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• Chuck Norris [chuhk nawr-is],
Motorola V950, noun: A tiresome Internet meme with an unwelcome interest in theology.
• “Gelatinous cartoon slumlord” [juh-lat-uh-nus kahr-toon sluhm-lawrd],
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• Game of Thrones [geym ohv throhnz],
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At The Bang Bang Club Premiere,
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• The Knicks [thuh niks],
Kodak C142 Blue, noun: The New York City basketball team that lost,
HP G72-259WM, 93-96, to longtime rivals the Boston Celtics in the N.B.A. play-off game on Tuesday night.
• Glee [glee], noun: A dearly missed television series that returned from hiatus this week with a disappointing episode about adults,
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• Jennifer Egan [jen-uh-fer ee-gan], noun: The universally adored author of the Pulitzer Prize–winning (!) novel A Visit from the Goon Squad.
• Venus [vee-nuhs],
Sony DSCH55 Silver, noun: Just one of many special and interesting planets without its own official holiday.
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