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The Windows 7 Offline Files feature allows you to keep on your computer, copies of files normally stored on the network. When you select a network file or folder to make attainable offline, Windows automatically creates a copy of that file or folder on your computer.
Anytime you reconnect to that network folder, Windows syncs the files with those in the network folder. You can also sync them manually at any time.
You will then be able to work with them even when your computer is not connected to the network,
Office 2007 Serial, or the file server is down or otherwise unavailable. When next you connect,
Windows 7 32 Bit,
Windows 7 will automatically synchronize your offline files with the original files in the network folder.
If you are working offline and make changes to offline files from a network folder,
Office 2007 Product Key, Windows automatically syncs any changes you made to the files the next time you connect to that network folder.
If you are working offline while someone else changes a file in a shared network folder, Windows syncs those changes with the offline file on your computer the next time you connect to that network folder.
If you have also changed the file since you last connected to the network folder, a sync conflict will occur and Windows will ask you which version you want to keep.
The Sync Center tab in the Offline Files page allows you to sync your offline files with those on the file server, or check for synchronization conflicts.
From the Offline Files window you can also monitor disk usage to manage the amount of space on your hard drive used to store offline files. You can also encrypt your offline files and manage your network connection.
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