Six Artists Six Prairies: Paynes Prairie State Park
Steve AndrewsTallahassee Florida Artist Statement I am excited to be involved in this project. I was born and raised in Florida and I love to paint the Florida landscape. Unfortunately, at times, that landscape seems to be vanishing before my eyes. It is great to be able to contribute to conservation efforts while at the same time getting to do what I love to do -- paint. When most people think of Florida landscapes they think of beaches and water, but the interior of this state is also amazing. I look forward to trying to show you my view of this part of the state. Thanks for taking the time to check out our paintings of these beautiful and little known Florida prairies and for supporting efforts to protect them. Linda BlondheimGainesville, FLArtist StatementI have painted Paynes Prairie <a href=""><strong>Thomas Sabo Orange Stretch Cord Bracelet TSBL095</strong></a> for thirty years and Fish Prairie many times. We Americans have a kinship and history with western prairies.There is a nostalgia about them. I want to make Florida residents and visitors aware of the treasures they have here in north Florida. This project is a way to combine my love for the Florida landscape with my desire to preserve the wild places in Florida for future generations.My prairie paintings are available for sale on this link. Just click on the images:Linda Blondheim Paintings Charles Dickinson St Augustine, FLArtist StatementThe Florida prairies hold the natural beauty and timeless qualities that are the foundation of powerful landscape painting. Their skies, their flora and fauna, their compositional and atmospheric possibilities make for a beautiful painting experience that I am excited to share with the public and work to preserve.Scott Hiestand Ormond Beach, FLArtist Statement Florida Prairies--these are not the prairies reminiscent of Conestoga wagons slowly rolling over short grasses while pheasants scatter in all directions. Rather, these are Florida prairies, where Sand Hill Cranes and other wildlife walk among small wetlands, palms, and prairie stands. I look for atmosphere in my landscape subjects--low light <a href=""><strong>jerseys for cheap</strong></a> or a soft mist of fog rising over a stump filled pond. It is this type of image I hope to bring to you in my acrylic paintings. The next 18 months of my life painting these prairies will be challenging and exciting. I look forward to painting with the other five artists in our group who are the cream of the crop and masters of their craft. Jackie Schindehette Ocala, FLArtist StatementPrairie noun grassland, plain, savanna: A wide area of level or rolling grassland. When people think about Florida the picture of beaches with miles of sand and tumbling waves come to mind. Our vast prairies of grassland dotted with palm and oak hammocks are often overlooked. As an <a href=""><strong>Gucci Plain Glass Spectacles</strong></a> artist I consider it my mission to record images of these pristine havens so others can understand the real Florida where panthers still roam, egrets and herons fish in streams and swallow tailed kites soar in the sky. Mary Jane VolkmannGainesville, FLArtist StatementI have a nearby refuge from the sights and sounds of the city: Paynes Prairie. I enjoy its vistas and the beauty of its many moods. I go there to listen to the birds and critters, to smell the dust and plants, to watch the changing colors of the seasons and even sometimes to watch meteors. As an artist, painting the prairies of north Florida is a way I can share with others the peace, joy and curiosity I experience in them. It is my humble way to add my voice to the call to preserve these special places and their contents for future generations ~ not only of humanity, but also of the birds, critters and animals who take their own refuge in prairies.