Mr. Debian,
Microsoft Office 2010 Home And Stude/nt, a k a Linux Foundation Chief Technologies Officer Ian Murdock, isn't working on any secret Microsoft deals during his trip to Microsoft,
Microsoft Office Home And Stude/nt 2010, he says. After speaking to a select group of Softies about the Debian Linux distribution, at Microsoft's invitation, on February 20, Murdock blogged: "Yes,
Cheap Office 2010, I was at Microsoft today talking about Debian,
Windows 7 Download, Linux, and open source. No, there’s not a secret deal in the works between Microsoft and either Debian or the Linux Basis. Well, except for the secret plan to fight inflation." One ZDNet Talkback poster, willm1, who said he attended Murdock's Microsoft talk, reported: "I was at the event and Ian did a great job bridging the chasm between Linux and Microsoft. About 150 Microsoft folks were there and they really appreciated his talk. There were lots of questions, great answers and a respectful exchange of views. Well done,
Microsoft Office 2007 Key!"