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Old 11-08-2011, 06:19 AM   #1
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Default 这下好了 mbt sandles

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爸爸妈妈穿2件,宝宝绝不能穿2件半,只能比你穿的少,不能比你穿的多。我家两个孩子都十分强壮,冷热其实 很好控制,偶尔看到儿童医院发烧的孩子被花被子棉袄裹着一层一层的,可怜啊,孩子不会说话,都 是家长害的。
我在美国生了两个孩子,生育前后都有培训班,家庭医生每次洗脑让我受益匪浅,我的两个宝宝在婴儿时期乖巧得 好像家里没有小婴儿,我甚至疑心她们会不会哭?如今外婆常拿这句傻话笑我。回国后看到朋友或邻居们被小祖宗 折磨得精疲力竭,想着将妈妈经写下来,或许可以帮到被小祖宗弄得手忙脚乱、身心疲惫的年轻爸爸妈妈。再次感 谢南加州著名的儿科医生JANE GU,这几年在她的指导下学到很多一辈子都受益的育儿宝典。
爱哭的BABY都是爸妈教出来的。才出生的小BABY听不懂话,他们靠条件反射来做判断。中国的家长一听到 孩子哭就抱起来。JANE GU医生反复告诫我:孩子一哭就放下来,不哭才抱起来,正好反过来。这样一来,再小的孩子都能明白,不哭的 时候才有得抱,这招极灵。放下爱哭的孩子开始训练,看着时钟,不要抱让她哭,准备等10分钟再抱。第一次可 以设定5分钟,以后一次比一次时间拉长,我的妞妞第一次就没有熬到5分钟,大约3分半的时候就停了,我已经 心疼得肝肠寸断自己都快哭了,一定要忍住了。让孩子知道哭声是叫不来妈妈的。训练“不哭的孩子”要排除4个 哭的其他原因:尿了、病了、饿了,困了。上帝保佑,我家两个孩子都不会无理由哭,偶尔哭一下当作运动也是极 少数,妞妞和妙妙100%是快乐的宝宝,躺在床上都咯咯笑出声的孩子。

BABY被妈妈抱着舒服又安全,没吃饱就睡着了,醒了又吃两口,折磨妈妈,宝宝也吃不饱睡不好,害人害己。 训练班里学到最有用的一招,graphic tees,如何弄醒孩子让他们专心吃奶,就是脱衣服!脱得就剩尿布,医生告诉我,放心吧,你抱着她有妈妈的体温,这 体温能保证婴儿不会着凉,温度刚刚好,BABY有一点凉意,他们会用心进餐(她说的真是进餐,呵呵)。放心 吧,这些看起来弱不禁风的小东西,从妈妈母体带出来的抵抗力比成人强10倍,喂奶的产妇也不容易病,这就是 繁殖的力量。(当然室内的温度是有一定温暖的,国内无空调寒冷地区的人不要对照模仿误会)
4个月吃米粉再大点跟大人一起吃东西,孩子长大不太会偏食,早点吃和成人一样的食物对孩子有好处。6颗牙的 时候,JANE GU医生说,她已经可以用这几颗牙齿吃很多东西了,什么都可以喂,没有不能吃的。

废话,养孩子的谁不会换尿布呢?不一定哦。你是否有被孩子喷到尿或臭便便的时候呢?一天洗5次床单是我的最 高记录。换尿布的时候,每次来的新阿姨都要重新教一遍,窍门就是把干净尿布放在臭尿布下面,再打开尿布,擦 干净抽出来,这样即使孩子正好那时候又便又尿,你的床单保住了。习惯这么做以后,永远没有意外 发生。

