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Old 04-28-2011, 09:47 PM   #1
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 2,505
alicetrade1l is on a distinguished road
Default 你的使命:救命国度

  当基甸正忙着自救时,神的使者要他去救国;当时基甸以为自己势单力孤,但神的使者命令他说:【去】(参 考士师记六章14节)。我们经常会去说明神的命令,但神更器重顺服,discount jimmy choo shoes。接下来,我要讲一个对于职场女性的故事,在美国最大的可怕攻打事件停止后,神应用她将盼望带给上百万人。 九逐一事件产生确当天,她感到自己力气菲薄,但她顺服了神的率领,一往无前。
  二OO一年九月十一日是我们想忘都忘不了的日子。一架飞机撞上世贸大楼,随即第二架飞机又撞上另一栋高 楼。我们眼睁睁地看着所发生的一切,几秒内,两栋世界上最高的大楼登时倒塌,成了一堆瓦砾,气象惊心动魄, 恐惧向四处蔓延开来。
  当我们得悉第三架飞机撞上五角大厦时,我们的错愕转成惶恐和仇恨;在那之前,五角大厦代表美国坚不可摧 的碉堡,如今却成了靶子,这一切的灾害皆因恐怖分子而起。之后,又有一架飞机在宝洲的草地上坠毁。美国有如 在大庭广众之下被施暴,而就在我们伤痛呜咽的当下,我们的对手却欢乐地庆祝着。
  接下来的多少天,无尽的伤痛、迷惑及惊骇覆盖着我们,咱们的国度仿佛一下子迷失了方向。很多人一早起来 都巴不得这只是梦魇,但晨间消息却残暴地告知我们这都是真的。新闻主播面容严正,带着繁重的语调播报后续新 闻。惨不忍睹的新闻画面提示着我们,这所有都不是凭空假造的,已有上千人可怜罹难。曾经神圣不可侵的国家, 现在竟惨遭变故。
  但就在一片愁云惨雾的那个星期五,发生了一件事,安抚了人们惊恐不安的心。那一天,在华盛顿特区的【国 家大教堂】举行了一场全国性的祷告大会,与会者有总统及数不清的政府官员和达官显耀。全程录影转播至全美, 以及全世界。祷告大会岂但揭橥美国的信心,更主要的是,表示了基督教的精力。葛理翰牧师传讲了一场生平最出 色的道,他不疾不徐地传将福音,用词浅白、态度诚挚,深深感动人心。总统也站上讲台,对着在失望中挣扎的数 百万大众传讲信心和生机。最不堪设想的是,各地人们收看这场祷告大会时,心中也焚烧起信念和希 望,nike air max 24 7。数百万的人重拾信心,确信神是高坐宝座为王的,祂的手依然守护那些投奔祂的人。举凡看见这个节目的人都可 以感触到属灵氛围一分一秒地在转变。
  这场祷告大会成了有史以来收视率最高的宗教服事。透过同步翻译,世界各国的观众都听闻神的道。基督的信 息素来没有像当初这样地触动宽大人群的心,犹如黑暗中的明光照射。从那一刻起,愿望取代不安,神透过祈祷成 绩大事。二OO一年玄月十四日星期五的那场祷告大会掀起了一波属灵浪潮。即使将来还有更多的试炼,但信奉却 让大家体认到光亮老是赛过黑暗。
  鲜少有人知道,部署这场祷告大会的居然是一位年青的职场女性。她的名字是伽若蒂·瓦丽丝,芳龄二十六, 是白宫总统事务推进小组成员。当这场服事国家、世界的国际性祷告大会须要一名主事者时,神亲身拣选了伽若蒂 。
  然而,进程一波三折,险象环生。当时伽若蒂和她在白宫的共事面临严苛的挑衅,情形一团凌乱,他一度灰心 得想逃进座车,一路直驶加州,回到老家及父母暖和的怀抱。但是,她并不这么做。以下是她的回想 :
  二OO一年九月十一日星期二对我来说不过就像平常一样,我想,对大局部的人而言也是如此。我在八点到达 办公室,接着坐到我的位子上、戴上耳机开始收服从八点至八点半由杰克·海福德牧师所主讲的空中信息,一切都 和平凡没什么两样;而后我和同事史蒂芬妮过到对街去买培果当早餐。
  我们才一回来,就看到另一间办公室的电视,正播放着世贸大楼着火的画面。我问世贸大楼为什么会着火,一 个面带惊惧的白宫实习生告诉我们,有两架飞机撞上世贸大楼。恐惧袭击举动好像已在毫无预警的状 态下开展了。
  当时我的第一个动机只是想回到自己的办公室看电视新闻,当史蒂芬妮和我走到转角处时,我们碰到刚从办公 室走出来的另一位同事,她的眼神带着恐惧,试图描写她从电视上看到的一切。我懂得到事态重大,于是开始思考 ,并且倡议同办公室的人离开这栋大楼。
  我并没有立刻分开而开端祷告求神守旧。未几之后,有线电视新闻网开始报导白宫疏散的消息,新闻播出旧行 政办公大楼的大厅画面,画面上一大群人拼命想逃出大楼,争先恐后地冲向间隔他们最近的出口。我们上气不接下 气地冲下楼,不知要往哪个方向去。我感到好像在看一场灾害片子,只是我们也入了镜,成为剧中的一角。我看见 副总统的车队从大楼西翼出来,美国情治单位的职员也预备要撤出;西翼所有大门全开,好让我们疾速分散;身穿 制服的官员大喊着:【快逃命!】
  我在父母家的语音信箱留下讯息,告诉他们我们正在逃离白宫,请他们千万要为我代祷!当我们绕过第十七街 的街角时,忽然每个人都仰头朝着天空看。一架客机在白宫上空漫无目标地绕着圈子飞。
  当人们对着身穿制服的特勤人员高喊:【我们该往哪里去?】他们的答复只是:【能跑多快就跑多快,能离多 远就离白宫多远。】这是何等混乱的逃难局面啊!
  当时我正用手机和母亲通话,我跑向座车时恰好挂断电话。我不断定恐怖攻击会不会持续下去,于是试着拟出 逃难规划。我和史蒂芬妮逃进停靠在华盛顿纪念碑邻近的车内。当时情况危险万分,因为我们不知道恐怖分子接下 来会不会对留念碑动员攻击,于是往宪法大道驶去。我宣布神在诗篇九十一篇7节中所提的应许:【虽有千人扑倒 在你旁边,万人扑到在你右边,这灾却不邻近你。】我向祂祷告,求祂差遣天使来围绕我的座车,并一路护送我们 回家。
  此时烟雾正从五角大厦袅袅升起,一度回旋在上空的飞机不见了。我们朝着我的屋子开去,心里心神不宁。我 知道经由美国国务院很冒险,但最快的一条路就是通过附近国务院的维斯福桥。我把车开上桥时缓和得直冒冷汗, 但这是回家惟一的路线,只好闯一闯了。当我们保险的过了桥后,便往回家方向的公路驶去。当时收音机正报导着 大楼崩塌的消息,听来让人心惊胆跳;我无奈用电话联系上任何人,因为所有的线路都断了!
  当时我的直觉就是长途开车西行,回加州和父母团圆,于是开始打包行李,方案接下来的行程。当我正在整理 时,心中响起一个幽微的声音要我保持现状。这一刻,信心的试炼临到我,因为我才刚打理好准备要走。当时我不 清楚这到底是怎么回事,但事件过后,我从母亲和史考特·鲍索牧师的对话中得到谜底。史考特牧师是我在洛杉矶 教会的主任牧师,他说,主给他一句话:【主将伽若蒂放在白宫就是为了这一刻。她在那儿不仅是帮总统支配行程 罢了。她是为了在此一关键时刻,为总统和全国庶民带求。正如以斯帖乃是【为着现今的机遇】。
  对一个想回到加州亲人身边的女孩而言,这样的挑战是大了些。接下来,我在星期二的晚上接到一通电话,指 导我星期三早上到办公室去。不回家而留在白宫对我而言着实是项艰苦的决议,然而,还有许多事等着我去做。虽 然心惊肉跳,但我心坎深处却有着出乎意料的安全。于是,我在星期三早上回到工作岗位。大概在上午十一点左右 ,奉命翻出国际天主祷告大会的旧档案材料,找出之前为了筹备大会而收集的一切相干讯息。我们在当天下战书五 点左右得知,布希总统和第一夫人将要在星期五,也就是九月十四日的中午十二点整,到国家大教堂参【全国祷告 大会】。
