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Old 10-11-2011, 06:28 AM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 14
y4584662d is on a distinguished road
Default 重庆开发票 他们是投资界突起的新权势:大多数人曾经

家,占有资本运作或上市经验,以及不菲的财产,当职业生活到达顶峰之后,他们不谋而合抉择了统一个目标:天 使投资,狂风迅雷排名之争背地:座次决议上市棋局。
  犹如上世纪网络泡沫催生了中国第一批风险投资,过去数年全民创业激动和豪情刺激了中国天使投资的快捷膨 胀。世纪佳缘、淘米等天使投资项目的上市更令一批明星投资人迎来丰产时刻。
  如果细心视察中国天使投资的成长轨迹,能够显明得出论断:在此之前,天使投资多为少数投资家和企业家的 个人行为,数目很少;当中国早期互联网等行业的明星公司完成上市目标或被并购后,成功企业家转型投资者成为 风气,天使投资案例逐渐增多;而随着新一波互联网创业和投资热潮的到来,2009以后天使投资真正开始大行 其道。他们的代表包括雷军(微博)、徐小平、蔡文胜、周鸿(微博)、曾李青、薛蛮子等。
  这些天使投资的先行者大多领有普遍的人脉和影响力,且出手非凡,qymlw.cn。与国外天使投资不同 ,中国天使投资圈并不大,但胜利率很高。明星天使投资人雷军投资的项目成功率甚至高达50%以上,这已完整 脱离传统天使投资的风险回报比。
  创业者将其视为导师、指路明灯,风险投资视其为绝佳的配合搭档。当越来越多在过去十年从中国经济增加尤 其是互联网高潮中获益的创业者投身其中,这些风投正劲的天使投资人或将成为中国商业不可疏忽的 力气。
  他们大多已功成名就,是有名的创业者或者明星职业经理人,完成了人生的阶段性目标,并获得巨大的财富回 报。徐小平离开新东方时,持有新东方10%的股份,雷军离开金山时,也获得了原始积累。他们曾经将做天使投 资称为“兴致”,在这个过程中,逐渐走向职业化,甚至其中一部门人取舍天使投资作为他们新的职 业方 向。
  2006年的徐小平是事业巅峰休会与人生目的损失的徐小平。无论心里有如许的难以割舍,他已经意识到: “是时候动地方了(It`s time for me to move on)。”分开新东方的第一站,wuhanyabo.cn,他先是和几个朋友创办一家留学公司,想要办中国 最大的留学公司。在北京的东方广场,他租下530平米的办公区,12219.cn,狼子野心。但没多久,办 公区装修刚实现,徐小平放弃了,这并不是他想要的。他随后的尝试还包括投资媒体,包括《中国周刊》、《博客 天下》,但都是浅尝辄止。
  真正促使其下定信心做天使投资的人,是徐小平过去在新东方的同事、新东方创业元老钱永强。钱永强曾经创 办新东方教育在线,并卖掉公司失掉原始积聚,而后投资空中网取得伟大回报:20万投资两年的回报率是100 倍。
  腾讯创业元老曾李青2007年离开腾讯后,创办德讯投资开始跨入投资圈。为了避开腾讯,他的早期投资多 锁定服务中产阶层的业务,好比梁冬创办的为富人提供旅游服务的太美,以及为中产定制服装的拉特兰,甚至在长 沙投资了房地产。但投资一圈下来,他发明投资自己不熟悉的领域艰苦重重,因而将留神力又转回到和腾讯竞争的 业务上,并先后投资了儿童游戏社区淘米网、第七大道以及T4game等游戏公司。今年淘米网上市后,曾李青 持有的淘米网股份市值达数千万美元。
  过去创办过许多公司,并将掌上通达带往纳斯达克上市的杨镭现在同样转换了角色,成为泰山天使创业基金的 创始合伙人,还管理着PE投资基金公司西岳资本。对于杨镭来说,天使投资是他的一种情结,他将此比方为,一 些人有珍藏古董、油画的爱好,而他的喜好是收藏初创型企业,怀着好奇心和创业者聊天。
  如果说徐小平、曾李青是逐渐将天使投资作为从新动身的职业,杨镭是兴趣使然,而雷军更像是自我调整期打 发业余时间的一件事。只不外熟悉雷军的人都明白,他做任何事都有股当真劲儿,以至于在过去三四年里,他被称 为最精明也是最成功的天使投资人。
  2007年年底,雷军辞去金山CEO一职,不必上班的他一边自我调剂,一边总结反思,思考下一步该去干 嘛。这时候他投资了出色网老共事陈年(微博)开办的凡客诚品;而更早时候,他曾经跟多少个友人独特出资40 0万元投资做手机阅读器UCweb,雷军本人出资200万元,占公司10%的股;此外李学凌(微博)初创多 玩游戏网时,他个人投资过100万美元。在雷军前前后后投资过的公司名单里,还包含拉卡拉、乐淘网、多看网 等十来家公司。
  金山时代的雷军就浮现出商业上的天性。雷军在天使投资领域曾给过徐小同等人很多启示,而他做天使投资的 启蒙老师是周鸿。早年两人关联比较好时,雷军和周鸿两人常相互分享自己做企业的经验,曾经有一次,两人缭绕 如何做天使投资就探讨了4个小时。
  知情者称,在做奇虎初期,周鸿并没有当初这样忙,他会时常跟人闲聊,谈谈工业趋势,也聊聊投资。有一段 时间,男子非法集资3341万建楼盘一审获刑3年,周鸿、薛蛮子、雷军、杨镭等人每隔几个礼拜就汇聚到一块 ,五六个人进行各种闲扯,后来这个无形的小组像是中国天使投资的策源地,诞生了中国目前最刺眼的几个明星天 使。