身体力行很重要,大人怎样的孩子都会学。难得遇到上海一位陆老师,教孩子慢慢走路,轻声说话,人家听得到就 好了,别那么大声。回了家乡,小区的幼儿园老师教孩子们扯起嗓门唱歌,我在一旁看,心想完了,培养了半天的 小淑女被汉派文化同化了,哈哈,如今的妞妞热干面一样的个性十足,整个儿一辣妹。大环境很厉害,几乎没有不 被同化的可能。
医生说,一个快乐的BABY会睡在床上唱歌的(不是真唱,是婴儿咿咿呀呀)!婴儿的大部分时光都需要在床上 度过,这里请爸爸妈妈们记住,床是不会动的!所以,抱起婴儿的时候不要摇晃,不要来回走动,更不要这样哄孩 子睡觉,轻轻放在床上让他自己睡就好。再说一次,床是不会动的。爸爸妈妈你们没有权利剥夺孩子躺在床上享受 快乐的权利。还有更重要的就是,兴奋的家长不要用力和孩子“疯闹”,孩子的大脑在婴儿时期还是胶状的果冻状 态,很容易受伤。
姿势二:让孩子侧坐在腿上,左手托着孩子的脖子,撑起下巴,右手拍后背,这样效率极高,通常十几下就拍出嗝 了。临睡的最后一顿奶,一定要喂饱足了,拍完嗝继续喂,我家妙妙2礼拜就睡整晚就是用这招,拍完嗝还可以再 喂2-3次,直到她真的不吃了,mbt sandles,小嘴巴往外推奶瓶的状态,妙妙就能睡到天亮。
美国医生再三批评我:你不是好妈妈,隔壁的孩子一睡到天亮,隔壁的妈妈是好妈妈,你不是!每次去看家庭医生 我都挨批评,原因是我晚上要喂奶1-2次,抱怨养孩子很累很辛苦。医生告诉我一个观念:人类晚上不需要进食!我傻乎乎问,为什么呢?医生没办法 ,只好大声说:因为我们是人类!我印象极深,妞爸早就笑弯腰了。很显然,我担心BABY晚上会饿根本是多余 的,10-12小时的连续睡眠,对孩子来说比吃奶重要100倍!我们被老大妞妞折磨很惨,晚上吃一顿奶的坏习惯一直延 续到快2岁。养老二的时候按照医生说的,彻底让我和老公解脱出来,从刚出生到一个礼拜我家妙妙被训练距离5 个小时才吃奶,2个礼拜之后,孩子就能睡天亮了。晚上不需要吃奶!!!(三个感叹号是请妈妈们 切记的意思)
个人经验,孩子趴着睡觉比仰着睡得安稳,才出生的孩子心脏朝下,几乎不会一惊一惊的状态,模仿子宫被包裹的 状态。另一个最大的好处是改变亚洲人的大饼脸,5天之内的婴儿需要1个小时帮忙翻脸,5天之后,我家妞就会 自己左右转向自如了。妞是标准的小脸,和生出来的时候大方脸好像变了一个孩子,呵呵,得意。老二妙妙的脸没 有刻意这样做,那时候妞妞需要人照顾,没有精力1个小时翻头的精力了,很可惜。这个机会只有在出生到3个月 之内有效,大了就没用了。

妞妞大概10来天的时候,一只眼睛发炎化脓了,我和妞爸吓得抱到医院,还是急诊,儿科的男医生问,你喂奶还 是奶粉,我说母奶。他说挤点出来放进孩子眼睛,BABY就会好。What? 我排队等急诊老半天就这么打发我回家了。于是如法炮制,母奶当药,几天后妞妞果然见好,是否母奶的原因还是 不清不楚,美国医生忽悠得或许有点道理吧。总之母奶是好东西。

