chopper: looking at the stars: the people's housing in 2011, where?
was unexpected, the chief bank began raising interest rates a second period. According to the present interest-rate boosts and the current rise in CPI, the central bank ought heave interest rates 10 times, even if interest rates four times, the state of negative interest rates began to cultivate, interest rates will not be less than 7 times the number to the bank interest rates assured. Rather than the interest rate assured, speak approximately falling house prices, is a quite ludicrous thing is impossible, which is the market
truth, the trend of housing prices in 2011, can not be reversed.
First, we should reverse the trend of housing prices, the premier is to prevent local governments from the crazy land act.
ask, who among a year to prevent regional governments do no sell land? It would be impossible. Do no sell land, how lunatic these corrupt officials corruption abuse pollution? And sell land, we have to attempt to pedal up prices, housing prices can merely land a better cost,
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China 8 years antecedent,
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GHD Purple Styler Straighteners, up 20% of land costs another to 30% plus numerous cities are not land to sell, only by forced evictions in mandate to sell that land, and forced evictions has additional the price of demolition to one astronomical figure, how, and too how house prices in 2011 ambition be dwindled to causativeable price?
Second, we must reverse the trend of housing prices, we must make great efforts to tighten the money supply to prevent commercial banks lending Crazy.
from the deposit-loan ratio is concerned, the major commercial banks have no money to loan. Most of China's commercial banks have been peripheral to the bankruptcy, in order to maintain non-bankruptcy, there are only two ways: one is the central bank bottom money, mad money printing to enrich the banks chief to maintain the natural operation of the bank; the other is to encourage banks to the stock market Finance, pillaged the money investors, the third 15 min of this year, Chinese banks' capital adequacy ratio was 11.63%, essence capital adequacy rate was 9.37%. According to estimates, if the Chinese commercial banks to accomplish 13% capital adequacy ratio, the total measure of asset needed to increase about 100 billion yuan, 100 billion which is equivalent to pillaging shareholders money.
This namely everything namely up and down the chief stock index in 2010,
GHD Glamour Limited Edition, the opening stock has fallen from 3289 points by the end of 2840 point, I inquire namely the economy's stock mart showed double-digit rise in GDP in the case, double-digit decline in stock? The management regardless of the irrational stock fell, still the major mercantile banks to encourage annexed financing, enclosing money in the stock mall. Investors how many money tin be ring work?
strange thing is, 10 trillion of current loans in 2009, 7.5 trillion of current loans in 2010, 2011, 7 trillion of new loans in rotate, at least one-third of the money is real possession that jumbo suction gold sucked, driving prices up. Well, the Chinese urban and rural residents has made a sacrifice it? 2009 to 2011, total new loans of up to 24.5 trillion, deposits of urban and rural residents 28.5 trillion, meaning that the vast bulk of people clutch out for approximately half of the decline in purchasing power, its intention is to preserve price increases. Old loans being paid, again a heavy increase in new loans, the money get busy? Without the tightening of lending, how could drop the price?
Third, we must reverse the trend of housing prices, interest rates must be positive, the People's Bank to stop looting people's property.
People's Bank of looting people's property, does not sound logical, merely it is an mediocre urban residents in China's economy growth cycle, a major occasion of growing privation. Benchmark interest rate by 2010 and the CPI increase to be thought between the negative interest rates, the Chinese urban and rural residents actually shrunk 28.5 trillion 600 billion of deposits, 46 years will be 1.3 billion urban dwellers in China exploit a heap of space. How life is a few 46 years? Poor Chinese folk a lifetime to go as the bank.
injure that negative interest rates, lower-middle level in China is not just a generation has no future, but hopes are not even skirmish, the more retention more poor and more poor people, mostly the absence of social security must be more To save money, this is a kind of ambiguity ah.
not positive interest rates, will encourage a lot of ordinary people to lend money to an valuable family down disbursement, the emergency comes,
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Fourth, we must reverse the trend of housing prices, we must develop the momentum to curb inflation.
inflation is the biggest asset of the general population in Chinese cities killer. This is not the cost of living increase, not price increases of the ratio, but lost his best happiness, happiness index declined, speed up hopeless life issues. In China, this is a source of inflation is tall prices, the momentum to curb inflation could not, there will be a lot of money into the property market hedge. To curb inflation, reduce market expectations for inflation and money devaluation, feasible to stop the rise in house prices.
only these four, every of which requires meaningful fathom to enhance, and some even require scraped the bone healing of heroism, warrior arm of the world to have proud, and must have spared no efforts Daren cause, have for the people could solve the housing problem. However, it is best not to talk about the security room, which made the house even better, there is not many to go to the hands of real people. Now, many people in China looking at the stars, but those people looking at the stars, always bewildered, they can assist people to do? If the people looking at the stars, the stars is a chaos.
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