  徐小平对世界有着自己的意识与断定。在2001年到2002年间,被赶出新东方董事会的徐小平苦楚难息 ,他天天都坐在电脑前书写,这些文字后来集结成一本书《图穷对话录―我的新东方人生征询》。在书的自序中他 写到:“我要歌颂带电的思维。”
  这句话某种程度上也是其投资办法论的映射。徐小平信仰“沾染力就是出产力”,他判定自己是否被创业者感 动,并且根据打动的水平决定投资金额。所以其投资决策经常只须要和创业者聊20多分钟就能做出。“我什么行 业都看,但我不会投基本产业,我只看一个一般消费者乐意用的货色。”
  徐秉信“放养式”投资方式论。除了再融资以外,在详细的业务上,他很少跟创业者沟通,也简直不自动打电 话给他们。从前5年,他投资的公司波及教导、音乐、电商、影视、游戏延长品、生物科技、社交网站等多个范畴 ,有成有败。早期他投资过杭州一家电子杂志,投资金额100万国民币,决议时他并没有考虑到对方缺少互联网 经验,成果电子杂志业务并没有做起来。但从2006年到2009年三年时间,这个创业公司转型做学校,徐小 平从中牵线请巴菲特的儿子皮特?巴菲特担负学校的参谋与董事,目前能做到五千多万的营收,开北京发票
  在其投资的80多家公司中,有十来家获得了A轮以上的融资,不到十家目前已经逝世掉。徐小平说,他真正 感到自己作为天使投资的角色扮演成功,是在兰亭集势获得C轮融资。聚美优品(微博)获得A轮融资后,那一刻 ,他也在心理上终于和新东方断了交往。
  过去从事教育行业的徐小平跟雷军等并不熟悉,他也并没有刻意去关注雷军、冯波、沈南鹏等同行,直到20 07年,他以天使投资人的身份逐一拜访他们,彼此间才有了交加。
  2007年夏天,徐小平先造访了雷军。雷军告知他如何对一个公司进行估值,要投熟习的人、熟悉的领域, 后来徐小平心里揣摩,雷军不投的就是我要投的。那一次见面,徐小平跟雷军达成两个项目的合作,一个是做电子 书的多看,一个是做高端游览的太美。比拟雷军的感性剖析,徐小平跟冯波的气质更为濒临。200 7年 10月,在联创策源北京的四合院里,徐小平第一次见到冯波。在徐小平记忆中,那是一次美妙的会晤,从上午十 来点聊到午饭当前,冯波筹备了厚味的饺子。也是在这一年,他拜访了沈南鹏,访问跟他有过协作的晨兴创投、启 明创投等。
  对于徐小平、曾李青等晚一步做天使投资的人来说,沈南鹏有着标杆性的意义。2005年8月,沈南鹏离开 携程,参加红杉中国出任创始合伙人,随后几年,沈南鹏成为中国最著名的投资人之一。与沈南鹏有着相似轨迹的 是李开复(微博),他离开谷歌中国以后即刻成立了创新工场。徐小平从新东方离开之初并没有立刻创办自己的天 使基金,而是以个人投资的名义零敲碎打,这段时间连续了将近5年,这被徐事后总结为一大过错。直到2011 年年初,他发布成立真格基金,开始职业化做天使投资。
  创办德讯投资之后的曾李青有时从贸易的角度斟酌项目危险,有时他又表演着产品经理的角色。德讯投资合伙 人王远曾回想过曾李青投资项目标状况:“咱们看项目,可能唱反调是最多的。不能只看好的一面,还有坏的一面 ,这是他看问题跟别人不一样的处所。”
  曾李青投资的第七大道曾经想做一个偏休闲的游戏产品,公司股东和董事在一起沟通,第七大道CEO曹凯认 为曾李青会像啦啦队一样给他们激励,但曾李青听后非常反对,并列举同类产品在其余平台并没有成功案例,而且 当时的第七大道也不具备做这个项目的前提。曹凯还曾收到过来自曾李青的一封邮件,洋洋一千多字讲述自己玩游 戏的感触,比如用户为什么要注册这个游戏,创立账号时是怎么的心情,曾李青都一一具体阐述。事后也证实,游 戏玩家并非会像游戏谋划那样从1到5按照次序地进行,玩家也可能13457地跳着走。
  而对IT老兵雷军来说,天使投资于他的意思不同凡响:“我在做天使投资的时候,实在我素来就没有做过投 资。”他从来不找项目,每个项目不会做得太久,相对不投生疏人。在雷军近几年的投资项目中,80%是朋友, 还有20%是朋友的朋友。个别的活泼天使投资人,一年会投十到二十个项目,而雷军做天使投资的频率一年均匀 仅有三、四家。
  “我投的绝大局部公司都是从零开端。”早期李学凌跟雷军说要做一个项目,南京开发票,雷军回应说,别做了,两人一来二去达成共鸣,便成破了多玩网。俞永福(微博)做手机浏览器 UCweb时,当时海内的移动互联网市场还一片荒凉,UCweb的市场很难做。于是俞永福找到雷军,请他帮 帮忙,当时的雷军身心疲累,并没有立即许可。后来俞永福将办公室装修睦,买了一个冰箱,里面放了几罐可乐, 雷军被激动了,随后雷军出任UCweb的董事长。
  那段时光雷军曾在良多场所论述他的对于挪动互联网的见解,并为UCweb做宣扬。他曾跟50多位记者讲 述移动互联网,其中至少30个记者的手机上网浏览器 UCweb是雷军给装的。在张罗做小米公司之前,雷军还出任过多玩网的董事长,差未几也投入了半年时间。雷 军爱好表明这样的态度:自己做天使投资,帮忙而不添乱。比方早期UCweb做了一个中移动的名目,在公司内 部这是一笔宏大的单子,雷军劝服俞永福废弃了,理由是UC要专一做手机浏览器。
  2005年11月,冯鑫(微博)创办暴风影音(微博)时曾找雷军切磋,谈完后雷军有过动心,但当时暴风 影音的定位是做客户端软件,雷军考虑产品周期比较长就没有投。后来冯鑫还找过周鸿、鲍岳桥、王江民等,当时 有人批准投钱,但对方提的条件冯鑫不乐意接收。最后谁的钱都没要。
