Backgammon is one of the oldest traditional boardgames involving both skill and luck in the throw of the dice. It's origins can be traced back approximately 5000 years.
Backgammon is a game for two players. Each player starts with 15 'men', which are laid out in a set pattern at the commencement of the game. The board is divided into four 'tables' - two 'Outer Boards' and two 'Home Boards' (one for each player) - each one having six alternately colored 'points'. There is a section down the centre of the board which divides both the Outer boards and the Home boards, known as the bar.
The object of the game is firstly to get all the player's pieces into his own 'Home' board, and then to 'Bear off' - i.e.remove the pieces. The one to remove all his pieces first is the winner.
Moves are decided by the throw of two dice. On the first throw only, each player throws one die. The one who throws the highest number goes first, and treats the throw of both dice as the opening throw. The dice are rolled again in the event of the throw being equal.
Each of the numbers are treated as a separate move so, for example, if a player rolls a 4 and a 2 he can move one piece four and another piece two. Of course, the same piece can be moved six places but it must still be treated as two separate moves - either 4 then 2,
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Players can only move their men to points that are either unoccupied, occupied by any number of his own men, or occupied by only one of his opponents men,
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One of the big attractions of backgammon is the gambling aspect of the game.
At the start of the game the players agree a stake per point. The game starts at one point and if at any time during the game one player feels he has a good advantage he can offer a doubling of stakes. His opponent has the option of refusing the double, in which case he loses and has to pay one point to the winner, or accepting, in which case the stake is now two points.
Because of its attractions, backgammon has become a very popular game to play on the internet,
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There are many sites on the internet that go into a lot greater detail of the rules,
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Whether you play at home or online you can have many hours of fun and enjoyment, whilst at the same time giving you brain some great exercise!
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