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Old 08-18-2011, 08:36 AM   #1
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Default australia ugg 福彩中心回应5亿大奖公正性否认存在猫

  记者:可是,karen millen outlet shop,如果不是对号码可能中奖有相当的信心,又怎么可能采取这样的高倍复投的做法呢?
  福彩的公开、公正还体现在开奖现场有公证人员和社会公众的全程监督。从摇奖设备的检测、摇奖球的选择、 电视直播摇奖、摇奖器具的封存等整个开奖过程都有公证员进行现场监督,其中摇奖球和其它摇奖器具的封存等工 作由公证员亲自进行。而且,每期开奖的全部过程都有现场证据保全摄像,摄像带由公证处保存,以 备事后核查。


  据了解,搅珠的准备和保安程序十分严谨,每次开始现场搅珠前,搅珠机须经过检查,以确保操作正常。搅珠 完毕后,搅珠机和搅珠球均会被锁于安全的地方,严禁未经许可人士触摸。

  其次,彩民采用的“倍投”购买方式是能够中出4亿—5亿元大奖的前提。倍投指的是购彩者对同一组号码组 合进行重复、多倍的购买,这样的购买方式在彩民当中非常普遍。
  香港市民相信六合彩的公正性,一个重要原因是六合彩投注资金的运用公开透明、有固定的规则。资金中,5 4%成为奖金基金,余下的46%将根据博彩税条例分配,首先是奖券收益的征税(25%),其次是奖券基金( 15%),最后是香港马会奖券有限公司的佣金(6%)。征税部分进入政府财政收入,奖券基金则会用于社会公 益事业,由社会福利署决定用途,australia ugg

  福彩中心:任何经常购买彩票的彩民都可能有这样的所谓“预测”,这在他们来说很常见,并没 有什么神奇。


  至于“双色球”的开奖时间和期结时间之所以要保持一定的间隔,是为了确保在开奖前各省级中心能将销售数 据传送到中国福彩中心数据机房用于开奖后稽核。因为在数据传输过程中,常常会因为通讯等方面的问题而延迟, 从安全考虑,保留一定的时间是非常必要的。
  7月26日晚,中国福利彩票“双色球”第2011086期开奖,开出一等奖113注,其中100注出自 浙江省新昌县南明街道人民西路149号第33040602号福彩投注站,中奖彩票是两张自选的2注25倍单 式票,即每张彩票上都选了两注相同的彩票号码,并且都进行了25倍投注。这两张彩票售出时间间隔34秒,且 流水号相连,极有可能为一人所中。如为一人所得,则这位彩民将成为首个福彩“5亿彩王”。

  福彩中心:据我们了解,国外多数国家跟我国一样,rolex tudor 男子因感情纠葛5天掐死2女友 庭审下跪遭痛骂,也是对中奖者的个人信息予以保密的。即使有法律规定,也是建立在一定的安全保障措施之上。据《欧洲彩票协 会会刊》报道:“在所有接受采访的彩票机构中,有一点是共同的——法律要求必须保护中奖者的隐私。未经中奖 者本人允许,彩票机构决不能将其个人信息泄露给媒体,ugg boots discount,也不能公开其个人生活的任何细节。拉脱维亚Latvijas乐透公司表示,尊重中奖者保持匿名的意愿,这 点很有必要,信息的分享是有选择性的,且仅在中奖者本人同意的情况下,彩票机构才能发布相关信息,公布其姓 名、居住地、照片等等……英国彩票机构表示,保护彩民和中奖者的利益对于一个 成功的、可靠的英国国家彩票的运营至关重要。”

  香港马会奖券有限公司获香港政府发牌直接营办六合彩奖券,是香港唯一合法经办六合彩奖券的机构。该公司 是香港赛马会的附属公司。香港的六合彩每周开奖三次,分别是周二、周四和没有赛马比赛的周六或 周日。

  六合彩搅珠仪式每次均邀请一位太平绅士(太平绅士是由政府委任民间人士)及一位奖券基金受惠机构代表( 比如学校校长、福利院院长等)在场监察,整个搅珠过程通过电视直播,教官掌掴男孩致其鼓膜穿孔 给家长短信称其平安,全港市民都可以实时收看搅珠情况、获悉搅珠结果。每期开奖的数据包括投注额、各个奖项的奖金及中奖注数也 在马会网页公布,让公众清楚奖金的分配情况。

