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昨日上午,安陆市李店镇派出所民警在该镇杨棚村走访时得知,村里的陈某(已去世10多年)家曾藏有弹药 ,现在不知还在不在。
maillot de foot。在征得她的同意后,安陆市公安局治安大队与当地武装部的军械专家一起赶往现场,经过半个多小时的挖掘,在 胡婆婆平时睡觉的床下挖出了3枚手榴弹和7发军用子弹(如图)。“真没想到,我在手榴弹上睡了几十年,”胡 婆婆吃惊地说。
moncler femme。当时,陈某将3枚手榴弹和7发军用步枪子弹悄悄埋藏在卧室床下。后来,配发的枪弹上交后,陈某隐瞒了此事 。此事除了陈某的少数几个好友知道外,就连其妻子胡某也不知情。而陈某过世后,此事逐渐被人淡 忘。
经军械专家检查,这批弹药虽然手榴弹的木柄有不同程度腐朽、弹身表面有锈蚀,但其火药部分仍然完好,随 时可以炸响。随后,这批弹药被带回处置。
楚天都市报讯 (记者王进良 通讯员卫冬)安陆市60多岁的胡婆婆没有想到,40多年来,自己天天睡觉的床下一直埋着几个仍有威力的手榴 弹。所幸,昨日该市民警发现后及时将此险情排除,
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NEW YORK — An executive producer of the hit musical reality TV show "American Idol" says celebrity judge Jennifer Lopez will return for another season. Lopez hasn't said anything.
But executive producer Nigel Lythgoe (LITH'-goh) was on the "On-Air with Ryan Seacrest" program on Wednesday morning and made the announcement. He acknowledged it wasn't official. But he added he was "delighted to say that all three judges" and the show's "brilliant host" are back for the next season.
Seacrest is the show's host. Singer-actress Lopez debuted as a judge this past season. The other judges are Aerosmith rocker Steven Tyler and record producer Randy Jackson.
"American Idol" is due to return to Fox television in January for its 11th season.