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Old 07-23-2011, 06:47 AM   #1
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 791
l1oe3tr3sbon is on a distinguished road

坐月子是女人一生中最好的改善体质时机。如果没有坐好月子,将为以后的身体健康埋下隐患。中国人讲究坐月子 ,千万不要以为那是迷信哦,许多讲究都是有道理的。
1.一定要休养一个月或一个半月。产后两周,除了吃饭和上洗手间以外,其他的时间一定要卧床。若常坐或起身 走动,可能引起子宫下垂。
2.准备两三条宽度约为30---40厘米,长度可绕腹部12圈半的白纱布。产后要紧绑腹带,防止内脏下垂。内脏下垂将导致妇女病,以及小腹 突出,体形难看。绑腹带还可改善产前小腹明显的状况。腹带不能以一般的束裤和束腹带代替。因为它们不但没有 效果,还有反作用。
3.前两周洗澡只能用温酒水擦澡。做法是烧开的水和米酒各一半,加一点点盐巴,用毛巾浸湿,拧干,在身上擦 。第三周起可以淋浴,满月后可泡澡。(顺产者)
8.要有安静,舒适的环境。阳光太强时要拉上窗帘,保护眼睛。不能吹风,因为产后全身毛孔都张开了,吹风易 引起头风及关节酸痛等,连扇子也不要摇。
10.不要流泪,否则眼睛将提早老化,可能演变为青光眼或白内障。少看书报和电视,一定要让眼睛充分 休息。
2.产后半个月内严禁喝水、饮料及汤类,牛奶也不可以喝。因为会喝成大水桶,会变胖,将来容易得风湿病或神 经痛。可以用烧开的米酒代替水分(买商店里的瓶装米酒)。做法是将数瓶米酒倒入锅内,不加盖,大火煮沸后持 续15分钟以上。再将煮好的米酒水装入热水瓶备用。
5.半个月内禁吃鱼类和肉类,可以多吃肝脏等。因为疲劳的身体无法完全吸收鱼、肉的养分,结果过多的养分, 只会加重身体的负担,产生“虚不受补”的现象。应该到第三周开始吃。
本计划书根据台湾庄淑旗博士的坐月子理论,mens new balance WL574,本人将逐一实践,并及时把心得体会与各位姐妹分享。
  1、 滴水不沾 (以米酒水代替普通水)
  2、 粒盐不进 (少食盐)
  3、 勤绑腹带
  4、 静心休养
  初次知道这本书,是因为一个朋友丽丽。那时候我姐姐怀孕快生了,丽丽介绍她用这本书,说效果不错。我才 知道她的小孩已经半岁了,可是她的身材恢复得非常好,根本看不出生过小孩了。就这样,我们家姐妹三个,都用 这个方法坐的月子,不仅身材恢复的不错,体质也比以前好多了。
   作者庄淑芹博士,是台湾著名的妇产科专家。她提出,女性在一生中有三次机会可以调整自己的体型,使之恢复青 春、美丽与健康,那就是初潮期、生产后、更年期。这里最重要的就是生产后这个阶段。这个时期,womens new balance ML574,你的身体就好像一个打开的大门,可以把怀孕时积累的多余的积水和毒素(这也是产后发胖的主要原因)排出体 外,然后通过正确的补养使你的身体更健康。
  第一周,主要是要把多余的水分和毒素以及恶露排出体外,每天喝生化汤,吃麻油炒猪肝。注意不能喝水(否 则排水的效果就没了),渴了就喝止渴饮料,如荔枝核、山楂片等,或煮开的米酒。任何菜都不能放水,用米酒煮 开代替。不能放盐(盐会使水分停留在身体里),不能放醋(醋会使骨质变软),不能放酱油(道理 同盐)。