  负责筹办祷告大会是项殊荣。之前的那场祷告大会曾经有整整三十一天的时间准备,然而十四日的【全国祷告 大会】却只有三十一个小时,所有的资料都得在短短时光内征集齐全,但我在这件事上看到神是何等的信实。神知 道我需要把所有的资料都找齐了,祂就为我预备。
  我们日以继夜地准备着,邀请讲员并和交通部及联邦航空局等联络,安排交通事宜(所有的机场都在恐怖攻击 之后即时封闭)。在筹备会议进行到一半时,我们再次被告诉要疏散。当我从办公室出来,看到人们冲下楼的景况 ,几乎吓了一跳。但我深知神与我同在!神真的参与了,因为全国祷告大会进行得非常顺利,带来美 妙的果效。
  接下来的礼拜天,我思考着本人的生命如何阅历戏剧性的改变,今天的我已经和以前的我大不雷同了。神提醒 我:【是的,生命改变了,但我(神)永不转变。】祂昨日、本日,始终到永远都不改变!那段经文对我来说意思 不凡。
  伽若蒂并没有瞒哄自己在恐怖攻击之后,曾经想尽措施打算逃离,她本来大可以这么做的。虽然她的气力微薄 ,但是她还是挑选留下来。成果,神使用她表演要害性的角色——支配全国祷告大会,服事全世界数以百万计的人 。她不是专业的传道人,但神却大大使用她,透过她经手的那场祷告大会向上百万人传讲神的道。症结就在于,她 知道神将她安顿在白宫就是为了【这一天】,因此情愿愿意被神使用。她在恐怖时取舍顺服,带来不一样的结果。 他不再是个只求自保的女孩,而成为福音的使者,使上百万的人因此得福。
  伽若蒂的故事和基甸很相似。当我们一想到基甸时,就会想到英雄。事实上,基甸并不完美,asics onitsuka tiger。当神的使者对他谈话时,他正在酒柞那里忙着将一些麦子藏起来,好逃往山上。当时神与以色列人同在已有四十 年。几年之后,米甸人逐步富强,并残酷地压抑以色列人。每逢撒种收割之时,米甸人便会上来攻打以色列人。神 的子民潜藏在岩穴时,这群寇仇会吃掉他们的土产,偷去他们的畜生;以色列人士气低落,听凭仇敌抢夺,委曲仰 赖残余的物质过活。他们失去了信心和渴望。
  基甸的情况和伽若蒂相差无几,他也曾试图为自己积攒一些麦子。但神的使者却对他说:【大能的勇士啊,耶 和华与你同在!】
  基甸既没有【大能】,也不是【勇士】,甚至还囤积麦子筹备流亡呢!然而,神的使者却称他为【大能的勇士 】。起因何在?因为神的意念高过我们的意念。他不是以世俗的目光来看我们从前的失败,祂所看的到是我们未来 的得胜。
  基甸质疑天使的宣告,他指出这些话不合乎他的现况:【耶和华若与我们同在,我们何至遭受这一切事呢?我 们的列祖不是向我们说……祂那样巧妙的作为在哪里呢?】他在懊丧中下论断:【现在祂却抛弃我们,将我们交在 米甸人手里】(士师记六章13节)。
  神并没有给予基甸任何的回答,相反地,神却给了他一道命令:【你靠着你这能力去……救命以色列人】(士 师记六章14节)。基甸会有多大能力呢?诚实说,没有!然而,神不在乎他有没有才能,神在意的是他是否顺服 。即便基甸满头脑怀疑,他还是按照神所唆使的去行。于是,他拆毁父亲家中的坛,不外,选在夜间行事,由于怕 邻舍晓得。无论如何,他究竟仍是行了。他为求验证在神眼前放了一团羊毛,求神显出兆头,但在他得到证明之后 ,却因心理有困惑又求神再显一次兆头。此外,神嘱咐他下到敌营去,并告诉他,假使惧怕,能够带着仆人同行, 他随即带着佣人同去。以上种种,我们可以看出基甸心怀害怕,但纵使如斯,他还是去了,尽管害怕却仍然顺服的 立场,monster beats in ear headphones,是基甸成为好汉的主因。他底本不是个壮士,却因为抉择顺服而抢救了他的国家。
  城市的中心在于市井。要改变一座城市,就得先翻转市井。这是你的呼召,你的使命。定睛在神对你的旨意上 ,不要把眼光放在你的环境或你所惧怕的事情上。顺服远高过常识!
  首先的人类——亚当和夏娃——住在伊甸园。神吩咐他们照管园子并管理全地,还让他们知道祂供给他们一切 所需(参考创世纪一章29节)。今天我们已不住在伊甸园中,而是住在城市里。城市是神所爱的。圣经中只有两 处记录耶稣哭泣:一次是为他最好的友人拉撒路而哭,另一次则是为耶路撒冷城。城市就即是是古代版的伊甸园, 神的命令乃是要我们善加治理。假如所有的带职基督徒都能明确这点,他们就会了解天天的工作就是服事。每当他 们实现一笔交易时,兴修一道墙,或是回了一通电话,就等于照管神创造的一切。在伊甸园里,【工作】就是【敬 拜】,神会在天起了凉风之时,下来与他们共商这一天的大小事,今天在城市亦是如此。
  身负照管万物的使命,带职基督徒领有属灵权柄,得以赛过恶者一切的能力(参考路加福音十章17~21节 )。当我们如此行时,黑暗国度便会没落,而神的国度将崛起,使祂的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上 。
  这不是个梦,而是神差派给我们的任务。为了实现这项义务,我们需要弄明白神学上的一个关键:我们一点都 不会猜忌,神的创造之所以受到污染,是因为撒旦将罪带进亚当和夏娃的生命。然而,我们却不能接收,恩典因着 耶稣进入我们的生命,可以恢复被罪传染的发明。若说罪会带来极大的损坏,那么,恩惠当然也能带来更大的救赎 ;因为罪在哪里显多,恩典就更显多。
  身为基督徒的我们信任,这个世界中将废去,我们正等侯新天新地的到来。但事实是,纵使新天新地必定会降 临,我们仍应在地上彰显神的国家。我们的身体就是个很好的例子:在意识基督前,因为我们跟从空中掌权者的领 袖,因而身体就成了恶者的殿(参考以弗所书二章1~3节);然而当基督进入我们的性命后,身体就成了圣灵的 殿。固然我们知道,目前的身领会匆匆老化,终需一逝世,但我们依然尽可能地好好颐养爱惜。只管我们在永恒里 的身材会成为完善的形体,但我们仍然尽可能地坚持身体的圣洁跟健康。同理可利用在地上的事:在新天新地来临 之前,让我们将神的国传扬至世上每个角落,好让神的旨意行在地上,犹如行在天上。
  这就是为什么我们需要视自己为神恩典的管道,将救赎带进职场。你早已因恩典得救,因此你必需让神来使用 你去改变你的环境。这是神早在天上就发布的旨意。
  当基甸和他的仆人下到敌人营垒时,他们闻声敌军念叨着米甸营倾覆的梦,作梦的人请同伴为他解梦,他的错 误明白的告诉他,他们已被交在基甸的刀下。基甸那时既没有握刀,也尚未准备要攻击,但神早已藉着梦晓论他的 仇人,将成功归给他。神的意念高过基甸的筹算。虽然基甸对自己没有信心,但神重视他、使用他。
  同样的准则也实用在你身上。神宣告你是大的勇士,祂说:【当我说你是你就是,相信我的话!靠着你的能力 去援救你的国家,而不是试图自保。不要再把力量花在功成名就上,而是要着手去转化职场。你能如此不是因为我 赐大能给你,乃是因为你能顺服。】
  这就是伽若蒂的困难。胆怯感和神的声音使她面临天人交战:前者大叫着要她进入车内逃往加州;后者要她回 到白宫实行她的使命。
  顺服是神所等待的。现在就举目仰望神为你筹划的永恒使命。祂正准备使用你来转化职场。你预 备好了吗?
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Old 04-28-2011, 09:48 PM   #2
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11, spicy fish
12, super simple and easy waffles
