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Old 05-19-2011, 04:37 PM   #1
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Default 美国陆军平时个别均以团为基础战术与治理单位

,只在战时(如南北战争)常设组编成师,战事停止后一律裁撤。1916年“国家保险法”正式划定师为陆军平 时的一级组织。1917年美国参战,开端将疏散的各团组建成附属关联绝对较为固定的师,作为陆军的基本战术 团体,始终连续到今天。80多年来各个时期的陆军师编制的演化概况分列如下:
   一次大战美国陆军共组建了62个步兵师,其中有43个师派到法国参战。从师的番号上能够看出其起源,以到法 国参战的师为例:第1-8师来自于正规陆军,第26-42师来自于各州国民警卫队,第76-93师来自于国 度陆军(根据选征兵法新建)。其步兵师编制组成为:
  2)2个步兵旅,每旅辖2个步兵团和1个机枪营。每步兵团辖3个步兵营和1个机枪连;每步兵营分4个连 ,每连6名军官、250名士兵。这样1个步兵团有112名军官和3720名士兵。
  全师共有军官979人,士兵27082人,火炮72门,机枪260挺,步枪17666支。美军的步兵师 编制兵力高达2.8万人,比其余国家的师的人数多出一倍左右(当时英、法、德各国个别每师兵力为1.2-1 .5万人左右),加上保障部队可达4万人。
  依据1920年国防法,分全国为9个军防区,每区包括1个正规陆军师、2个国民警卫队师、3个一类后备 队师。两次大战之间正规陆军与国民警卫队平时服役人数各坚持在20万左右,各师除少数外,均为简编状况。1 940年以前美军步兵师仍大多为两旅四团的“方形师”,人数较一战时有所减少,但满员编制仍达2.2万余人 。该种步兵师编制组成为:
  2)2个步兵旅:每旅2个步兵团。两旅总人数13542人,迫击炮156门,反坦克炮48门,机枪21 6挺,步枪9006支,手枪4796支。
  3)野战炮兵旅:2个105mm炮兵团,1个155 mm炮兵团,总人数4363人,155mm榴弹炮24门,105mm榴弹炮48门,75mm、37mm炮5 2门,防空机枪96挺,手枪4363支。
  8)其它从属部队,共680人。 全师总计军官958人,士兵21314人。武器装备:榴弹炮72门,75mm、37mm炮100门,81m m、60mm迫击炮156门,12.7mm机枪144挺,7.62mm轻重机枪192挺,步枪(含主动步枪 )10047支,手枪10532支,各种大小车辆2千余辆。
  1940年左右各正规陆军与国民警卫队的步兵师开始逐步改为三团制的“三角形”师,并组建了装甲师。1 942-1943年间还接踵涌现了空降师、轻巧师(特种沙漠师、山地师等,编制略小于步兵师,后大多改成普通步兵师 ),1943年装甲师与步兵师的编制进行的从新调剂。二战期间美国陆军共编成步兵师(含轻便师)68个,装 甲师16个,空降师5个。另外海军陆战队师有6个。陆军各种师的编制列举如下:
  2)3个步兵团,10347人。每团装备37mm反坦克炮12门,60mm、81mm迫击炮39门,轻 重机枪54挺,步枪2224支,手枪1181支。 3)师属炮兵,2770人。含1个155mm榴弹炮营(12门)、3个105mm榴弹炮营(各12门)、1 个反坦克营(75mm、37mm炮32门)、1个防空营(高射机枪60挺),手枪2685支。
  总计全师军官630人,士兵14615人。武器装备:榴弹炮54门,反坦克炮68门,迫击炮117门, 机枪292挺,冲锋枪35支,步枪(含自动步枪)7317支,手枪7199支,各种大小车辆1 400余辆。
  2)3个步兵团:每个步兵团包括3个步兵营、1个团部连(有6门106mm迫击炮)、1个勤务连和1个 反坦克连(12门57mm反坦克炮、5挺机枪);每步兵营包括3个步兵连、1个火器连和1个营部连;营部连 装备3门反坦克炮、4挺机枪、8个火箭筒;火器连有官兵162人,装备6门81mm迫击炮、11挺重机枪、 7个火箭筒;步兵连包括3个步兵排、1个武器排;武器排有3门60mm迫击炮、3挺机枪、3个火箭筒;步兵 排包括3个12人的班(每人步枪或自动步枪1支)。
  3)师属炮兵:包括3个105mm榴弹炮营、1个155mm榴弹炮营、1个司令部连和1个炮兵勤务连, 装备155mm榴弹炮12门,105mm榴弹炮36门。
  一般每个步兵师还配属1个坦克营、1个防空营等部队。计全师官兵1.5万余人,武器装备(据>给出的1 944年装备数目,比上面所述略多):榴弹炮70门,迫击炮145门,反坦克炮93门,火箭筒663具,机 枪950挺,坦克76辆,装甲车辆49辆,其它车辆1560辆。
  全师人数14620人,有中型坦克108辆,轻型坦克273辆,榴弹炮36门,迫击炮41门,反坦克炮 38门,机枪720挺,冲锋枪30支,步枪1992支,各种车辆2千余辆。
