In the starting, I was like everybody another and I don't believe that God can speak to us. Yet behind invariable attempting, I detect that I have done it and I have administered to plug my spiritual call line to the throne of God; that is why I bothered to jot a book about this. The bible says in Luke 11:10, “For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” And again in Matthew 4:4, Jesus answered, “It is written: “Man does not live on bread single, but on every word that comes from the jaws of God.”” Bread refers to the bible and the mouth of God refers to God speaking actively to us.
Here is a simply sameness, I want you to reflect on your natural dad; how do you recognize your father’s voice when he calls you on the phone. What is it about the voice that makes you recognize that it is your true father on the other line? First, it was the intonation of his voice, and second it is the way he uses definite words, and thirdly,
buy vibram, it is the way he speaks and his peerless lecture, fourth, it was the historical relationship with him that he can use certain accidents to shake your memories all these combined attach, gave you an motif that it is truly your father who is speaking to you. So have no fear that you will hear a wrong voice, we have a way to know if God is the one speaking to us.
Personally, I have spent over 10 years to practice the masterpiece of hearing from God and executing most of my decision based on his guidance and I have been having a excellent and imaginary time with the Lord. All his instructions to me brought me peace, joy and success. Just to be candid about our beliefs,
mbt ema, how can anyone claim that they worship a true God and yet in reality they live a life without whichever ability to hear from him? If God is our shepherd and we never receive anyone instructions and mandates from him, then we are not glorifying the true alive God. We are no different than worshipping dead idols and graven images when we can not hear from God. Conversely, if God is alive doesn’t he want to talk with us, since we worship him?
You may wonder what was it that motivated me to want to hear his voice. Well, it’s sorrowful yet true, we do no seek God until we need him desperately. For me, I had 5 crises that occurred to me in the year 1997, I needed a miracle in short. I found God and he spoke to me. God also gave me confirmations through scriptures that he is the an who spoke to me. This gave me truce and certainty, he is a good God, and we should not panic that we will hear a different voice. I was elated, startled and very incited about this new found counselor. Then, I peruse that God can do everything even impossible entities, and that is when I resolved that God can talk to me in anyways he chose. The bible says in John 10:27, “My sheep hears my voice; I know them and they follow Me.” and again in John 10:3 – 5, “The watchman opens the door for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He cries his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes above along of them, and he sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact,
mbt walk shoes, they will scamper away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.”
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Numbers 33:33, Job 33:33, Ezekiel 33:33
If you thought that I got this gift or aptitude suddenly, then you are very wrong. The first time when I tried to speak to God and wanting him to reply, I got only die calm. It was not now apparent to me how to speak to God, but slowly, I decided to try and practice. I did not just read the book,
ed hardy shoes for kids, I decided to practice the ways in the book, and I expected God to speak to me in those ways. In the beginning, it was very comical and silly to do the things that I did, but I was not led astray nor was I entangled when I first made up my mind to seek the council of our Lord Jesus and God. When I decided to seek God, he began to corner his attention towards me.
Joseph Ho
When the directions which God has given to me were actually complied and executed; the results were noteworthy and rewarding. God says in the end times that he is seeking true worshippers who worship him in morale and in truth. In spirit is to be led by the spirit of God and in fact is according to the word of Jesus, the son of God. I can no longer imagine how to live a good life without God’s council. I found that each time I obeyed his suggestion and counsel, my missions were easier and smoother and success was sweet. So without spiritual power and aid, some of us may not be able to achieve our destiny. Therefore, in array for the will of God to be realized throughout the globe, all his disciples and followers have to be doing his will by seeking his voice. And God says again in the book of Proverbs 8:34-35, “Blessed is the male who listens to me, watching everyday at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the lord.” And again in the book of Proverbs 8:34-35, it says, “Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my gateway. For whoever finds me finds life and receives like from the lord. This book is a tribute of my 10 years of communion with the Lord, God, and I am evidencing for him. God is alive, and he talks to me, and he want to talk to you. If you can believe and spent time to listen, you shall naturally hear his voice. And I know you will because Jesus says, inquire and you shall be given and seek you shall find and knock; the door will be opened.
If we then know he is alive and anyhow does not speak to his human, then our claims are fictional and in conflict with our faiths. This book (My Sheep Hear My Voice) testifies to all the people of the world that God speaks to his people, and not equitable one way but in by fewest 14 ways. These ways are not for the special exclusive team of people, it is for all his babies and those who disturb to take the time to listen to his reply when he speaks. I have done it with patient verification and constant testing and found that I was skillful to communicate with my God,
tods ladies shoes, accordingly I believe that anyone who seeks him will find as well. This is not a academic, theological conceptual discipline; it’s a real life play. It’s a book that is written based on true life experiences. Most Christian don’t experience the voice of God because they expect God to speak to them in a very loud voice and be very spectacular, although, God speaks in very agreeable ways and he does not invade on us to freak us out.
This book which can be found at under website and it describes the details and shows that God will speak to us in the retinue ways:
This is an story about how to hear the voice of God in 14 different ways. This treatise references the book (My Sheep Hear My Voice) written to show and teach the Christian community the importance of hearing directly from the throne of God. Have you ever wonder if God can or will speak with us? The respond is yeah, God is alive and he still speaks to his people. This may be the most important words that you will ever read for the afterward quarterutes that will bring a real and important change in your life. It’s a breakthrough sagacity that comes from not just words but real life experiences that will point you into extreme peace and boom.
My Sheep Hear my Voice, (Yes God Can Speak to You) By Joseph Ho, June 17th, 2008.
God speaks via His prophet and postmen.
God speaks through dreams of the night.
God speaks through the still quiet voice in our spirits.
God speaks by prompting us in our hearts.
God speaks audibly in a loud voice to our spirits.
God speaks through vision, alternatively pictures in our minds.
God speaks through the peace in our hearts.
God speaks to us through physical memorabilia, symptoms and signs.
God speaks to us through physical objects and words namely are in the avenues.
God speaks to us through bible verses that has been accelerate and made alive.
God speaks to us using scriptures that seem out of context.
God speaks to us through beasts.
God speaks to us through angels.
God speaks to us by hurling of lots and Urim and Thumim.
My Sheep Hear My Voice: How to Hear From God and Prosper Holistically
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Finally, be congratulated in the name of our Lord, Christ Christ, and my prayers will attach you for you seek to hear his voice. He promised me through the bible verse: Isaiah 32:3, “Then the eyes of those who see ambition no longer be closed, and the ears of those who hear will hear. Then the mind of the rash will know and comprehend, and the stammering tongue will be fluent and remove.” Let your ears and eyes be opened as you seek to hear from him, and may he likewise reason you to hear, and see what goodness he has prepared for those who seek him. Finding him namely discovery one eternal treasure, as if God namely for you, who tin be against you. Whatever may be your location, if God speaks to you, you will find a second chance and a way in the wilderness and he will lead you out of your distress, I know because I came out of the wilderness because I hear his voice and favor a sheep I emulated the voice of the Shepherd and I came out of my pits. Truthfully, what have you got to lose? Go check out this book which was built to serve those who sincerely ambition to ascertain a linkage to the king of God.
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