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Old 03-31-2011, 02:13 PM   #1
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Default 社会生活中常用的14条有名法令

一、马太效应 ,kids air jordan shoes
  《新约.马太福音》中有这样一个故事,一个国王远行前,交给三个仆人每人一锭银子,嘱咐他们:"你们去 做生意,等我回来时,再来见我。"国王回来时,第一个仆人说:"主人,你交给我们的一锭银子,asics nimbus gel,我已赚了10锭。"于是国王奖励他10座城邑。第二个佣人呈文说:"主人,你给我的一锭银子,我已赚了5 锭。"于是国王例嘉奖了他5座城邑。第三个仆人讲演说:"主人,你给我的一锭银子,我始终包在手巾里存着, 我怕丧失,一直不拿出来。"于是国王命令将第三个仆人的一锭银子也赐给第一个仆人,并且说:"但凡少的,就 连他所有的也要夺过来。凡多的,还要给他,叫他多多益善。"这就是马太效应。看看我们四周,就可以发明很多 马太效应的例子。朋友多的人会借助频繁的交往得到更多的友人;缺乏朋友的人会一直孤单下去。金钱方面更是如 斯,即使投资回报率雷同,一个比别人投资多10倍的人,收益也多10倍。
  对企业经营发展而言,马太效应则告诉我们,要想在某一个领域保持上风,就必需在此领域迅速做大。当你成 为某个领域的领头羊的时候,即使投资回报率相同,你也能更容易的取得比弱小的同行更大的收益。而若没有实力 敏捷在某个范畴做大,就要不停地寻找新的发展领域,能力保障失掉较好的回报。
  腕表定理是指一个人有一只表时,可以晓得当初是多少点钟,而当他同时领有两只表时却无法断定。两只表并 不能告知一个人更正确的时光,反而会让看表的人失去对精确时间的信念。你要做的就是选择其中较信任的一只, 努力校准它,并以此作为你的尺度,服从它的指引行事。记住尼采的话:"兄弟,如果你是荣幸的,你只要有一种 道德而不要贪多,这样,你过桥更轻易些。"
  如果每个人都"选择你所爱,爱你所选择",无论成败都可以心安理得。然而,困扰许多人的是:他们被"两 只表"弄得无所,心身交瘁,不知自己该信奉哪一个,还有人在环境、别人的压力下,违心选择了自己并不爱好的 途径,为此而郁郁毕生,即使获得了受人注视的成就,也领会不到成功的快活。
  手表定理在企业经营管理方面给我们一种十分直观的启示,就是对同一个人或统一个组织的管理不能同时采取 两种不同的方式,不能同时设置两个不同的目标。甚至每一个人不能由两个人来同时指挥,否则将使这个企业或这 个人无所适从。手表定理所指的另一层含意在于每个人都不能同时挑拣两种不同的价值观,否则,你的行动将陷于 凌乱。
  不值得定律最直观的表述是:不值得做的事件,就不值得做好,这个定律仿佛再简略不外了,但它的主要性却 时时被人们疏忘。不值得定律反应出人们的一种心理,一个人如果从事的是一份自认为不值得做的事情,往往会坚 持冷言冷语,草草了事的立场。不仅胜利率小,而且即便成功,也不会感到有多大的成绩感。
  1、价值观。对于价值观我们已经谈了良多,只有契合我们价值观的事,jimmy choo designer handbags,我们才会满怀热情去做。
  2、个性和睦质。一个人如果做一份与他的个性气质完全背离的工作,他是很难做好的,如一个好来往的人成 了档案员,或一个害羞者不得不天天和不同的人打交道。
  3、事实的处境。同样一份工作,在不同的处境下去做,给咱们的感触也是不同的。例如,在一家至公司,假 如你最初做的是打杂跑腿的工作,你很可能认为是不值得的,可是,一旦你被晋升为领班或部分经理,你就不会这 样以为了。
  总结一下,值得做的工作是:合乎我们的价值观,合适我们的个性与气质,并能让我们看到冀望。如果你的工 作不具备这三个因素,monster beats tour,你就要斟酌换一个更适合的工作,并尽力做好它。
