编者按:忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。冬天是绿叶,雪花是绿叶簇拥着的花朵。内容略显单一,如果充实一 下就更好了,期待佳作。 坐在窗前,一抬眼竟发现下雪了。
冬天下雪本是件自然的事情,只是当它真的来了,我又会有一点点的不敢相信。它的悄无声息好像是一个生日 惊喜,瞬间撒下喜悦,让这个冬的味道浓了,也更为真切了。
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撑着伞,走在雪中,依稀听见雪花簌簌落下的细微声响,像是呢喃,诉说着心中的愉悦,又像是玩闹,向你撒 娇嗔怪。撇开伞,仰面与它对视,看,不知谁的巧手,将它裁成了千丝万缕,如此飘飘洒洒,也让我有了一丝幻想 。或许此时的天宫,正有一位美丽善良的织女,
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NEW YORK — An executive producer of the hit musical reality TV show "American Idol" says celebrity judge Jennifer Lopez will return for another season. Lopez hasn't said anything.
But executive producer Nigel Lythgoe (LITH'-goh) was on the "On-Air with Ryan Seacrest" program on Wednesday morning and made the announcement. He acknowledged it wasn't official. But he added he was "delighted to say that all three judges" and the show's "brilliant host" are back for the next season.
Seacrest is the show's host. Singer-actress Lopez debuted as a judge this past season. The other judges are Aerosmith rocker Steven Tyler and record producer Randy Jackson.
"American Idol" is due to return to Fox television in January for its 11th season.