  “假如拿了雷军的投资,狂风可能会走得比拟好点。”冯鑫以为,雷军的教训丰盛,一个公司里99%的问题 他都能指出来。在暴风影音创办进程中,雷军曾提示过冯鑫,暴风影音在技巧上的人力投入不够,冯鑫当时并不太 在意,到后来他才意识到,雷军是对的。
  跟着超级天使的影响力越来越大,投资中早期项目的风险投资和这些天使投资人的合作也日益严 密。
  启明创投和雷军、徐小平、曾李青的早期项目均有合作。启明创投董事总经理童士豪有个习惯,每半年他会做 一个未来投资蓝图,察看社会趋势、花费者方向,美国互联网或许半年到一年的变更,分析琢磨一个商业模式在美 国为什么能做大,并理清产业跟社会、用户习惯以及价值之间的关系。
  在童看来,雷军对数字很敏感,判断和方向都不错,对投资有经验,他投资的项目每一轮融资的价钱都比普通 的公司略高。雷军关注电商、移动互联网还有游戏三慷慨向,也刚好也是童士豪关注的领域。2008年4月童士 豪第一次见雷军,雷军讲多玩,讲他的投资理念以及关注的细分领域,两个小时聊下来,两个人关注的领域有十分 高的重合度。所以童士豪投资的13个项目,有4个跟雷军有关系。
  跟天使投资的沟通会增添VC们投资上的保险感。英特尔在挑选成长期投资项目时,重要关注大的IT领域, 终极也是看项目以及公司本身。作为中国投资部的董事总经理,许胜渊常常跟这些天使投资人坚持沟 通,广州开发票,“我们没有说每一个月商定一个时间见面,但如果有什么主意和打算的话都会跟他们沟通。”双方日常的紧密沟 通也便于他们在一个早期公司需要做A轮、B轮融资时可能做出倏地反映。
  天使投资从过去的个人行动逐步回升到职业化与范围化,这一状态的雏形在2009年初露端倪 。
  2009年下半年,离开谷歌中国不久的李开复创办了立异工场,召募8亿元人民币的资金用于第一个五年周 期,为创业团队提供办公场地,以天使投资基金的方法做创业团队的孵化。更早几个月之前的2009年3月,杨 镭结合欧洲最大的天使投资基金山友团体,共同发起成立泰山天使创业基金,首期美元基金规模数千万美元,单笔 投资在10到50万美元之间,这被看作是国内最早的天使基金。
  依照徐小平之前的规划,每年投500万美元,20个项目,但现在看来,这个投资节奏显得太慢,“时期在 召唤,创业家在呼唤,机遇也在呼唤。”他将自己的投资目标调整为每年投资50个项目,如果一个项目20万美 金,每年大略会投出1000万美金。
  徐小平的真格基金目前与国内一家大的基金达成合作动向,预备成立一个孵化器,这一举措被他称为是向李开 复的创新工场致敬。过去徐小平将真格基金称为“没有围墙的创新工场”,他也曾经向创新工场的基金投资过几百 万美金,还投资了少量资金给泰山天使。而这次他是想要做“没有工厂的创新工场”,这一模式类似于硅谷最火的 超级天使孵化器Y Combinator:每个项目投资2万至3万美金,占股5%左右,并且给每个创业者部署教练,提供创业课 程辅导。徐小平要做的孵化器规划走一条创业培训的模式,让那些带着创业方案书来的创业者,经由筛选参加培训 。
  2010年投资过拉手网的泰山天使有这样一个生态圈:泰山天使创始合伙人杨镭与拉手网开创人吴波是清华 校友,并且同在一个名为清华企业家协会的组织里。杨镭决议投资拉手时曾打过电话咨询其身边人的看法,他得到 的回答是:吴波个人才能强,也很聪慧,独一的毛病是他老是在同时做几件事。在创办拉手网的同时,吴波还在经 营一家软件公司,同时拉手网内部不仅做团购模式,还在考虑做Foursquare的模式。后来杨镭对吴波开 诚布公提了请求:“我们就做一件事。” 于是吴波将软件公司处置掉,Foursquare的模式也缓缓淡化。杨镭也曾为拉手网追求各种资源,他先容 了一位曾投资过团购网站Daily Deal的策略投资人。在拉手网拿到融资后,底本计划是将北京市场先做好,但这位投资人倡议,第一件事件应 当在全国敏捷树立100个点。吴波听取了提议,疾速在全国布了数百个网点。
  作为天使基金,泰山投资曾为创业者供给办公场地,但就项目自身而言,并不是泰山天使牵头立项,男子网上 自学制枪获刑三年,这是有别于翻新工场的地方。包括喜事网等创业团队曾在北京万通核心的泰山天使所在地办公 ,在拿到A轮融资后纷纭搬离出去。目前管理了近1000万美金的泰山天使投资了包括拉手网、佳品网、喜事网 在内的20多个项目。
  两三个月前,一群从金山软件出来的人发动成立极客梦工厂,这些旧金隐士包括蓝港在线的董事长王峰、CS ND的总编蒋涛、麒麟网CEO尚进、成都梦工厂的裘新等。而前两位是这只天使基金的治理者。前不久,蔡文胜 成立了4399创业园,雷军创建了顺为基金。在创业的大潮之下,兴许将来未几,会出生越来越多的创业孵化器 ,而这些天使们便是他们的幕后的推手。 分享到: 微博推举 | 新浪科技官方微博http://www.bjhlshuiwu.com 北京开发票
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Old 10-11-2011, 07:03 AM   #2
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,872
mo6v8jgy0ae is on a distinguished road