  第二周,主要增强骨质和腰肾的功能,恢复骨盆。每天吃炒腰子和杜仲粉,有助于缓解尾椎骨等骨疼;(另: 如果是剖腹产,还要再喝一周生化汤)。禁忌同上,也不要吃咸菜,泡菜,味曾汤。
  第三周到一个月,这时候,该排的已经排完,主要吃麻油鸡补身体。千万记得,排完毒素后吃麻油鸡才能被身 体吸收,否则堆积在身体里,成为多余的脂肪。 因为前期身体虚弱,中医讲虚不受补,吃了吸收不了,只会加重身体的负担。
  以上所有的食物,都要用到大量的米酒(不能用料酒和黄酒,里面含盐且工艺不同),生姜,胡 麻油,红糖。
  2、 同时,坐月子期间,不能吹风,着凉。要穿有后帮的鞋(不能穿拖鞋,否则落下脚后跟疼的毛病)。洗脸用煮过的 米酒放温后洗,不要洗澡,同样用煮过的米酒擦身。绑腹带,最好自己喂奶,对身体的恢复会更好。出了月子之后 再开始运动,等等,不一而足。
   我自己生小孩前110斤,生的时候135斤。小孩生下来8斤5两,生完4天时,113斤,出月子时就恢复到 110斤。但是这时的体形很松跨,没有肌肉,肚子松松的。不过自己带小孩很累,加上偶尔的锻炼(抽时间锻炼 也不容易啊),6个月后,体重已经变成98磅,体形也慢慢恢复好了,别人都看不出我生过小孩。没有胯变宽之 类的后遗症,但是肚子上的妊辰纹消不下去了。
  在北京艾佳人月子公司的资料介绍中,有一个米酒水随处都可以见到,到处都要用到。这个水他们卖得比较的 便宜,要240元/箱,30天月子坐下来,要10箱,也就是说要2400元。但是根据资料的介绍,这个水实际上就是米酒烧开, 不要加盖,让酒精充分地挥发。整个月子期间,要用这个水来代替产妇一切的饮食用水,包括洗菜、泡米,炒菜、 煮饭、擦澡等等等等。
  这里特别说明,这个米酒不是国内说的醪糟或酒酿,是专门的月子米酒,酒精含量在15度的样 子。
  2、 生化汤
  生化汤是一付配好的中药,它的主要功能是使子宫尽快排出恶露,帮助它恢复正常的位置和形状。稍微大一点 的中药房,都可以买到。
  3、胡麻油 (黑麻油)
  胡麻油,这个在月子期间几乎所有的菜里都会用到。 有防止皮肤衰老和抗癌的作用
  长1500CM,宽15CM的白纱带,需备至少两条。艾佳人两条卖100元,我计划去药店购买,如果没 有,用绷带在缝纫机上按规格自制。
  1、 产妇的饮料:
  材料:山楂肉、荔枝壳、观音串加入十倍米酒水中,烧开烧滚,滤出。加黑砂糖搅拌均匀,在容器中冷藏。喝 时加热,每天不超过500CC,可一次多做点。山楂肉、荔枝壳、观音串可以单独选用,也可以搭 配使用。
  材料:当归,川穹,buy new balance shoes,桃仁(去芯),烤老姜,炙草(蜜甘草)。
  做法: A米酒700cc,加入药料,慢火煮1小时左右,约剩200cc,这是第一次,药酒倒出备用。
  吃法: 把A和B 放在一起,一天分3次喝完。顺产喝7天,剖腹产喝14天。
  材料: 鸡心枣(要买红的鸡心枣)产前用热水(产后用米酒水)280cc
  做法: 用水洗净红枣,以刀切开7处。 放在容器中,将热开水冲下,加盖放置一夜。 第二天早上用蒸器蒸之。 等沸腾后再用文火蒸一小时。
  吃法: 把红枣取出,去皮去种子,一天之中随时可食。汤汁可分两三次,饭后当茶喝。 加点冰糖或白兰地亦可。
  4、薏仁饭: 薏仁加白米煮成饭,用米酒水煮。
  材料:猪肝用米酒洗净,切成1公分厚度,体重每10公斤要取60克老姜(连皮一起切片)体重每十公斤取 六克。 麻油,体重每十公斤取6cc. 米酒,体重每十公斤用60cc.
