xbox codes
According to the survey, 25% of Neflix users stream video through the Nintendo Wii,
xbox 360 codes, 13% use the PlayStation 3 and 12% access the service via Xbox Live.
Nielsen also found usage of video site Hulu was far less frequent on game consoles. The survey found 3% of Hulu users accessed videos through the Wii, and an additional 3% via PS3, while 2% used Xbox.
Recently, Nintendo
launched a Netflix app for its 3DS handheld.
See photos of:
Watching directly on computer topped all other channels, with 42% of Netflix users and 89% of Hulu users taking that approach.

The Netflix menu on Xbox 360.
Half of subscribers to online video service Netflix stream their content using a video game console,
Microsoft Points card,
finds a Nielsen survey.
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