13, caramelized bananas
14, winter tonic mutton soup
15, pine nuts and corn
16, spicy shrimp
17, old jars chicken legs
18, pickled loach
19, farm fish
20, spicy broth
21, from pickled salted egg
22, glutinous rice bacon roll
23, loosely soft coconut ball
24, ribs taste mouth Fragrance
25, salt and pepper spare ribs
braised bream (full record plan)
1. bought an eight-double of the bream (feeling too small, this is a child fishing will be released if caught, but unfortunately the market has rarely seen the kind of home 2 - 4 pounds more than the big bream, and in fact, that if the Yangtze River Delta on the best bream, with an estimated all the good things of childhood almost extinct) necessary ginger, onions, garlic.
2. attention to clean the fish abdominal cavity, and now the water has different degrees of pollution, so the fish's abdominal cavity has a black film!
3. clipping both sides of the fish knife on the flower - so easy tasty
4. because the fish is small, so no need to do crosswise, diagonal slices 3 blade on it - note the diagonal cut into the meat, not a straight cut!
5. the fish on both sides evenly with some salt, and even the abdominal cavity can also get that tasty little early to do! I do not like some of the practice of dipping the flour, I feel that destroyed the skin's texture!
6. Modulation good fish on the plate, accompanied by ginger, garlic shoot flat, dry chili, and then added some green onions! several colors look pretty good!
7. pot drawing, oil burn to take the blue smoke, the next stir ingredients into the incense, the fire can not be too much, mainly Stir flavor.
8. so when the yellow onion and garlic can remove inactive ingredients, red pepper, black special attention can not be fried, it does not look good the
10. the rest of the oil used to fry it! oil 6 points on it
11. both sides of yellow on it, you can also fry a little old point!! careful when turning the fish, broke to fall through the
12. and then you can put a small bowl of water (the family does not stock) began to cook - well done oil and more restaurants, people and even oil cooked whole family to practice their own strategy! water was added after the important wine + sauce, is a fishy flavor staining steps!
13. put the ingredients together with the previously burned, the soup into a pinch of salt, to consider the amount of Oh, because soy sauce is salty, the back must add sauce, including the fish itself and into the off taste of it! keep the the sauce over the fish, to ensure even heating!
14. Add a tablespoon bean paste, this is what I like ~ ~ home base is made of red pepper paste!
15. burned for a moment, the fish on the familiar, easy to destroy a long time to shape!
16. Now the fish dish, and sprinkle with green onion leaves - so you think you do a good job?
17. pot and some soup too! essence ah! adding a little sugar and vinegar,mbt shoes on sale, monosodium glutamate, a good tune for a bowl of water, starch, pot, the fire to boil, stir quickly, a bit sticky time to clean wok!
18. the last process - doused with soup! juice how much to hold their own, less is too dry, not much flavor!
19. Done! looks good!

