How are calories and weight loss related, especially when pertaining to weight loss in the belly? Along with lessening fat consumption
high heels nikes , lessening calorie intake is also important to remember when wanting to lose fat in the belly. Here is an explanation: Calories are basically sugars; they are contained in many sweet foods, in bread, in grains, in juices and sodas, and in fruits and vegetables. When the body needs energy, it is the circulating calories in the blood that are metabolized first. Calories can be produced not only by more intake of food with calories, but also by burning fat inside the body, thus contributing to weight loss. However, when calories are not used up
jordan and nike heels , they tend to stock up in the body - in the form of fat, and will stay as fat until intense activity uses them up.When the calories gather into the body as fat, the abdominal region is usually the first area of fat deposition. Then there is the danger. Belly fat, being visceral fat, releases harmful fat by-products directly to the bloodstream, where it can circulate and spread to other vulnerable body parts, especially to vital organs such as heart, lungs, brain, and to other body parts whose continued functioning depends on these body organs. For instance, take the heart. When fatty particles gather on blood vessels near the heart, they tend to harden in blood vessel walls, thus forming atherosclerotic plaque. Atherosclerotic plaque is the main anchor for the formation of blood clots that impede blood flow to the heart. When a blood vessel is totally occluded, oxygen will be cut off to the heart, and eventual death of heart muscles will result. When the same happens to blood vessels near the brain, one gets a stroke; when the blood vessels are near the lungs, one gets a pulmonary embolism.Because calories are primary fat precursors, a necessary condition for all ways to lose belly fat is this: Calorie usage of the body must exceed calorie intake by the body. When calorie usage exceeds calorie intake, then fats begin to be burned and converted to calories, thus lessening fat. And, luckily, the belly is also the first region where fat is burned when needed the body. (This also means that you know that you are doing your calorie and weight loss regimen correctly.) Calorie usage can be increased by exercising hard and lessening sedentary activity. Calorie intake can be decreased by regulating the type, amount, and frequency of food taken.As a final note, there are two special reminders, often overlooked, regarding calories and weight loss. First, not all calories are detrimental, or contributory to fat gain. Like good fats and bad fats, calories can also be good or bad. Good calories are those that could easily be catabolized by the body into energy. Foods containing good calories include grains, vegetables
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