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07-28-2011, 02:31 AM
O'Shields Fine Art Daily Paintings: Bahamas Out Island Oil ...
Phyllis O’Shields - O’Shields Fine Art - Contemporary Impressionism - Miami Beach, Florida Painting Nature’s Magical Places - This blog is Inspired by Tropical and Coastal Areas, Exotic Flowers in Tropical Settings and Tropical Colours I am an artist painting all worldwide jaunres in oils, pastels and watercolour. I was trained in European Classical Painting and Figurative Drawing but my personal style has developed more into contemporary impressionism with the use of bright tropical colours.I greatly enjoy working on commissioned pieces for custom homes.I've discovered that all art forms that touch the viewers heart are fundamentally the same; they are about revealing truth <a href="http://aaaajerseys.com"><strong>NFL Caps</strong></a> and beauty, they demand the utmost in time and attention, and must be grounded in excellent technique. My mission is to paint daily <a href="http://aaaajerseys.com"><strong>NCAA Jerseys</strong></a> and create paintings that are full of colour, joy, light, life and emotion. Paintings are in private & corporate collections worldwide. I have an extensive network of private art patrons who love the locations worldwide that I paint. All of my art work is executed on archival canvas or paper using the highest quality in lightfast, paint, watercolor or pastel. All of my works are delivered with a certificate of authenticy. Signed archival prints and giclees are available in limited number editions. I strive to paint Global Wonders that I have visited or lived in… Sharing this experience and emotion with viewers who have also visited or wish to visit these special places. I am a world traveler painting as I go. Twice a year in the North American winter months I hold workshops in the Bahamas, painting en plein air. Also I hold figurative workshops in Miami Beach three times a year in the winter months.In this blog I document a changing way of life, as ocean front disappears from <a href="http://aaaajerseys.com/"><strong>nfl jerseys</strong></a> our global landscape. My painting is a chronicle to preserve changing ocean views, the movement of life along the coasts and how the landscape under bright blue skies and the oceans are always in a state of change…… My background in art started at a young age with private oil painting lessons from grade school through graduation from college, University of Miami. After university I studied privately for many years with Gifford Nicolaides in an European style Atelier. <a href="http://club.rexiaodg.net/view.php?id=18410"><strong>Replica Designer Handbags | Fresh Articles about Anything</strong></a> I went on to study classically in France, Italy and London. Each year presently I take workshops with pastel and oil painting artists of note. I also attend weekly university life drawing classes, staying in the routine of drawing from the live model. I have lived and visited for extended periods in many countries besides America for the purpose of painting: Australia, Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Hawaiian Islands, Japan, Hong Kong, Canada, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Saint Lucia, Trinidad & Tobago, Cayman Islands, Saint Martin, Bermuda, Aruba, Mexico, Spain, Holland, England and Italy. Mahalo for your interst in my art… A hui hou - Phyllis O’Shields
07-28-2011, 02:36 AM
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即便你现在的工作再怎么无聊再怎么初级,也请你当真去看待,要晓得任何胜利人士都是从最小的事做起,或 者你现在学不到如许了不起的常识,但最少你要学会良好的工作立场跟工作方式,这对当前很主要.
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在内心深处,哪怕只是一个很小的角落里,请保持一份童心,不是幼稚,但有的时候单纯一点会让你很快活.所以 不要太计较得失,生活本无完善.
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