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49612 2010 年 11 月 22 日 21:21 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

a, Tags flavors: the strange life of polygamy

you have done the right hold the left owned, monopoly of the three beautiful fool's paradise, but was confused that he can become a reality, he is not the ancient emperor, nor is it certain African or Arab Emirates, but He and three lovely wife, seven heirs to live together. Three wives take turns every three days to share the night her husband,paul smith bag, for the entire family's financial and emotional Buzhi Yu bankruptcy and division, they have to suppress their jealousy, to comply with the default order, and concealed it shaking big secret - Polygamy is illegal in the background story in the mainstream Mormon sect is also strictly prohibited.

II, ★ ★ ☆
flavors Tags: foul language lines

This is the four children never grow up. Into the business of the people they know everything but what, what bad language will be scolded, if want to play the most frequent assessment of a word, it ought to Because each set, four children will not accidentally cursing out swearing, and swearing because the United States to do public channel on mute, so I mute with the The ridiculous story of the kid actor will always be mixed with many phenomena in today's mockery of the United States, so when grid, George Lucas raped exaggerated story over and over again; when the Jonas Brothers say they take chastity outside of the ring, the song orgasm scene.

flavors Tags: exposing Hollywood star indulgence, drug abuse, insider

in the to expose the shady view of Hollywood and crime. This film, Cox and her husband David Arquette together to create the drama, the plot darkness fallen, the are all, more to expose the dark forces of Hollywood, the plot can be described as a wonderful step by step. In the first quarter end, Cox is drawing to a friend Jennifer Aniston guest appearance, together staged Brokeback kiss.

four, ★ ☆
flavors Tags: cosmetic surgery procedure, hot ###### scenes

Sean and Christian together in Miami, opened a plastic surgery clinic. Sean is in the eyes of a good President, with his wife and two children seem happy life together, but because of poor communication between husband and wife, their marriage is near collapse. When they officially divorced, Sean gradually found that although middle-aged people, but you can still enjoy life. So he let themselves go and enjoy the indulgence, who knows his girlfriend is the daughter of his ex-wife accidentally engage with together. But this incest drama in the Another hero is a Christian unscrupulous doctors to make money, he romantic chic, casual and to, in order to fill the financial vulnerability, he worked as prostitutes, many of the lady with the big spend the night; more often, to taste make all forms of human joy, he broke the shackles of all moral, even mother and daughter together into battle, he also enthusiastic.

Five, ☆
flavors Tags: a mid-life, he is still nothing, low income, low social status. To his most chilling is that two decades of his life with his wife even decided him forever homes, and she got a little older, a dermatologist who got married. Then, his house destroyed in a fire. Ray lost hope in life, came to a local self-help classes, and gradually he began to find their own strengths, determined by their own bodies to save themselves. Only when the mine was too poor to own But the Although the dew point of the show play much, but the subject of prostitutes sold themselves to do is already very attractive.

six, ★ ★ ★ ★
flavors Tags: deformed monster, Japanese SM SM

Showtime television drama series of this classic horror can be gathered a dozen of the world's top horror film directors works, including Takashi. In which all the works, will the number of the most bizarre Takashi Miike film The entire series,handbags online cheap, only the end of the episode did not broadcast the program but only as a DVD for distribution. The film in the form of memoirs, Christopher has not been back to the United States about the Japanese prostitutes Xiaotao miserable life. Only 63 minutes in this story, filled with abnormal love, incest, sadomasochistic, patricide and other elements,handbags online, and Xiao-Tao abuse in brothels, was needle punctured fingers and lips about what the scene is even more scared people to see.

seven, , Starz
flavors index: ★ ★ ★ ★
flavors Tags: bloody fight scenes, promiscuous ###### scenes