  2)3个装甲营:每营包含3个中型坦克连(各17辆)、1个轻型坦克连(17辆)、营部排(2辆中型坦 克,1辆半履带车)、侦察排(吉普车6辆)、兵器排(2辆半履带车,3辆M4/105坦克或M8自行榴弹炮)。
  5)装甲侦察(骑兵)营、工兵营、补给营、军械营、通信连、医疗队等。全师1.1万余人,中型坦克16 8辆,轻型坦克64辆,自行榴弹炮54门,坦克车80辆,自行反坦克炮36辆,迫击炮94门,火箭筒669 具,机枪940挺,其它各种车辆将近1500辆。
  1942年空降师初建时编制较小,每师辖2个伞降步兵团、1个滑翔机步兵团(以上各团编制与一般步兵团 相近),1个炮兵营,及其一些附属部队,共8500人,主要装备有82mm迫击炮、76mm驮载式榴弹炮、 57mm反坦克炮、37mm高射炮等。后编制扩展,每师增加了1个伞兵团或滑翔机团,炮兵也增强为炮兵团, 人数回升到12799人。
  二次大战后美国陆军进行了大规模的裁军,到1950年只有11个师与9个独立团战斗队。在朝鲜战争中又 通过征召,达到了20个师,其中陆军有8个师(6个正规陆军师,2个国民警卫队师)和几个独立团到朝鲜参战 (另有1个海军陆战队师)。朝鲜战争后,陆军现役师的数目在五十年代末又降到11个。这一时期师的编制略同 于二战后期,但增加了一些支援单位,每师的火力得到的加强。现将朝战时美军步兵师编制组成列出 如下:
  2)3个步兵团:每团包括3个步兵营、1个迫击炮连(107mm迫击炮12门)、1个团属坦克连(中型 坦克22辆)和1个勤务连组成;步兵营823人,由3个步兵连和1个重火器连组成;重火器连由1个迫击炮排 (81mm迫击炮4门)、1个反坦克排(75mm无坐力炮4门)和1个重机枪排组成(重机枪4挺);步兵连 由3个步兵排和1个火器排(60mm迫击炮3门、57mm无坐力炮2门)组成。
  3)师属炮兵:由3个105mm榴弹炮营、1个155mm榴弹炮营(以上每营18门)、1个防空营(装 备M15、M16型自行高炮)。
  二次大战后美国陆军进行了大范围的扩军,到1950年只有11个师与9个独立团战斗队。在朝鲜战争中又 通过征召,到达了20个师,其中陆军有8个师(6个正规陆军师,2个国民警卫队师)和多少个独立团到朝鲜参 战(另有1个海军陆战队师)。朝鲜战争后,陆军现役师的数量在五十年代末又降到11个。这一时代师的编制略 同于二战后期,增加了一些支援单位,每师的火力得到的加强。现将朝战时美军步兵师编制组成列出 如下:
  2)3个步兵团:每团包括3个步兵营、1个迫击炮连(106mm迫击炮12门)、1个团属坦23人,由 3个步兵连和1个重火器连组成;重火器连由1个迫击炮排(81mm迫击炮4门)、1个反坦克排(75mm无 坐力炮4门)和1个重机枪排组成(重机枪4挺);步兵连由3个步兵排和1个火器排(60mm迫击炮3门、5 7mm无坐力炮2门)组成。
  3)师属炮兵:由3个105mm榴弹炮营、1个155mm榴弹炮营(以上每营18门)、1个防空营(装 备M15、M16型自行高炮)。
  五十年代中期,为适应核武器战役的须要,美军编制造了重大改选,将“三三制”师改为“五群制师”。19 56-1957年间,所有的现役陆军师(包括空降师)都改成了五群制师,至1960年公民警卫队与后备队师 也实现了该项改造。每个师由5个战斗群组成,撤消了团和团属坦克连等单位。原子步兵师战斗群由5个步兵连( 起初为4个连)和1个迫击炮连组成,原子空降师战斗群由5个步兵连组成。五群制师的大局部支援义务由后备队 担负,原子步兵师保存1个师属装甲营、1个装甲突击中队和1个火炮与导弹的混编营(装备有可发射核弹的20 3mm榴弹炮与“老实约翰”战术导弹)。原子步兵师满编人数13748人,原子空降师人数要少一些。
  六十年代初麦克纳马拉到任国防部长,把陆军现役师从11个增加到16个,取消后备队并入了国民警卫队。 针对五群制师在实际中应用不幻想的问题,自1962年初起又改为“三旅制师”,树立了四品种型的师:步兵师 、装甲师、空降师和机械化步兵师,1965年起又组建了空中机动师。每个师有1个直属队和3个旅部,3个旅 部平时不辖营,战时按积木式辖数目不定的若干战斗营(普通2-5个)。三旅制师人数在1.6-1.8万左右 ,编制组成大抵如下(不同类型的师有必定差别):
  2)3个作战旅司令部及旅部连,辖营:步兵师为1个装甲营、1个机械化营、8个步兵营;装甲师为6个装 甲营、5个机械化营;机械化师为4个装甲营、6个机械化营;空降师为9个空降步兵营;空中机动师为9个空中 机动步兵营。装甲营以下各连、排、班按3-3-3制,步兵营按3-4-4编制。
  3)师属炮兵,正常为3个105mm榴弹炮营(各18门)、1个155mm与203mm榴弹炮混编营( 装甲、机步等师后改为3个155mm榴弹炮营与1个12门制的203mm榴弹炮营)、1个导弹营组成。空降 师只有3个105mm榴弹炮营。
  4)师援助司令部,由一名副师长指挥,负责所有技巧与声援军队(颐养营、卫生营、补给营、财务连等)。 5)航空营,辖1个营部连、1个全般增援连(负责侦查、联系)跟1个空运灵活连(含3个空运排,每排8架运 输直升机)。