  做法: 老姜用麻油炒香,成浅褐色,姜捞起,先置于备好的米酒中。油热,大火,再放下猪肝,用大火快炒,再倒入浸着 姜的米酒煮开。
  吃法: 猪肝适宜于早、中餐吃,以上分量可以分3��4次吃完;
  注:新鲜猪腰,每天一副,用米酒擦干后切成两半,剔除白色尿腺。将清理干净的腰子在表面斜切裂口后,再 切成3公分的小片。
  材料(三日份):糯米,桂圆肉,黑糖,new balance running shoe,米酒水2000CC。
  做法:将糯米与桂圆肉放入米酒水中,加盖泡8小时。 将泡过的材料,以大火煮滚后改以小火加盖煮1小时。 熄火,加入黑糖搅拌后食用。
  做法:将红豆放入米酒水中,加盖泡8小时。老姜切成丝,放入已泡好的红豆中。大火煮滚后转中火继续煮2 0分钟(加盖)。熄火,加入黑糖搅拌后即可食用。
  材料: 每100公克的鸡肉,要老姜10公克`米酒100cc`麻油10 cc,以次类推。
   做法: 锅加热,麻油倒入,油热后,加入切片的老姜(不削皮),直到出香味但姜没有煎为止,把姜离移至锅的一侧,把 切块的全鸡放下锅中炒,直到鸡肉7分熟后,把备好的酒由锅的四周往中间淋,全部倒入后,盖锅煮,酒开了,即 转为小火,再煮30-40分钟就好。
  吃法: 趁热吃,把浮油捞起,剩下的酒汤则置于热水瓶中,慢慢喝完。肉则配饭一起吃。
  材料(三日份):花生,去膜去芽,虾,猪蹄约、带皮老姜适量、去柄香菇15克,米酒水2500CC,麻 油80CC。
  做法:香菇在10倍量的米酒水里泡软、切丝待用。花生放入米酒水中滚开,去膜,去芽。麻油加热,放老姜 爆透。猪蹄放入锅中炒到外皮变色。放入花生炒一会儿,再把猪蹄和老姜放进,最后加香菇、虾及米酒水。加盖烧 滚,慢火炖约8小时。(这个时间有点长,可酌减。)
  做法:糯米用米酒水洗干净,滤干。将洗过的糯米加入冷的米酒水中泡8小时后沥干,泡过的水要另外置于容 器内备用,不要倒掉。米酒水须盖过糯米。将去柄香菇和虾米泡进刚才剩下的水中。泡软后香菇切丝。带皮老姜与 五花肉、红萝卜都切成粗丝。锅加热后放入四大匙麻油,将老姜炒成浅褐色。加虾米、香菇、五花肉、红萝卜、炒 香取出。锅内重新加热,放三大匙麻油,加热,下糯米炒到有黏性时,再加其他材料一起炒。将炒好的材料装进蒸 锅,加泡过香菇、虾米的米酒水,分量盖过所有材料。蒸熟就可以吃了。
  适量香菇、莲子、红枣、枸杞、山药,加米酒水炖至酥烂。以上材料可单独使用,也可一起使用 。
  禁忌食物: 生冷食物,?弱,白萝卜,咸菜,腌渍白菜,梅干,味增汤、日本茶,乌龙茶,啤酒,果汁,牛乳,水,开水。醋 ,红花油,猪油,牛油
  禁忌食物:生冷食物,?弱,白萝卜,咸菜,腌渍白菜,梅干,味增汤、日本茶,乌龙茶,啤酒,果汁,牛乳 ,水,开水。
  1、从第二周开始,可吃少量蔬菜,但须选择比较温和的蔬菜,并尽量以红色蔬菜为主,如红萝卜、米茜。第 三周后可适量放宽,温和性蔬菜都可以。也须用米酒水烹 调。
  产后最重要的一件事即为「休息」,在这段期间内,产妇周围的亲戚,如娘家的母亲与姊妹、夫家的亲属、当 然还有丈夫等,都应同心协力的来照顾产妇,不让她离开房间、不让她起身做任何劳动、不分贫富、或者第几次生 产,甚至是小产,都一定要同样的慎重!自然生产者须休养三十天,剖腹产、自然流产或人工流产者,更须延长休 养的天数至四十天以上!
  产后二周内为子宫收缩最快速的时候,此时因怀孕时子宫被胎儿撑得非常大,一但生产,子宫成为真空状态, 内脏因不再受压迫而变的非常松垮,若产后即常坐起或走动,因地心引力的关系,将造成松垮的子宫及内脏收缩不 良,引起内脏下垂,而「内脏下垂」就可能是所有妇女病的根源。所以产后二周内,除了吃饭及上厕所之外,其余 时间,不论是白天或是晚上,均应卧床休息。
  利用生产的机会来调整体型,或者改善身体上的一些症状,是一个很重要的时机,所以很多人会在这段期间用 纱布条绑腹,达到调整体型的目的!
