General There are 3 ways ,
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1. set web.config file
> to pass
string Name = ; as receiving
string Name = Request.QueryString [parameter file to pass the Chinese words (ie,
GHD Purple Butterfly 2011, not from the behind with a Redirect () method Url transition). Parameters passed to the Chinese as encoding,
GHD NZ, decoding anew when the receiver.
>> to pass
<script language== Receive
string Name = Request.QueryString [Set the network.config file aboard it. But whether you use the JavaScript method,
GHD IV Black Straighteners, then shriek the webservice (which namely passed to the webservice Chinese parameters). Set the web.config file seems invalid.
Response.Redirect (Use
4.Uri class
MessageBox.Show (Uri.EscapeUriString (doc ; MessageBox.Show (str);
; MessageBox.Show (Uri.UnescapeDataString (str +
tin not pass ahead the code secondhand to get parameters:
Object req = Request.QueryString [