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Old 05-30-2011, 02:53 PM   #1
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Default Gucci Chaussures|######## breitling|######## breitling


  今年以来,打黑除恶风暴席卷荆楚大地。10月16日,鹤峰警方向本报记者披露了在打黑除恶风暴中,接连 端掉当地三大害人赌场的详情,并详细介绍了其中两大害人赌场的运营方式及危害,同时提请广大居民洁身自好, 远离赌博。


  群殴牵出赌博团伙 一晚抓了15人

  鹤峰县位于恩施州东南部,与湖南省毗邻。据鹤峰县公安局刑警大队大队长唐祝清介绍,从去年开始,有人最 初是在湖南桑植邻近湖北鹤峰的交界地带开设赌场,被当地警方打击几次后,今年以来,赌场迁到了鹤峰县铁炉乡 等与湖南石门等地毗邻的多个村流动聚赌。

  今年4月20日下午2时许,赌客在铁炉乡细杉村聚赌时,发生几十人的群殴事件,事件共造成4人受伤,其 中两人为重伤。

  细杉村距离鹤峰县城约有150公里。群殴事件发生后,该县刑警大队民警迅速开赴现场,于傍晚6时许赶到 细杉村时,涉案人员已经跑得差不多了。鹤峰警方近40名民警就地展开抓捕行动,通过围追堵截,一晚上相继抓 获15名涉案人员,其中,民警在一台轿车上,GHD IV Dark Styler,一次性将当天的4名参赌人员抓获,并从车上搜出一把自制手枪。

  此后,随着数十名涉恶犯罪嫌疑人相继落网,以龚小江、吴花(女)为首的特大赌博团伙被摧毁 。

  居民编队参赌 总庄主坐收“水钱”

  警方调查发现,该团伙利用麻将中的筒子作为道具,通过猜大小赌钱。鄂湘两地9个村的一些居民,以村为单 位,组成9个参赌队,每个队选出一名队长,这9名队长和总庄主一起分享“水钱”。所谓“水钱”,指的是在赌 博过程中,庄家每赢一次,就提10%的钱当水钱。

  据办案民警介绍,每天进场时,每个参赌队最低要保证有3万元的赌资,达不到3万元的队,其赌客就只能算 散客。赌博时,给庄家和三方闲家各发两个麻将的筒子,然后比大小论输赢。而参赌队,则按照到场的先后排名做 庄,其他队则轮流充当三方闲家。

  警方介绍说,在此过程中,总庄主即赌场老板龚小江是最大赢家,平均每天提“水钱”两三万元,高峰期(赌 客约百人时)每天可提到八九万元。

  组织严密 在通往赌场的路上布哨

  唐祝清大队长介绍说,该赌博团伙组织严密,每选一处场子,都远离交通要道,赌客事先都不知道赌场设在哪 ,走到指定的大路上后,会有赌场的“马仔”接应,马仔先收掉赌客的手机等通讯工具,然后为赌客指小路。通往 赌场的路上,除每隔两三百米就有“明哨”一路接应外,还有“暗哨”监督“明哨”等。


  警方介绍,现年38岁的龚小江,无业,以前曾因打架斗殴被治安处罚过几次,其几年前曾到广东打过工,在 打工过程中,沉溺赌博,欠下一大笔赌债。回湖北后,继续长年赌博,欠下一百多万元的赌债。民警说,龚小江因 欠的赌债太多,于去年五六月份开始,铤而走险开赌场。


  警方目前已查实的该团伙涉案人员有70多人,对在逃人员的追抓工作尚在进行中。此前,总庄主龚小江和9 名队长已被移送起诉,此前几天当地法院一审开庭对这10人进行了审判。




  年过40岁的覃小慧(女),有六七年赌博史,最初,无职无业的覃小慧长期沉迷打牌赌博,后来与人合伙开 赌场,近几年来,她干脆自己在鹤峰县城容美镇开起赌场,######## breitling,当地警方虽多次打击,其中最近一次打击是在去年11月份,但警方每次去查时,人都跑光了,且过一阵子赌场 又重新开张了。

  今年5月,在全省打黑除恶的风暴中,当地警方决定坚决摘除这一社会毒瘤。“擒贼先擒王”,根据事先摸排 掌握的情况,5月30日,民警悄悄跟踪覃小慧,以选择合适的时机下手。5月31日,机会来了,当天,覃小慧 在赌场赌博时输了3万多元,下午,她在一家餐馆吃了饭后,准备到一家歌厅去唱歌,当她独自一人经过一条小巷 时,民警突然从天而降将其抓获。

  经过审讯,当天深夜,覃小慧开口交代,她之所以开赌场,也是因长年赌博欠了五六十万元赌债,“迫于无奈 ”才开设赌场以抽水钱还债。覃小慧供述,她平均每天抽的水钱也有三四万元。