Starz TV's Spartacus actor into a hero from the tragic history of slavery. The show's first three episodes, the story take a back seat, killing a large number of bloody history of the lens and the Roman-like promiscuous ###### scene full screen, only the actor was given the name of the gladiator Spartacus in, Starz TV generously to the characteristics of plasma vividly manifests itself everywhere is full of bloody muscle, blood gushing out all over body. When the screen turned to the Roman nobility party scene, the colors become dim ambiguous scene, lying in shallow water around the pond can be seen half-########## women, the mood of the nobles, it may be a joy in public.

eight, ★ ★ ★ ☆
flavors Tags: religious services of the murder scene

Protagonist Dexter Morgan, a day the Miami police forensics, when night fell, he would release the other end of bloodthirsty monsters inside, to hunt down those who regard themselves impunity for criminals. This is a controversial docu-drama, heart twisted as Dexter always like to perform their own religious justice. Dexter will choose a sparsely populated place, the room completely wrapped with plastic sheeting, and then put beside the operating table in the execution of prisoners killed by the lifetime of the photo, captured prisoners and the body is also wrapped with transparent tape, Then cut a knife in his face, take a drop of blood as the sample collection, and a knife inserted into the heart of prisoners, and finally dismembered body.

nine, : ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
flavors Tags: vampire SM, various forms of ###### scenes

set. In the first quarter, Anna? Paqua played in the drama because of the vampire Bill Qi Su and ###### scenes between the bed is always the first people to see blood spray sheets. In the second quarter, the emergence of a very tragic role - Jessica. Since being turned into a vampire, still a virgin, Jessica and her boyfriend each time to go through a break at the pleasure of pain. And when they first time intercourse, the background music to a very ill-disposed days after the draft placed Lyon? Lewis In addition, the practice of the Tauren, the town's people are crazy for ###### parties, and the scene no less intense film ######y gay ###### scenes! Rafi between Yates and her boyfriend flirting and kissing very hot, it can be said to create the HBO television show same-###### passion of a new chapter.

ten, ★
flavors Tags: bloody zombies, fight scenes

2010 年 Halloween, AMC launched a zombie TV drama The story recounts the zombie world is ruled by the background,paul smith uk, a man led the survivors to rebuild their homes safely find the story. Episode one opening, the hero Rick will encounter in the street holding hands still bear the zombie girl,mulberry bags, even though there are millions of points or not,alexa mulberry, but in order to prevent the little girl go to bite to kill others, can only be shot headshot. The second focus, Rick to escape the zombies, will open across a road to the supermarket next to the truck, he towed the body of a zombie, as if their internal organs cut shaped dumplings, put on the body to cover up the human breath . Play such a camera everywhere.
label drama flavors recommended that the United States
mo6v8jgy0ae is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 10-11-2011, 07:04 AM   #3
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,872
mo6v8jgy0ae is on a distinguished road

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49612 2010 年 11 月 22 日 21:21 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

a, Tags flavors: the strange life of polygamy

you have done the right hold the left owned, monopoly of the three beautiful fool's paradise, but was confused that he can become a reality, he is not the ancient emperor, nor is it certain African or Arab Emirates, but He and three lovely wife, seven heirs to live together. Three wives take turns every three days to share the night her husband,paul smith bag, for the entire family's financial and emotional Buzhi Yu bankruptcy and division, they have to suppress their jealousy, to comply with the default order, and concealed it shaking big secret - Polygamy is illegal in the background story in the mainstream Mormon sect is also strictly prohibited.

II, ★ ★ ☆
flavors Tags: foul language lines

This is the four children never grow up. Into the business of the people they know everything but what, what bad language will be scolded, if want to play the most frequent assessment of a word, it ought to Because each set, four children will not accidentally cursing out swearing, and swearing because the United States to do public channel on mute, so I mute with the The ridiculous story of the kid actor will always be mixed with many phenomena in today's mockery of the United States, so when grid, George Lucas raped exaggerated story over and over again; when the Jonas Brothers say they take chastity outside of the ring, the song orgasm scene.

flavors Tags: exposing Hollywood star indulgence, drug abuse, insider

in the to expose the shady view of Hollywood and crime. This film, Cox and her husband David Arquette together to create the drama, the plot darkness fallen, the are all, more to expose the dark forces of Hollywood, the plot can be described as a wonderful step by step. In the first quarter end, Cox is drawing to a friend Jennifer Aniston guest appearance, together staged Brokeback kiss.

four, ★ ☆
flavors Tags: cosmetic surgery procedure, hot ###### scenes

Sean and Christian together in Miami, opened a plastic surgery clinic. Sean is in the eyes of a good President, with his wife and two children seem happy life together, but because of poor communication between husband and wife, their marriage is near collapse. When they officially divorced, Sean gradually found that although middle-aged people, but you can still enjoy life. So he let themselves go and enjoy the indulgence, who knows his girlfriend is the daughter of his ex-wife accidentally engage with together. But this incest drama in the Another hero is a Christian unscrupulous doctors to make money, he romantic chic, casual and to, in order to fill the financial vulnerability, he worked as prostitutes, many of the lady with the big spend the night; more often, to taste make all forms of human joy, he broke the shackles of all moral, even mother and daughter together into battle, he also enthusiastic.

