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"He's with the social welfare agency. He called five minutes ago and said he'd be a little late," Svensson said. "We'll get started anyway. What have we got?" Ekström began without ceremony. He pointed first to Bublanski. "We've been looking for Nils Bjurman, the registered owner of what is probably the murder weapon. He isn't at home or at his office. According to another lawyer in the same building, he fell ill two years ago and has more or less shut down his practice." Modig said: "Bjurman is fifty-five, not listed in the criminal mbt trainer outlet register. He is mainly a business <a href="http://www.maxnike.com/nikeairmax2009-c-18.html"><strong>air max 2009</strong></a> lawyer. I haven't had time to research his background beyond that." "But he does own the gun that was used in Enskede." "That's correct. He has a licence for it and he's a member of the police shooting club," Bublanski said. "I talked to Gunnarsson in weapons—he's the chairman of the club and knows Bjurman well. He joined in 1978 and was treasurer from 1984 to 1992. Gunnarsson describes Bjurman as an excellent shot with a pistol, calm and collected, and no funny stuff." "A gun freak?" "Gunnarsson thinks Bjurman was more interested in club life than in the shooting itself. He liked to compete, but he didn't stand out, at least not as a gun fanatic. In 1983 he participated in the mbt uk stockist Swedish championships and came in thirteenth. For the past ten years he's cut back on shooting practice and just shows up for annual meetings and such." "Does he own any other weapons?" "He has had licences for four handguns since he joined the shooting club. In addition to the Colt, he's had a Beretta, a Smith & Wesson, and a competition pistol made by Rapid. The other cheap mbt shoes three were sold within the club ten years ago, and the licences were transferred to other members." "And we have no idea where he is." "That's correct. But we've only been looking for him since 10:00 this morning. He may be out walking in Djurgården or in hospital or whatever." At that moment Faste burst in. He seemed out of breath. "Sorry I'm late. May I jump right in?" Ekström motioned "be my guest." "Lisbeth Salander is a very interesting character. I've spent the morning at the social welfare agency and the Guardianship Agency." He took off his leather jacket and hung it over the back of his chair before he sat down and <a href="http://www.maxnike.com/nikefreenikefree30-c-151_152.html"><strong>nike free 3.0</strong></a> opened a notebook. "The Guardianship Agency?" Ekström said with a frown. "This is one very disturbed lady," Faste said. "She was declared incompetent and put under guardianship. Guess who's her guardian." He paused for <a href="http://www.maxnike.com/nikeairclassicbw-c-171.html"><strong>nike air bw</strong></a> effect. "Nils Bjurman, the owner of the weapon that was used in Enskede." This announcement certainly had the effect Faste had anticipated. It took him fifteen more minutes to brief the group on all he had learned about Salander. "To sum up," Ekström said when Faste was finished, "we have fingerprints on the probable murder weapon from a woman who during her teens was in and out of psychiatric units, who is understood to make her living as a prostitute, who was declared incompetent by the district court, and who has been documented as having violent tendencies. We should be asking what the hell she's doing out on the streets at all." "She's had violent tendencies since she was in elementary school," said Faste. "She seems to be a real psycho." "But so far we have nothing to link her to the couple in Enskede." Ekström drummed his fingertips on the tabletop. "This double murder may not be so hard to solve after all. Have we got an address for Salander?" "On Lundagatan in Södermalm. Tax records show that she declared periodic income from Milton Security." "And what in God's name was she doing for them?" "I don't know. It's a pretty modest annual income for several years. Maybe she's a cleaning woman or something." "Hmm," Ekström said. "We'll have that checked out. Right now we have to find her." "We'll have to work out the details gradually," Bublanski said. "But now we have a suspect. Hans, you and Curt go down to Lundagatan and pick up Salander. Be careful—we don't know if she has other weapons, and we don't really know how dangerous she may be." "OK." "Bubble," Ekström said, "the head of Milton Security is Dragan Armansky. I met him on a case a few years ago. He's reliable. Go to his office and have a private talk with him about Salander. You'd better get there before he leaves for the day." Bublanski was visibly annoyed, partly because Ekström had used his nickname, partly because he had formulated his request as an order. "Modig," Bublanski said, "keep looking for Bjurman. Knock on all the neighbours' doors. I think it's just as important to find him." "We have to find the connection between Salander and the couple in Enskede. And we have to place Salander down in Enskede at the time of the murders. Jerker, get some pictures of her and check with everyone who lives <a href="http://436100.info/view.php?id=93546"><strong>Wholesale Timberland Boots,Custom Kicks_Jordan Shoes | ugg boots ...</strong></a> in the apartment building. Knock on doors this evening. Get some uniforms to help you out."