  警方随后了解到,覃小慧离婚之后,长期与一男子同居,这名男子后来在她的赌场充当“哨兵”角色。该赌场 主要以纸牌作为赌具,庄家和三方闲家猜大小论输赢。在覃小慧的赌场,长期有两名专职的护赌人员护赌,其中有 一名赌客,长期在覃小慧的赌场参赌,后来,他到其他地方参赌,护赌人员发现后,将这个赌客殴打了一顿,并威 胁他以后不得在其他地方赌博,Gucci Chaussures。另外,有一名赌客在覃小慧的赌场出“老千”被发现,护赌人员也将该名赌客“修理”了一顿。

  记者采访中还了解到,前往覃小慧赌场赌博的人员很杂,“有社会方方面面的人”,其中在去年夏天的一天, 有一名37岁的龙姓赌客,在该赌场一天输了12万多元,输红了眼的龙某,跑到县城边的小河边企图轻生,后被 人从“悬崖边”救回。



  鹤峰县公安局刑警大队大队长唐祝清说,因该县特殊的地理方位,当地社会治安方面最头疼的事分别是赌博、 入室盗窃和吸毒。在今年打黑除恶过程中,该县警方高度重视,专门成立了“打黑除恶”重点整治工作领导小组, 由该县县委常委、政法委书记、公安局长龙志刚任组长。在今年打黑除恶过程中,一同被打掉的还有一个在该县县 城由当地人何某开设的特大赌场。三大害人赌场被端掉之后,目前该县尚未再发现有新的赌场“露头 ”。

  唐祝清表示,警方将建立长效机制,以露头就打的高压态势,维护打黑除恶的成果,为广大居民的生产生活营 造一个良好的治安环境。(文中涉案人物为化名)
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Old 05-30-2011, 02:54 PM   #2
Posts: n/a

Doctors successfully removed the elderly Li Shusen cornea transplant cornea

happy being nervous for the little Kin Ping

more from the night before 8 o'clock to 10 o'clock last night, a Kunming staged - Li Shusen old man died of illness, his son Li Jianbo make a phone call to the newspaper free to donate the cornea facing the elderly blind Kin Ping

24 小时 Relay love bright
last night, Kin Ping successful cornea

27-year-old mother to son with their corneal light


Kin Ping eyes saved.
9:34 last night, Li Jianbo, a telephone,tory burch boots, so calm down out of the way of small health became clear. Last night around 8:30, Li Jianbo Li Shusen father just passed away due to stomach bleeding. Li Jianbo suppressed grief of mind, emerge out of need to do corneal transplants Kin Ping presence. If the father of the cornea allows children to see the light, the father soul in heaven will rest in peace. After a family discussion, willing to donate his father's cornea Kin-ping.
activity of only 24 hours in the cornea, which is the most God-arranged time. Over time, the quality of the cornea will gradually decline. From the beginning the night before 8:40, the time lost in a minute by minute, Kunming, the first free organ donors through a tortuous and difficult road.
more than 8 points the night before

Li Jianbo want to donate just the death of his father's cornea Kin Ping

8 点 40 points: for Li Jianbo,tory burch sale, the former night is the darkest night. He was 76-year-old father died because of bleeding. As the eldest son, Li Jianbo hold back the grief, kept his father's funeral.
you ready to give them into the morgue when a thought flashed Li Jianbo of the mind, to donate his father's cornea.
If the family does not agree, will not criticize his lack of filial piety? However, after a moment of silence, the whole family agreed, and Li Jianbo started to contact with the provincial Red Cross donations.
last night 9:00

Li Jianbo not contact the donor by the organization for help this newspaper

21 点 47 points: Li Jianbo kept out of phone calls, An hour in the past, no one answered the phone the provincial Red Cross. Time goes by, the father is put on the shroud, the arrival of emergency department patients continue there.
not contact the agency by the donor, with a little bit of hope, he called the newspaper hotline. attached to a hospital. Emergency department door, Li Jianbo calmly waiting reporters. This middle-aged man, the first time in his father's death, suppressed grief, think of a small health level. Li Jianbo hospital repeatedly urged his father's remains will be sent to the morgue, you can not have any prospect of a solution of donations.
22 点 40 points: the funeral because of the need to prepare for the elderly, relatives who have left the hospital. Jian-Bo Li and his wife stayed on to wait. Relatives dispersed, Li Jianbo no longer conceal sadness, talking about old man named seven feet in tears. If you can successfully remove the old cornea Li Shusen, Kin Ping can immediately surgery. Get the news, Kin Ping's parents ready to go home immediately. <
Last night, 10 points