  8)装甲骑兵(侦察)营,辖3个装甲骑兵连(装备坦克、装甲车、自行迫击炮)和1个武装直升机空中骑兵 连,men skinny jeans
  1)装甲师:18000人,M60A3坦克351辆,装甲输送车376辆,陶式反坦克导弹154部,龙 式反坦克导弹200部,M109A1型155mm自行榴炮54门,M110型203mm自行榴炮12门,迫 击炮107门,直升机173架(内攻击直升机51架),M48“小槲树”防空导弹发射车24辆,M163“ 火神”自行高炮24辆,肩射导弹(“红眼”)72具。
  2)机步师:18000人,M60A3坦克264辆,装甲输送车447辆,陶式反坦克导弹114部,龙 式反坦克导弹224部,M109A1型155mm自行榴炮54门,M110型203mm自行榴炮12门,迫 击炮93门,直升机173架(内攻击直升机55架),M48“小槲树”防空导弹发射车32辆,M163“火 神”自行高炮32辆,肩射导弹90具。
  3)步兵师:17000人,M60A3坦克66辆,装甲输送车163辆,陶式反坦克导弹162部,龙式 反坦克导弹321部,M109A1型155mm自行榴炮72门,M110型203mm自行榴炮4门,迫击炮 124门,直升机155架(内攻击直升机48架),M48“小槲树”防空导弹发射车24辆,M163“火神 ”自行高炮24辆。
  4)空降师:16000人,M551轻型坦克54辆,陶式反坦克导弹210部,龙式反坦克导弹294部 ,105mm榴炮54门,迫击炮117门,直升机231架(内攻击直升机73架),M163“火神”自行高 炮48辆,肩射导弹80具。
  5)空中机动师:17900人,陶式反坦克导弹168部,龙式反坦克导弹330部,M109A1型15 5mm自行榴炮18门,105mm榴炮54门,迫击炮117门,直升机332架(内攻击直升机90架),M 163“火神”自行高炮48辆,肩射导弹100具。
  20世纪80年代美军进行了二战后的第3次编制改革,以发明一支能打多种类型战争的“最佳 陆军”。 1978年起再次开始实验新编制,1983年定编,开始履行86年式师。在三旅制师的基本上,将全体地面师 (包括陆军师与海军陆战队师)划分成重型师(有装甲师、机步师)轻型师(有摩步师、轻步兵师、空降师、空中 突击师)和陆战师。与原来的三旅制师相比,在很多方面作了改良。下面先列出各种师中基本战斗营 编制:
  包括营部与营部连、4个坦克连。营部与营部连共300人,包括侦察排、重迫击炮排、通信排、支援排、卫 生排、保养排、炊事分排等,装备M1A1坦克2辆,M3骑兵战斗车6辆,装甲输送车11辆,107mm迫击 炮6门;坦克连包括连部(2辆坦克)和3个坦克排(各4辆)。计全营552人,M1A1/A2型坦克58辆,M3骑兵战斗车6辆,装甲输送车11辆,107mm迫击炮6门,履带式指挥车8辆,履带 式抢修车7辆,40mm榴弹发射器14具,12.7mm重机枪6挺,7.62mm挪动式轻机枪7挺,冲锋枪 14支,M16A1型5.56mm步枪238支,手枪321支。
  包括营部与营部连、4个机步连、1个反坦克连。营部与营部连共313人,组成略同装甲营,装备M2步兵 战斗车2辆,M3骑兵战斗车6辆,装甲输送车11辆,107mm迫击炮6门;机步连包括连部(1辆M2步兵 战斗车、2辆装甲输送车)和3个机步排(各4辆M2);反坦克连包括连部(1辆装甲输送车)和3个反坦克排 (各有4辆“陶”式反坦克导弹发射车和1辆装甲输送车)。计全营826人,M2步兵战斗车54辆,M3骑兵 战斗车6辆,装甲输送车23辆,107mm迫击炮6门,“陶”式反坦克导弹发射车12辆,“龙”式反坦克导 弹发射器36具,履带式指挥车6辆,履带式抢修车7辆,40mm榴弹发射器113具,12.7mm重机枪4 2挺,7.62mm机枪56挺,M249型5.56mm机枪72挺,冲锋枪14支,M16A1型5.56m m步枪643支,手枪128支。
  包括营部和营部连、3个步兵连。营部和营部连170人,组成略同于重型营;步兵连由连部和3个步兵排组 成,共130人。全营共560人,装备卡车载“陶”式反坦克导弹发射器4部,“龙”式反坦克导弹发射器18 具,81mm迫击炮4门,60mm迫击炮6门,40mm榴弹发射器58具,12.7mm重机枪3挺,7.6 2mm机枪36挺,M16A1型5.56mm步枪502支,手枪56支,其它各种卡车31辆,拖车1 6辆。
  包括营部和营部连、3个空降(空中机动)步兵连、1个反坦克连。营部和营部连组织略同于重型连;空降( 空中机动)步兵连包括3个步兵排和连部直辖的反坦克分排、迫击炮分排;反坦克连包括5个反坦克排,每排由2 个分排组成。空降步兵营701人,空中机动步兵营698人。设备有:“陶”式导弹发射器20具,60mm迫 击炮6门,40mm榴弹发射器103具,12.7mm机枪10挺,7.62mm机枪36挺,M16A1步枪 559支,手枪105支,各种车辆125辆。