practice of bean curd (graphic)
1. preparation materials: bean curd cubes (medium hardness), beef mince, bean paste, salt, wine, crushed red pepper, garlic, ginger, pepper powder, water, starch, soy sauce, a little sugar.
2. pot add a little vegetable oil, fire heating, oil heat, then added to the bean paste, salt, red pepper, garlic, ginger, pepper powder, ground beef, ground beef can be marinated with the sauce after a and add. Saute.
3. add tofu cut into small pieces. Gaixiao fire, bring to boil.
4. until tofu cooked, changed the fire, add the water, starch, sugar, wine, MSG, soy sauce a good tune. To be attached even after the sauce off the heat, serve.
5. Remove from heat, sprinkle with pepper noodles, fragrant, full of spicy Sichuan tofu and serve it!

homemade potato cake (illustration)
1. Wash potatoes, steaming pot on the tray (privately that pressure cooker heat is also good, and very easy to do! but never used pressure cooker GGMM recommended not to risk it!)
2. Beat the eggs, add milk, add a small amount of salt, cotton, sugar, monosodium glutamate (chicken is even more okay!)
3. steamed potatoes to peel, crumble
4. eggs, milk and juice into a good tune, add some flour, stir desperately ah!
5. will be added over flour (amorphous) after the potato cake into the pan fried into shape, remember to do low heat, otherwise it will affect the color of potato pie.
6. lovely and delicate and delicious potato cake pan it!