  坐月子期间必须特别注意防止「内脏下垂」,因内脏下垂可能为所有「妇女病」及「未老先衰」的根源,并会 因此而产生小腹,故在坐月子期间须勤绑腹带以收缩腹部并防止内脏下垂,而若原本即为内脏下垂体型者,亦可趁 坐月子期间勤绑腹带来改善。。
所使用的腹带为一条很长的白纱带,长约1200公分,宽为15公分,每人须准备二条以便替换。因产后须热补 ,容易流汗,若汗湿时应将腹带拆开,并将腹部擦干,再洒些不带凉性的痱子粉后重新绑紧。若汗湿较严重时,则 须更换干净的腹带,绑法请参考「腹带的绑法」。如果使用一般一片粘的束腹或束裤,不仅没有防止内脏下垂的效 果,反而有可能压迫内脏令气血不通畅,使内脏变形或产生胀气而造成呼吸困难或下腹部突出的体型,请特别注意 !
  2)用量:为产妇自己的功课,因为不穿衣裤(先绑好腹带后再将内裤穿上),平贴皮肤,容易汗湿,每人均 需准备2条来替换
  3)功能:.a.防止内脏下垂(一般束腹不适用) b.收缩腹部,消肚子
  4)开始绑的时间:自然产��产后第2天;剖腹产��第6天(5天内用束腹);小产�� 术后第二天
  5)每日拆卸,重绑时间:三餐饭前须拆下、重新绑紧再吃饭;擦澡前拆下,擦澡后再绑上;产后2周24小 时绑着,松了就重绑;第3周后可白天绑,晚上拆下
  a. 仰卧、平躺,把双膝竖起,脚底平放床上,膝盖以上的大腿部分尽量与腹部成直角;臀部抬高,并于臀部下垫2个 垫子
  b. 两手放在下腹部,手心向前,将内脏往「心脏」的方向按摩、抱高
  c. 分2段式绑,从耻骨绑至肚脐,共绑12圈,前7圈重迭缠绕,每绕1圈半要「斜折」一次(斜折即将腹带的正面 转成反面,再继续绑下去,斜折的部位为臀部两侧),后5圈每圈往上挪高2公分,螺旋状的往上绑,最后盖过肚 脐后用安全别针固定并将带头塞入即可
  d. 每次须绑足12圈,若腹围较大者须用3条腹带接成2条来使用
  e. 太瘦,髋骨突出,腹带无法贴住肚皮者,须先垫上毛巾后再绑腹带
  f. 拆下时须一边拆、一边卷回实心圆统状备用
  怀孕期间子宫增加的负担是不可言喻的,单看之前与之后子宫的大小就知道,因此,在生产后要使子宫尽快恢 复原状。而要想子宫尽快的恢复功能,最重要的便是要将子宫内的污血完全排出,如果能使子宫成为真空状态,则 贺尔蒙的分泌将会特别活跃,子宫的功能亦会比怀孕前更好!而洗头,将会严重影响产后恶露的排除,只要头皮一 受凉,子宫里的污血马上会凝结成血块不易排出,就算马上吹干也不允许,况且用吹风机来吹头,是很容易引起头 风及头痛的。而子宫内的废血若不清除干净,就很有可能会造成荷尔蒙不平衡以及内分泌不
  # 清洁头皮法
  将药用酒精隔水温热,再以脱脂棉花沾湿,将头发分开,前后左右擦拭头皮,稍用手按摩一下头部后,再以梳 子将脏物刷落,如此将会感到较清爽,此法可于饭前天天擦拭,或用软梳梳理头发,好让头部气血畅通,保持脑部 清新。
  为了避免受凉,产后两周内不可洗澡,但要用正确的方法擦澡,第三周起可淋浴,满月后方可泡 澡。
  # 擦澡的方法
  用烧开的水及米酒水各半,加入10cc的药用酒精及10公克的盐,掺和着成为擦澡水,用毛巾沾湿、扭干 ,替产妇擦拭她的肚子及流汗的地方,早上、中午、晚上各一次,若冬天非常寒冷时,则一次就好。擦拭干净后还 要抹上不带凉性的痱子粉,肚子上如果绑上腹带,腹带也要适时的更换。
  洗脸及刷牙不需用药用酒精及盐巴,但需用温热的水,为预防头风或头痛,绝不能用冷水;另外,脸部的保养 ,可以使用适合自己的洗面奶及保养品。
  可以将茶水(即泡茶将茶叶滤掉的茶水)放入适量的盐巴与药用酒精混合使用,再用这样的水来清洗ying 部及肛m,有收敛的作用。
  产后全身的毛细孔,包括头皮的毛细孔都是张开的,此时一吹到风,不论是热风或冷风,毛细孔就会立刻收缩 ,很容易造成筋骨酸痛、头痛、头风,甚至感冒。
  产妇要有舒适的环境,所以夏天太过炎热、或者冬天太冷,均需开空调让室温维持在摄氏25-28度之间,但却要注意不可以吹到风!所以一定要想办法将空调的风完全挡住,不可对着产妇吹,而且产妇须穿 长裤、长袖、戴帽子、手套、围巾,并且穿袜子来挡风!
