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08-06-2011, 08:55 AM
一位医生在做完急诊后已是午夜,正准备回家。走到电梯门口,见一女护士,便一同乘电梯下楼,可电梯到了一楼 还不停,一直向下。到了B3时,门开了,电梯门开了,一个小女孩出现在他们眼前,低着头说要搭电梯。医生见 状急忙关上电梯门,护士奇怪地问:“为什么不让她上来。”医生说:“B3是我们医院的停尸房,医院给每个尸 体的右手都绑了一根红丝带,她的右手,他的右手有一根红丝带……”护士听了,渐渐伸出右手,阴笑一声说:“ 是不是……这样的一根红绳啊?
朋友是从菲律宾到加拿大留学,在加拿大念书的时候,和母亲共住一间小房子. 朋友的书桌摆放在房间的角落,旁边有一扇窗.朋友是个十分用功的人,但搬进房子後不久,每当他坐在书桌前专 心念书时,便感觉到一直有东西轻轻的敲著他的颈子.起初他以为是自己神经过敏,便不太在意,但久而久之,这 种感觉便一直存在,只要他一坐在书桌前,就不停的感觉到有东西轻触他的颈子,然而只要一离开书桌,这种感觉 便消失无踪.於是他便将这个情形告诉他母亲,他母亲就找了个算命师询问算命师告诉他,有许多肉眼看不到的东 西可以被照像机所捕捉,於是就叫他下次再有这种感觉时马上拍张照片,说不定可以解开谜底.朋友半信半疑,回 到家後便坐回桌前念书,不一会又感觉到有东西轻轻敲著他的脖子,他的母亲马上替他拍了张照 片, 赶紧送去照相馆冲洗.拿到照片时,两人皆吓得脸色发白,照片上在朋友身旁的,是一双悬在空中的脚,原来朋友 一直感觉到的,便是上吊自杀的那个人悬在空中的脚,因在空中摆荡而不停的轻触他的颈...
我们学校是个外语学校,有一些时间夜里经常有一个穿红衣服的女子深夜上门推销,也不知道她是怎么逃过楼下检 查的.天天夜里都来,一间间房间的敲,如果有人开门就问;'要不要红衣服/'由于女生被吵后非常生气,都大叫着不要,一连几个晚上都这样.有一个晚上,那个女子又来了.咚!咚!这时 门开了,从里面冲出一个女生对她大吼;"什么红色的衣服?我全要了.多少钱?& quot;
那女子笑了笑,转身走了,也没给她红色的衣服,那晚上大家都睡得很好,没有人再来敲门了.第二天,宿舍里的 人全都起来了,只有那个冲红衣女子大吼的女生还没有起床,她的同学把她的被子掀开,她,她浑身都是红色的, 她上身的皮已经被剥开了.血流得潢身,看起来就像是穿了一件红衣服.
一个女生晚上去上厕所.因为夜太深了,她一个人去上厕所,心里非常的害怕.可是因为晚上吃了什么东西,肚子 十分不好受,又不能硬撑,只好心惊胆战地去.
厕所是在刚有学校就有了的旧厕所, skechers shape ups,女生刚蹲下没多久,在她身后有一双苍白的手伸了过来.她吓了一大跳,只见那只手上有两张纸,一张白一张黄 .一个可怕的声音说到:"选一张,白的还是黄的"女生很害怕,问到& amp;quot;你是谁?""白的还是黄的"& amp;quot;为什么要选""选一张吧."女 生没办法,只好来了一张白的.声音笑到:"白的三天黄的七天.便消失了.&qu ot;女生打开门,可是门外什么也没有啊.她吓坏了/忙回到宿舍,告诉朋友们这件事,朋友笑她太紧张了,神经出了毛病了.她坚持说自己当时很清醒的.大家讨论了 一回,结果是不会有事的.
有一所医学院,为了教育出有素质的学生.规定每一学期的期末考试时,让一个学生单独在太平间里呆上一个晚上 .虽然这种考试看上去不太人道,可是校方却一直坚持了下来.
这一回,轮到了一向自称胆子很大的阿美了,阿美在学校里一向以胆大包天自居,而且是猫扑等许多论坛的鬼故事 写手,以吓死网友为乐.她早就说过不把这种考试当回事了,可是,当校方宣布今天轮到她时,她还是惊出了一头 冷汗.必竟是一个人独自在漆黑的太平间一个晚上啊.还不准点灯....