  与以前三旅制师比拟的重要变更有:战斗营由原来的三三制改为4-3-4体系;机步营的“陶”式导弹发射 器由原来的18部增为66部;师属炮兵本来的12门制M110自行火炮营编入军,师增编1个9门制MLRS 火箭炮连,155mm自行火炮营火炮数由原来的18门增长到24门,supra;师防空营的自行高炮增添到36辆;师航空分队与侦察营合并扩为战斗航空旅;师支援司令部新增3个前方支援 营,平时由支援司令部控制,战时由旅指挥;90年代又增编了一部门技术部队,如工兵营扩为工兵旅,等等。重 型师编制组成如下:
  2)3个作战旅:每旅旅部与旅部连90人,装甲师有6个坦克营、6个机步营;机步师有装甲营与机步营各 5个。
  3)师炮兵,由司令部及司令部连、3个M109系列155mm自行榴弹炮营(各24门)、1个MLRS 多管火箭炮连(9门)、目的搜寻连组成。装甲师师属炮兵2516人,机步师师属炮兵2540人 。
  4)战斗航空旅,由旅部和旅部连、骑兵营、2个攻击直升机营、航空指挥连、全般支援航空营组成,共15 66人。骑兵营(侦察营)由营部和营部连(装备“陶”式导弹发射车和M3骑兵战车各2辆)、2个地面骑兵连 (各由3个骑兵排、1个迫击炮排和保养排组成,装备M3战车?2个空中骑兵连(各装备8架OH-58)组成 ;1个攻击直升机营由营部及营部连、航空保养连、3个攻击直升机连组成,装备24架AH-64;全般支援航 空营装备24架UH-60、6架OH-58、3架EH-60。
  5)师支援司令部,辖司令部与司令部连、根本支援营、3个前方支援营、航空保养连、器材管理核心,共有 2917人(机步师为2903人)。基本支援营下辖营部与营部连、汽车运输连(149人)、重装备保养连( 227人)、轻装备保养连(175人)、卫生支援连(126人)、补给与勤务连(180人)、导弹支援连( 128人);1个前方支援营辖营部与营部连、保养连、补给连、卫生连,营463人。
  6)工兵营,辖营部与营部连、4个工兵连、1个舟桥连,共889人。90年代工兵扩为工兵旅,辖3个工 兵营。
  装甲师全师人数16993人(90年代达1.9万余人),机步师人数17278人(90年代达2万余人 )。重型师装备为:M1A1/A2型坦克348/290辆(装甲师/机步师),M2步兵战车216/280辆,M3骑兵战车100辆,M901反坦克导弹车48/60辆,“标枪”式反坦克导弹144/180部,MLRS多管火箭炮9门,M109A1/A2/A6型155mm自行榴弹炮72门,M106型107mm重迫击炮66门,M981型火力支援车48辆,A H-64攻击直升机48架, OH-58观测直升机50架,EH-60电子战直升机3架,UH-60效用直升机30架,自行高炮36辆( 一度使用“约克中士”,后仍为“火神”),防空导弹发射车18辆(“小槲树”),防空导弹36部(“复仇者 ”)或72部(“毒刺”)。
  1984年秋改编第9步兵师为摩托化步兵师,作为轻型师之一(实际介于轻型师与重型师之间),全师1. 44万余人,目前该师已退呈现役。摩步师的编制组成为:
  2)3个摩步旅:3个旅部及旅部连,diorsunglasses,辖5个重型合成营、2个轻型合成营和2个轻型袭击营,共有突击炮车144辆、疾速突击车60辆、多用处轮 式车辆若干辆等。重型合成营下辖1个轻型摩步连、2个突击炮兵连和1个战斗支援连;轻型合成营下辖2个轻型 摩步连、1个突击炮兵连和1个战斗支援连。
  3)师炮兵,由司令部和司令部连、3个牵引式155mml榴弹炮营(各18门)、1个混编炮兵营(辖2 个6门制105mm榴炮连和1个9门制MLRS多管火箭炮连)、目标搜索连组成。
  4)战斗航空旅由2个攻击直升机营、1个战斗支援航空营和1个侦察营组成。1个攻击直升机营由侦察连和 3个攻击直升机连(各7架AH-1S)组成;战斗支援航空营由2个战斗支援航空连组成(各15架UH-60 );侦察营由2个地面侦察连和2个空中侦察连组成。
  5)师支援司令部,由司令部与保养治理连、3个前方支援营、1个战斗旅支援营和1个基础支 援营组成。
  6)师直属的其它分队:防空营(36辆自行高炮与12辆“小槲树”导弹车)、工兵营、军事件报营、通讯 营、宪兵连、核生化连等。
  2)3个轻步兵旅:每旅旅部与旅部连116人,三旅共辖9个轻步兵营。 3)师炮兵,共1610人,由司令部与司令部连、3个18门制105mm榴炮营,90年代增编了1个155 mm榴弹炮营。
  4)战斗航空旅,共1073人,由旅部及旅部连、1个攻击直升机营(装备AH-S)、1个战斗航空营( UH-60)、1个侦察营(辖1个地面侦察连和2个空中侦察连)。
  5)师支援司令部,由司令部与司令部连、1个基本支援营、3个前方支援营、1个航空保养连组成,共29 17人。
  6)师属其它分队:防空营(322人)、工兵营(314人)、通信营(482人)、宪兵连(77人)、 师乐队(41人)等。