  产妇不可碰冷水,以防受凉或产生酸痛的现象,所以举凡擦澡、洗脸、洗手、刷牙或产后第三周以后的冲澡, 均需使用热水。
  产后最重要的工作无它,就是安心下来,尽情的吃和睡。此时全身的机能均在迅速的恢复中,womens new balance 576,所以当然不可提重物,更不可抱小孩,否则极易产生内脏下垂的体型。况且,新生的婴儿,骨骼、内脏均尚未发 育完全,最好还是尽量让他睡觉,常抱他只会对他造成不良影响。
  至于喂母奶时,也要侧躺在床上,将婴儿放于身侧让他吸奶,产妇可以斜靠,并在婴儿及产妇的背面各放一个 大枕头支撑,但要注意不要堵住婴儿的鼻子,以免窒息。
  每一个女人于生产完后,一定都会分泌母乳,母乳的分泌应是很充足的,但若不给婴儿吸食,就无法再分泌出 来,即使婴儿一次就全部吸光,母乳的供应仍是源源不绝,因为这是母体的本能。所以若不给婴儿吃母乳,当然是 很不好的。若是婴儿的吃奶量很少,则应将每次剩下的母乳都充分挤掉,以刺激下次r房分泌足够的 乳量。
  产妇若因故临时不亲自喂奶,也要把积存于乳房中的奶挤掉,旧奶积存于r房会使乳房产生硬块或导致乳腺炎 ,最好在产后的六个月中都能充分的授乳,这是最顺乎自然的育儿原则,不但能保护母亲,而且可减少日后发生乳 癌的机会。
如果奶水清淡或不足,不妨于产后第三周起补充花生猪脚;而为了要让产后奶水快速分泌,可于产后第一时间施行 "按电铃"(刺激r头)的功课。
  # 按电铃(刺激乳头)法
  a.产后休息恢复后(剖腹产等麻药退干净后)即开始每四个小时按一次电铃(刺激r头),直至奶水冲出来 为止。
  b.刺激r头的方法有三种:1.让刚出生的婴儿吸允 2.使用吸奶器 3.请新手爸爸协助以便控制吸力。
  c.注意:每次每边r房不要超过15分钟,但要固定每四小时刺激一次r头,不要间断,直至奶水冲出来源 源不绝为止。
   前面强调月子期间不可抱小孩,相同的道理当然更不可以弯着腰来替小宝贝洗澡,如果无法做到,那么产后腰酸背 痛及手脚酸麻的现象必定会随之而来,所以最好在产前就安排好小婴儿的照顾,或者跟先生商量,产后由先生来帮 小贝比洗澡,如此还能增进亲子之间的感情呢!