晚上,阿美被带到了太平间里,砰的一声, skechers shoes online,门被关上了.屋子里一下子一片漆黑,什么也看不到.阿美缩在了屋子的一角,当她想到四周全部都是死人时, 她的头皮顿时一阵阵发麻...过了一会儿,月光照了进来,借着月光,阿美发现太平间的墙上居然有一面镜子. 于是,她便对着镜子开始唱起歌来.她一直唱啊唱啊,直唱到了天亮...
第二天,肿着嗓子的阿美被带了出来,她得意洋洋地对大家说没什么也不起的,对自己来说只是一件小事罢了.大 家都很佩服她,这时,有一个同学问她嗓子怎么肿了?她说自己在太平间里对着镜子唱了一夜的歌,今天早上才不 唱的.这时,大家的脸色变了,阿美还不解其意...停了半天,有一个同学脸色惨白地告诉她__ _
太平间里根本没有镜子啊, shape up skechers!!!!
她来到他办公室,却看到他桌上一袋自己素日最爱吃的干果,旁边,放着个药瓶子,说明触目惊心。她流下泪来, 红色。
这个故事吓到小猫了。先看一遍,觉得什么都没说,再看,看懂了,背后一阵寒意. 有点难懂,大家看懂了么?
死也不让你死在北京有一对高中男女同学, shape ups skechers,他们很要好,学习也很不错,在学习生活上都互相帮助,共同进步。后来男孩子上到南京的一所大学,女孩子在 北京的一所大学。他们互相联系并确立的恋爱关系。他们约好等大学毕业后双双回到美丽的家乡工作 结婚生子。
但是时间太能改变一个人了,北京的女孩子经受不了诱惑,为了能够留在北京。她结识了一个比自己大好多的老板 ,并决定就这样留在北京,做北京人。男朋友知道后。一路悲伤到北京约女孩谈心。但是女孩很绝情。要和男孩子 分手,恩断义绝。男孩子一时气愤冲动。拿起水果刀就割自己的手腕。女孩子不但没有阻拦, skechers tone ups,甚至都没有叫救护车并且看着男孩流尽了血,在抽搐和绝望中死去。直到死,他都死死的盯着女孩 ,盼他回去。
不久以后女孩怀孕了,生了一个小男孩。可是还是老实闹得厉害。女孩子没有办法。决定把孩子送给自己的妈妈带 着。说来很奇怪,她一做这个决定,孩子就不闹了。
回到家乡的感觉很好,可惜是在夜里,车的终点站离家还有一段距离。她就抱着孩子往家走。突然她看到孩子死死 的盯着她在咀嚼什么东西。翻看衣服一看,孩子在啃自己的手,手已经被啃的稀巴烂。女孩吓坏了。一个趔趄就做 地上。孩子上来就咬住他的颈动脉,死死的盯着她。那种熟悉的眼神。
有一个男生晚上要坐公车回家,可是因为他到站牌等的时候太晚了,他也不确定到底还有没有车....又不想走 路.因为他家很远很偏僻,所以只好等着有没有末班车....等啊等啊 .... 他正觉得应该没有车的时候,忽然看见远处有一辆公车出现了....他很兴奋的去拦车. 一上车他发现这末班很怪,照理说最后一班车人应该不多,因为路线偏远,但是这台车却坐满了...只有一个空 位,而且车上静静静地没有半个人说话..... 他觉得有点诡异,可是仍然走向那个唯一的空位坐下来,那空位的旁边有个女的坐在那里 ,等他一坐下,那个女的就悄声对他说:"你不应该坐这班车的,&qu ot; 他觉得很希奇,那个女人继续说:"这班车,不是给活人坐的......&quo t; "你一上车,他们(比一比车上的人)就会抓你去当替死鬼的." 他很害怕,可是又不知道该怎么办才好,结果那个女的对他说:"没关系,我可以帮你逃出去 ." 于是她就拖着他拉开窗户跳了下去,当他们跳的时候,他还听见"车"里 的**喊大叫着" 竟然让他跑了"的声音..... 等他站稳时候,他发现他们站在一个荒凉的山坡,他松了一口气,连忙对那个女的道谢. 那个女的却露出了希奇的微笑:" "现在,没有人跟我抢了......."