  总计全师10916人,装备155mm牵引式火炮18门、105mm牵引式火炮54门,迫击炮90门, 机枪1045挺,M16A2步枪8597支,40mm榴弹发射器522具,“陶”式反坦克导弹发射架44部 (包括车载式)、“龙”式反坦克导弹发射器162具,M167型自行高炮18辆,“尾刺”防空导弹90部, AH-1S攻击直升机29架,其它直升机(UH-60、OH-58等86架),40mm榴弹发射器831具 ,M16系列步枪9818支,高度机动多用途轮式车694辆(部分装有M242型25mm机关炮),5吨卡 车152辆。轻步兵师中有3465名徒步步兵,装备总分量12837吨,为普通步兵师的44% 。
  4)战斗航空旅,1130人,由旅部与旅部连、1个攻击直升机营(装备AH-64)、2个效用直升机营 (装备UH-60)、侦察营组成。
  5)师支援司令部,2082人,ghd iv hair straighteners,由司令部及司令部连、补充与运输营、军械修理营、航空修理营、卫生营组成。
  7)师属其它分队:防空营(437人)、工兵营(404人)、通信营(449人)、军事情报营(449 人)、宪兵连(99人)、防化连(128人)、师乐队(41人)等。
  总计全师14065人,M551轻型坦克54辆,牵引式105mm榴弹炮54门,90mm无坐力炮27 门,60、81mm迫击炮90门,40mm榴弹发射器1271具,20mm牵引式高炮27门,机枪1130 挺,步枪10811支,攻击直升机33架,其它直升机89架,“陶”式导弹发射架188部,“龙”式导弹发 射架162部,“毒刺”导弹发射器60具。
  3)师炮兵:1406人,包括司令部与司令部连、3个105mm榴弹炮营,后增编1个155mm榴炮营 。
  4)战役航空旅,3089人,由旅部与旅部连、3个攻打直升机营(装备AH-64)、3个效用直升机营 (装备UH-60)、1个运输直升机营(装备CH-47)、侦察营、指挥营组成。
  5)师支援司令部,2495人,由司令部及司令部连、弥补与运输营、保养营、航空保养营、 卫生营组成。
  6)师属其它分队:防空营(470人)、工兵营(430人)、通信营(483人)、军事情报营(402 人)、宪兵连(99人)、核生化连、师乐队(41人)等等。
  总计全师15296人,牵引式155mm榴弹炮18门、105mm榴弹炮54门,90mm无坐力炮31 门,60、81mm迫击炮90门,40mm榴弹发射器1271具,20mm牵引式高炮27门,机枪2555 挺(含机载),步枪13076支,AH-64攻击直升机100架,CH-47运输直升机32架,OH-58 观测直升机91架,UH-60效用直升机150架,EH-1H电子战直升机3架,“陶”式导弹发射架180 部,“龙”式导弹发射架162部,“毒刺”导弹发射器60具。
  2)3个陆战步兵团:每团辖1个团部连和3个陆战步兵营,尺度人数3955人。步兵营有3个步兵连、1 个武器连和1个营部与勤务连组成。
  3)1个陆战炮兵团,各师编制不同。如第2陆战师的第10陆战炮兵团辖1个团部连、3个直接支援炮兵营 (装备54门牵引式105mm榴弹炮和18门155mm榴弹炮)和2个全般支援炮兵营(18门203mm自 行榴弹炮、6门175mm自行加农炮和12门155mm自行榴弹炮)。1983年后各团增加1个155mm 自行榴弹炮连和1个目标侦察连,炮兵营由18门制改为24门制,并以M198型牵引式155mm榴炮替代M 101型105mm榴炮,M110A1型203mm自行榴炮调换M107型175mm自行加农炮。
  7)战斗工兵营,由1个营部连、4个工兵连和1个工兵支援连组成,共900余人,by by dolce gabbana
  1个陆战师满编人数18335人(最近几年有所减少)。装备有主战坦克70辆、两栖突击车208辆,轻 型装甲车110辆,牵引式155mm火炮72门,自行式155mm火炮24门,81mm迫击炮72门,60 mm迫击炮81门,“龙”式导弹发射架216部,“陶”式导弹发射架144部,40mm自动榴弹发射安装1 30部等等。
  1)2个装甲师:第1装甲师(驻德国巴特克罗伊茨纳赫)、第1骑兵师(驻得克萨斯州胡德堡 )。
  2)4个机械化步兵师:第1机步师(驻德国维尔茨堡)、、第3机步师(驻佐治亚州斯图尔特堡)、第4机 步师(驻得克萨斯州胡德堡)、第24机步师(驻堪萨斯州赖利堡)。
  4)3个轻型师:第7轻型步兵师(驻科罗拉多州卡森堡)、第10山田地兵师(驻纽约州德拉姆堡)、第2 5轻步兵师(驻夏威夷州斯科菲尔德兵营)。
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Old 05-19-2011, 04:39 PM   #2
General of the Army
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,638
Ue9eg9lrc1bh is on a distinguished road