  记者:巨额的奖金,提前一个月的预测,不少网友质疑“双色球”有作假嫌疑。请问这种预测的成功,是巧合 ,还是确有隐情?
  此外,从彩票本身来讲,彩票是一种幸运游戏,每一次开奖都是一次独立的随机事件,中奖号码随机产生,彩 票无规律,奇数偶数都有可能,在如今庞大的购买群体中有人幸运地猜中号码,无论从随机性、偶然性和幸运性来 讲,都属正常。

  按照国家广播电影电视总局的要求,像双色球这样有社会公众代表参加的直播节目必须延时播出。延时播出, 是直播的一种,指有观众参与的现场直播节目提前一定时间开始,用专用的延时系统直接将节目信号采集到电视播 出系统的内存储器中事先进行信号排队,不经过任何编辑、加工,按预先设定的直播时间自动直接播出的方式。这 种直播方式,与播出前把整档节目按播出要求编辑录制、做成完整节目的播出带、按规定播出时间进行播放的录播 方式有着本质的区别。

  另一方面,经常出现的高额奖池引发了彩民的倍投行为,herve leger {purchase} 农民17年强奸116人判死刑 受。一些彩民跟着奖池的涨落决定在同一组号码上购买多少注彩票,目的是一旦能幸运中奖,就能掏空 奖池。

  这种信任是在六合彩长期、公正的运作历史中建立起来的。赛马会介绍,自1975年开始举办,30多年来 六合彩每次搅珠均遵循严谨的机制及程序进行,一直以来均获得市民的支持及信任。

  另外,由于中奖人的个人信息不属于公共事务中的公共信息,不构成隐私权和知情权的冲突。公众的知情权仅 限于对程序、过程和制度的知情和监督,不能扩大到中奖者的身份上,更不能因此影响中奖者的人身安全、生活安 宁等。因此,如果我们以社会公众的身份,站在中奖人的立场考虑,那么“己所不欲,勿施于人”这句话是对中奖 者不愿意公开个人信息的最好理解。
  一方面,我国现行的彩票政策上对单注奖金有封顶限制,比如“双色球”单注彩票所中得的奖金封顶500万 元,按调整的最新游戏规则单注最高奖金也不能超过1000万元。在这种限制性规定下,如果一个彩民想在同一 期中得更多的奖金,甚至想中得奖池里的全部奖金,那么他就会采取倍投的购彩方法,也就是把同一注彩票重复购 买很多倍。一旦购买的这注彩票中了头奖,他就能够中得多注头奖,就可能获得巨额奖金,甚至将奖 池掏空。
  因此,执行国家彩票相关规定、保护中奖人安全是彩票机构一项重要的责任和义务。如果中奖彩民明确表示不 愿意公布相关个人信息,彩票机构将严格遵守相关规定,对中奖者的个人信息予以保密。如果中奖彩民愿意向社会 公布相关个人信息,或者愿意接受媒体采访,彩票机构将为其创造条件,安排中奖人接受媒体采访,或者及时向社 会公布中奖人信息。
  让这个大奖广受关注的,除了高额的奖金之外,还因为早在6月,就有网友在论坛发帖预测说,近期会开出双 色球大奖,奖金大概在4亿—5亿元左右。
  香港赛马会介绍,存放搅珠机和球的保险柜双人看管,必须两把钥匙才能打开,而且看管的保安轮流值班,随 机安排。搅珠球要定期称重,如果有偏差会立即更换,以防影响随机性。
  首先,超过5亿元的高额奖池是能够中出4亿—5亿元大奖的基础。截至6月23日,双色球奖池已经累积到 了5亿元,millen dress,再加上每期约3亿元的销量可以产生约1亿元的高额奖金。如果有人幸运中得多注头奖,就完全有可能获得4亿 —5亿元的巨额奖金。
  那些有明文规定“必须向社会公众披露和公开中奖人信息”的国家,不仅有着成熟的法律,还有一系列保护彩 票中奖者的安全保障措施和“售后”服务体系。例如,有的国家为彩票中奖者提供两种领取奖金的方式,可以选择 一次性领取,ferragamo shoes outlet,也可以分期领取——对于中得巨额奖金的中奖者来讲,分期领取奖金的方式大大减少了风险。