teach you to do (full map)
1, wok clean, hot, the next two tablespoons of oil, put three or four tablespoons of sugar, turn a small fire.
preparation: a piece of pork, cut into strips one centimeter square.
2, with Chao Shao stirring constantly, so sugar dissolves, becoming reddish-brown sugar, which is also called fried candy colors.
3, to cut the pork into, fried evenly, so that the meat is coated with sugar, go sleep Color
4, add soy sauce, cooking wine, ginger, rock sugar, a little salt,mbt shoes review, boil and then change a small fire two or three minutes later. Such as juice or less volatile, increasing the fire sauce
5, which is doing the same again
boil winter warm-up melon balls (Photos)
Material: pig meat (must be a thin fat), melon, starch, soy sauce, rice wine, diced green onion, garlic, ginger, salt, chicken little.
pig meat plus starch, soy sauce, salt, rice wine and mix well.
add a little oil in a pan, heat, garlic, ginger until fragrant.
add water, boil, and then the pig meat, shape into small round balls one by one, down into the pot. Balls like this.
balls in the pan like to forget the photos. Cook over medium heat for 10 minutes, the next cut melon pieces.
cook a bit soft when the melon, add chicken and salt, soft melon can completely turn off the heat, pan. Sprinkle some chopped onions, the taste is really good! We look at it!

pot belly sheep in winter tonic (graphic)
the market today to see the sheep are very fresh pork belly, I bought a couple of pounds, ready to be a sheep, pot belly.
ingredients with the water chestnuts, carrots, ginger.
first to boil hot, fry the meat down into the dry, remove the water.
new clean wok, put ginger, saute the south milk.
joining the already fried mutton, fried fan non-stop, adding a little wine, soy sauce, brown sugar, salt, an appropriate amount of boiled for 15 minutes.
then add water chestnut and carrot stew.
stew of lamb and a half hours to do pull pot belly, that did not smell of urine odor

Pickle Beef (graphic)
hot and sour pickled appetizer is my first choice, the color and bright red, looking at all people inviting.
seasoned beef cut into thick wire sizing, Pickle shred, shredded celery
beef in oil under the temperature and remove the pan
saute Pickle wire, put celery stir fry
next to the beef and stir well.
beef, low fat, crude fiber, celery, peppers can also help the fat burning, this is a diet food.

sweet and sour octopus (graphic)
Material: chilled octopus two
Ingredients: ginger, garlic, hot pepper, pepper, onion, sugar, vinegar, soy sauce, etc.
1, wash cut pieces, mix a little cornstarch or flour, wok fry until golden surface
2, picked up and air dry
3, peppercorns until fragrant, pour the ingredients (onions first, not down), add a little sugar into the soy sauce, wine vinegar
4, fried octopus into the block, turning even the slightest tasty stew for two minutes.
5, add a little chicken seasoning, sauce with a cornstarch sauce, put green onion, ready to pot
Well, smell the smell of it!

Jingwei full Braised Prawns (graphic)
Braised Prawns
authentic Beijing cuisine is a small poor in material resources, when combined with the masses of working people and on the road at well-off society, this delicious and only when the Spring Festival will be on the table to me greedy self .
now life is better, eat them is already a commonplace thing, but still can not help but think of a child often do Braised Prawns dad ......
Ingredients: shrimp (not the bigger the better, moderate to so tasty)
Ingredients: onion, ginger, sugar, cooking wine, salt, vinegar, stock, the amount of MSG
1, shrimp to the net to be feet first, sandbags gland wash. I bought the shrimp is not very big and looked pretty clean, too lazy to get him to the sandbags gland, Oh.
2, washed with a small amount of salted shrimp look and control of water.
onions, ginger.
or ingredients, and ultimately, the different: cooking wine, vinegar.
3, Chao Shao oil till almost 5 into heat (hand on the oil at the top, feeling slightly hot), put both sides of shrimp fry until stiff.
4, Jian Hao pour out the shrimp aside.
5, if there is also some oil when Chao Shao, then put the oil hot put onion, ginger and stir-Chao Chu flavor; If there is no oil, needs to refuel.
6, then pour the shrimp and then slightly fry Jian Hao red,
7, came alive again in cooking wine, vinegar, broth, salt, sugar, MSG, boiled with stir-fry for about 3 minutes Wei Huo, the spoon out of the fire code after the sauce together, pour sauce over the shrimp on a plate can be.

fried eggplant box (Figure)
one meat
required materials: onion, ginger, garlic, salt, MSG, cooking wine, soy sauce, and meat and mix well.
Second, flour
water into a paste, add a small amount of salt.
III, eggplant
sections, each of a set of two pieces, while not cutting through, to maintain adhesion, a bit like clam shells.
preparatory process:
the meat stuffed between two slices of eggplant group, caught just two pieces of eggplant.
Cooking steps:
First, the meat of the tomato mussels sandwiched ban placed inside the prepared flour paste, the whole wrapped in a layer of batter.
II, into the frying pan heat the oil.
Third, continue to turn it over fried, until the sides yellow.
pan it!

Spicy Fish (Graphic)
mild, mostly fragrant. Old is also not much to eat steamed mean, to buy fish, remove the meat, fish bones for the rest of the fish head soup,mbt lami sale, one fish two to eat, good.
a live fish, cuts clean, take both sides of the meat, cut butterfly pieces, marinate with seasoning for 30 minutes.
hot oil cooked.
pot and saute the garlic over a little oil.
then dried chili peppers and ginger until fragrant, add a little water, soy sauce, sugar to boil.
put fish wrapped in the soup, pour vinegar, hook thin qian, sprinkle with onion, turning spoon pan.
spicy, crispy, slightly sweet and sour fish to do a good job!