  产后半年内均不可提太重的物品,以避免内脏下垂而导致腰酸背痛,而于月子期间爬楼梯更应禁 止。
  女性的老化从眼睛开始,所以产后眼部的保养是非常重要的。产妇严禁流泪,俗云:「产妇一滴泪比十两黄金 还贵重」,所以伤感的事,如亲朋好友亡故等不幸的事情,绝不能让产妇知道,不能让她流泪,做丈夫的也应该在 此时扛起所有的责任,让产妇能安心静养。
  产妇如果哭泣的话,眼睛会提早老化,有时会演变为眼睛酸痛、青光眼或白内障的起因。当然,产妇本人也要 尽量努力使自己心情开朗,不要担心杂事,要常常微笑,保持心情愉快。
   产妇应尽量少看电视及书报,如果一定要看,则每十五分钟须让眼睛休息十分钟。最好能多听听轻柔的音乐,一方 面让眼睛充分的休息,一方面可调整情绪,消除神经紧张。
   眼睛容易疲劳的产妇,可于三餐饭前及睡前将毛巾沾上热水(可稍热些),拧干后以毛巾热敷于眼部数分钟,再施 行眼部按摩。
  # 眼部按摩法
  进行眼睛指压以躺卧最为理想,如果不方便,也可以坐在椅子上进行,压揉眼睛时须咬紧牙根,收缩下巴,颈 后要用力。如果眼睛疲劳,压起来会有痛觉,但仍要继续指压,直到不痛为止。
那个喝米酒 绑腹带 是小S坐月子期间做的呢
  1、 家属负责购买各种药材,包括生化汤的材料及月子饮料的材料。具体如下:
  A.生化汤材料:当归(全),川穹,桃仁(去芯),烤老姜,炙草(蜜甘草)。按以上方子购买,1X14 份,分别包好。(本来7份就够,但为预防忽然决定剖腹产之需,得多准备)
  2、 准备腹带,到超市购买米酒、麻油、黑糖、薏仁、莲子、红枣、枸杞、山药、糯米、桂圆、量杯、煮 酒锅等。
  3、 生产当日,和老公先去医院,家人在家准备产后第一天所需的饮料、食物等,用容器装好,以便生产后立刻能用上 。
  计:生化汤,米酒水、月子饮料、麻油猪肝,薏仁饭,糯米粥,以及所有家人的食物,可多备一点,在医院微 波炉里转转吃。
  1、月子里一定要吃的淡,能不放盐和味精就不放,因为宝宝的肾脏还没发育完全,这对奶水的质量和妈妈的 体重都有直接关系,快坚持不下去时,想到自己的身材和宝宝,也就忍啦
  2、前两周以排毒为主(猪肝和腰子有助排毒),一定不能吃大补和大热的东东(如桂园和蹄膀等),因为新 妈妈经过生育,整个人非常虚弱,这时候大补不但吸收不到精华,且只会长膘,而且这时候长得膘很难减掉,热性 的食物对奶水也不好,宝宝吃了容易便秘;
  4、水果一定不能忘,但是前两周也不能大补,道理和2是一样的,多吃些哈密瓜、木瓜、葡萄等,西瓜什么 的不要急着吃,因为西瓜太凉性;
  6、第4周开始可以补力气了(如鸡肉等),第二个月开始和大家一样吃,但还是要注意清淡,否则宝宝受不 了,自己也容易肿;
  8、月子里早餐主食是糯米稀粥;中餐主食是薏米饭(薏米有排水消肿的效果的)不吃大米;晚餐主食是鱼汤 。鱼汤(老姜用麻油爆的起皮后再煎鱼块,鱼用肉质松软的鱼,加水煮熟,到鱼汤变白即可),淡的,奶水好的小 秘诀哦;
  9、水份的补充:多喝豆浆,多吃冬瓜对无论是孕期还是产妇都有减肥和减肿得功效,还能提高奶水的质量; 米酒煮开代替水喝,将米酒煮开之后,让酒精全部蒸发掉即可。

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Old 07-23-2011, 06:59 AM   #2
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Reprinted from 231602654 at 00:54 on March 31, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (1) Category: Personal Diary
morning reported that U.S. 25, Washington, New York, Los Angeles, several cities have appeared suddenly strange behavior in some children, they invariably talk about suddenly, one after another did not understand some human language, and found that they have no One exception is the deep blue of children, allegedly was the first time to decipher their predictions, and translated as follows:
(1) 2010 年 3 January to May, a new outbreak of H1N1 variant of the world, the number of deaths when compared with the secret In many instances, countries formally recognized by the media, as is not to cause social panic before. To the end of May, the world will be at least 3 million people died of H1N1,louis vuitton swimwear, the most serious of which the United States and Canada, followed by China.
(2) 2010 年 3 月份 -9 year, China will be about one quarter of the last six months of drought, mainly in the southwest, in June will be the most serious in Yunnan Province, China for half a year of drought will lead to about 1 million people died.
(3) 2010 年 5 months, there have been a global ice melting, the results will lead to include South America, rising sea levels in some parts of Asia, Japan, Shanghai will bear the brunt.
(4) 2010 年 6 months, Katla Eyjafjallajokull will continue after the major eruption, as the flood caused by the 3 million people will be killed and 10 people homeless, raised the volcanic ash Atlantic coast of Iceland and the whole city, 1 year, there will be 2 million people died of respiratory disease after another.
