Purepoint Stakes Jobs Adjacent to Red Willow Project in Athabasca Basin
Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. noted today that it's staked three properties totaling 23,141 hectares within the northeast margin of Canada’s Athabasca Basin. The Red Willow North and Red Willow East properties are contiguous with Purepoint’s Red Willow Challenge being advanced under a joint venture agreement with Rio Tinto. The Carson Lake property covers a strong electromagnetic (EM) conductor that is an extension of the conductive trend found in the southeast corner of Red Willow North.
Exploration will target basement-hosted, structurally controlled uranium deposits similar to the Eagle Point deposit situated 30 kilometers south of Red Willow North and 30 kilometers south-southwest of Red Willow East.
– The Red Willow North property hosts the continuation of the Red Willow
Osprey conductor on which recent Purepoint drilling returned intercepts
of 0.20% eU3O8 over 5.8 metres:
– The Osprey conductive trend extends eastward to the newly staked Carson
Lake property;
– The Red Willow East property covers the eastern extension of EM
conductors outlined around the Purepoint/Rio Tinto JV Red Willow task;
– All three new jobs are owned 100% by Purepoint
Red Willow North
The Red Willow North property consists of three claims covering favourable basement rocks over an area of 13,436 hectares. The claims include the northern extension of the Osprey conductor that extends onto the Red Willow North property and appears to be folded and faulted within a structurally complex area. The conductive trend then continues eastwards onto Hathor Exploration’s Hatchet Lake Task and Purepoint’s Carson Lake property.
A radioactive boulder occurrence consisting of approximately 125 radioactive boulders and one radioactive outcrop within an area of 1.5 km by 240m is located one kilometer to the southwest (down-ice direction) of Red Willow North. Uranium mineralization is associated with sheared and fractured biotite quartzite, pegmatite and graphitic gneisses with the best assays obtained from the regolith (1.43% U3O8).
The most western claim covers Topping Island located on Hatchet Lake. An historic five kilometer long EM conductor, arcuate in shape,
Buy Office 2007, has been outlined on the island. The conductor appears to be the eastern terminus of the conductive trend that hosts the Richardson Lake and Crooked Lake Zones on Denison Mines/Virginia Energy’s Hatchet Lake property. A 12-hole, 2,300 metre drill program has been approved by Denison/Virginia for the Richardson-Crooked Lake target and is planned for February of this year. Historic drill holes in the Richardson-Crooked Lake target area have returned uranium and polymetallic base-metal (Co,
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Red Willow East and Carson Lake
The Red Willow East property covers the eastern extension of EM conductors outlined around the Purepoint/Rio Tinto JV Red Willow undertaking. Purepoint has not yet conducted ground exploration in this portion of the property.
The Carson Lake property covers a strong northeast trending conductor that is approximately 10 kilometers in length. Results of historic exploration programs that cover the property will be reviewed with the goal of identifying favourable areas of structural complexity to begin ground-based fieldwork.