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The Solo G-spot Orgasm You’ve heard of the G-spot orgasm, where your guy crooks his finger inside your vagina in a come-hither motion, stimulating a wrinkly spot (the periurethral sponge) at the front of the vaginal canal. But if you haven’t managed to have a G-spot orgasm, practicing on your own might make you feel less self-conscious. A regular orgasm involves vaginal muscle contractions and waves feel good sensations. A G-spot orgasm is harder, more intense and passes quicker. It also calls for a firmer assault on the area. The T-zone Orgasm Once you’ve found the G-spot, you can head further up your vaginal wall, towards your belly button, and begin searching for the T-zone. The Trigone zone is a nerve rich area that controls the bladder and creates pleasure. You feel it all over. A T-zone orgasm is a powerful wave of energy that takes up a lot more of your body than a regular one. It can last a lot longer too. How do you approach the T-zone? A toy helps because you do have to go deep. A long vibrator with a wide, throbby end, inserted deeply, then tipped towards the belly button, will do the trick. Alternatively, lie on your tummy with your man inside you, entering from behind – experiment until he’s pushing against the same spot. Once the pleasure begins, your inner physiognomy may change; your uterus contracts, pulling the T-spot up and away from where it was; some women have to chase it, so be intrepid. For more articles on ######ual health subscribe to Sandra Prior’s online newsletter at
And that's exactly what you need to do. A lot of guys get good things going by having a good conversation, but after a while that conversation becomes lame and by the time they ask her number, she's already gone, maybe not physically, but mentally.
Throughout your pregnancy, your baby will be protected by both the amniotic sac and the muscles of your uterus. In addition, there is also the presence of the mucus plug that seals the cervix, aiding it against infection. Due to the old wives take of ###### can help induce labor in late births, many women may be unsure as to whether this is in fact safe. Most women will find that their ###### drive is much higher during the later stages of their pregnancy and although the presence of an orgasm may cause very mild contractions within the uterus, these are only temporary, thus harmless to baby. Unless you are told by your doctor or midwife that ###### is a complete no-no for some reason or another, there is no reason why this cannot continue to be an intimate part of your relationship.
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One would find a good number of young women who have gotten tired of late night outs.Such women if single would be very eligible for a relationship provided you are able to recognize them.
Start your conversation with her then by asking her simple questions such as “ What a lovely dog you have there. What breed of dog is that?” , “What’s your dogs’ name “, “How old is your dog “ etc.
That's right!Â* Your wife's critical ###### organ is her mind - where everything is processed. That's where her emotions, feelings, sense of security, sense of worth, and of course love are all determined.Â* It all happens in her mind!
You've been a bad boy! Now go to MY room!
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