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Old 08-25-2011, 09:27 AM   #1
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skyccnicke is on a distinguished road
Default 橄榄油:食用油中的“美容油”

  久久健康网编者按:不久前,世界卫生组织更新了健康食品排行榜。2011年的榜单首次为食品划分了类别 。那么,都是哪些食物在各自的领域最终摘得桂冠呢?这些冠军级食物又有着怎样与众不同的营养保 健功效呢?


  以前世界卫生组织的健康食品排行榜上,有鸡肉、牛肉、袋鼠肉等6种肉食,但是,今年上榜的肉食只有鹅肉 、鸭肉及鸡肉。

  提起鹅肉,对于喜欢吃鸭子的南京人而言,平时吃的并不多。专家介绍说,鹅肉含有人体生长发育所必需的各 种氨基酸,其组成接近人体所需氨基酸的比例。鹅肉不仅脂肪含量低,而且品质好,不饱和脂肪酸的含量高,特别 是α-亚麻酸含量均超过其他肉类,对人体健康有利。

  那么α-亚麻酸是什么呢?专家介绍说,α-亚麻酸是人体保持健康必需的却又普遍缺乏、需要补充的一种必需营养素,水宜生u308。其构成细胞膜和生物酶的基础物质,对人体健康起决定性作用。如果人体缺乏α-亚麻酸,维生素、矿物质、蛋白质等营养素不能被有效吸收和利用,造成营养流失。此外还会引起人体脂质代谢紊 乱,导致免疫力降低、健忘、疲劳、视力减退、动脉粥样硬化等症状的发生。尤其是婴幼儿、青少年,如果缺乏& alpha;-亚麻酸,盟特新产品厂家,就会严重影响其智力和视力的发育。



  值得注意的是,2011版的健康食品排行榜上,水果榜的冠军由木瓜第一次取代了苹果,这让不少人颇感惊 讶,有专家指出,这得益于木瓜酵素的发现。

  专家介绍说,木瓜素有“百益果王”之称。成书于公元五世纪的我国最早的中药炮制学专著《雷公炮炙论》中 ,就有关于木瓜功效的论述,该书记载其能“调营卫,助谷气”。从现代营养保健学的角度看,木瓜酵素不仅可分 解蛋白质、糖类,还能分解脂肪,这可以说是木瓜的一大特色。

  木瓜酵素通过分解脂肪可以促进新陈代谢,及时把多余脂肪排出体外,从而达到减肥的目的。目前正值春末夏 初,希望通过水果减肥的读者朋友不妨饭后半个小时以后,吃少量木瓜,帮助肠道消化。

  对于爱美的女士而言,木瓜也是天然的护肤水果。因为木瓜中的木瓜酵素能促进肌肤代谢,帮助溶解毛孔中堆 积的皮脂及老化角质,使肌肤嫩滑细腻,显得更明亮、更清新。木瓜酵素能全面调理长痘肤质,使油性皮肤调理至 中性,快速祛除痘痘、粉刺,修复真皮层。




  2011版的健康零食排行榜中核桃成为佼佼者。专家介绍说,核桃的营养成分超过其他坚果,其抗氧化作用 大于原先的预计。学会研究人员建议,人们可以每天食用7颗核桃。

  该学会研究人员分析对比了以下9种坚果的营养价值:核桃、杏仁、花生、开心果、榛果、巴西坚果、腰果、 澳洲坚果以及美洲山核。结果发现,核桃含有的抗氧化成分最高,是一种富含多种维生素和矿物质的高质量蛋白质 ,而且纤维成分高,属于无乳无麸质食品。与同等量的其他坚果相比,核桃所含的抗氧化成分要多两 倍。



  红薯今年终于占据了蔬菜榜的头名位置。专家解释说,这是因为红薯中含有丰富的赖氨酸,可以迅速增加饱腹 感。而赖氨酸是人体必需氨基酸之一,能促进人体发育、增强免疫功能,并有提高中枢神经组织功能 的作用。

  医师介绍说,《本草纲目》、《本草纲目拾遗》等古代文献均有对红薯功效的记载,中医一般认为红薯有“补 虚乏,益气力,健脾胃,强肾阴”的功效。从现代营养学的角度看,红薯中富含的赖氨酸为碱性必需氨基酸。这种 物质在谷物食品中一般含量甚低,且在加工过程中易被破坏而缺乏,故称为第一限制性氨基酸。