宁最近总是梦见同一个梦,梦里一个男人对她说:"你来嘛,你来找我嘛,我等你..... " 终于,宁忍不住了,于是问他,:"你是谁?我怎么才能找到你呢?"男 人说:"明天中午12点在xx公园门口的站台上来找我,我这里有一颗痣.&qu ot;男人用手指着自己的下巴. 醒来,宁匆匆找到自己的好友并把一切告诉好友,好友答应陪同她一起前往.中午11点55分两人在约定的地方 等,却不见男人来,天气炎热,宁对好友说:"太热了,我到对面买两支 雪糕,你在这里等我."说完宁过街去了. 就在这时,一辆车子冲了过来,一声惨叫......好友跑过来一看宁,已倒在血泊中.当打开车门预备把宁送 到医院时,才发现这是一辆灵车,而车上的玻璃棺材中躺着个男人,男人的下巴有一颗痣.....好友恍然,看 看自己的手表,现在的时间是12点整.再探探宁的呼吸 ,已经停止了.
许多学校多是乱葬岗或是刑场的后身,因此有许多KB的传闻流传在师生之间...... 位于高雄的一个小学,是一所校史相当长久的学样.有一排厕所座落在校区的最后方,除了一二年级的小朋友外, 没有其它年级的师生使用....总是弥漫着一股阴森森的气息.而第三间厕所一直是深锁着的. 一天下午,一个高年级的男生急着上大号,正好每间厕所都有人,他实在是忍不住了,就用力拉开第三间的门.. ..说也希奇,平常怎么拉也拉不开的门,但今天怎么....管他的,赶紧解决再说....正当他松口气想大 喊一声愉快时,底下忽然有一种冰冷的感觉....他猛然往下一看....天啊!一只枯瘦的手从下面伸出来, 他大叫一声,从口袋里拿出一个小刀往那只怪手上划了一刀之后,马上冲了出去,自此以后他再也不敢再踏进那间 厕所一步. 过了很久,这件事渐渐在那位高年级学生的脑中淡忘,有一天,他与三五个好友在那排厕所四周的篮 球场打球, skechers shoes,一个往反方向的球竟转个身飞进了厕所里.同学们怪他乱传,便叫他赶紧去把球捡回来.他嘴里咕哝着直进厕所 .远远看见一个老婆婆拿着那个球从厕所走了出来,他小跑步到老婆婆那,想拿回那个球....好希奇!老婆婆 的脸始终没有抬起来过,但她手背上的刀痕吸引住了他的目光,他问:"老婆婆,您的手背上 怎么有刀痕啊."只见老婆婆缓…
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08-06-2011, 08:55 AM
Dilapidated small house, every meal every day to sell scrap come to rely on a few dollars. Wang Feng old photo
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But mention the year to raise their mother and brother have eaten the bitter tears she could not help but fall down. She said:
■ most likely to meet the There is a narrow alley. Alley at the foot of the wall on both sides of a wide variety of garbage piled up, this is Ju Sun method to retrieve the
twists and turns in the rubbish, walking through about 100 meters ahead, the reporter saw two almost collapsed house.
black and dark room, the door hung a plastic bag containing some food, have made a mold.
Sun Ju 佝偻着身子 law, is a small cellular sweet potatoes on the stove to cook porridge.
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Ju Sun law, said she is of Jiangsu Pizhou people. She was 3 years old, his father died, the mother was pregnant with her brother. . In order to raise two children, she was begging for years.
Later, Sun Ju's younger brother went to law school in Shandong, Sun Ju law and mother in the home to live with.
■ The most frustrating fact his brother Did a few years, Sun Yan Law will take care of the mother to sister to Jinan, because his mother and his wife had to go with less.
later, her brother moved to Tai'an, or four years ago suddenly
Sun Ju his law also has a child and a daughter, son in Xuzhou, Jinan, a daughter of the bazaar in doing small business, son of a post early on. what fire, she went to a number of people near the grill without the Suimei ignition heating. Later, his daughter bought her a small stove, both to cook, but also heating.