(5) 2010 年 9 January to October, many parts of the world continued high temperatures, which recorded the highest temperature point of 42.6 degrees Africa,string bikini, Shanghai, 41.2 degrees, over historical levels.
(6) 2010 year-end, the global outbreak of a new round of financial crisis, the public due to the construction of Noah's ark. Built to rumor is not true in China, but in Russia. However, China addition to Shanghai, but also have established a secret shelter in the country, of which there will be a large number of aircraft in and out of Lhasa, the Ark of the construction of public opinion turned in Lhasa.
(7) 2011 年 2 months, the world's twenty-summit held to discuss the financial crisis, the world will participate in at least 200 super-rich, the Summit held in San Francisco. Finally, the government agreed to cut interest rates on the one hand, on the other hand will ensure that the construction of the Ark promises, the result will make Russia, the United States, China and other countries in this position then gradually take the financial lead, while Canada, Japan and other countries gradually perish developing countries.
(8) 2011 年 3 months, the Los Angeles earthquake, magnitude 9.2,louis vuitton bikinis, the death toll rose to 18 million people, separated by less than two weeks, again in Tangshan earthquake, magnitude 8.7, the death toll to 11 million people, experts say the world will enter the active period of the crust.
(9) 2011 年 5 months later, countries large and small areas one after another earthquake and volcanic eruption of Mount Fuji in Japan will be held in August in which a major volcanic eruption, lava would flood half the city of Osaka, killing at least 16 people dead and missing.
(10) 2011 年 9 months, geography experts say is rapidly weakening Earth's magnetic field, solar particle storms in November more invasive layer of Earth's magnetic field, during which several countries and the plane crash occurred underwater submarine collision event.
(11) 2011 年 12 months, will appear alien world's most famous event, ?1 star formation to reach the U.S. 51 area to discuss the global response to disaster events, such as the U.S. President and the Secretary of Defense attended the meeting secret, after the United Nations asked the United States released video talks.
(12) 2012 年 2 months, the International Observatory experts found a 300 million light years from Earth in the solar system, asteroids are invasive, one-third of the volume of the Earth, predicted in November to December during which will hit the Earth, Experts discuss the global response strategy.
(13) 2012 年 3 months, the Philippines super earthquake recorded as magnitude 9.8, including China, China Taiwan, Japan will be affected, together with the stir caused by the tsunami of 50 million deaths, 100 people homeless go back to.
(14) 2012 年 4 months, the UN announced the world into disaster period, in May found that Earth's magnetic field to expert exchange occurs completely polarized, multi-region time and space phenomena, some of the future of people there, to tell the modern December 2012 the 22nd major disaster occurred early Earth, when he was a survivor, from after 2025.
(15) 2012 年 6 months, the Bermuda Triangle,cheap bikinis, crop circles to identify the Bermuda Triangle and other similar events are zero magnetic field Earth's local space-time transfer of the results of alien crop circles as a masterpiece of cattle to slaughter, but also for outside events Star of this study were the result of human genes.
(16) 2012 年 7, the United Nations announced the successful construction of Noah's Ark, Russia, 3 sets, China, 2 sets, each can accommodate 100 people, can withstand tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic lava of the attack, the end of July United States Area 51 alien force through the universe into three super spaceships, each ship can accommodate 60 people, allegedly then humans can survive any planet solar system feeder.
(17) 2012 年 8 months, officially announced the end of the United Nations will be coming within the next 5 months, began to select a specific staff and super spacecraft aboard Noah's Ark, in which heads of state, national experts in all aspects of the best talent and blue blood staff will select the range, the other open tickets for sale, Noah's Ark tickets for 20 million euros for 30 tickets super spaceship billion euros.
(18) 2012 年 9 months, astronomers expected to be 3 months after the asteroid hit the Earth, predict will hit the Atlantic Ocean, sparking a tsunami will spread halfway around the world, when half the world no one can escape this .
(19) 2012 年 9 the end of Chicago 10.5 earthquake occurred, causing the United States 100 million deaths, the earthquake affected Canada and other countries, Canada, 30 people died, 17 people died in Mexico, the Caribbean tsunami Near the national leader of Cuba, Alaska numerous casualties.
(20) 2012 年 10 months, the solar storms wreak havoc once again, resulting in Asia, South America and other large area grid failures and blackouts, since then,micro bikini, half of the countries into the dark ages of the Earth. Most experts predict the next solar storm will hit the Earth by the end of December, when the total paralysis of the global grid, from October to December, due to solar radiation, the number of dead will surge to 1 million.