  为了让彩民更直观地了解电脑福利彩票开奖的公开、透明,中国福利彩票发行管理中心长期开展“走近双色球 ”活动,邀请彩民、投注站业主、媒体记者及人大代表、政协委员等各界人士代表参观开奖过程。7月26日晚, “双色球”第2011086期开奖,参加“走近双色球活动”的39位辽宁代表共同见证了当期“双色球”摇奖 全过程。
  福彩中心:由于大额奖金对于中奖者来说存在一定的安全隐患,为了保证中奖者的人身安全和经济利益,《彩 票管理条例》第三章第二十七条规定:彩票发行机构、彩票销售机构、彩票代销者以及其他因职务或者业务便利知 悉彩票中奖者个人信息的人员,应当对彩票中奖者个人信息予以保密。
  奖池资金金额累积越高,采用倍投方式购买彩票的彩民就越多。仅“双色球”2011086期,即中出11 3注头奖的那期,几个销售大省采用几十倍投注的彩票都超过了一万张。
  香港赛马会介绍,为保障中奖者的个人私隐,从不会公开中奖者的数据。彩民只是知道有几注彩票中头奖而已 。
  记者:针对福彩的很大一部分质疑也来自于大奖的得主过于神秘。这种神秘可能是出于保护得奖人隐私的考虑 ,但是福彩涉及的彩民数量众多,得奖人信息是不是在一定程度上也具有了一定的公共性?在保护得奖人隐私权和 适当向公众披露信息之间,就没有平衡点可寻吗?

  记者:本次“双色球”一等奖开出后,网上有很多彩民质疑大奖的真实性。而针对“双色球”开奖是不是公开 透明的争论也时有发生,比如就有人质疑,为什么开奖不采取直播,而是延时播出呢?福彩的公平和真实,究竟怎 么来保证呢?
  既然不公布得奖者名单,如何相信其公正性?会不会有人对巨额奖金动歪脑筋?在赛马会投注站对几位彩民的 采访中,他们都认为无需担心,“从来没想过这个问题,他们不会这么做吧。”
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Old 08-18-2011, 08:37 AM   #2
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Old 08-18-2011, 08:38 AM   #3
Posts: n/a

divided into three types of payment: remittance (REMITTANCE), collection (COLLECTION), letters of credit (L / C).
1. Remittance include: M/T--- --- - MAIL TRANSFER mail transfer
T / T --------- TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFER wire transfer
D/D--------- DRAFT DEMAND ticket exchange
2. collection, including: D / P ---------- DOCUMENTS AGAINST PAYMENT payment
D / A ---------- DOCUMENTS AGAINST ACCEPTANCE Documents against acceptance
3. letter of credit L / C (LETTER OF CREDIT) The following is the most commonly used two:
SIGHT PAYMENT L / C at sight
DEFERED PAYMENT L / C long-term credit
1. remittance (Remittance)
remittance ways: Mail Transfer (M / T), Wire Transfer (T / T), ticket exchange (D / D). Remittance methods are generally used for the buyer's payment in advance. But there are also shipped for the first loading case, the so-called \
way in the use of remittance, should be clearly stipulated in the contract time of remittance, the specific methods and remittance remittance amount. In advance payment cases, remit the time stipulated in the contract should be linked up delivery time. For example : the buyer no later than December 15 will be 100% advance payment by telegraphic transfer and arrival seller.
2. Collection (Collection)
collection is charged to the importer to exporter of payment for goods or services, price, open a bank draft collection commissioned by the settlement. Exporters will be used as evidence of the commercial rights in goods with the documents and bills of exchange prompted by banks to importers, importers only after the acceptance or payment to obtain the goods right credentials.
light ticket collection and documentary collection of the collection points. Documentary collection of different conditions by a single cross, and \ The payment has \ × days of payment \ be clearly defined by the specific circumstances. hereby are examples of the following:
payment - Current D / P at sight
Buyer Seller
issued by draft at sight, at the sight of immediate payment, pay a single payment.
payment - Forward D / P after sight
issued by the purchaser × × days after sight payment with a single bill, the verdict should be prompted to accept, and shall forthwith pay the maturity date, pay a single payment.
against acceptance D / A issued by the purchaser ** days after sight bills of exchange with a single payment, which should be at the prompt acceptance, and shall forthwith pay on the maturity date. Acceptance after the sellers. Documents against Acceptance does not mean that the buyer must pay due, depending on the buyer's reputation.
as a type of collection service, is divided into two basic types of transactions: Current D / P and long-term D / P. The current international trade settlement, the parties are subject to ICC's \
spot and forward D / P basic operating procedures are as follows:
(1) buyer and seller in a contract with D / P will be settled, it is the foundation;
(2) the seller delivers the goods for all documents (including the shipping documents such as bills of lading, and commercial documents such as bills, invoices, etc.);
(3) foreign banks to contact the seller for its D / P collection requirements, fill in the collection order and deliver all documents;
(4) review the seller's accepted foreign bankers accept the collection order and all documents and receipts issued to the seller;
(5) the seller in two batches between the bank will send the full set of documents between the buyer bank (the bank can also be specified by the seller bank is the seller to clear the collection instruction book, which mostly);
(6) All documents received by the buyer bank documents to the buyer after the prompt;
(7) Buy the buyer bank payment (payment by (D / P Sight) conditions), or after examination of the documents to the buyer to accept and at maturity (long-term payment (D / P after Sight) conditions );
(8) Buyer's bank will receive all the documents to the buyer's money the buyer;
(9) the buyer will receive a bank transfer payment to the seller bank, bank transfer to the seller by the seller.
in D / P business, the Bank does not examine the contents of the documents, the bank is not liable to pay duty. Banks only provide forwarding of the documents, on behalf of the issuing, transfer and other services on behalf of receivables.