Super simple and easy omelet
mouth from the beginning to do eat, it does not take half an hour, fast and simple ~~~~~~
ingredients: flour, 150g, 2 eggs, salt amount, water amount (about 300ml), oil 20g, take appropriate
the eggs, salt, oil, water, salt and melted together to beat, slowly add the flour mix, flour, a lump on the pressure with a spoon, mix until the last Canadian to spend no dough. Wake up a few minutes.
open in the fire, with a flat non-stick pan, pour a little oil, to batter down the middle to go down to the batter spread to the surrounding irregular prove that the batter is too thick, add water in the batter.
dilute the batter after a very even fallen to four weeks away, shaking pan batter quickly flow.
change color to see the batter and shake the pan surface, when the batter has been fixed, you can turn it over to fry, and (the best way to turn it over with, the one is not hot, and secondly, training Shoujin)
turn it over to cover the pot, you can not be built. Well ... ... eat! Add cup of black coffee!

caramelized bananas (graphic)
material super simple: bananas 4, flour 50g, 75g cornflour, 1 egg, water, 250 grams of sugar, oil
banana cut, the flour, eggs, coupled with the right amount of water, mix well. Pot with lots of oil, fried bananas. The banana surface, like a savory fried to crunchy. I once put up a few, and finally all the bananas back to a skillet, as far as possible all the surfaces are hard.
pot add a little oil, add sugar, stir constantly over medium heat, you will see from the dolphin to the sugar melts gradually, and then quickly from white to light yellow to deep yellow and then to light brown. This time we can pour the banana and stir to sleep bananas are wrapped in old sugar.
candied banana caramel crispy outside, soft inside waxy waxy, very good. Fly in the ointment and banana flour a little bit outside of the package softened to do after the batter to adjust the formula.

mutton soup in winter tonic (graphic)
bought a leg of lamb last night, what white goat, together with skin stew.
raw materials: a leg of lamb, cut into pieces, the best is called the butcher cut the large point. Two potatoes, a green radish, carrots, two, light blue part of it, a piece of butter, pepper amount.
preferably whole white pepper stew, I did not buy, only a pan, add pepper.
leg of lamb into the soup over water fishing praise, add the right amount of water, add pepper to taste (afraid to eat pepper can be wrapped with gauze), pepper can be good to remove the smell of mutton, the fire heating.
lamb stew side, while other materials will be handled. Onion cut into sections, ginger cut large Paisui, potatoes, carrot chunks to Pi Houqie.
best shot is broken ginger, ginger juice that can burn out, the soup will absorb the spicy ginger, which fend off the cold and good taste.
materials are added to the soup all the praise, the fire to boil, to bubble, turn the small fire to burn slowly, at least 1 hour or more.
after the pan with salt and white pepper can be discretionary, but also have coriander!
can now drink! !

pine corn (illustration)
for success
necessary ingredients:
a bowl of sweet corn, pine nuts in a small bowl, pepper (small) one carrot (small) one, shallot one.
Seasoning: salt, half tsp.
1, the pepper, carrot, green onion cut all of the small size of corn kernels.
2, first of all pine nuts off the oil. This step to be more careful! ! Because Song Rente easy to paste! ! ! !
pot filling, until the oil temperature 3 into the heat, put pine nuts into the pot, to keep a small fire, eyes wide open, while stirring and as soon as look at a little white pine a little color, we must hurry fishing out of drain. Thus, use of residual heat, pine nuts can Zhashu, Krusty the change.
I was good with fried before the pine nuts, so there is no process map, and this step is too tight can not attend to take photographs.
3, the other from a pot, add base oil, while under the green onion and carrots stir-fried, stir, add peppers, fragrant, stir fry a few, can be added to stir fry the sweet corn kernels, until cooked, add half teaspoon salt, dish pan.
fried corn!
4, to prepare a good pine nuts, pour into dish, mix well, to eat can be opened)
Intimate Tip:
1, peppers, carrots, here is mainly from the role of color, pick a smaller one so basically it.
2, this dish though they do not add a little sugar, but sweet corn kernels and pine nuts of the reason, basically sweet flavor. But the plus half the normal cooking with salt or even 1 / 3, you can make this dish taste more fresh.
3, the reason why the pine nut mix in the final disk, you can better maintain its crispy taste spicy shrimp (Photos)
Some white shrimp
sea, back to open side.
main ingredient chili, pepper and some ginger, garlic slices, onion shredded pepper foam a few, have a piece of foam ginger slices.
pot into the oil, remember to little more than usual amount of meat dishes as fried oil and more oil to double it big fire hot, pour in shrimp.
fry for a while, add dried chili peppers and pepper, stir fry, heat the oil to taste the spicy and the Commission are
a spicy and hemp taste, add ginger and garlic slices, pickled, hot ginger (do not put onions first)
Stir ginger and garlic flavor, add soy sauce, white sugar right amount, a little wine when going to pot, add onion, stir add salt.
a clean wok.