Five, ☆
flavors Tags: a mid-life, he is still nothing, low income, low social status. To his most chilling is that two decades of his life with his wife even decided him forever homes, and she got a little older, a dermatologist who got married. Then, his house destroyed in a fire. Ray lost hope in life, came to a local self-help classes, and gradually he began to find their own strengths, determined by their own bodies to save themselves. Only when the mine was too poor to own But the Although the dew point of the show play much, but the subject of prostitutes sold themselves to do is already very attractive.

six, ★ ★ ★ ★
flavors Tags: deformed monster, Japanese SM SM

Showtime television drama series of this classic horror can be gathered a dozen of the world's top horror film directors works, including Takashi. In which all the works, will the number of the most bizarre Takashi Miike film The entire series,handbags online cheap, only the end of the episode did not broadcast the program but only as a DVD for distribution. The film in the form of memoirs, Christopher has not been back to the United States about the Japanese prostitutes Xiaotao miserable life. Only 63 minutes in this story, filled with abnormal love, incest, sadomasochistic, patricide and other elements,handbags online, and Xiao-Tao abuse in brothels, was needle punctured fingers and lips about what the scene is even more scared people to see.

seven, , Starz
flavors index: ★ ★ ★ ★
flavors Tags: bloody fight scenes, promiscuous ###### scenes

Starz TV's Spartacus actor into a hero from the tragic history of slavery. The show's first three episodes, the story take a back seat, killing a large number of bloody history of the lens and the Roman-like promiscuous ###### scene full screen, only the actor was given the name of the gladiator Spartacus in, Starz TV generously to the characteristics of plasma vividly manifests itself everywhere is full of bloody muscle, blood gushing out all over body. When the screen turned to the Roman nobility party scene, the colors become dim ambiguous scene, lying in shallow water around the pond can be seen half-########## women, the mood of the nobles, it may be a joy in public.

eight, ★ ★ ★ ☆
flavors Tags: religious services of the murder scene

Protagonist Dexter Morgan, a day the Miami police forensics, when night fell, he would release the other end of bloodthirsty monsters inside, to hunt down those who regard themselves impunity for criminals. This is a controversial docu-drama, heart twisted as Dexter always like to perform their own religious justice. Dexter will choose a sparsely populated place, the room completely wrapped with plastic sheeting, and then put beside the operating table in the execution of prisoners killed by the lifetime of the photo, captured prisoners and the body is also wrapped with transparent tape, Then cut a knife in his face, take a drop of blood as the sample collection, and a knife inserted into the heart of prisoners, and finally dismembered body.

nine, : ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
flavors Tags: vampire SM, various forms of ###### scenes

set. In the first quarter, Anna? Paqua played in the drama because of the vampire Bill Qi Su and ###### scenes between the bed is always the first people to see blood spray sheets. In the second quarter, the emergence of a very tragic role - Jessica. Since being turned into a vampire, still a virgin, Jessica and her boyfriend each time to go through a break at the pleasure of pain. And when they first time intercourse, the background music to a very ill-disposed days after the draft placed Lyon? Lewis In addition, the practice of the Tauren, the town's people are crazy for ###### parties, and the scene no less intense film ######y gay ###### scenes! Rafi between Yates and her boyfriend flirting and kissing very hot, it can be said to create the HBO television show same-###### passion of a new chapter.

ten, ★
flavors Tags: bloody zombies, fight scenes

2010 年 Halloween, AMC launched a zombie TV drama The story recounts the zombie world is ruled by the background,paul smith uk, a man led the survivors to rebuild their homes safely find the story. Episode one opening, the hero Rick will encounter in the street holding hands still bear the zombie girl,mulberry bags, even though there are millions of points or not,alexa mulberry, but in order to prevent the little girl go to bite to kill others, can only be shot headshot. The second focus, Rick to escape the zombies, will open across a road to the supermarket next to the truck, he towed the body of a zombie, as if their internal organs cut shaped dumplings, put on the body to cover up the human breath . Play such a camera everywhere.
label drama flavors recommended that the United States
mo6v8jgy0ae is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 10-11-2011, 07:05 AM   #4
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,872
mo6v8jgy0ae is on a distinguished road

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49612 2010 年 11 月 22 日 21:21 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

a, Tags flavors: the strange life of polygamy

you have done the right hold the left owned, monopoly of the three beautiful fool's paradise, but was confused that he can become a reality, he is not the ancient emperor, nor is it certain African or Arab Emirates, but He and three lovely wife, seven heirs to live together. Three wives take turns every three days to share the night her husband,paul smith bag, for the entire family's financial and emotional Buzhi Yu bankruptcy and division, they have to suppress their jealousy, to comply with the default order, and concealed it shaking big secret - Polygamy is illegal in the background story in the mainstream Mormon sect is also strictly prohibited.

