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Old 07-23-2011, 01:09 PM   #1
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Default ralph lauren hoodie813874078

DSG则可以想象为将两台手动变速箱的功能合二为一,并建立在单一的系统内。DSG内含两台自动控制的离合 器,由电子控制及液压推动,ralph lauren hoodie,能同时控制两组离合器的运作。当变速箱运作时,一组齿轮被齿合,而接近换挡之时,下一组挡段的齿轮已被预 选,但离合器仍处于分离状态;当换挡时一具离合器将使用中的齿轮分离,同时另一具离合器齿合已被预选的齿轮 ,在整个换挡期间能确保最少有一组齿轮在输出动力,令动力没有出现间断的状况。
要配合以上运作,DSG的传动轴被分为两条,一条是放于内里实心的传动轴,而另一条则是在外面套着的空心传 动轴;内里实心的传动轴连接了1、3、5及后挡,而外面空心的传动轴则连接2、4及6挡,两具离合器各自负 责一条传动轴的齿合动作,引擎动力便会由其中一条传动轴作出无间断的传送,考虑到零件使用寿命,设计人员选 择了油槽膜片式离合器,离合器动作由液压系统来控制,discount vibram fivefingers shoes
由于使用2套离合器并且在换挡之前下一档位已被预选齿合,因此DSG的换挡速度非常的快,authentic ralph lauren polo shirts,只需不到0.2秒的时间,下一档已经进去了,比最好技术的专业车手的手动变速还快,因此使用同一辆车使用 DSG比使用MT的加速成绩来得要快。

DSG的起源就如其他汽车高科技一样,其设计都来自赛车运动,而其实际应用早在80年代初的保时捷Pros che 962C和1985年的奥迪Audi sport quattro S1 RC赛车上,并为他们赢取多项冠军立下汗马功劳~!双重离合器的概念是非常先进,但作为新科技都存在着耐用 性不佳的问题,耐用性的好坏同样决定了其成本的多寡,于是,其经过十余年的发展后,才真正被普 通街车所用。
DSG(Direct Shift Gearbox)中文表面意思为“直接换挡变速器”。
AMT的结构较自动变速箱效率更高,paul smith scarves beautiful,而DSG除了拥有手动变速箱的灵活及自动变速箱的舒适外,它更能提供无间断的动力输出,这完全有别于两台 自动控制的离合器。DSG基本由几个大项组成:两个基本3轴的6前速机械波箱、一个内含两套多瓣式离合片的 电子液压离合器机构、一套波箱ECU。不同于普通的双轴波箱,或者单输入轴系统,christian audigier men beach shorts,DSG波箱除了具有双离合器外,更具备同轴的双输入轴系统,juicy couture outwear,而且将6个前进档分别置于两边各自的从动轴上。传统的手动变速箱使用一台离合器,当换挡时驾驶员须踩下离 合器脚踏,令不同挡的齿轮作出齿合动作,而动力就在换挡其间出现间断,令输出表现有所断续。
在实际驾驶中,DSG给人的感觉是在整个换挡过程感觉不到一点点顿挫或推拉,仅仅是从转速表上可以反映出挡 位在变动。此外,DSG还有多种驾驶模式,比如运动模式,在电子程序的帮助下该模式的加挡明显迟缓而减挡则 有了很大的改进,mens ralph lauren shirt,相爱的时候,女人会一次次地提出:我们分手吧!,换挡时间也调得更短,犹如驾驶跑车一般。驾驶员还可以通过搬动换挡杆或按一下方向盘上的按钮随时将自动模 式切换到手动模式,ralph lauren,提供富有动感的驾驶方式。方向盘两边的换挡按钮能使驾驶员在不触动换挡杆的情况下就可以进行加挡或减挡的 动作,就像F1车手驾驶F1赛车一样。在激烈的驾驶环境下,vibram fivefingers on sale,例如高速弯道时,手动换挡往往显得非常有必要,在DSG的帮助下,mens shirt clearance493704733,驾驶员在换挡的过程中还能体验到油门自动增加的特殊乐趣。
现在市面上很多车都使用的是“DSG双离合”变速箱,那么什么叫DSG双离合变速箱呢?下面给 大家讲讲:
  1:如图,离合器1负责1档、3档、5档和倒档,豪猪的哲学,离合器2负责2档、4档和6档,paul smith laptop bags original;挂上奇数档时,离合器1结合,输入轴1工作,离合器2分离,输入轴2不工作,即在DSG变速器的工作过程 中总是有2个档位是结合的,一个正在工作,另一个则为下一步做好准备;手动模式下可以进行跳跃降档:如果起 始档位和最终档位属于同一个离合器控制的,则会通过另一离合器控制的档位转换一下,如果起始档位和最终档位 不属于同一个离合器控制的,则可以直接跳跃降至所定档位。
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Old 07-23-2011, 01:45 PM   #2
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 1,870
obg72dhe8z is on a distinguished road

suspect was arrested

(Reporter Lu Menghai ) because his wife had an affair , a rift between husband and wife , the husband killed his wife and father , mother . Recently, the Public Security Bureau cracked Tongliao Kezuohouqi this killings .

Kezuohouqi Baolong 's wife and others in a West improper relationship between men and women . Baolong with his wife and the West is not an emotion has been frequently dispute .

May of this year , Bonhams and the West go out with a working . Working period, West an walked out.

6 1 March, in Harbin Baolong a work that the West after the news, went to Harbin, the West of a home. Father , mother heard the news, rushed to the Baolong home , and two estranged , not suitable for the West to live together on the grounds of a connection back home. Baolong West resulting in a kill and a father, mother's idea.

6月5 at 17 am, Baolong see some working in the fields west , begins with home carrying a knife and a telescopic stick to the rejection of a li west of the village at the corn , is A case of going home to the West , off a certain (West of a father) , high a (West of a mother .) Baolong incident to divorce because of the West of a certain dispute with the father off with a telescopic stick thrown off so and so hit father , a high , beating the West approached a Baolong , Baolong pre- prepared with three stab a knife to Death,vibram 5 fingers shoes, and the body moved to a nearby woodland .

receiving the alarm, the Public Security Bureau immediately organized the flag police to the scene work. The work of certain investigators to determine the son- related crime suspects Baolong great .

Baolong carrying knives to return the village and saw the police coming, run Haituozi on the hide after the attempted suicide .

6月11 to 3 pm, investigators at the scene at the northwest about fifty li Haituozi trees Baolong within the captured suspects .

Under questioning , the suspects confessed their crimes.
obg72dhe8z is offline   Reply With Quote

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