old jar of chicken legs (Figure)
remember several years ago my mother came to Shenzhen, my home for dinner, a look came, Han did not put a white sauce of chicken feet, and my heart whispered straight, like white water is boiled chicken feet, dipped spices it can be he found was not any sauce bowl, clip a bite, ah, how so refreshing,mbt sports shoes sale, her mother said with a smile, is to use old pickle jars, blisters, ah! No wonder it this good, I like it, my mother see me so like, they often do, the fridge, I love watching TV while eating, really happy days ah ... ... ...
practices: Wash the chicken legs, release the water pot no more than ten minutes, using chopsticks can penetrate the can, and picked up a cold water, put crisper, the scoop the water into the old jars of pickles, swamp chicken legs, the way fishing for a few pickled pepper, celery slices and then cut with the bubble point, after two hours in the fridge you can eat.
Note: Do not cook chicken legs a long time, gum out, and on into the skin froze.
burned two winter oyster (Figure)
ingredients: mushrooms 50 grams (dry), bamboo shoots 150 grams.
accessories: 1 tablespoon oyster sauce, onion amount, 1 tsp soy sauce, salt, sugar, MSG, water, starch, sesame oil the right amount.
1. dried mushrooms clean, bubble, change the knife into the 2,3 per block, the water soaked mushrooms retained.
2. bamboo shoots, cut hob, boiled, remove and control water.
3. oil hot, add mushrooms and bamboo shoots, onion, burst bit, add oyster sauce, soy sauce, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, and a little bubble of water mushroom, a small fire to braise for 5 minutes.
4. soup is fragrant, the water thickening starch hook thin, Drizzle sesame oil, stir well then.
characteristics of mushrooms is a prime, fresh, fragrant, but some people do not like the aroma of mushrooms, but it is such a fragrant aftertaste to the bamboo shoots. Note that with savory and sweet, we do to try it .....

Pickle Loach (graphic)
star time!
Loach (water raised to the first two days of the abdomen, the water a few drops of oil). Pickle, wild salamanders, fermented glutinous rice, ginger and garlic.
1, Pickle salamanders mince ginger and garlic,
2, put the oil pan saute the material 1
3, stir-fry the next moment Loach
4, pour a little hot water salamanders, cooking wine
5, put fermented glutinous rice
burning four or five minutes after the season, not long-burning, loach easily rotten, I burn for a little more.
Loach fresh, Pickle Sauvignon, typical Sichuan dishes, said to have beauty beauty (what is now the United States should add beauty?)
then introduce a practice of the kids or the elderly, tofu, soy milk loach
Heat a little oil after
oil under the loach fry until fragrant ginger and garlic, mixed with milk, boiled then add cooked tofu. Physical fitness for children and frail elderly people.

farm fish (graphic)
condiments are as follows:
shallot, ginger, garlic, parsley, Pixian watercress, mustard, pepper, Pickle, pickled ginger if we can make it more perfect, and Oh, the flavor of broiled fish, especially farmers, in the absence of more than Pickle and foam to enhance the flavor of the ginger better.
first fried fish, a lot of people are afraid of this link, because it is easy to be thrown into the hot oil, let the fish stick pan, fry skin broken out, in fact, ready to do a good job as long as these would not have happened, first of all fish After washing to dry about water vapor, and then fish with kitchen paper to drain water
another pan fried fish must be washed clean, dried before firing into the pot, let cool a little flame, the use of ginger rub the pan and let the pot with a layer of ginger, then pour the oil fired, hot oil, after , fire reduction, not too much, this time down to the fish, slowly fried on it.
other fish fried to golden brown on both sides,mbt shoes uk, you can serve.
they going to pot another oil, pepper, hot ginger, pickled, mustard, stir Pixian soybean paste pot, and then under the soy sauce, vinegar, rice wine, sugar and adjust seasoning, add water under the fish stew, the next onion and garlic.
so quickly dries up when the next juice parsley, pot!
a success! It looks good!

spicy broth (Figure)
Chongqing to pig intestine called broth, greasy sound, there are many practices, such as stewed, stew, stir dry and so on, which I think to the number of first the large intestine soft-boiled, dried in the use of small intestines in the hot oil, plus put a lot of pepper and spicy pepper taste delicious, but also remove the smell of the large intestine, and spicy to eat up a Ma , it is delicious, each time to eat a bowl ~ ~ ~
talk about the practice by the way I approach the large intestine to wash, wash it very clean!
1, pig intestine 500g
2, dried chilli 100g (adjust according to personal taste)
3, pepper 20g (adjust according to personal taste)
4, ginger, garlic little
5, cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, sugar, chicken amount
1, will buy back the pig intestine wash;
By the way, the method of cleaning the large intestine: large intestine will be bought back into some flour into the pot to the (slightly more than put a little) and salt,mbt shoes chapa, a bottle of beer, rub back and forth, until the colon cleaned into the dirt sink, flush with flowing water the large intestine, large intestine on the flour until the clean up. Then turn on the water to the pot and put it into the large intestine wash, then add cooking wine, ginger (purpose is to remove the smell of the large intestine) boil (that is, the meaning of flying water), remove the large intestine;
2, re-turn on the water pot, add ginger wine, and then put the large intestine, such as pot, cook the colon and cut small pieces of soft cold standby (Figure 1);
3, dried pepper cut from the middle cut in two, into the pepper stand (Figure 2);
4, the pot of oil until the oil temperature into the colon six hot, put some salt, turn the fire slowly stir in the water to dry some of the large intestine and then drained the oil dry Sheng out of standby (Figure 3,4 );
5, the ginger and garlic pieces into the pan just duplicating the incense into the prepared peppers and pepper, stir fry over medium heat until peppers turn a little into the previous color after dishing out the colon to turn fry for a moment, into the cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, chicken to fry for a while to become a dark red pepper and turn off Huosheng a transfer to a plate (Fig. 5,6)!