II, ★ ★ ☆
flavors Tags: foul language lines

This is the four children never grow up. Into the business of the people they know everything but what, what bad language will be scolded, if want to play the most frequent assessment of a word, it ought to Because each set, four children will not accidentally cursing out swearing, and swearing because the United States to do public channel on mute, so I mute with the The ridiculous story of the kid actor will always be mixed with many phenomena in today's mockery of the United States, so when grid, George Lucas raped exaggerated story over and over again; when the Jonas Brothers say they take chastity outside of the ring, the song orgasm scene.

flavors Tags: exposing Hollywood star indulgence, drug abuse, insider

in the to expose the shady view of Hollywood and crime. This film, Cox and her husband David Arquette together to create the drama, the plot darkness fallen, the are all, more to expose the dark forces of Hollywood, the plot can be described as a wonderful step by step. In the first quarter end, Cox is drawing to a friend Jennifer Aniston guest appearance, together staged Brokeback kiss.

four, ★ ☆
flavors Tags: cosmetic surgery procedure, hot ###### scenes

Sean and Christian together in Miami, opened a plastic surgery clinic. Sean is in the eyes of a good President, with his wife and two children seem happy life together, but because of poor communication between husband and wife, their marriage is near collapse. When they officially divorced, Sean gradually found that although middle-aged people, but you can still enjoy life. So he let themselves go and enjoy the indulgence, who knows his girlfriend is the daughter of his ex-wife accidentally engage with together. But this incest drama in the Another hero is a Christian unscrupulous doctors to make money, he romantic chic, casual and to, in order to fill the financial vulnerability, he worked as prostitutes, many of the lady with the big spend the night; more often, to taste make all forms of human joy, he broke the shackles of all moral, even mother and daughter together into battle, he also enthusiastic.

Five, ☆
flavors Tags: a mid-life, he is still nothing, low income, low social status. To his most chilling is that two decades of his life with his wife even decided him forever homes, and she got a little older, a dermatologist who got married. Then, his house destroyed in a fire. Ray lost hope in life, came to a local self-help classes, and gradually he began to find their own strengths, determined by their own bodies to save themselves. Only when the mine was too poor to own But the Although the dew point of the show play much, but the subject of prostitutes sold themselves to do is already very attractive.

six, ★ ★ ★ ★
flavors Tags: deformed monster, Japanese SM SM

Showtime television drama series of this classic horror can be gathered a dozen of the world's top horror film directors works, including Takashi. In which all the works, will the number of the most bizarre Takashi Miike film The entire series,handbags online cheap, only the end of the episode did not broadcast the program but only as a DVD for distribution. The film in the form of memoirs, Christopher has not been back to the United States about the Japanese prostitutes Xiaotao miserable life. Only 63 minutes in this story, filled with abnormal love, incest, sadomasochistic, patricide and other elements,handbags online, and Xiao-Tao abuse in brothels, was needle punctured fingers and lips about what the scene is even more scared people to see.

seven, , Starz
flavors index: ★ ★ ★ ★
flavors Tags: bloody fight scenes, promiscuous ###### scenes

Starz TV's Spartacus actor into a hero from the tragic history of slavery. The show's first three episodes, the story take a back seat, killing a large number of bloody history of the lens and the Roman-like promiscuous ###### scene full screen, only the actor was given the name of the gladiator Spartacus in, Starz TV generously to the characteristics of plasma vividly manifests itself everywhere is full of bloody muscle, blood gushing out all over body. When the screen turned to the Roman nobility party scene, the colors become dim ambiguous scene, lying in shallow water around the pond can be seen half-########## women, the mood of the nobles, it may be a joy in public.

eight, ★ ★ ★ ☆
flavors Tags: religious services of the murder scene

Protagonist Dexter Morgan, a day the Miami police forensics, when night fell, he would release the other end of bloodthirsty monsters inside, to hunt down those who regard themselves impunity for criminals. This is a controversial docu-drama, heart twisted as Dexter always like to perform their own religious justice. Dexter will choose a sparsely populated place, the room completely wrapped with plastic sheeting, and then put beside the operating table in the execution of prisoners killed by the lifetime of the photo, captured prisoners and the body is also wrapped with transparent tape, Then cut a knife in his face, take a drop of blood as the sample collection, and a knife inserted into the heart of prisoners, and finally dismembered body.

nine, : ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
flavors Tags: vampire SM, various forms of ###### scenes

set. In the first quarter, Anna? Paqua played in the drama because of the vampire Bill Qi Su and ###### scenes between the bed is always the first people to see blood spray sheets. In the second quarter, the emergence of a very tragic role - Jessica. Since being turned into a vampire, still a virgin, Jessica and her boyfriend each time to go through a break at the pleasure of pain. And when they first time intercourse, the background music to a very ill-disposed days after the draft placed Lyon? Lewis In addition, the practice of the Tauren, the town's people are crazy for ###### parties, and the scene no less intense film ######y gay ###### scenes! Rafi between Yates and her boyfriend flirting and kissing very hot, it can be said to create the HBO television show same-###### passion of a new chapter.

ten, ★
flavors Tags: bloody zombies, fight scenes

2010 年 Halloween, AMC launched a zombie TV drama The story recounts the zombie world is ruled by the background,paul smith uk, a man led the survivors to rebuild their homes safely find the story. Episode one opening, the hero Rick will encounter in the street holding hands still bear the zombie girl,mulberry bags, even though there are millions of points or not,alexa mulberry, but in order to prevent the little girl go to bite to kill others, can only be shot headshot. The second focus, Rick to escape the zombies, will open across a road to the supermarket next to the truck, he towed the body of a zombie, as if their internal organs cut shaped dumplings, put on the body to cover up the human breath . Play such a camera everywhere.
label drama flavors recommended that the United States
mo6v8jgy0ae is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 10-11-2011, 07:06 AM   #5
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,872
mo6v8jgy0ae is on a distinguished road

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49612 2010 年 11 月 22 日 21:21 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

a, Tags flavors: the strange life of polygamy

you have done the right hold the left owned, monopoly of the three beautiful fool's paradise, but was confused that he can become a reality, he is not the ancient emperor, nor is it certain African or Arab Emirates, but He and three lovely wife, seven heirs to live together. Three wives take turns every three days to share the night her husband,paul smith bag, for the entire family's financial and emotional Buzhi Yu bankruptcy and division, they have to suppress their jealousy, to comply with the default order, and concealed it shaking big secret - Polygamy is illegal in the background story in the mainstream Mormon sect is also strictly prohibited.