no donation agreement, the two hospitals can not collect the cornea

22 点 40 points: Another Way newspaper reporter started to contact the relevant sectoral coordination surgery. The message body was sent to the morgue did not spread to here. If Li Shusen's body was not refrigerated, 24-hour cut in half just 12 hours. 12 hours, meaning that surgery should be done in the evening.
first phone call related to the leadership of a hospital ophthalmology, because no donation agreement, the leadership turned down the request of the cornea collection. But the reporter get a message that a hospital can do this surgery.
telephone call to the leadership of this duty at the General Hospital. Donation only if a mutual agreement, legal instruments, surgery can be carried out.
phone calls related to leadership of the provincial Red Cross. Too late, no one answered the phone. From the provincial Red Cross, the Office of Business Development and then to all the provincial Red Cross ... ... phones are hit again.
23 points: hope more and more remote. At this time, from the old man's death has the last two hours, Li Jianbo start some despair.
However, if not contact the relevant provincial Red Cross staff, how to sign an agreement? How to successfully donate?
Yesterday 0:00

donation nowhere, Li Jianbo sorry to go home

0 点 10 points: news again with the relevant provincial Red Cross personnel. Other staff from the mouth of a learned something very few organ donation, they never met,tory burch uk sale, the provincial Red Cross Hospital did not carry out such work.
At this time, the relevant provincial leadership of the Red Cross called to tell the leadership in charge of organ donation the phone, but the other side of the phone was switched off. At this point,tory burch sales, Li Jianbo still in the hospital waiting. If it made no transfer, Li Jianbo lose confidence in how to do? Activity decreased corneal transplantation is not how to do ... ...

that does not have any body can remove the cornea after his father, Li Jianbo sorry to go home with his wife. a. hours. The reporter did not give up hope try to only one eye bank in Yunnan Province - Yunnan Province, central eye bank, Jian Ping advice surgery for small matters.
attached to the Second Hospital of Kunming Medical Director of Eye of the Zhou was heard to donate corneas to immediately ask for details. That the body had been sent to the morgue, the Zhou said that the weather is relatively cool in Yunnan, especially now, remains in the frozen state, within 24 hours, the cornea can be removed. There are 10 hours, this flame is not extinguished!
Yesterday 11:00

through the night, Li Jianbo decided to donate

11 o'clock: After a night, Li Jianbo would also like to donate his father's cornea it? After contact with Li Jianbo, Li Jianbo discussed again with his family, decided to donate the cornea. Li Jianbo, after everything came down morgue. . As Kin Ping eating about 10 o'clock yesterday morning, phone call Kin-ping the first time parents,tory burch wedge, do not let children eat anything or drink water, and immediately rushed to hospital with the second eye.
Yesterday 12:00

with two doctors rush to a hospital attached to collect the cornea

12 点 20 points: sunny, full of human love two hospitals. Wu, a car carrying doctors and autumn eye doctor, a hospital attached towards the mortuary. The master drive is going to capture a cornea and immediately pick the nearest road.
Car in a driving, Dr. Wu crowded despite the car, immediately for a good surgical gown. Fall sitting co-pilot bit doctor kept saying: Hospital mortuary door, Li Jianbo were anxiously waiting. Exhausted, he choked signing
Yesterday 12:00 more

two doctors successfully collected cornea

12 点 47 points: . Li Shusen's body had been placed in the central morgue, the elderly face serene. Dr. Wu Open sterile pack, the two put out the eye of the small box.
autumn movements relieve doctors, speak softly, for fear wake of the great old man. The morgue, in addition to surgical scissors outside came the sound of collision, all for the old man was silent.
Li Shusen old eyes eye was successfully removed, the cornea side up on two boxes. Can not be shaken, tossed direct sunlight. Heavy corneal holding hands in Dr. Wu, her carefully out of the morgue.
briefly prodded, the car immediately activated. The longer the more unfavorable for corneal transplantation, little hope of Kin Ming calm become smaller. Car in a driving,tory burch uk, Dr. Wu physically block the sun out the window, to avoid sun exposure to the box. Cornea must be put into the refrigerator in the shortest possible time.
5 minutes to vehicle useless to Dakun Hospital attached to the hospital, Dr. Wu 佝偻着身子 block the sun, walked into the eye.

Zhou Jian-ping, director did a little checking, they should immediately surgery.
10 points last night

Kin Ping started corneal transplant surgery

10 点 02 points: Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical doctors do for the Kin-ping corneal transplant.
11 点 32 points: well doctors and health levels for small eyes to do the surgery. He can be discharged tomorrow.
Kin Ping's parents could not afford surgery

Yesterday, Kin Ping's parents only raise 1,000 yuan surgery. 1 million face surgery, they do nothing. If you would like to extend a helping hand, please contact with the newspaper's hotline 5353000.
reporters HOU Yu Yang Bin, was a trainee journalist / reporter Zhang Han Zhang Yujie text / Map (City Times)
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