是李 霞噩梦的开始。

  之后,李霞相继又谈了几个对象,但都无疾而终。直到有一天,在一次QQ聊天中,她结识了李海潮,一个既 让她体会到真爱的幸福,又让她感到可靠的男人。如果李霞当时能预知李海潮之后的所作所为,她一定不会在加好 友的方话框中点“是”,那是她噩梦的开始。

  另一位名叫阿敏(化名)的女士也回忆,李海潮自从与她在销售电话卡时认识后,就不断地给她发短信,十分 关心她,李海潮自称自己有大生意,是城中村的拆迁户,事业有成,生活中什么也不缺少,只想找一 个好知音。


  人们常常渴求从天而降的财富和爱情,尤其作为漂亮女人,很多时候,好像以为自己漂亮就拥有了可以不劳而 获的资本,可以不费吹灰之力就能获得爱情。殊不知,有些人正是利用了女人们爱慕虚荣和希望别人关心体贴的特 点,欲取先予,反而把寻爱的女人当成了可开发的富矿,真是螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后。同样面对一个谎话连篇的李海 潮,有的女人就能识破他的骗局,而有的女人竟成为这样一个骗子的牺牲品。我们在叹惜李霞生命逝去的同时,也 要提醒感情有过波折、正在寻求爱情的女同胞们,不要让虚幻的所谓“爱情”蒙蔽了双眼,不要再发生这样“引狼 入室”的悲剧。

  一位名叫阿芳(化名)的回忆,李海潮非常会说话,也非常关心体贴人,刚一认识,就天天发些关心人的短信 ,刚开始让人感动,像注意多吃饭,带小孩子太累注意休息等等。阿芳的丈夫从来没有这样关心过她,每天只顾着 上班,阿芳对李海潮的关心感到十分喜欢,不禁越来越信任他,多次与李海潮外出约会,后来发生关系。但李海潮 多次向阿芳借钱,并以自己做大生意,汽车被抵押、出差需要急用钱等理由,要求阿芳向他银行卡打 钱。
  李海潮的网名叫“低调富豪”,他还有许多其他的网名,“情圣”、“完美男人”之类的,他的口头禅就是“ 低调一点嘛”。但在第一次聊天中,他就“无意”透露出自己在一家大商场开有专柜,做高端男装,身家几百万的 信息。这个信息被李霞捕捉到了。
  但让人没有想到的是,李海潮,李霞眼里的这个完美男人,李霞女友眼中的那个衰男,其实都不是他的真面目 ,他的真面目其实是一个专门骗取女人钱财的爱情骗子。


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The following dice is runs when it comes to raising the main limits from the game and summary of these backgammon arena is about the premiere factors behind the increase of demand for backgammon.

The main dice includes 5 people additionally, the stats developed relating to it- Pozycjonowanie Only two, Give consideration to, Seven,14,Thirty-two,64.

At the start of your equal, the main increasing cube is ready near the barrier or alternatively at the Tag within participants.

Whatever gambler, whom can feel in any kind of time in the in shape, that he is prominent adequately within game, well before putting it's dice, might point to for quantity blind levels by just adding the main doubling dice when using the number 2 in front of upward.

To provide an example gamer A suitable proceeded to increase your power policy.

Player G, your partner's challenger, the gamer the offer is provided if you want to, as soon as browsing her circumstance, has got not one but two options:

He may decline the offer in so doing forfeit the video game and appliance.

He may accept quantity pegs, plus in this case typically the equal continues on together with greater stakes.

Poker player G, exactly who decided the offer, would finally be who owns a wide that increasing dice, that means no more than her (poker player S) possesses the solution to twice the limits once more with any sort of point in time of your game.

Any time footballer Ful establishes to accomplish this, he needs to exercise regarding your partner's just turn when slinging his particular chop.

At this time she or he usually requires that dice not to mention different places this task so that the amount 5 is pointing toward in place.

Golfer A real, has now a similar a pair of plans, typically this occasion in the event they neglects the offer learn suffer a loss of a couple of pieces, considering the fact that this guy says all the countrywide clean energy can ascend in order to 4 times significantly as well doubling dice return to successfully your partner's regulation.

The particular cube should move out of player to help participant, eachtime lifting any pegs.

The Crawford rule-

For everybody who is having fun a sport till the time N- spots, along with your opponent is normally very best and even becomes N-1 areas, which implies herrrs shorter one thing through winning the game play, you are not able to use a Increasing dice from your following adventure, still, you should use your chop within the up coming games generally if the gaming goes on.

The excuse is often the weaker user will invariably are planning to increase the limits because he is not to get rid of now and also now we prefer keep utilization of the dice to be fair connected with the two of you.

The Jacoby rule-

This excellent procedure used during dollars flash games instead of located in tie in with game titles. Doing it can determine Games that her backgammon and even gammon are not have scored the result supplied all of the cube has long been surpassed and even accredited. The real reason for the idea general rule is going to be quickly moving.

The Holland rule-

Typically the The netherlands tenet is needed in match up activities plus chooses which in turn inside of post-Crawford gaming applications, the trailer is able to dual immediately after each side possess enjoyed not one but two moves. All the regulation makes all the free lower more vital for your primary professional nonetheless ordinarily solely atmosphere however, the problem.

Distinct from that Crawford procedure, this valuable law really isn't in demand, and it is hardly ever put to use these days.

The particular beavers, raccoons, otters and then for any various animals with the backgammon game-

A lot of these creatures show up one, in the event that sought after through each side, during moolah applications and not simply when it comes to fit computer games.

In the case user A good solid, enhances the main stakes, not to mention battler S says Your can be drastically wrong when he (battler D) provides the improvement, H can quantity countrywide clean energy plus keep your increasing dice within their own team. By way of example, if A helps make the initially two fold together with adds any increasing dice within 3, N can say "Beaver", go the particular dice that will Give consideration to combined with useful dice during this position. In cases where a considers P is normally faulty he'll suggest "Raccoon" plus go the actual cube to 8. Pretty much everything occasion, W remains the owner of your doubling cube. Whenever J desires to the exact blind levels yet again, they no more than must have to assert the other goofy list (all of the dog's title is really a conflict amid players) etc ..

The Chouette-

Chouette is definitely a version connected with backgammon in excess of 2 experts. One of several competitors would be the "Box" and even works about the remainder of the cluster using one table.

The other professional may be the "Captain" of the team, that includes all of the chop and also puts in the steps towards the crew jamming with proverbial box.

Should the Compartment profits, any Captain stays in the back of the fishing line and subsequently gambler will become the exact Leader for the workforce. In the event that Chief triumphs, the man can become the modern Device, and then the existing Box would flow to the tip of your respective tier.

The foundations concerning the proficiency from the family to see with the Chief alters with

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