By: shirley9k5 Mood: Date: 07/25/2318 <a href=""><strong>wholesale jerseys</strong></a> 13:11:56 Music: None s. More than 1 trillion inrevenues can be clawed back by closing loopholes and breaks inthe tax code Cheap NBA Jerseys , without having to hike rates. If Republicansagreed in principle to such revenue increases, it could clearthe way for a deal. Whatever the outcome of the Biden talks Cheap NBA Jerseys , most expectnegotiations over the debt limit to go down to the wire. WILL THE TEA PARTY MOVEMENT BACK A BIDEN DEAL? Even if the Biden panel reaches a broad deficit deal thatavoids, for now, going into detail on taxes and entitlements,it is almost sure to face opposition from dozens of lawmakersaligned with the fiscally conservative Tea Party movement. Their opposition is bolstered by opinion polls showing mostAmericans oppose raising the debt limit. Many conservativeRepublicans do not believe Geithner's Aug. 2 deadline or hispredictions of catastrophe if the borrowing cap is notincreased. When Congress eventually votes to raise the debt limit,Boehner likely will need Democratic help to pass the measure. WHO HAS MORE AT STAKE IN THE TALKS? There are considerable risks on all sides. If Boehner failsto get a "yes" vote in the House to <a href=""><strong>nba jerseys</strong></a> raise the debt limit,Republicans likely will be blamed for any fallout in the bondmarkets, and with it a spike in interest rates. A financial crisis could plunge the United States back intorecession. With many Americans already questioning Obama'sstewardship of the economy, another downturn would endanger hisefforts to seek re-election next year. ARE THE MARKETS WORRIED? Bond markets remain calm, despite the fact that the debtceiling was reached on May 16, and talks to raise it look setto go down to the wire. Yields have stayed low, suggestinginvestors remain comfortable buying U.S debt. Analysts say fewinvestors envisage Congress failing to raise the borrowing cap,even if it takes weeks of negotiations. But that calm could to turn to panic in the bond markets ifthe impasse drags into August. WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THE GANG OF SIX? The bipartisan group of six U.S. senators which has beentrying since December to come up with a deficit-reduction planlost one of its Republican members on May 17, leaving itincreasingly irrelevant to negotiations. Senator Tom Coburnquit due to an impasse with a Democratic colleague Cheap NBA Jerseys , DickDurbin, over how far to cut Medicare. (Reporting by Tim Reid; Editing by Paul Simao) BRUSSELS, March 23 - European Union leaders meeton March 24-25 to try to seal a deal on a "comprehensive"package of measures addressing the euro zone debt crisis. Most of the steps in the package have already been agreed inprinciple over the past couple of months, but all are awaitingfinal approval this week. [ID:nLDE72K15M] HIGHER EFFECTIVE LENDING CAPACITY FOR THE EFSF Euro zone leaders have agreed to increase <a href=""><strong>Blood & Mud: WIN! Springboks Rugby World Cup & ABSA Jersey</strong></a> the effectivelending capacity of the European Financial Stability Facility,the zone's bailout fund Cheap NBA Jerseys , to its nominal value of 440 billioneuros from the current effective capacity of around 250 billion.The eff favourite blogNet income rose to favourite blog12.3 million