  专家介绍说,适当补充赖氨酸能够促进孩子的生长发育,而长期缺少赖氨酸则会使孩子生长停滞、面色苍白、 皮肤干燥、肌肉松弛、抵抗力降低,严重的还会影响智力发育。需要提醒大家的是,由于赖氨酸很容易溶解在水中 ,因此加工红薯时应避免长时间浸泡。此外,赖氨酸不耐高温,故食用红薯时最好以蒸、煮、炖为好。所以,从这 个角度说,薯条、薯片多吃也是无益的。

  日本国家癌症研究中心最近公布的20种抗癌蔬菜“排行榜”中,红薯也名列榜首。美国费城医院也从红薯中 提取出一种活性物质去雄酮,能有效地抑制结肠癌和乳腺癌的发生。




  专家介绍说,橄榄油在西方被誉为“液体黄金”、“植物油皇后”。为什么橄榄油会有如此高的评价呢?原因 就在于其极佳的天然保健功效和理想的烹调用途。可供食用的高档橄榄油,是用初熟或成熟的油橄榄鲜果通过物理 冷压榨工艺提取的天然果油汁,是世界上唯一以自然状态的形式供人类食用的木本植物油。

  专家介绍说,橄榄油有优良的渗透性,含极高的维他命和矿物质,有助于加速治疗皮肤损伤和湿疹,适合干性 ,老化的皮肤。橄榄油以榨取的方法获取油脂,含有大量不饱和脂肪酸,适合心脏病患者食用。

  橄榄油还有着非凡的美容功效。立夏以后,阳光紫外线的威力逐渐显现,而橄榄油对阳光晒伤有缓和的功能。 橄榄油富含不饱和脂肪酸以及多种维生素,极易被皮肤吸收,是纯天然的美容佳品,被称为“可以吃的护肤品”, 尤其在防止皮肤瘙痒、祛除眼角皱纹、光洁皮肤、光亮秀发方面,效果显著。

  久久健康网专家:食品的选择很重要,想要健康的身体就要选择好的食品,以上冠军榜食品,平时大家不妨多 用。

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Old 08-25-2011, 09:49 AM   #2
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Old 08-25-2011, 09:49 AM   #3
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(Smoking cessation. Alcohol. Cold. Insomnia. Burp. Motion sickness. Molars. Drool. Stiff neck. Chilblains. Toothache. Teeth bleeding. Ulcer. Weight loss, etc.) - Qzone log