  因而,对个人来说,应在多种可供挑选的奋斗目的及价值观中筛选一种,而后为之而斗争。"抉择你所爱的, 爱你所取舍的",才可能激发我们的奋斗毅力,也才可以心安理得。而对一个企业或组织来说,则要很好地剖析员 工的性情特征,公道调配工作,如让造诣欲较强的职工独自或牵头来完成存在必定危险和难度的工作,并在其实现 时给予定时的确定和赞赏;让依靠欲较强的职工更多地加入到某个集团中独特工作;让权利欲较强的职工担负一个 与之能力相适应的主管。同时要增强员工对企业目标的认同感,让员工感到到自己所做的工作是值得的,这样才干 激发职工的热忱。
  彼得原理是美国学者劳伦斯?彼得在对组织中人员晋升的相干景象研讨后得出的一个论断;在各种组织中,因 为习惯于对在某个等级上称职的职员进行提升选拔,因此雇员老是趋势于晋升到其不称职的位置。彼得原理有时也 被称为"向上爬"原理。这种现象在现实生涯中无处不在:一名称职的教学被提升为大学校长后无法胜任;一个优 良的运发动被提升为主管体育的官员,而碌碌无为。
  对一个组织而言,一旦组织中的相称局部人员被推到了其不称职的级别,就会造成组织的人浮于事,效力低下 ,导致平淡者出人头地,发展停止。因此,这就请求转变单纯的"依据奉献决议晋升"的企业员工晋升机制,不能 因某个人在某一个岗位级别上干得很杰出,就推断此人一定可能胜任更高一级的职务。要建破迷信、合理的人员选 聘机制,客观评估每一位职工的能力和程度,将职工部署到其可以胜任的岗位。不要把岗位晋升当成对职工的主要 奖励方式,应树立更有效的奖励机制,更多地以加薪、休假等方法作为奖励手腕。有时将一名职工晋升到一个其无 法很好发挥才能的岗位,不仅不是对职工的奖励,反而使职工无法很好发挥才能,也给企业带来丧失 。
  对个人而言,固然我们每个人都等待着不停地升职,但不要将往上爬作为本人的惟一能源。与其在一个无奈完 整胜任的岗位勉力支持、莫衷一是,还不如找一个自己能熟能生巧的岗位好好施展自己的特长。
  当你看到两位对弈者时,你就能够说他们正在玩"零和游戏"。由于在大多数情形下,总会有一个赢,一个输 ,如果我们把获胜盘算为得1分,而输棋为-1分,那么,这两人得分之跟就是:1+(-1)=0。
  这恰是"零和游戏"的基础内容:游戏者有输有赢,一方所赢正是另一方所输,游戏的总成就永 远是零。
  零和游戏原理之所以广受关注,主要是因为人们发现在社会的方方面面都能发现与"零和游戏"类似的局面, 成功者的光彩后面往往暗藏着失败者的辛酸和苦涩。从个人到国度,从政治到经济,好像无不验证了世界正是一个 宏大的"零和游戏"场。这种理论认为,世界是一个关闭的体系,财富、资源、机会都是有限的,个别人、个别地 区和个别国家财产的增添必定象征着对其余人、其他地域和国家的抢夺,这是一个"邪恶进化论"式的弱肉强食的 世界。
  但20世纪人类在阅历了两次世界大战,经济的高速增加、科技提高、寰球化以及日益重大的环境传染之后, "零和游戏"观念正逐步被"双赢"观点所代替。人们开端认识到"利己"不一定要建立在"损人"的基本上。通 过有效合作,大快人心的终局是可能呈现的。但从"零和游戏"走向"双赢",要求各方要有真诚合作的精力和勇 气,在合作中不要耍小聪慧,不要总想占别人的小廉价,要遵照游戏规矩,否则"双赢"的局势就不可能涌现,终 极吃亏的仍是自己。
  华盛顿合作规律说的是:一个人一丝不苟,两个人相互推诿,三个人则永无成事之日。多少有点相似于我们" 三个和尚"的故事。人与人的合作不是人力的简单相加,而是要庞杂和奥妙得多。在人与人的合作中,假设每个人 的才能都为1,那么10个人的合作成果就有时比10大得多,有时甚至比1还要小。因为人不是静止的动物,而 更像方向各异的能量,相推进时天然事半功倍,彼此抵牾时则一事无成。我们传统的管理实践中,对合作研究得并 未几,最直观的反映就是,目前的大多数管理轨制和行业都是致力于减少人力的无谓耗费,而非应用组织进步人的 效力。换言之,不妨说治理的重要目标不是让每个人做到最好,而是防止内讧过多。21世纪将是一个合作的时期 ,值得庆幸的是,越来越多的人已经意识到真挚合作的重要性,正在努力学习协作。
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Old 03-31-2011, 02:49 PM   #2
Commander In Chief
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Default Microsoft Office 2010 Professional Plus Key