II, ★ ★ ☆
flavors Tags: foul language lines

This is the four children never grow up. Into the business of the people they know everything but what, what bad language will be scolded, if want to play the most frequent assessment of a word, it ought to Because each set, four children will not accidentally cursing out swearing, and swearing because the United States to do public channel on mute, so I mute with the The ridiculous story of the kid actor will always be mixed with many phenomena in today's mockery of the United States, so when grid, George Lucas raped exaggerated story over and over again; when the Jonas Brothers say they take chastity outside of the ring, the song orgasm scene.

flavors Tags: exposing Hollywood star indulgence, drug abuse, insider

in the to expose the shady view of Hollywood and crime. This film, Cox and her husband David Arquette together to create the drama, the plot darkness fallen, the are all, more to expose the dark forces of Hollywood, the plot can be described as a wonderful step by step. In the first quarter end, Cox is drawing to a friend Jennifer Aniston guest appearance, together staged Brokeback kiss.

four, ★ ☆
flavors Tags: cosmetic surgery procedure, hot ###### scenes

Sean and Christian together in Miami, opened a plastic surgery clinic. Sean is in the eyes of a good President, with his wife and two children seem happy life together, but because of poor communication between husband and wife, their marriage is near collapse. When they officially divorced, Sean gradually found that although middle-aged people, but you can still enjoy life. So he let themselves go and enjoy the indulgence, who knows his girlfriend is the daughter of his ex-wife accidentally engage with together. But this incest drama in the Another hero is a Christian unscrupulous doctors to make money, he romantic chic, casual and to, in order to fill the financial vulnerability, he worked as prostitutes, many of the lady with the big spend the night; more often, to taste make all forms of human joy, he broke the shackles of all moral, even mother and daughter together into battle, he also enthusiastic.

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Showtime television drama series of this classic horror can be gathered a dozen of the world's top horror film directors works, including Takashi. In which all the works, will the number of the most bizarre Takashi Miike film The entire series,handbags online cheap, only the end of the episode did not broadcast the program but only as a DVD for distribution. The film in the form of memoirs, Christopher has not been back to the United States about the Japanese prostitutes Xiaotao miserable life. Only 63 minutes in this story, filled with abnormal love, incest, sadomasochistic, patricide and other elements,handbags online, and Xiao-Tao abuse in brothels, was needle punctured fingers and lips about what the scene is even more scared people to see.

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Starz TV's Spartacus actor into a hero from the tragic history of slavery. The show's first three episodes, the story take a back seat, killing a large number of bloody history of the lens and the Roman-like promiscuous ###### scene full screen, only the actor was given the name of the gladiator Spartacus in, Starz TV generously to the characteristics of plasma vividly manifests itself everywhere is full of bloody muscle, blood gushing out all over body. When the screen turned to the Roman nobility party scene, the colors become dim ambiguous scene, lying in shallow water around the pond can be seen half-########## women, the mood of the nobles, it may be a joy in public.

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Protagonist Dexter Morgan, a day the Miami police forensics, when night fell, he would release the other end of bloodthirsty monsters inside, to hunt down those who regard themselves impunity for criminals. This is a controversial docu-drama, heart twisted as Dexter always like to perform their own religious justice. Dexter will choose a sparsely populated place, the room completely wrapped with plastic sheeting, and then put beside the operating table in the execution of prisoners killed by the lifetime of the photo, captured prisoners and the body is also wrapped with transparent tape, Then cut a knife in his face, take a drop of blood as the sample collection, and a knife inserted into the heart of prisoners, and finally dismembered body.

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set. In the first quarter, Anna? Paqua played in the drama because of the vampire Bill Qi Su and ###### scenes between the bed is always the first people to see blood spray sheets. In the second quarter, the emergence of a very tragic role - Jessica. Since being turned into a vampire, still a virgin, Jessica and her boyfriend each time to go through a break at the pleasure of pain. And when they first time intercourse, the background music to a very ill-disposed days after the draft placed Lyon? Lewis In addition, the practice of the Tauren, the town's people are crazy for ###### parties, and the scene no less intense film ######y gay ###### scenes! Rafi between Yates and her boyfriend flirting and kissing very hot, it can be said to create the HBO television show same-###### passion of a new chapter.

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2010 年 Halloween, AMC launched a zombie TV drama The story recounts the zombie world is ruled by the background,paul smith uk, a man led the survivors to rebuild their homes safely find the story. Episode one opening, the hero Rick will encounter in the street holding hands still bear the zombie girl,mulberry bags, even though there are millions of points or not,alexa mulberry, but in order to prevent the little girl go to bite to kill others, can only be shot headshot. The second focus, Rick to escape the zombies, will open across a road to the supermarket next to the truck, he towed the body of a zombie, as if their internal organs cut shaped dumplings, put on the body to cover up the human breath . Play such a camera everywhere.
label drama flavors recommended that the United States
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