In the market,more and more replica product are push out.but how to distinguish the famous bag authenticity? Today is to teach all the small a few methods of identifying genuine,
LV handbags hoping to bring you some help.
LV advocate delicate, quality, comfortable “travel” philosophy all the time, as the basis of design. The casual ###### appeal, full of female lasting appeal line, classic texture and rich color, construct a full of artistic breath LV. Full of distinctive sense of fashion information. Concise and agile in fine detail, hidden brand design spirit. LV classic decorative pattern, pleasing to the eye color, pink, blue, yellow wine,
Minnesota Twins hat, red, silver and black, grey, quiet life of female people is delicate and beautiful, colorful.
L.V. printing lines is tailor-made canvas plus flame retardant and row material, so the surface texture lines. But the source of the false L.V. is different, some of the mainland, most poor material with poor rubber, and made the big, surface smoothness and luminosity concave-convex feeling greatly weak.
new light leather qualitative- L.V. (blue or brown), and false material is quite the light leather L.V. is made of plastic, so soft.
L.V. car line is the car line (printing), material is special darker fortified waxy twine, therefore very durable. False L.V. (printing) car with ordinary light color,
handhangs wholesale line is made of cotton, so easily broken line.
printing, early 60′s (L.V.), and the recent printing green is brought brown. The early L.V. printing on both sides, but recently is not symmetrical proportioned. False L.V. printing a partial deep-brown color, some partial shallow brown, and it can be both symmetrical. Printing,
font, L.V. bags on the font, font YuanHun is very clear. Most of the L.V. products are inscribed “beauty in France” or “beauty”, “even out in beauty in U.S.A.”. And on the L.V. false, but also very clear font, font is higher and the space is narrow letters.
Numbers, every L.V. products were engraved with clear Numbers. And many false L.V. without Numbers.
L.V.] [smells of products have unique cowboy skin taste (especially new L.V. products). And L.V. ######## leather flavour of bull-puncher is weak, some only glue
Tips: LV identification, because red to LV is relatively long business with ########, confusion of market, and it is not difficult to identify, LV.
1, when you receive a new LV when he first breath out natural smell the fragrance of leather.
2, LV bags on the edge of leather is hidden seams, the serial number of the bag is ZhiZaoDe and manufacture date.
3, all accessories or SuoTou LV have LV LOGO on and Numbers.
4, does not completely hidden LV serial number of false identification,
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