in D / P export business, exporters should note the following important questions:
1. D / P business, exporters, importers to obtain payment of the guarantee credit, so pay attention to the importer's ability to pay and business reputation, is that an important prerequisite for payment.
2. After delivery of the goods, documents from the exporter to the importer, the transfer process, pay attention to the control through the document to control the goods, the importer before the payment should be firmly in control of documents.
3. Often a problem in practice where the documents are in circulation, transfer points, the exporter submitted to bank transfer point, the seller bank to buyer bank transfer point, the buyer bank handed the importer of the intersection. Therefore, good control of the handover point, circulation of documents in accordance with specifications.
4. As far as possible the way the bill of lading instructions. This can be controlled by controlling the bill of lading the goods.

D / P risk
Although both cases the importer of import bank must pay before delivery of documents to the importer, and therefore the risk of both the law should say the same, but because of the risk faced by business practices in different export Business self-designated bank directly to the buyer for payment at risk.
according to the International Chamber of Commerce \ importers named in the bank for payment, etc. (collecting bank). However, in the collection business, collecting bank is not obliged to accept the commission exporters. In other words, after receiving the collection instruction, the bank is entitled to refuse to provide the service.
exporters through their bankers (the remitting bank) for collection, the remitting bank will arrange the collecting bank (regardless of whether the importer named in the line, and regardless of whether it is the importer's bankers) to handle Tips and receivables. Remitting bank documents for mailing the risks involved in the collection, you need to commit to the exporter. And if the process of the prompt payment of any problems, the remitting bank and collecting bank will be fully effective contact.
the contrary, if the exporter by mail documents themselves, on the one hand documents destroyed in transit, the risk of loss to be borne by the exporter, on the other hand, exporters are not imported to the bank between the client and import to banks businesses on how to manage this collection have trouble, leading the bank to handle the collection time to be included in the normal business management procedures, which require special treatment.
In addition, exporters, importers often can not determine the accuracy of the information provided by banks, such as bank name, address. If the name and the address incorrectly, may lead to the receipt of all documents, which may result in the original documents by the other person by delivery of the goods. Deliberate fraud in the case of exporters, direct mail,belstaff jackets sale, document fraud who will undoubtedly bring great convenience.

D / P and D / A in the definition and difference?
Speaking from the collection
A. The basic meaning of the collection
Collection (Collection) is a creditor (exporter) commissioned the bank to the debtor (importer) to receive payment of a settlement. The basic approach is the exporter first shipment, and then available, including the transport document (usually the bill of lading), and shipping documents, including drafts out, complete with a single bill to pay the exporter bank (remitting bank), entrusted by branch or agency of import (the collecting bank) to the importer to receive payment.

