[推è]hermes birkin[朗声教育网论å›] -- Powered By Dvbbs.net,2011 ...
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> The Pecten maximus is frequently used in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />England. When pickled and barrelled for sale, it is esteemed a great delicacy. Another species, the Pecten opercularis, is employed for culinary purposes in Cornwall, where it is known by the name of frills, or queens. To our list of bivalves may be added the Mactra solida, which is used as food by hermes kelly the common people about Dartmouth, and the Venus hermes outlet pullastra, called by the inhabitants of Devonshire, pullet, and eaten by <a href="http://www.uggbootsclearanceoutlet.org"><strong>UGG Boots Clearance </strong></a> them. Large clams and mussels are eaten in the United States, but in the Lower British American Provinces The business of digging clams is engaged hermes handbags in by a hermes handbags large number of persons on the North American coasts. There are two varieties, distinguished as the hard shell and the soft shell. They are eaten largely in spring, when they are in the best condition. Clams are much prized by persons residing at a distance from the sea coast, and they are frequently sent into the interior, where they meet a hermes birkin bags ready sale, as they can be sold at a very low price. They are salted and preserved in barrels, and used by <a href="http://www.uggbootsclearanceoutlet.org"><strong>UGGS Clearance Sale </strong></a> fishermen as bait for cod-fish. For many years past the digging and salting of clams for the Boston market has been hermes outlet an important business. Hermes birkin These shellfish abound in the extensive flats at the mouths of some of the rivers. The flats are daily covered by the tide, and afford the feeding ground which the clams require. Clams multiply with astonishing rapidity they are dug in the hermes birkin winter and spring. The business furnishes employment for men and boys, that in hermes birkin handbags former years were occupied hermes kelly in winter fishing. The work is done, of course, at hermes bags low water. When the tide is out, on pleasant winter days, one will often see gangs of 10, 20, or 50 men and boys busily employed in turning up the mud on the flats, picking up the clams, and putting <a href="http://www.uggbootsclearanceoutlet.org"><strong>UGG Boots Outlet </strong></a> them into buckets. The implement which they use is a stout fork with three flat prongs, each about an inch wide, and 10 or 12 inches long. The men go out on the flats in wherries, when the tide is retiring, and push an oar hermes birkin into the mud, and make fast the boat to it, and as soon as the water has left hermes bags the boat, commence operations.