中国父母礼节有余,胆子太小。“别动,危险,站起来地上脏,别摸,会刺到。。。。不许这样,不许那样”美国 父母最常说的却是“Try it! ”试试看,摸摸看。鼓励宝宝,只要没有生命危险,不要阻止孩子用他们的小手尝试和认识世界。大不了衣服弄脏 ,地上滚来滚去的宝宝时光很短,饭粒菜汤翻了一地,大不了扫一下他们会早学会吃饭甚至用筷子,玩水大不了感 冒,玩沙子大不了进鞋子难受难清洁。总之有很多阻碍孩子快乐的条条框框,促使我们的小天使们越来越快地变成 成人,变成听话和懂事的孩子。快乐第一重要,衣服脏了不重要,只要没有生命危险,不要阻止我的 孩子。
能吃到2岁半是天下最幸福的宝宝。JANE GU医生说,没有奶不够吃的妈妈,只有不想喂奶的妈妈,孩子的食量多大,妈妈的奶就有多少,生双胞胎的妈妈 的奶同样够两个孩子吃。这一点我很失败,尽管GU医生用笔画了一个圆圈,她告诉我,你的孩子吃多少,你就能 生产多少,你觉得奶不够,加奶粉进去,奶就会真的不够,最后就没了,事实证明我后来真的越来越少直到没了。 孩子不会说话,她吃饱没有很难知道,妈妈觉得奶少了就放弃母奶,就补奶粉,其实是告诉自己的身体,我只能生 产这么多了。要相信自己能当头称职的奶牛。如果再生一个,tods sale,一定要证明一下。生完小孩第三天就去医院参加“喂奶班”,几个妈妈带婴儿围成一圈,有黑妈妈白妈妈和亚洲 妈妈,喂奶课用的是那种很舒服的沙发,脚下有垫脚的专用凳子。医生们将孩子脱光,包括尿布,然后称BABY 的重量精确到小数点后面2位数。然后让我们抱孩子喂奶,不准穿衣服只穿尿布。医生一对一教妈妈们如何让孩子 一口就咬准奶头,如何保护奶头,一次一次训练,期间有别的妈妈来用免费提供的吸奶机下奶,用塑料袋装回家。 我刚开始的害羞和尴尬慢慢没有了,呵呵,我在家完全不知道妞妞吃了多少,这下好了,一堂课下来,马上称孩子 份量,我妞妞吃了不少,好像是那天的第二名,前后数据证明,我有奶。
感冒发烧是孩子成长的过程,是增强抵抗力的过程。我家宝宝发烧了最常用的就是用冰敷,用有拉链的保鲜袋装冰 块,用干净毛巾裹了冰敷在全身,30分钟一定退烧。烧厉害了配点美林或泰诺。如果是着凉了感冒没有发烧,就 让孩子吊着鼻涕没有事,几天就好。不要相信任何药能治疗感冒。到目前为止,除了去年的手足口被医院骗进去那 一次之外,我家2个孩子从来没有挂过盐水和注射过抗生素。在美国,是那种要死的病才注射抗生素的,在中国注 射室的景观,吓坏了妞妞的爸爸,那个景象让人发毛他说。一排一排的吊针,打手打头打脚的小孩子们在妈妈爸爸 爷爷奶奶的陪护下挂盐水。集中营莫过如此,很恐怖。花钱不说,更可怕的是体内的细菌大战存留的各种毒越来越 多,周期性的需要挂盐水来压下去,常常听到妈妈们说,有一点症状马上挂水压下去,十分得意。我为她们的无知 十分惋惜。我的孩子越来越健壮,从不生病,病了也几天自己好,基本不治疗。邻居的孩子半夜跑医院,累的人仰 马翻乐此不疲,从这点看我是好妈妈。
再小的宝宝玩玩具或看电视或看图画书的时候,请家里的阿姨或者任何人都别打断她们。即使是吃饭的时间到了, 晚一点也没有关系。培养孩子的专注力就等于培养她们长大了能注意力集中做任何事情。我家妞妞专注力很好,她 喜欢的事,比如拼图,一个下午几个钟头不抬头,没有人叫她,除了尿尿之外。最怕那种大呼小叫逗孩子的长辈们 ,自以为聪明,边看电视边问问题。闭嘴,请安静。给孩子一个专注的环境吧。

父母也不可以随便批评宝宝,一天只能批评两次,两次用完了就等明天的配额吧。美国老师这么慎重交代的。于是 ,宝宝外婆说:“你的孩子一天10次都不够,2次的话我10分钟就用完了,这太难了。我大笑。在婴儿的时期 ,批评有用吗?拉个便便也被阿姨批评“宝宝又干坏事了”我会反问阿姨,你有哪天不拉屎吗?
我的2个宝宝健康的另外一个原因是天天洗澡,天天洗澡是必要的。记得我生完孩子出来,准备听我妈妈的教诲躺 着不动,打算熬到第二天才洗澡,护士惊讶地拉我起来洗澡“不管你什么传统,把汗水和细菌都洗掉才会健康”。 我被误会成个脏妈妈被拖去洗澡,当然要说明的是我生两个都是顺产。产妇如此,何况小孩子?孩子每天运动量大 ,臭汗奶腥味便便尿尿什么味道都有,一定要洗澡,不能隔天才洗。这也是健康不生病的重要原因,他们不会着凉 的,抵抗力比成人强十倍。医生交代:宝宝洗澡尽量用清水,再名牌的婴儿产品都不如清水好,不要用任何沐浴露 、洗发水,清水最最好!医生说尽量不用,一定要用的话一个星期用一次沐浴露就好,我家是三天用一次(我觉得 一周太长了,心理作用)。


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Old 11-08-2011, 06:20 AM   #2
General of the Army
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,591
zq8j8ha3b5t is on a distinguished road