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Reprinted from 181124802 at 21:58 on February 19, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary </ p
2, how to stop smoking: betel nut one, drill a small hole, and then further holes in the generation of oil poured into the little smoke out with a blistering two days to dry, like smoke, the smell is not smoke, and who heard can quit smoking.
3, how sober: vinegar, sugar, tea, each 100 grams of water, drink immediately after the drink, sober up quickly, drink more than wake up faster.
4, white teeth: brush your teeth with toothpaste on a small soda, brushing teeth after three white jade, rust teeth naturally fall off.
5, how to remove bad breath: put a few slices of tea a day chewing in the mouth three times, it will give you mouth to keep fresh, three days after the removal of bad breath.
6, how to do dumb voice: vinegar concentrate 50 grams, sugar 50 grams, 250 grams mixed with cold water evenly, and slowly drink a day can be severe in patients at increased twice.
7, dry stools how to do: the thick green onions a little finger, dipped in a little sesame oil, insert **, twitching up and down, year-round dry and with a vinegar concentrate.
8, psoriasis: a couple of catty vinegar soak peeled pine seeds, bulbs Two days later, three times a day rub, the better. Can also be a spoonful of orange peel powder and sesame oil Banchi spoon transfer smear.
9, toothache trick: Heat over the fire with a peach on the pain of the teeth after the bite, so a few times and never toothache.
10, nose bleeding how to do: When the nose is a lot of bleeding, the patient placed flat under the nose and eyes will be holding the hand of the opposite, points automatically sealed, and the blood immediately to stop.
11, Fishbone card throat: the throat with a vinegar rinse, and then slowly swallow, repeated several times can be cured.
12, athlete's foot tips: a pound of rice vinegar, the vinegar into the basin, soak or dip, twice daily, each about one hour, anti-inflammatory, can cure the foot of, and simple, effective and fast , the light for four days to cure.
13, after the disease deafness,cheap timberland boots, tinnitus: garlic nose cat from cat urine. Third Ear cat urine can cure disease after one or two drops of deafness. Tinnitus can be baked snake ashes, blowing your ear, even blowing three times to cure tinnitus.
14, a new method of control of diabetes: a pound of fresh corn kernels. Amount of boiling water to maize after flowering in four a day, drink a bowl, this side can not go to the root, can only control the disease. Can reduce blood sugar. A swelling number of patients treated with urine, the effect is particularly good.
15, teeth snoring sleep: sleep mouth with a piece of orange peel, including spit out 3-5 after fifteen minutes of the call can cure teeth.
16, foot odor, feet sweating: alum research into Ximo, wiping the soles foot after 10 minutes 3-4 times longer sweat does not stink. Seven or eight months can be maintained.
17, epilepsy (claw crazy): A worm, alum large bowl using the two open half-Whitewater red open. A bowl of morning fasting, and even drink ten days.
18, inflammation of the mouth: one day, sooner or later, Chili, and slowly swallow, keep 3-4 days, and immediately improved. Serious condition can also be with the side treatment.
19, coronary heart disease: 50 grams of soy beans, cooked add salt to eat ate amount of 3-4 days, the party not controlling the development of coronary heart disease, in particular, ideals, fall ill and then after this party.
20, migraine treatment tips: Use a white Luobu Pi posted on both sides of the temple, posted 20 minutes per night, up to quick, do not need to paste the head does not hurt, and the parties attending dizziness brain up.
21, cure hemorrhoids remedies: urea couple of open water to open the pot will be placed into the wet towel and wring release stool after the Tang. The first ten minutes three times a day, while Teng seven days. Within the external hemorrhoids can be cured, blood in the stool rectal prolapse.
22, the rapid lactation: sesame fried, add a little salt, preferably pre-10 days to start eating, meals for non-staple food, can quickly increase breast milk, eat more milk come faster.
23, the treatment of insomnia tips: the large light blue within the chopper on the small cap, small cap before going to sleep the pillow can be placed in fell asleep for several days to cure, those who could not sleep all year round, border treatment 5 days will go to the root.
24, heart disease: sooner or later each day, eat 50 grams of pineapple, the best 5-7 days, 2 years or so will not fall ill, fall ill after eating and then again once a seriously ill person to eat the second day, you can stable condition.
25, visual impairment how to do: dried apricot skin can be eye-catching pieces for a small pillow rest. Of visual impairment. Myopia hyperopia and so the wind tears have a certain effect.
26, hands and feet cracks: Medicinal rheumatism ointment, paste in the affected area long after a day off to a good crack shot.
27, dermatitis tips: the grated line melon leaves redness in the affected area until the friction, twist once every seven days 3 times, 6 times can be used in conjunction serious healing.
28, rhinitis: a drop of sesame oil with a cotton ball on the nose stick out after 15 minutes, 2-3 consecutive days, three times a day, with 2 times more severe. Vinegar, garlic bulbs can also be inserted into nose.
