Dear JobsBlog: I went through a complete time interview loop two months back and during two of my interviews, I had very similar questions. Do the interviewers not talk to each other?
-Feeling Repetitive
Dear Feeling Repetitive: Our interviewers definitely talk to each other before the next person goes and meets a candidate. Part of that is to prevent them from asking the same questions,
Windows 7 Keygen, but the other reason is to make sure you get an opportunity to demonstrate a range of technical prowess – from coding,
Office Enterprise 2007, problem solving, creativity, design and more. I’m not sure what questions you received,
Microsoft Office Pro 2010, but if you had 2-3 test questions in a row and you’re interviewing for an SDET position, they are probably just assessing your testing skills by means of different questions. I’ve also heard of cases where a candidate coded a question but ran out of time so the second interviewer continued on with the same question, but asked the candidate to test the code once he finished with the problem. If anything,
Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise, I would take the second opportunity like it’s a golden ticket since it’s another chance for you to talk or think about a problem (out loud always helps!) that you might’ve missed earlier in the day. With this in mind, I would also suggest preparing several good questions you’d like to ask the interviewers so they don’t all get the same questions from you either,
Office Pro 2010 Key! - Ginny