from pickled salted egg (Photo)
First, the selection of coarse salt (fine salt also, if not a good coarse salt)
boiling salt water, according to quantity of water to your eggs, the weight, until the salt is saturated so far (salt is no longer soluble in water), or line.
brine cool to be put eggs (duck eggs also, personal favorite) If you love to eat Zhang eye (that is, out of the salted egg yolk salted black, protein is white) can be a hot salt water to lay eggs, then dip pickled fifteen days do not have to flip the egg.
This is a half months after my salty pickled eggs, take the food, the salt water can still go on to pickled eggs came alive again.
we look at it, a lot of egg yolk oil Oh, my yellow egg yolk, egg yolk if you want red salt in the boiling water with a red tea leaves when boiled with salt, egg yolk will be red, and like to eat salted egg it a try!

bacon rice paper (Photo)
open blisters rice, more than an hour after the release of steam inside the steamer for 15-20 minutes
cut bacon onions, and lettuce, we must maintain the integrity of lettuce
the lettuce a little hot, hot soft
fried bacon, put the steamed glutinous rice, soy sauce chicken with raw salt (a little) cooking wine, stir, add onions pan
fried it!
take half a slice of cooked lettuce leaves, a good amount of fried rice
like a good package
steamed about 3,4 minutes

soft coconut loose ball (graphic)
butter 100 grams, 130 grams powdered sugar (I use only 90 grams, enough for flavor), milk 40 grams, 80 grams of egg yolk, milk powder 20 grams, 270 grams coconut.
1, butter, powdered sugar together and mix;
2, Gradually add egg yolk, mix well;
3, Gradually add milk, stir well;
4, add coconut, milk powder and mix well (my pot is relatively small, so I also add in the points.)
to knead small group Banhao coconut pellets (the whole production process on a number of this step is the most accurate, and good oil well sticky yo, can only put up with, coconut powder group comparison, using disposable gloves or plastic bags not to do), the small pellets be placed in the baking dish into the preheated oven. Up and down the fire of 120 degrees (I feel a little low, the temperature may be below standard household oven, so I used 140 degrees) baked to golden brown like the small pellets, and I spent 35 more minutes!
delicious yo, taste soft, full flavor! Authentic material from the household, meaning to eat than before, stronger and more profitable! Difference is obvious.
done such a box less than I expected, but also can eat for days!

mouth fragrant taste of ribs (Photos)
cola ribs
material: 600 grams of pork ribs, 2 cans of cola, ginger, onion, star anise, soy sauce, salt.
1. Wash and cut the ribs inch shape, and then fly water retention;
2. with peanut oil saute ginger (3), then add pork stir-fried;
3. and then a good fried pork ribs into the cooker, add a small amount of star anise and soy sauce, salt, cola;
4. with the fire burning to the sauce like on stage when you put a small amount of onion.
steamed pork ribs with garlic plum
materials: 600 grams of pork row, ginger, green onion, garlic, corn starch, 5 plum, pepper, sugar, rice wine.
1. Wash the ribs Zhancheng small drain the water retention;
2. add the right amount of salt, rice wine, pepper and marinate for 15 minutes, plum rotten with the clutch, slightly cut look, add sugar, garlic and mix well, sugar dissolves, pour ribs, add the dry starch then mix well;
3. the ribs on the tile in the dish, boil water, put the steaming over high heat 8 to 10 minutes until cooked;
4. and serve sprinkled point when the green onion, 1 tablespoon hot oil can be poured.

salt and pepper spare ribs
materials: 750 grams of pork ribs, onion, ginger, red pepper at the end, the end of green pepper, 2 eggs, black pepper, MSG, Hua Diao wine, salt and pepper.
1. the pig-shaped ribs, cut into small pieces (5 cm) washed, and ribs with a cloth to dry the water retention;
2. and then pickled, salt, black pepper, MSG, Hua Diao wine, ginger marinated for 15 minutes;
3. the oil in the firing process, the main ingredient prepared an egg batter, with a small spoon to stir it evenly;
4. the marinated pork ribs evenly coated in egg batter into the boiling oil, deep fry golden shortening picked up on the plate;
5. Jia Ruqie the end of a good red peppers, light blue end of green pepper at the end and after an appropriate amount of salt and pepper saute slightly and evenly sprinkle the ribs, then this dish even do a good job.
● steamed pork ribs at home when there is no steamer is available if the bowl instead of directly into the pot of water mixed, half flooded to the bowl can be high. When steamed or else add a little water to the pot when, so that the water has boiled away. Remember to add boiling water, or hot and cold, bowls easy to explode.
● Salt and pepper pork ribs with a layer of custard outside, so the pot, the pot of sauce will thicken immediately, this time to stop to prevent the stick fry pan. Juice must be received dried, when the bottom of the pot are basically oil, between the ribs in the ribs will pull a separate thread of sugar, the juice collected almost the same. Confiscated juice will seriously affect the finished product dry luster and texture.
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