The Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Department
Welcome the BISC Program
· Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh receives the 2009 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Electrical Engineering for inventing and developing the field of “fuzzy logic,” in which a system applies a quantitative assessment to inherently ambiguous ideas, thus providing a new paradigm to improve artificial intelligence and automated control systems.
· Dr. Asli Celikyilmaz, has been assigned the BISC Program Coordinator after joining the program in April 2008. She is also pursuing her postdoctoral research at BISC Program.
· Dr. Masoud Nikrvaesh joined CITRIS and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.(LBNL) as UC Berkeley-LBNL Executive Director,
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“The legacy of accomplishment, excellence and people
who contribute to the advancement of computational intelligence
through science and technology to better serve the global community”
“With over 5,000 members worldwide and growing and five main programs
1) PNL-CWP-Theory and Foundation 2) FLINT-Internet,
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and 5) CIBI- BioInformatics ”
The basic ideas underlying soft computing in its current incarnation have links to many earlier influences, among them Prof. Zadeh’s 1965 paper on fuzzy sets; the 1973 paper on the analysis of complex systems and decision processes; the 1976 paper on fuzzy-algorithmic approach, and the 1979 report (1981 paper) on possibility theory and soft data analysis.
BISC Program is the world-leading center for basic and applied research in soft computing. The principal constituents of soft computing (SC) are fuzzy logic (FL), neural network theory (NN) and probabilistic reasoning (PR), with the latter subsuming belief networks, evolutionary computing including DNA computing, chaos theory and parts of learning theory. Some of the most striking achievements of BISC Program are: fuzzy reasoning (set and logic), new soft computing algorithms making intelligent, semi-unsupervised use of large quantities of complex data, uncertainty analysis, perception-based decision analysis and decision support systems for risk analysis and management, computing with words, computational theory of perception (CTP), and precisiated natural language (PNL).
-- Fuzzy sets,
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-- Toward a Generalized Theory of Uncertainty (GTU)—An Outline, Information Sciences, 2005.
First Lotfi’s Powerpoint Presentation: PERCEPTION-BASED INTELLIGENT DECISION SYSTEMS (Lotfi A. Zadeh and Masoud Nikravesh, ONR Summer 2002)
40th of “Fuzzy Sets” 50th of "System Theory and Decision Analysis"
Computational Intelligence for Information and Internet Search
in the Interest of the Society (COINS)
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Copyright© M. Nikravesh, 2006
BISC Program
Imaging & Informatics
[ Staff ] & [ Visitors]
FLINT - COINS-Internet
BISC-DSS- Decisions
CIBI- Bio Informatics
BISC Special Event 2005
40th of Fuzzy Pioneers
BISCSE’05 Presentations
BISCSE’05 Pictures
BISC- CITRIS-Europe‘06
Presentation at CITRIS-Europe’06
FLINT-- Fuzzy Logic and the Internet
“Computational Intelligence for Information and Internet Search”
415 Soda Hall
BISC Program
Department of EECS
University of California,
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Berkeley - CA 94720
Phone: (510) 643-4522
Fax: (510) 643-4519
Fax: (510) 642-5775
Fuzzy Set: 1965 … Fuzzy Logic: 1973 … BISC: 1990 … Human-Machine Perception: 2000 - …