(21) 2012 年 11 months, the world's 3.7 billion population statistics, the population started from August 2010 has been negative growth in the past three years, the population decreased by 30 million.
(22) 2012 年 12 the beginning of the Ark and the super-ship tickets sold, number of countries expected to board: China 100 million, Russia 950 000, U.S. 1,500,000, Japan 20 million, the number of super-board the spacecraft is expected to U.S. 800 000, China 50 million, Russia 20 million, relatively few other countries. In order to ensure that humans and species can continue to multiply after the last day. Boarding time is 15 December to 20 December.
(23) 12 on 5, Dec. 12, Dec. 13 United States, China, Japan, one after another giant earthquakes, the earthquake affected neighboring countries, a number of cities in ruins, almost paralyzed state the main shock, the whole earth in the near destruction of the state, Mexico, Iceland, respectively, in the December 7 to 20, a super volcano occurred, a number of cities were submerged in the lava.
(24) 12 月 20 date, five stand-Ark Steady, three spacecraft has flown to Mars. December 21 United States 17:11 pm, the outbreak of the strongest solar storms that swept the lava sprayed into the solar wind to the sun the earth, All of a sudden, Africa, South America, Asia, Europe, a sea of fire, disaster, not caused by the 15 board million deaths, U.S. time 23:36, asteroid colliding with Earth, by impact site in the eastern Atlantic, triggering the tsunami half a world, disasters are not on board again lead the 18 million deaths.
(25) 12 月 21 日 至 12 月 22 am, mankind has been struggling in the sea of fire, lava and tsunami, the sky became dark, dark gray, the sky flashed from time to time around the fire, the destruction of the atmosphere, the air component changes will be replaced by carbon dioxide and hydrogen. Humans did not board the rest will all suffocate.
(26) 12 04 月 22 morning when a large number of alien spacecraft suddenly involved, the sky is big and small around the alien ship, shines with colored light, said to total system from the hundreds of Galaxy planet formation, they come just for the purpose of picking up the pieces, they take out of the ark all human beings, but to ensure that reproduce the human race, the Earth will enter the era of alien domination,######y bikini, December 22, humans began a new era, but by alien life domination, entry and nothing to civilization before the sun can not do anything further for the earth lighting, light and energy supply will be space aliens, the space can be translated into other galaxies of light and energy to the Earth to use. 30 years after this, the Earth will slowly die, and ultimately, the Earth is an Alien reduced the total territory of the Galaxy.
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Old 07-23-2011, 06:59 AM   #3
Posts: n/a

Seven in Hong
,belstaff motorcycle jackets
faded childhood dreams
is no longer only willing to do a
winged elf
night of the moon
leaning on the window
slender hands are Jiancheng
will be hot on the buccal attached to the stone fence
in the shadow of the ancient ivy
has Fireflies Tour
like a diary to write no itemized account
replaced by thick
vague writing
in a dark blue light blue tears in page
who do not know the statement has
a flowering tree
How can you meet me
in this most beautiful moment for this
I have for five hundred years before Buddha
Let us end
seeking a carnal
Buddha turned into a tree so my
long in the street you are bound to
carefully under the sun in full blossom
blossoming hope all my past life
When you get closer you listen
trembling leaves of the passion of my waiting
ignore when you finally get through
behind you a land
ah it is not petals
my withered heart
ancient Acacia song
years old at that
have had the same story
that the woman playing the harp is also the age of sixteen you
Or tonight I
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Man Lan Yinghua
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woman singing the same song
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How many times parting
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many beautiful voice has sung the song of ancient Acacia
Let me shake hands with you
then gently out of my hand
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solemn mountains and gentle cloud day
Let me shake hands with you
then gently out of my hand
from a standstill in China
tears come together to form the river in the heart
Driven to despair as the gaze is
can not find a ferry next to the flower can be both hands
put it on the hem other blessings
and tomorrow
End of the World tomorrow and every

I know this world is not an absolute good
I know it
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Please give me a long summer
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I can only come into this world once so
Please give me a beautiful name
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always remember the things we used to love
Then night comes
beat my window in November
wake up the odor from the southern
wake up from the dream home
illuminated Brussels
alone in my career in the crowd
crowd to vote for me alone
not my tears started falling rain
Fall on
rustling outside the window
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