------ girls girls body cold hands and feet are cold look at the man for his wife 【close】 The

cold body what food people eat better? better not be drugs

First of all: Do not let women do their own cold. Cold is the root of all trouble. Poor woman cold blood, cold hands and feet, and dysmenorrhea. Poor facial blood spots on the president, the body's energy can not moisturize the skin, the skin does not get angry, so many women, like perfect skin like fine china, but he is not young, the false feeling; and some young woman, no matter how long Peas still very alive.

still more terrible thing is, our reproductive system is the most cold-blooded, cold once our constitution, it will select the length of more fat to heat,ugg, under our navel fat on the president. Once sufficient blood warm, these fat no longer necessary, automatically will be vanished.

woman body cold, cold hands and feet easily and dysmenorrhea is a common phenomenon. Now more common:
First: MM are diet, eating only vegetables and fruits, and vegetables and fruits, the majority of cold, fear of fat, not eating red meat. In fact,ugg ムートンブーツ, red meat is a boon of women, especially beef and lamb, all with a lot of iron, can effectively avoid anemia. MM anemia naturally pale face.

Second, MM are mostly white-collar workers, to work every day, sitting on the computer, watching TV after work backwards, wearing high heels are really not suitable for hyperactivity. 'll Pick my brother would go out and buy a gym does not take too twice a year. Because sitting too much blood to all parts of the silt in the lower abdomen. Sweep the flow of blood is not always the backlog in our pelvis, pelvic inflammation, how can it not long, if there is inflammation, the face will naturally turn yellow and spot. Even Buzhi Yu inflammation, blocking the blood does not flow in the capillaries in the skin, the color will be uneven.

say that again, MM their beauty, with the recoil underwear to gird tightly, in fact, that it did not help, beam too tightly, your reproductive system is no blood supply, more cold, cold to long more fleshy. Now that winter is popular skirt ah, here is a thin sock, the entire lower body is cold, cold starting from the foot of the Well.

there, MM who love to eat ice, in order not to drink more herbal tea Health and acne. In fact, a woman afraid of the cold, it is best to avoid contact with the cold medicine. Peas in a lot of people long not because of too much yang wang, but because of deficiency, yin can not Han Yang, and its loss of the yang, yin is more appropriate than (later to say this.) I have observed, drinking herbal tea and more southern provinces such as Guangdong and Guangxi, the woman behind the growth of the more serious case of Minister of plaque (fat after birth is not completed on the yard, is the birth had a wound to the reproductive system, inflammation, not smooth to restore the system more vulnerable to cold requires more fat protection). Even the ancient prostitutes, in order to effective contraception will also take traditional Chinese medicine cold, showing that these drugs damage the reproductive system. In the herbal tea, some yin qi, it can take, but of too cold, can not be used, such as aloe vera MM popular raw food, it is terror, the most effective ingredients of aloe emodin is extremely cold , topical aloe vera can cure burns (like Centipede), we can imagine how cold it is, nothing or eat better.

Oh, that so much, we do not do is to cold beauty, that is also very easy, eat red meat, eat more ginger, red dates, animal blood, rice wine, cherry. . . Anyway, more moderate iron-rich or something, some good stuff, like white fungus, lemon, do not shoot something to eat during menstruation. And pay attention to insulation, do not drink too much ice things, drink hot drinks, do not stay in air conditioning room and old, and do not want to grace not to temperature, the cool autumn air, you still wear Lu Qizhuang. Winter is the best foam insulation of hot water, do not save gas, Paoshang thirty minutes in hot water, plus massage, and then the body will heat the cold. Can not bath on feet is required. Re not on the day holding a cup of hot water, hot water bottle embrace, cold woman is perfectly justified.

of course be better to let their own warm up, too much strenuous exercise is not conducive to weight loss, the most effective is the waist and abdomen and inner thighs stretching movements, such as stretching up in the morning, around the waist, In short campaign is focused on the waist, not too short, otherwise one will be more blood to stop silt set in waist. Very effective gentle yoga, Latin dance is also good. But I also recommend yoga, because yoga is more emphasis on breathing, blood gas line to line.

there is to pay attention to taking some blood stasis in traditional Chinese medicine and food. This should be very careful, not everyone has the gore, blood had even, it will damage the body, such as excessive menstrual flow caused. Therefore, the amount of MM and according to menstrual blood viscosity, there are no spots on his face to judge. Blood circulation category of traditional Chinese medicine are: Motherwort, peach, peach kernel, safflower, which is ranked from mild to severe, the more back the more powerful, I suggest eating the first two on the line. May be taking tea (hot tea), peach sparkling wine with a more effective, and the tea and wine can also be used to wipe her face, the face is to dark spots.

In winter, many girls will have the phenomenon of cold hands and feet, cold hands and feet long, is not only uncomfortable, but also easy Health frostbite and other diseases. Cold hands and feet of the main reasons for the metabolism of blood is mainly slow winter, low temperatures to vasoconstriction, blood returning diminished capacity, making the hands and feet, especially the fingers, toes and other Ministry of the end of poor blood circulation, poor circulation caused by peripheral nerve .

hands and feet cold feet a day care program

feet is the most effective method. Joined in a deep pot of hot water about 40 degrees, allowing water to overflow the ankle. Soak for 20 minutes or so, you will feel the body heat, indicating that blood circulation after the body begins to heat. If the feet and then rub your feet at the same time, the effect will be better.

aerobics jogging, brisk walking, skipping, disco, tai chi, will be active up to all parts of the body, promote blood circulation, but not movement over, high-intensity exercise, a lot of sweat, would

wear cotton socks, cotton socks

not only soft and comfortable, but also absorb sweat, so that can keep your feet dry and comfortable all day long.

calorie foods

cold tonic, to increase the heat, cold hands and feet to be interested in improving tonic. Cold northern winter, you can make hot food, such as beef, mutton or dog; and the more moderate southern climate, should make clear sweet warm flavor, such as chickens, ducks, fish was more suitable; but also to try to eat cold fruit such as pears, chestnuts and so on.

