If you do not know what to wear for Halloween this year you really need to read this article. Are you a fun person who loves good comedy and making jokes? Or are you want to be that person for one night? Then the Jackie Moon costume is perfect for you this Halloween. Jackie Moon played by Will Ferrel in the movie Semi Pro is the owner/player and motivator of a basketball team. The movie is hilarious and a must see if you want to wear this costume and to better understand why it is so much fun to be Jackie Moon.
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This costume is likely to be a whole lot more comfortable than other costumes as well. Think of the headache-especially with children-trying to get into a fancy
cheap full lace wigs, overdone costume. Unless you're a diehard Trick-or-Treater
Cheap Curly Full Lace Wigs, really-why put up with the extra hassle? If the weather is warm we you are
Custom Wavy Lace Front Wigs, the tank-top Flint Tropics jersey and shorts are perfect! If it's cold where you are (in later October this is usually in the Northeast
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stock lace wigs, the warm-up suit that's sporting Jackie Moon colors and style (don't forget his #33 insignia
cheap full human lace wigs!) will do its best to keep you warm.
Look over the selection of Jackie Moon outfits online. There is definitely no lack of them; just keep in mind that not all of the items that you'll need are always bundled together. So here's your official checklist of Jackie Moon gear:
?Basketball shoes (white tennis shoes with similar colors will work too)
?Striped knee-high tube socks--striped blue and teal
?The same stripes for the headband and wrist bands
?Flint Tropics jersey and matching shorts
?Optionally, the Semi-Pro Warm-Up suit w/ bell-bottom style warm-up pants
?The wig
Custom Wavy Full Lace Wigs, silly curly
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