29, hypertension: fresh kelp twenty-two, made a bowl of seaweed soup, do not put inside, although the vegetables, fasting drink, and even served on the 10th then, kelp can quickly restore blood pressure to normal.
30, kidney: 100 grams of fresh beans Jiang, add a little salt water boiled, taking 3-5 days before each meal restore health, such as strong physical force often eat on the best.
31, face speckle method: Soak the peeled almond will, smashed drunk, plus an egg white and mix thoroughly, every night before bed, next morning wash with white wine until the spot back.
32, stomach rule of civil law: to take on the red egg shell into the tile on the twenty fire drying research into Ximo, with sugar to take to drink a spoon before serving, 2 times a day, served So far,mens timberland boots, this side is very precious, while calcium and rickets are extremely effective.
33, or injured tendons: the leek mash, a little boy of less urine, swelling can be attached to the wound a few hours, three days can return to normal.
34, rapid weight loss: to the state to buy twenty-two oolong tea, oolong tea drinks a week can quickly melt fat and promote fat metabolism, to achieve weight loss, but also to prevent the occurrence of obesity. (Thick tea)
35, longevity secret: regular exercise, do not worry about gas every year to keep eating garlic, garlic is the best medicine to extend life, it can kill many harmful bacteria in vivo.
36, irregular menstruation: the Soviet Union to the countryside to take cotyledons twenty-two used the hot water after drinking four cups of light who can, in serious cases to drink a few days, it can soothe the nerves of the role of menstruation available, a large period of cold dysmenorrhea is not normal and special effects.
37, Shao Baitou: 500 grams with a scallop shell (scallop) Jianshui wash your hair, wash once a day 6-8 times to wash, so that in the long thick black hair out, such as old age and more particularly to wash several times.
38, rough skin is tender: each egg with a night mouth facial, wash with water after an hour, as can often rub the skin more tender.
39, frozen shoulder, low back pain, sciatic, back off: the earth element (on hold in a) seven baking ashes, rice wine seventy-two, put a bottle of a total of seven days and nights inside the bubble, seven o'clock every night Seven money to drink wine and play with his fist hard lesion seventy-seven looked mischievous nine, the ill treatment by a few more clothes can be cured.
40, tuberculosis recipe: 500 grams of live pupae research into the use of fire for drying fine,timberland boots uk, each with 3-5 grams 2 times a day, served to date, the effect is very good,timberland uk, this party is to provide Chinese Medicine Research Institute .
41, arthritis pain relief method: using aspartate ashes, into a small bag, which Where pain paste, paste for one hour every night, posted 3 times cured. This side and easy. Good effect on low back pain significantly improved.
42, underarm body odor: 100 grams of rice vinegar, cumin powder 5 grams. Organs under the Uniform rubbed several times to reconcile body odor disappear immediately.
43, itching how to do: take a piece of ginger cut rub soles of the feet, men and women rub rub left right, a rub for ten minutes.
44, bone hyperplasia: the sheep tibia four, with a large wood burning coke broken into after the yellow face, a day after dinner delivery service with one or two of rice wine, once a few times.
45, swallowed hard objects of metal: the fried leek can be the next big mouth, broken glass, eating goes beyond, you can also use this side.
46, numb hands and feet: a good soaking black fungus, peach, honey, 120 grams each, a total of pound drunk, put the bowl of steaming hot, never finished sub-numb 4 days, pregnant women, disabled.
47, hair loss, from the scalp: Cabbage root slices to put Zeng clay pot water to boil, add two years after the vinegar essence shampoo, and even washing seven or eight days, make hair soft, shiny, the scalp was quickly disappear. Hair and a stubborn.
48, how to treat onychomycosis of garlic smashed the drunk, plus a little alum coated on onychomycosis. Do not wipe too thick. And then sealed with plastic sheeting to nail. Translucent plastic sheeting closed effective only seven or eight days, I feel that up feeling just fine.
49, how to knock down the worms: pumpkin seeds (shelled leaving jen) 50-100 crush Ban Cheng amount of sugar paste with water, empty stomach once these days, the children can only destroy a variety of pests.
50, how to treat mastitis: a small piece of cactus plus three drops of sesame oil after the crush lesion.
51, how to treat foot corns: cut a piece of tape the middle of a small eye, posted on corn, small eyes appear Corn, Zaisa surface of the eye on the point of urea (fertilizer) and then press and hold a piece of tape, for the first three days, changed six times since the elimination from the Corn off.
52, prostatitis: dried dates two or three, three rooster liver, the use of fire Dunlan, decoction to drink,timberland boots sale, and even drink three.
53, Class of rheumatism: with fresh mulberry tree, how much can be chopped, mixed with a little yellow wine Guo Chao, add water, boil water hole, a cup of morning and at night, effective and even clothes.

