First, some of inferiority
prone to feelings of inferiority, and even see down on their own, lack of self-confidence, work no guts, shy,
PULSERA AZUL CON BANDERA, echo, not their own minds. This psychological, if only vanquish, will dress a peerless human personality.
PULSERA BLANCE CON ESPANA, the cowardice of psychological
chiefly penetrated in the ignorant deep experience shallow, introverted, needy male of words,
PULSERA TRANSPARENTE VENEZUELA, for cowardice, in social, even if he thinks is right, behind careful consideration , merely did no defiance express. Others can inspect this kind of psychological out, the results produced aboard their own outlooks, do not want to become nice friends.
Third, suspicion of psychological
some friends in social work or child care, constantly with no trust in the eyes of love to see every additional, unwarranted suspicion, hearsay evidence, gossip, as some asked a friend to work,
Xtreme Balance, but work to other people almost friends said something. The results of the relationship among friends.
four, rebellious
Some people favor to bicker with others to explain their unconventional, to anybody 1 thing, regardless of the values of, say yes, I think the bad; you say Yes, I said it erroneous, so that their aversion to others.
five as psychological
Some human activity to make friends as a flirtation,
PULSERA NEGRA CON LOGO XB, always meet, boastful, adore to mention fine words, and somebody met her, it will namely the depth of interaction with someone. This is merely superficial interpersonal relationships, and accordingly there is not deep sensibilities for the friend.
6, the love of money, some people think that mental
purpose namely to make friends namely the This lust Cheoy Lee, dipping others a bad psychological, will be undermined their own identity.
seven indifference psychological
at all times some people had nothing to do manifold asset to look chilly, indifferent, or mistakenly believe that raspy words, outlooks, aloof, strut, is the