B. collection is based on the type of collection is included with the shipping documents, divided into a documentary collection and clean collection.
used in international trade, mostly with a single collection. Documentary collection, there are two pay a single method: payment and Acceptance.
a. payment (D / P). Exporter in the commission receivables at the bank, to instruct the Bank only in the payer (the importer) are paid only when the shipping documents to their hand, that is to pay a single payment for the condition, known as payment.
money on the time of payment can be divided into immediate and long-term payment. Immediate payment (D / P Sight), the exporter after delivery by the date stipulated in the contract, draft at sight (or not, draw) with a full set of shipping documents, commissioned prompted banks to importers, importer sight (and documents) immediately after payment. Banks are paid after the surrender of their shipping documents. Forward payment (D / P after Sight), the exporter after delivery by the date stipulated in the contract,belstaff leather, issued a full set of shipping documents, together with long-term bill, commissioned bank to the importer suggested that the importer after the bill is correct single trial Deck against, are paid at the maturity date, and then obtain the shipping documents from the bank.
forward payment and payment by delivery of single condition is the same: the buyer can not obtain on behalf of non-payment to document ownership of the goods, so the responsibility for the risk the seller is basically unchanged.
forward payment is the seller give the buyer's financing, factoring the length of time depends on the bill payment period, usually means there are two deadlines: one is the payment date and arrival date is consistent. The buyer after the payment, you can take delivery. The other is the date of payment to be delayed than arrival date many. The buyer must agree to the request by the collecting bank trust receipts (T / R) to borrow the shipping documents in order to first delivery.
so-called trust receipts, import side, by a single document to provide a guarantee that they would pick up the goods on behalf of the bank trustee, customs clearance, warehousing, insurance, sale, and to recognize the ownership of goods remain with banks. After the sale proceeds of the purchase price of goods should be handed to the bank when the draft is due. Collecting bank, if agreed to by a single importer, can not recover the money in case the maturity, the collecting bank should bear the responsibility to repay loans. But sometimes take the initiative to authorize the exporter by the collecting bank loan trust receipt documents to the importer. This approach will be the exporter for the refusal of the draft is due to bear the risk has nothing to do with the collecting bank, called the payment, receipt by the Trust by single (D / P, T / R). In essence, this is not the \
b. Against Acceptance (D / A). Against acceptance that the goods shipped, the exporter issuing long-term bills of exchange, bank entrusted with the collection of shipping documents, and clear instructions to banks, the importer in the bill immediately after acceptance to be receiving a full set of shipping documents and then pay the bill due date payment.
against acceptance and the above mentioned \ Once the buyer due non-payment, to facilitate exports of goods may be two empty silver. Thus, exporters who strictly control the use of such means attitude.