■ the most loyal in return picked up her poor little dog is never too
in dilapidated hut, a dog from time to time in the Sun Act Ju legs and rubbing.
Speaking of puppies, Sun Ju's face clear method a lot. She said: left eye disability. She felt that the poor dog, put the bones picked up throwing it.
dog found a home, where she went in it just like where to go. No way, she is host to this little dog.
invention Hot water bottle
cooked sweet potato porridge, Sun Ju law to his mother a bowl. Picking Up her mother to eat something delicious.
every morning, Sun Ju law old mother to be settled first, then go out scavenging. See that reporters had misunderstood her, quickly said: from.
Sun Ju law says she can not afford a hot water bottle, hot water coming down the bottle had to give her mother warm feet.
Sun Ju's mother told reporters that law and daughter to help her feet every night, every day to help her wash head.
■ The most simple desire for the mother nail in the coffin with his brother
in Jinan, Sun Ju met a lot of good people law. A flower shop staff often gave her some food. December 10 evening, three of Ms. dedicated cable car ride came to the door, brought clothing, bedding, peanut oil and toilet paper, but also left a 500 yuan and 500 yuan shopping card.
Ju Sun Law biggest wish is to quickly find the about daisy looked at the Sun Law of the fires, for the mother covered the bed, locked the door that break, pushed up her old tricycle, went out picking.
behind her extremely concerned about the mother, at her side, is extremely loyal bird stray dogs.
(intern reporter Huang Zhiyi Han Linting)
> Related reading:
Video: picking up Granny New Year red envelopes to the minimal needs households
Video: 18-year-old jumped into the icy river to save scavengers drowning person
08-06-2011, 08:55 AM
Wenjiaxiang busy road in the beam behind the hidden tomb of a martyr, the cemetery lay in Western Military Region for the liberation of the former People's Liberation Army and the construction of the Southwest who gave their lives 41 martyrs. 41-year-old grave keeper Ruanzhong Ming, guarded here every day, every day work is very simple: the name and registration of visitors visiting matters, for each martyr's grave to do cleaning. As the second generation of this cemetery, the grave keeper, although he could not figure out in the end of each tomb owner who, he felt
41 tombs
where 40 is the packet of the people. Only a few hundred meters from the beam Wenjiaxiang a deep alley, ralph lauren bikinis, a narrow courtyard, and much, approached only to see the words Martyrs around, only a few pedestrians passing by, very few cars through.
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cemetery entrance, some university students who are being paid to the grave chrysanthemum, or send a memorial written in red text in the card. A 98-year-old, trembling a bunch of flowers for martyrs and left.
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a little middle-aged man, carrying a broom and dustpan sweeping back and forth with leaves and dust. He is the second generation of the Ma On Shan Tomb Ruanzhong Ming grave keeper. Beginning in 2006, Ruanzhong Ming began to guard these martyrs, and he has been trying to sort out who is the cemetery owner in the end, but can not sort out. Ruan Zhongming pointed to the door of a large cemetery monument, ralph lauren polo shirt, Here is the former People's Liberation Army in western Sichuan and construction of the Southwest Military Region for the liberation of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives.
Originally, ralph lauren outlet, the cemetery has a tombstone own martyrs, but most were destroyed in the years to come. In 1986, ralph lauren polos, before the local government moved all the graves here, but the specific cemetery in the end which every one a martyr, after all, could not be traced.
guarding the quiet
every day for the martyrs He asked him willing to keep the tomb. At that time, the tomb of the first generation of life, keep a serious illness, can not continue the job, Ruan Zhongming agreed.
every day, ten minutes walk from his home to the cemetery, carrying brooms and started sweeping leaves and dust. Ruan Zhongming this is called 20 minutes cleaning it again, again hundreds of times to bring a broom, Ruan Zhongming a day at least ten times to clean.
rainy, windy, when there is no broom in his hand a break, in the range of radius of two meters sweeping back and forth, Autumn leaves out a lot and met when the big broom comes in handy. one more time, to remember hundreds. From 2006 to the present, he has lost count of how many finished his book in mind, remember in the end how many people come to downtown to see the back of these martyrs.
This work, lonely and cold, Ruanzhong Ming has said the Photo Huang Yao Zhao Xia
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