At 18:32 on 18 January, Ireland, Eye Hospital of Hunan Province. Doctors carefully extracted a small vibration and the cornea. Photo by Yang and poetry
1 18, a small vibration and after the death of a doctor for eye bank corneas extracted him. Have not had time to see a pair of their own died in a small cornea, will allow two people to see again. Photo by Yang and poetry
1 15, lying in a hospital neonatal small vibration and a small bed, the occasional cry randomly, occasionally opened his eyes and looked in horror to this strange world. Yang and poetry
1 月 22 日 taken 8 am, Ireland Eye Hospital in Wuhan, Zhou Xia, 21, sat on the porch waiting for a final check before surgery. Yang and poetry feature articles taken

】 【freezing point: 9 days left of life bright

if the small vibration and can grow up, he can look into my living this beautiful Hunan town: when sunny blue skies, wide silver river, and the door pulls out of the wet road when the red soil.
Perhaps he could through the mirror and see their mature face, including a pair of
but he has no chance. January 18, 2010, the Hunan Xinhua baby, because a name of
signed his grieving father to donate his son's corneas, hope the children can Soon, one of a cornea, a few hundred kilometers away in Wuhan, was transplanted into a 21-year-old girl.
the life of this little boy survived for only 9 days. But more and more people believe his eyes still continue to look at the world. Even his father would often feel the life of his son seems to have been extended down.

small vibration and the hope is with the whole family came to this world.
mother Jiang Guiyun name is taken. Combined with the eldest son,
pick clothes for the whole family together, whether it is unlined, or sweaters, cotton, are yellow or pink color.
small bed is his brother Ko let out. Because of darkness, the skinny boy until 10 years old and have been sleeping in the parents bedroom, a small bed. Sometimes, he would be a wonderful reflection of his sleeping room, to the middle of the night, he will get up and slipping into their parents room. But this time, in order to let out a small bed, his parents and discuss whether we can
days of pregnancy, Jiang Guiyun Association from time to time Fantasy: This is about children born, will not be as big as the son of Chun-keung, a pair of beautiful eyes; will not learn than small Zhenqiang more seriously, performance better; or will physically stronger than the small vibration is more healthier?
when I think of here, she could not help but worry some. His 10-year-old son though lively, but it seems thin is always a lot more than their peers. Born one month, was diagnosed with small bowel obstruction Chun Keung, was sent to Changsha to do the surgery. Although the operation was very successful, it could Since then, little has been not grow Chun-keung, and small hands small feet,
this time, she and her husband discuss the Kaohsiung flight, be sure to
small vibration and the day of birth is January 10, 2010. In Jiang Guiyun eyes, the Capricorn baby do not cry, look particularly healthy.
the following day, the Kaohsiung flight discovered the problem. Day after birth, small vibration and no bowel movement, and constantly vomiting. Think of the year the eldest son's condition, Kaohsiung flight uphold, we give a small vibration and a checkup.
under the B-test results, Xinhua People's Hospital doctors to determine the small intestines of vibration, and there is a place blocked up, resulting in digestion of food can not be discharged. Kaohsiung flight know that this year, and the eldest son of the
afternoon, Kaohsiung fly with his little son came to Changsha, ready to do an operation. Before starting, Kaohsiung fly back home with their children. This is a small vibration and only entered the house.
his grandmother, who recalls that, in this two-day children newborn eyes wide open, continued to look around,
give up

that only 9 days of life, and not too much left to his family.
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this photo shoot, the kids just 5 days of birth, was admitted to the hospital operating room.
1 13, when his son to fly Kaohsiung Children's Hospital of Hunan Province, he felt a lot of peace of mind. 10 years ago, the eldest son Zhenqiang here underwent surgery. He repeatedly to console his wife: However, the small vibration and 20 minutes after the beginning of surgery, a nurse came out, said the Kaohsiung flight, the doctor let him discuss the matter, because
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The doctor told him that the only treatment is through surgery, the intestines were all blocked up and cut, the remaining part of the stitching up, but this is very risky surgery, even if operation is successful, the child's normal length of the intestines, only 1 / 3, it will trigger a series of complications, so that the child will only

