casque dr dre,我看到这样一则报道:海南省文昌市龙楼镇毛泽东塑像被开发商推倒,文章中还配发了一张被推倒的、已经破碎 的毛泽东塑像。
看到这则新闻,我当时就傻眼了!这是真的吗?如果这是在文革时期,早已经够上反革命的待遇了!望着残破 的毛泽东塑像,我不由得悲从心中来!对于开发商的行为,我不想多说了,因为在那些商人的眼里早已经没有政治 的概念了,
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虽然说如今国家不再提倡过分崇拜领袖了,但也不能如此随意作践领袖塑像啊!面对破烂不堪的毛泽东塑像, 我想问的是:当他们在推倒毛泽东塑像时,
monster beats,我最想知道的是当地的政府领导在哪里?是谁批准他们这样干的?如果领导说事前不知道,
ralph lauren pas cher,那么我就想问领导每天最想知道的是什么?因为面对这样的事件,作为政府领导竟然漠不关心,那么请问你们的 政治观念哪里去了?
毛泽东塑像被推倒,决不能说是简单的事件,希望当地政府应该本着高度的政治责任心去调查事件的前因后果 ,给人民一个合理的说法。因为毛泽东在人民心中就等同于中国,我们都经历中“没有毛泽东就没有新中国”的时 代,对领袖的崇拜心态可以改变,但摧毁领袖的行为切不可发生!
再看被推倒的毛泽东塑像,我不由得万分伤感!记得我曾经两次去北京办事,我都特意抽时间前去瞻仰毛泽东 遗容,想近距离感受一下新中国缔造者迷人的风采。每次随着流动的瞻仰队伍走进毛主席纪念堂时,我的心情就显 得特别肃穆,心中涌现出来的都是对领袖无尽的怀念之情。
没有毛泽东就没有新中国,这是人民对领袖的认可,更是人民对党的认可!因为曾几何时,毛泽东代表的就是 党与国家的形象。为这个国家的繁荣昌盛,毛泽东付出了毕生的努力。多少国家大事,都在他老人家谈笑间化为神 奇;多少风波动荡,都在他老人家指点中化为宁静。如果说世界上只有一个政治家是用个人的无限魅力管理着国家 、征服了世界,那么这个政治家就是毛泽东!
可如今老人家的塑像却为了商人的利益被无情地推倒,这难道不应该引起当地党与政府的高度关注吗?即使不 是政治事件,也应该要从政治的高度去追究有关人员的责任,以给热爱毛泽东的中国人民一个满意的 交代,
polo ralph lauren france! 上一篇:唉,我们的民族品牌! 下一篇:中国性文化的变迁相关的主题文章:
The group messaging battle just heated up with the announcement Sunday that Skype has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire GroupMe, a group messaging service that will enhance Skype's ability to facilitate text and photo messaging.
With this acquisition, Skype said in a press release that GroupMe will provide "best-in-class text-based communications and innovative features that enable users to connect, share locations and photos and make plans with their closest ties."
Given the hyper-competitive backdrop of this booming group messaging field, it's no surprise that Skype's CEO Tony Bates told The Wall Street Journal about how important he thinks the mobile group messaging space is to his company. That's evidenced by the multiple deals in that space taking in the past year, including Google's purchase of group messaging company Slide in August of last year, Facebook's rollout of its Group Chat capabilities after it acquired group messaging app Beluga in March of this year, and Apple's June announcement of iMessage in iOS 5 that's also capable of group messaging.
Even though Skype agreed in May to sell itself to Microsoft for $8.5 billion, that transaction has not been completed yet. Skype's CEO didn't specify the terms of the agreement between Skype and GroupMe, which is expected to close on Monday.