I downloaded microsoft office Office 2010 Home And Student Key 2010 . It told me to enter in the 25 character product key . I did that and then it said it worked , then when i click continue it says the product key is invalid try Office 2010 Professional Plus Activation Keyanother key . What do i do ?I want to get microsoft office 2010 but my laptop has the 2007 trial version. Is it a big hassle to upgrade from the 2007 to the 2010 using the product key or am I better off with the cd instead? Has anyone tried office 2010? How does it compare to the 2007?With Windows 7, the same key is for 32 and 64 bit versions - so if your computer came with 32-bit Windows 7, and you had Windows 7 64-bit media, you could reinstall the 64-bit version with the Office Pro Plus 2010 Serial Key same key. Will the same be true for Office 2010?I bought my laptop today and it came with a free trial of office 2007. As part of the laptop deal, i got an office 2010 product key Office Standard 2010 Product Key with it, to unlock office 2010. If i don't have office 2010 on my laptop but i don't have a disk for it because i only have the product key, how do i get it?Just a word of advice make sure you Office 2010 Pro Plus Activation Key uninstall the trial version you already have first. (experience) Then from the Microsoft web site download Microsoft Office 2010 when you get it downloaded it will give you Office 2010 Professional Plusthe option of inserting the product key.
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Old 03-31-2011, 03:16 PM   #3
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Default Office 2010 Professional Activation Key

Also, if you have files that Office 2010 Serial are locked up in the new Word 2010 file format (.docx), here¡¯s a possibility for salvaging them. Microsoft offers a free Compatibility pack that allows earlier versions of Word Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Key (and Microsoft Works) to read and write Word 2010 files. If you have access to an earlier version, this can at least give you back your documents. Some new features of Word 2010 will Microsoft Office 2010 Upgrade Key be lost or converted to straight text in the conversion to the earlier version.If you already have it installed on your PC and just want the same key to reinstall it, then download and Office Pro 2010 Activation Keyrun Belarc Advisor. It scans your PC for all installed programs and displays the product key that was used Microsoft Office Standard 2010 Product Key to install it originally.
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Old 03-31-2011, 03:54 PM   #4
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Default Microsoft Office 2010

The product key code that was given to me doesn't work. I enter it and then when I click the continue button it says it is not valid. How can I find a key that works?If Office 2010 Serial you mean the product key on the bottom of the laptop or the back of your desktop or tower, that's only for the Windows operating system and does not work for any Office products. To get the trial copy to work, just click the Continue button without putting anything in the product key boxes.And are you using the same disk that you got when you bought Office? There are tons of different editions and license types Office 2010 Standard Activationfor Office, so your install source has to match the edition (such as Home & Student, Small Business, or Professional) and the license type (such as OEM, Retail, or Volume) that the key was Office 2010 Pro Plus intended for. As part of the laptop deal, i got an office 2010 product key with it, to unlock office 2010. If i don't have office 2010 on my laptop but i don't have a disk for it because i Office 2010 Professional Plus Activation Key only have the product key, how do i get it?Just a word of advice make sure you uninstall the trial version you already have first. (experience) Then from the Microsoft web site Office Pro Plus 2010 Product Keydownload Microsoft Office 2010 when you get it downloaded it will give you the Office 2010 Home And Business Keyoption of inserting the product key.
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Old 03-31-2011, 04:11 PM   #5
Commander In Chief
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Default Office 2010 Cd Key

I installed office Microsoft Office 2010 Product Key2010 on 10 computers last month. I downloaded the installer and the key from the microsoft licensing site. When I installed them, I was never prompted for a key. Now office to asking for a key. When you start outlook or any other app, office says this copy is Office 2010 Code unlicensed, but when you click the button to change the key, nothing happens. So I went to file tab, clicked help, then hit the "chnage product key" button. A window came up asking for the key. I entered the key, some green text under the key said it was checking the key. The green text disappeared and the continue button wa Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010s now pressable. So I Office 2010 32 Bitpressed continue and it started loading the installer, it said press continue to install microsoft office 2010, when I do that, the installer fails. open up office and it's Office 2010 32bit Keystill unlicensed. WTF is going on? why is the installer trying to run, I'm just replacing the key, which i've done before and I was never prompted by this. The installer is on a network Microsoft Office 2010 64bit share, that's where I installed it from. Can anyone tell me what is going on?
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