ensure adequate sleep every day to ensure that at least 6 hours of sleep, adequate sleep is conducive to storage yang, ###### fluid accumulation.

heart massage hands and feet when you can have time to rub the hands and feet are often the heart, blood vessels to improve micro-circulation in the end, and has the effect of hands and feet warm. cold hands and feet peel treatment

Japanese scientists discovered that orange peel extract hesperidin, added to drinking water, can significantly improve the phenomenon of cold hands and feet of women. In the experiment, researchers asked 10 female patients suffering from cold hands and feet hesperidin drinking water, drinking water in 10 patients. Two hours later so that they soak their hands in cold water for 1 minute before testing the recovery of blood flow and temperature. The results showed that a group of drinking water, 40 minutes flip the temperature has not been restored, and drinking water, a group of hesperidin, only 30 to 35 minutes back to the cold water for hand prior to the temperature of the capillary fingertip blood flow improved significantly.

some people always feel the winter cold hands and feet is a common phenomenon. This is mainly because the nature of the temperature decreases, yang deficiency, and yang will be the body's own lack of performance of the body appears yang. In addition, because the cold weather, human blood vessels, blood returning ability will be weakened, making the hands and feet, especially the finger part of the blood circulation, which is commonly known as This situation occurs more commonly in women, especially middle-aged women are more common, more mental than manual cold hands and feet occurs in healthy young men who are rare.
cold will make people's body or local blood circulation, or limb peripheral blood circulation disorder children, which causes cold hands and feet. Cold hands and feet are often long term, can be called TCM theory holds that it is qi, qi stagnation, lack of response to yang. Women during menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth and other special physiological periods, as physically weak and more prone to cold hands and feet. If you do not be prevented in time, will result in poor mental, physical reaction chills, severe lower extremity varicose veins can cause.

1. Eat ginseng. This is a qi medicine, ######ual peace, meeting but not dry. Can be soaked in water to drink alone.

2. Eat sesame seeds, peanuts. Rich in vitamin E and a variety of nutrients that can help the absorption of vitamin B, to enhance the ability of nerves against the cold. Vitamin E also expand the role of blood vessels, can enhance the peripheral limbs of children with blood circulation.

3. Eat onions, peppers, etc., may help the body generate heat, promote blood circulation of food.

other measures:

feet with hot water more than usual, both the body warm, but also relieve fatigue nerves.

winter cold hands and feet to improve the way

clinical manifestations of deficiency: 1. Low back pain and coldness. 2. Cold hands and feet, frequent urination.

deficiency are suitable foods to eat seafood, leek seeds. Kidney can choose Jinguishenqi Yanzong balls.

kidney case is easy to fire Wang, Yin Huo-wang, if the next time you use those warm impotence drug, equivalent to fuel, the patient is even greater heat . Conversely, if the patient deficiency, cold, and you use some yin drugs, equivalent to worse, the patient also can not stand.

in cold climates, some people dress thin, but full of energy. And some young people are particularly sensitive to cold, the body cover tightly, still cold hands and feet.

in medicine, In other words, the decline of the human body yang, qi and blood deficiency, Wei Yang is not solid, not very inviting to resist the external muscle invasion of pathogenic cold, people are particularly vulnerable to the cold. Modern research shows that the main body and the so-called Yang deficiency, low blood pressure, body weight loss, hypothyroidism, and so on. How to change the constitution Yang, eliminating the cold feeling? First of all varieties should pay attention to dietary adjustments to the yang fire with a fire were poor.
often eat cold mutton, dog, etc. There Wenshen aphrodisiac foods, and pepper, shrimp, walnuts, etc., to improve the ability to help a great cold. Lamb sweet and warm, rich in fat, protein, carbohydrates, and minerals calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc., can be warm in the tonic, Kidney and Liver, spleen appetizer is rich in warm winter care to share. Dog sweet and warm, can Buzhongyiqi, Wenshen impotence, An internal organs, strong waist and knee, warm under the coke, rich in protein, carbohydrates and calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc., on the limbs back pain, physical weakness patients with cold temperature and other effects. As the saying goes, Peppers contain capsaicin, can stimulate appetite, improve digestion, makes heart rate, peripheral telangiectasia, increased blood flow to the body surface. Winter proper eating chili, people feel warm and comfortable, and can prevent the cold and wet on the invasion of joint and muscle damage. Shrimp in protein, calcium, phosphorus and iron were higher than those of meat, eggs, milk, with Wenshen Xing Yang, spleen and stomach, around the blood vessels of the power, the most suitable for spleen deficiency, impotence, low back pain in patients with winter consumption. Walnut more than 40% fat, and is mainly unsaturated fatty acids, can lower cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis and hypertension. The rich in phospholipids constitute an important raw material of human cells, could improve cell activity, promote hematopoietic function, increase appetite. In addition, it is rich in carbohydrates, high heat production, increase body heat, warm warm.
worth mentioning are: the method by drinking cold is a common misunderstanding. Because very little heat generated by the wine itself, have a fever after drinking the feeling of the body, alcohol dilates blood vessels, distribution of body heat results of the original. Jiujin the past, a lot of heat stored in the body distribution of in vitro, but decreased ability to keep out the cold, tend to make people the creeps, it is often said,