C. Use of the collection
collection method more favorable to the buyer, low cost, risk,belstaff uk, financial burden is small, or even obtain seller financing. The seller, even if a payment method, because the goods have been shipped, if the other party or financial condition due to low market prices and other reasons poor non-payment, the seller will suffer loss and round trip transportation costs of goods for resale loss. Forward payment and documents against acceptance, the seller to bear the financial burden is heavy, and against acceptance at risk. Collection is the seller give the buyer a certain preferential payment. The seller, it is a means to promote sales, but one must be cautious about the risks.
way of China's foreign trade enterprises to export collection, the main payment method used, and should focus on consideration of three factors: commodity market conditions, the creditworthiness of the importer that management style and financial situation and the transaction amount corresponding. Of particular importance is the commodity market conditions. Because of low market prices are often caused by poor business management style main drivers of non-payment. The case of strong market prices, less likely to protest, and even protest, we dispose of the goods is also more convenient. I do not normally accept foreign trade enterprises pay a single way of exports. In the import business, particularly in foreign processing and assembly and processing with imported materials, often on imported materials and parts used against acceptance of credit.
3. Letter of Credit (Letter of Credit)
letter of credit (L / C) is the issuing bank according to the requirements of importers and exporters and tips or on behalf of its own, open to the exporter (beneficiary), consistent with conditions in the documents promise to pay money order or invoice file.
credit characteristics
(1) the issuing bank should be issuing the applicant's request to open;
(2) payment artificial banks;
(3) is a contract-based, independent of the contract, the contract;
(4) is the business of the bank documents.
content of the letter of credit
(1) letter of credit instructions. If the credit type, nature, amount, and duration and maturity locations.
(2) description of the goods. The name, different specifications, price, quantity, and packaging.
(3) transportation instructions. Shipment of the latest period, the port of departure (to), destination (to), mode of transport, whether in batches, and can turn the ship and so on.
(4) documentation for instructions. Commercial invoices, bills of lading, insurance policies,belstaff brad jacket, etc ..
(5) special provisions. According to each specific business need to be made a requirement.
(6) clause. Issuing bank drafts holders to ensure that the beneficiaries and the payment of the motion.
credit procedures
(1) buyers and sellers in the contract by letter of credit.
(2) buy a local bank for issuing the direction, to pay the issuing deposit or other guarantee.
(3) the application by the issuing bank issuing the content,belstaff shop, and pay the beneficiary through the advising bank.
(4) after receipt of the seller, such as copies of the statement that the required delivery, and out of the draft and prepared a variety of shipping documents to the bank for negotiation of payment.
(5) negotiate about to draft and send the shipping documents specified by the issuing bank or paying bank claims.
(6) the bank received the documents, notify the buyer that payment redeem.
types of credit
(1) according to whether the documents are divided into: for Documentary Credits - the issuing bank draft or simply by documentary letter of credit payment against documents. With recourse - is a mere beneficiary of the issuing bank drafts drawn or simple receipt of payment letter of credit.
(2) under the responsibility of the issuing bank is divided into: irrevocable letter of credit - is the letter of credit in the period, and by letters of credit of all concerned parties (the issuing bank, confirming bank, the beneficiary ) consent, modification or revocation of issuing letters of credit Hang Bude. Revocable letter of credit - is the letter of credit in the period, the issuing bank without prior notice or consent of the beneficiary to the right to modify or revoke the letter of credit .
(3) to use under the letter of credit (payment method) divided into: payment letter of credit - a bank of payment specified,belstaff jacken, the beneficiaries of the documents alone payment (do not open draft). Acceptance letter of credit - a bank where specified in the acceptance of letters of credit, is the acceptance of credit. Negotiate letters of credit - is to allow the beneficiary to a designated bank or any bank letter of credit presented for negotiation, that negotiation is divided into open letters of credit limit (or specify) negotiate letters of credit.
(4) divided according to the time of payment: sight payment credit. Long-term credit. Is divided into deferred payment letters of credit and bank acceptance credit.
(5) divided according to whether the third party to provide credit: credit. Refers to the issuing bank to open a letter of credit by another bank guarantee documents for compliance with credit terms to fulfill payment obligations. Irrevocable confirmed letter of credit , which means that both the issuing bank letter of credit irrevocable guarantee of payment, as well as confirming the payment of the guarantee. No credit. Without another bank to add its confirmation letter of credit.
(6) several special credit
validity. Also known as the draft is payable at sight letter of credit.
revolving letter of credit. The letter of credit being used whole or in part, its amount can be restored and re-use, or required until the required number of total amount. Is divided into automatic cycle, semi-circular and non -automatic cycle of three.
credit terms with wire. Such letter of credit allows the exporter receiving payment as soon as possible.
red clause letter of credit. Also known as an advance credit.
back to back letter of credit. Also known as the switch to open letters of credit, is the use of intermediaries as a way to benefit.
off credit. In order to achieve trade balance out roughly equal to the amount of credit in favor of each other.
standby letter of credit. Preparation of such letters of credit for issuing the applicant is breach of contract case occurred a way to obtain compensation.
Guarantee (Letter of Guarantee), also known as bank guarantee (L / G), refers to banks, insurance companies, security companies (sponsors) should be the applicant's request, to a third party (the beneficiary) in writing of credit opened security credentials. Guarantor of the applicant's debt obligations or liability.
installments and deferred payments
(1) installment of the products in order to pay part of the deposit before production, in various stages of production and then pay the remaining loan installments, the last payment or delivery is usually a guarantee of quality seller full time paid.
(2) is a form of deferred payment in the form of credit, the buyer in addition to payment for the goods, should also bear the payment of interest. Under the conditions of the deferred payment, title to the goods shall pass on delivery.
other payment methods:
O / A credit to open account
CWO cash with order with the order to pay now
C.O.D cash on delivery cash on delivery
CAD cash against documents payment vouchers are now
P.O.D pay on delivery cash on delivery
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