Tyrathect's laugh was a giggle; he had never heard any other kind. "I?" He made the Tinish chord that sounded like "Tyrathect" to Jefri. "Or do you mean a taken name,
复件 (14) air max2, like Steel? I don't know the exact word. You may call me ... Mr. Skinner." Tyrathect laughed again. "For now, I can speak for Steel." "Jefri, are you all right?" "Yes, yes. Listen to Mr. Skinner." What a strange name. The sounds from the comm became muffled. There was a male voice,
mbt tataga c, arguing. Then Ravna was back, her voice kind of tight, like Mom when she was mad. "Jefri ... what's the volume of a ball ten centimeters across?" Amdi had been fidgeting impatiently through the conversation. All through the last year he had been hearing stories of humans from Jefri, and dreaming what Ravna might really be like. Now he had a chance to show off. He jumped for the comm,
复件 (75) air max2, and grinned at Jefri. "That's easy, Ravna." His voice was perfect Jefri -- and completely fluent. "It's 523.598 cubic centimeters ... or do you want more digits?" Muffled conversation. "...No, that's fine. Okay, Mr. Skinner. We have pictures from our earlier pass and a general radio fix. Where exactly are you?" "Under the castle dome at top of Starship Hill. It's right at the coast by a --" A man's voice cut in. Pham? He had a funny accent. "I got it on the map. We still can't see you direct. Too much haze." "That's smoke," said the Cloak. "The enemy is almost upon us from the south. We need your help immediately --" The singleton lowered its head from the commset. Its eyes closed and opened a couple of times. Thinking? "Hmm, yes. Without your help, we and Jefri and this ship are lost. Please land within the castle courtyard. You know we've specially reinforced it for your arrival. Once down we can use your weapons to --" "No way," the guy replied immediately. "Just separate the friendlies from the bad guys and let us take care of things." Tyrathect's voice took on a wheedling tone,
复件 (78) air max, like a little kid complaining. He really has been studying us. "No, no,
复件 (9) air max2, didn't mean to be impolite. Certainly, do it your own way. About the enemy force: everyone close to the castle on the south side of the hill are enemy. A single pass with your ship's ... um, torch ... would send them running." "I can't fly that torch inside an atmosphere. Did your Pop really land with the main jet, Jefri? No agrav?" "Yes, sir. All we had was the jet." "He was a lucky genius." Ravna: "Maybe we could just float across, a few thousand meters up. That might scare them away." Tyrathect began, "Yes, that might --" The public doors on the north side of the dome slid open. Mr. Steel stood silhouetted against the daylight beyond. "Let me talk to them,
复件 (36) air max1," he said. The goal of all their voyaging lay just twenty kilometers below OOB. They were so close, yet those twenty thousand meters might be as hard to bridge as the twenty thousand light-years they had come so far. They floated on agrav directly over "Starship Hill". OOB's multispectral wasn't working very well, but where smoke did not obscure, the ship's optics could count the needles on the trees below. Ravna could see the forces of "Woodcarver" ranged across the slopes south of the castle. There were other troops, and apparently cannon, hidden in the forests that lined the fjord south of that. Given a little more time they would be able to locate them too. Time was the one thing they did not have. Time and trust. "Forty-eight hours, Pham. Then the fleet will be here, all around us." Maybe, maybe godshatter could work a miracle; they'd never know stewing about it up here.