cold winter, in addition to exercise, more clothes, the daily if more cold food, can improve the body's resistance to cold. Living foods common cold:
meat: a dog, lamb, beef, venison's cold is better. They contain protein, carbohydrates and fat are high, kidney yang, warm in the warm, the Buqihuoxue effect. Eat the meat and yang of the body can speed up the metabolism, endocrine function increases, so to keep out the cold effect.
rhizomes: Medical researchers have found that people afraid of the cold and lack of body salts. Lotus root, carrots, lily, potato, cabbage, Chinese cabbage and other rich in inorganic salts, such food may wish to doping with other foods for human consumption.
spicy food: Pepper contains capsaicin, ginger contains the aromatic volatile oil, pepper contains piperine. Eating spicy food can drive the wind and cold, promoting blood circulation, increase body temperature.
iodine-containing food: kelp, seaweed, sea salt, seaweed, jellyfish, clams, cabbage, spinach, corn and other iodine-containing foods can contribute to human thyroid hormone secretion.
with heat effects of thyroid hormone, which can speed up the body (except brain, glands, uterus) during the oxidation of most tissue cells, increasing heat, the increased basal metabolic rate, skin blood circulation and enhanced resistance to cold cold.
high iron foods: Pennsylvania State University researchers found that iron deficiency in human blood are afraid of the cold. Women's anemia hemoglobin than normal body temperature of women with low 0.7 ℃, 13% less heat production, when the increase in iron intake, the cold was markedly increased.
Therefore, the cold-blooded women can consciously increase the food intake of high iron content, such as liver, lean meat, spinach, egg yolk and other diet regimen

first talk about ######.
cool or cold, where applicable, physical and disease in the heat of food to fall or cold food cold. If applicable, fever, thirst, irritability embolism as a watermelon; for cough, chest pain, phlegm embolism as the pears are cold and so the nature of the food.

warm or hot or cold and cool the contrary, where applicable, physical and disease in the cold food is warm or hot to foods. If applied to cold cold, fever, chills, runny nose, headache embolism as the ginger, scallion stalk, parsley; for abdominal pain, vomiting, hi hot embolism as the ginger, black tea; for cold extremities, chills, rheumatic joint pain are like the pepper, wine, etc., belong to the warm nature of the food.

level between the nature of the food cold and hot food between nature, suitable for general physical fitness, cold, heat illness people can choose. Food in the general level of nutrition and health care of the goods. Such as rice, flour, soybeans, potato, radish, apple, milk.

ancient Chinese diet books from the 300 recorded in many common food analysis, foods are mostly flat; temperature, followed by heat; cold, after cold abode. In general, the various properties of the food has nutritional health benefits in addition, the cold foods are negative, there is heat, purging fire, cooling blood, and detoxification; hot foods are positive, there is cold, warm the , meridians, to help Yang and other effects.

neutral and peaceful nature of the food

perspective from the Chinese food is divided into five, general is flat, cold, cold, warm, hot these five ######. Summer, we advocate that people eat more flat, cold, cold food, such as common beans, edible fungus and so on. Tofu in food cool more common, as well as wax gourd, loofah. Cold food is bitter gourd, tomatoes, watermelon

level of foods:

rice, soybeans, black sesame, peanuts,UGG オーストラリア, potatoes, cabbage, cabbage, carrots, onions, black fungus, lemon pork, themes, eggs, fish of the carp, crucian carp, loach, fish, pomfret. In addition, we drink milk everyday in foods are flat.

cold foods:

buckwheat, corn, radish, melon, mushrooms, celery, lettuce, rape, oranges, apples and more.

cold food:

millet, mung beans, seaweed, mung bean sprouts, bitter gourd, tomatoes, cucumbers, bananas,ugg ブーツ, watermelon,UGG ブーツ 格安, melon and more.

In general, the nature of food can be divided into cold, heat two categories:

burning those imported, nice and warm food into the stomach, most belong to heat, such as ginger, garlic, pepper, cinnamon, pepper, pepper, wine and so on.

import cool, fresh food into the stomach, basically are cool. Summer to eat jelly, made from mung bean flour Department, eat hot weather heat. South of the cold tofu, with additional mint stick flour, gypsum point into the entrance, and feeling very cool. The watermelon, water chestnuts, pear, cucumber, raw lotus root, persimmon and other fruits, but also mostly cold.

However, with the mouth and stomach to perceive the nature of the food is not too accurate after all, the vast majority of food after eating cold and heat is based on the reaction to the decision. Such as lamb, winter Dishuichengbing, a people around the pot to eat lamb, fresh graduates covered in the warm, eat meat, people do not stand the cold, so we say that lamb and warm. There are dog meat, beef and so on. If the hot summer, such as eating dog food, you can not help but dry mouth and throat, nose bleeding. On the contrary, eating certain foods and sometimes the belly of faint sounds, or even loose stools, mouth feel light, these foods are mostly cold thing.

typical example is the crab. At this time of Jia told: mouth shochu Xue said the crab poem: Wine, ginger are hot, so used to fin crab, sometimes with vinegar,

sometimes after eating imported feel and response is not consistent. Such as litchi, fresh lychee juice Gan after ripping flesh white, sip on one, but also feel Gan Liang, Su said, but if really like it, Orange, too, the juice, creatinine, food is not thermal. If more food would cause numbness of the mouth, tongue erosion, because the temperature due to their ######ual side.

sum up, the food's cold, cold, warm, hot (Chinese medicine called , we can call it even, level of food eat it regularly for a long time most suitable for food, such as rice, pork and the like.
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