Lots of us have a favourite game show. If you're anything like me, you probably say, "I really should enter, I always seem to 'win' sitting at home here on the couch". Or maybe it's your friend or your mum egging you on, or even putting in an application form on your behalf. If you have a real intention to become a game show contestant at some point, here are five tips to improve the experience and your odds of getting on.
This may seem a touch obvious, but we all have plans, intentions and ambitions that we just never get around to acting on. And that's the way they never get to be anything other than pie in the sky dreams. Do you want that to be true for your game show dreams?
No matter what your favourite game show is - The Price Is Right, Deal or No Deal, Eggheads, whatever - there's a fundamental fact. You've got to be in it to win it! Or, you've got to apply in order to become a contestant.
You need to follow this step prior to applying. The show may have a rigorous selection procedure, which makes it important for you to have the fullest possible understanding of the contestant requirements, strategy and overall feel of the show. Watch old episodes, research the history of the show and know as much as you can about everyone involved with it.
Make sure you have a thorough understanding of the basis of the game both for the selection procedures and the show itself. If it's based on chance,
cheap shoes, you need to know any elements of strategy or tricks that can weight the course of play in your favour. On the other hand,
dunk sb, if it's a knowledge based game, where the smartest person or team wins, you need to get your research head on. For general knowledge, Wikipedia is a wonderful thing - you can just click the button for a random entry again and again, and learn about a thousand and one things you didn't even know you didn't even know! Or if you need to be expert on a niche, you can drill down and really get into the details of a specific area.
Treat applying to take part on a game show as a form of job interview - because in fact that's what it is. If you want to get the job, you need to fit the bill and look the part. Polish those shoes, whiten that smile,
china wholesale clothing, get suited and booted and look your absolute best when you meet the gatekeepers to the show.
How you present yourself more generally is part of that - mind your manners, watch your language, speak and conduct yourself in a manner appropriate for a contestant on the show you're interested in. (This may vary show by show: some may be looking for a more outgoing or 'snarky' persona than others. But if in doubt, stick to 'well-spoken and friendly'.)
Listen, if you want to get on the TV it's no good being a shrinking violet. Show producers and their assistants are going to want people who can project and engage viewer attention on camera. If you can't meet anyone's eye and giggle instead of talking, it's not going to get you too far. So lift your head up, look people (and the camera) in the eye, and most of all don't forget to SMILE!
So treat it that way. If you get on, then go for the sake of having a good time, the time of your life,
cheap clothing, and walking away with no regrets. If it's a big money show, you have to accept before you even set foot in the studio that you may walk away with nothing but pennies in your pocket. No matter how good your strategy, no matter how lucky you feel - there are no guarantees. So don't rely on this one night to say goodbye to your house payment. The 'house' usually wins, even on TV.