ElecBook Classics
comfortably seated in a couple of chairswaving their
handkerchiefs in token of recognition—a compliment which Mr.
Pickwick returned by kissing his hand to the lady.
The proceedings had not yet commenced; and as an inactive
crowd is generally disposed to be jocosethis very innocent action
was sufficient to awaken their facetiousness.
‘Ohyou wicked old rascal’ cried one voice‘looking arter the
girlsare you?’
‘Ohyou wenerable sinner’ cried another.
‘Putting on his spectacles to look at a married ’ooman
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‘I see him a-winkin’ at herwith his wicked old eye’ shouted a
‘Look arter your wifePott’ bellowed a fifth—and then there
was a roar of laughter.
As these taunts were accompanied with invidious comparisons
between Mr. Pickwick and an aged ramand several witticisms of
the like nature; and as they moreover rather tended to convey
reflections upon the honour of an innocent ladyMr. Pickwick’s
indignation was excessive; but as silence was proclaimed at the
momenthe contented himself by scorching the mob with a look of
pity for their misguided mindsat which yilai:
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