(b) of the 146 folk remedies

1, the paste used drugs, mainly of food, the absolute non-toxic.

2, to enable readers to understand, dose units are using the old system, such as: pounds, two, money, etc., and some bowl, is the general medium bowl.

3, where the drugs are generally marked with a * to the drugstore to buy pharmacies.

4, affixed to speak in the vinegar, is usually vinegar, if you use white vinegar, and will otherwise indicated.

5, affixed to speak in the liquor, is 50 degrees above the liquor.

6, some diseases need to avoid certain food during treatment, if not during the treatment is diet, it will affect the efficacy.

7, combined with the long popular among the ancient tradition of sorting out valuable information secret. It brings together many ancient name Fang, recipe, secret surgery, not only bring convenience for the people is more than prepared for each family treasured book, and, for some in terms of Western medical professionals, but also a good reference.

one medical

1, since the beginning of a cold: light blue (even have), ginger slices 5 money, water, a bowl of fried open, add appropriate amount of hot red Tong said a dose (no dose of onion ginger), and immediately went to sleep, sweating Jiyu.

2, several days of cold: Use the same first day, Also, before going to sleep at night, with garlic mash, apply two Zuxin (Yongquan, apply soy tablets per Zuxin can), cloth, thrown off the next morning, once a 2-3 days Jiyu.

3, headache (all kinds of headaches can be): a white radish juice, two drops of each drop of the nose (both nostrils are drops), twice daily, once every 4-5 days,timberland outlet, you can dig up the roots. Jichi pepper, pepper.

4, dizziness (lightheadedness, dizziness): a duck, bean 20, stir boiling water, the morning flight, one day of this, for 7 days have effects. Avoid Chijiu, spicy.

5, insomnia, dreams: before going to bed with a half-basin of hot water, add one or two of vinegar foot soak for 20 minutes, and the raw light blue 1-2 roots.

6, dry cough (cold or other causes may be): raw black sesame seeds 3 money (about a spoon), crystal sugar, were broken open water the morning flight, 3 days recovery, eating fish .

7, cough with sputum (including acute bronchitis, bronchitis, children, bronchitis): white radish twenty-two, pear twenty-two, along with a bowl of chopped cooked add appropriate amount of water consumption of candy a day Secondary 3 days. Phlegm. With Article IX with the use.

8, Old bronchitis (chronic bronchitis): take the winter frost after playing one or two gourd vine *, licorice * a money, water, a bowl of decoction dose, the second day, once a half months to 20 days, to cure. Avoid alcohol, spicy things, preferably with the use of Article IX.

9, chronic cough (cough caused by emphysema and bronchitis, etc.): alum one or two, and research into the flour into a paste with vinegar every night before bed to take soy dressing Zuxin freshman group (Chung spring hole, two feet are deposited), cloth, thrown off the next morning for 7 days have effects.

10, asthma (asthma in children with): dry earthworm * catty, fried yellow research into powder, with sugar water, blunt, a 2 money (about half a spoon flour) the second day, served Jiyu. Avoid spicy food thing.

11, stomach pain, spit acid, ptosis of the stomach, gastric inflammation: the first time in a couple of garlic, charred skin, plus a bowl of water to a boil, add the amount of sugar fasting food, the second day for 7 days to cure.

12, stomach ulcer twelve fat: 30 Chaojiao research egg shell powder, wheat flour, half a catty Chaojiao, even with the shake, morning and evening meals available. Boiled water, a 2 money (about half a spoon), the second day, usually a pair of cure serious illness to be the second payment.

13, hypertension, hyperlipidemia: * one or two of celery seed, wrapped with gauze and put 10 pounds of water decoction, early, middle and late drinking a cup. Not afraid of spicy, could, early in the evening eating raw garlic 2, a lower blood pressure, blood lipid effects.

14, heart disease, coronary heart disease: the first one or two of peanut shells, green beans 5 money, will prepare a bowl of soup dose, the second day, take a half months.

15, gastroenteritis, diarrhea: two each half Chaojiao with wheat flour, add water and mix thoroughly with the amount of sugar, before meals, clothing, day, 2-3 days of secondary effects. Jichi persimmon, banana, greasy.

16, dyspepsia (indigestion with children): 4, two fried chicken skin nap research into yellow powder, sugar water before meals with a blunt, the second day, a 2 money (about half a spoon), children half , one can be served, Jichi snail.

17, chest tightness, flatulence: white radish seeds * 5 money, will prepare a bowl of soup served three times a day, once every 3 days along with consumer product gas effect.

18, neurological decline: 1 Porcine two, add a spoon of honey, steamed food, once daily, ate 5-10 days.

19, anemia: chickens, ducks, will the blood flow in a clean white paper, dried bunched up into powder, with wine transfer service, a half-spoon flour, the second day, and even served half months. Avoid kelp.

20, heat dry mouth: reed rhizome *, mung beans all 5 money, plus a bowl of water to boil, add appropriate amount of crystal sugar, to eat bean soup reed rhizome, served on the second, even for 3 days. Fluid lungs, Reduce Pathogenic Fire antipyretic.

21, chronic hepatitis: time with Rhizoma Imperatae * In two burning soup bowl of water services, three times a day, which normally takes a half months service, avoid spicy things.

22, gallbladder, kidney, urinary tract stones: The Gallus gallus domesticus, 50 grams of corn, fried a bowl of soup a dose, 2-3 times per day, and even served 10 days. Jichi liver, fat, egg yolk.

23, acute and chronic renal inflammation: 4 blackfish around a double, to scales
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