on the operating table, small vibration and the face was a dark green cloth covered. Kaohsiung flight feels that his own brain at once
their teeth out of the operating room, the Kaohsiung flight call to his wife in the waiting room. The 35-year-old man has finally collapsed in Hunan, the couple cried on the phone at both ends.
but they did not have much time for grief, small vibration, and is still on the operating table waiting for their decision. After a few words, the two decided, Jiang Guiyun tears, Kaohsiung flight, said: voice is immediately Diya went on: to the operating room, the medical certificate of his son wrote this to say: p>
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sign away when the Kaohsiung flight and treatment of small vibration when hundreds of kilometers away in Wuhan, 21-year-old Zhou Xiagang just around to borrow money, to cobble together the cornea transplant surgery. This week has just married a young girl, left eye had severe corneal ulceration, all items in front of her, almost all only a
a long time, this pair of eyes has been a beautiful symbol of Zhou Xia. But now, they have become a source of disaster in Hubei girl. At first, she just felt a little itchy eyes, and slowly, her eyes began to red, serious, her vision has become blurred.
last May, Zhou Xia for the first time to leave his home in Hubei Kawamura text Songzi City home, sitting for 10 hours of coach, came to Ireland, Eye Hospital of Wuhan. Doctors have found that due to bacterial infection, her cornea had grown gray spots, if not promptly removed, and corneal transplant, I am afraid that the danger to removal of the eye.
6 months, Zhou Xia received the transplant surgery. Twenty thousand working outside the surgical fee is the father finally she saved. The father of a family of three a month in the town thanks to earn 1,000 dollars a living wage. Zhou Xia won the mother of a child meningitis, affecting the intellectual development, some action to slow.
However, because no suitable cornea inventory, needed surgery Zhou Xia transplanted cornea, but it is from a sheep's eyeballs plucked. This can only keep her eye, but do not make eye only fully restored vision. Review after a few months, although doctors believe that Zhou Xia eyes recovering well, but she can see the left eye is still just a blur.
just completed surgery, the doctors have been advised Zhou Xia and then a few days in the hospital for observation because of But given 100 yuan per day cost of hospitalization, she was soon back home. In the village, the family is busy with a village-funded
no one thought that when the cover spacious new house, when Zhou Xia infected eyes again.
family have said is not clear, resulting in the recurrence of her eye, in the end is to build a house construction dust, or her to help workers in the eyes of cooking fumes floating into. But certainty is that, in addition to the same with the last swollen, itchy patch of transplanted corneas out with ulcers.
2010 年 1 5 February, Zhou Xiajian hold the scheduled time in the yard of his home put the two tables banquet, held a wedding. Two days later, when she was again sent to the Eye Hospital of Wuhan Ireland, who is also immersed in the joy of the bride, almost left eye,
father for her kick in the surgery. But Zhou Xia did not know, this time, the corneal implant is no longer her eyes from a sheep, but from a far in Hunan, and only 9 days of life of the baby boy.

small vibration and giving up the treatment, call the Kaohsiung flight that had just begun to congratulate himself not a.
a relative on the phone to remind the Kaohsiung flight, you do not consider the child's corneas donated to This is also the father in mourning, felt a sudden was impressed.
He immediately opened up the home phone, and carefully on the phone asked his wife would be willing to
31-year-old Jiang Guiyun little to refute the views of her husband. The gentle wife cried for a long time, and finally with a sigh: Flying in Kaohsiung own auto repair shop, the relationship between them and several workers are particularly good; in Kaohsiung flying brother after the divorce, their children again to his own brother's home, a living that is nearly 10 years.
Kaohsiung big deal to fly can not tell what he felt, to help others is a matter as it should be: Kaohsiung flight, said the child's cornea donation, you will feel that Indeed, he felt that seem to have found a way to make a small vibration and the life
for fear that the elderly can not accept that he did not discuss with their parents.
However, when the Kaohsiung flight did not even know, should be where the child's cornea donation. Until a relative working in the media, to help him find the Eye Hospital of Hunan Ireland Tel.
, hospitals have never encountered such a young donor cornea. Kaohsiung fly just received the phone, not just to work a girl can not even be sure how long, was born only 5 days of the small vibration and is consistent with the cornea donation request. However, she repeated with emotion: Hospital, Kaohsiung fly when found next to the children parents are shocked. They all gathered around, while wanted to donate his corneas to the child's. After a child, was tapped on the shoulder of Kaohsiung flight: Children's Hospital and has been lying in bed in a little silver. He can see, is the beige ceiling, green mosaic in which the central air conditioning, white fluorescent tubes, as well as a nurse wearing a pink dress, and occasionally came in to give him the injection, change a diaper. This is probably all of his memories. Came out from the operating room, he again did not leave this room. He could not see the grass green room door, round windows can not see tomatoes on the printed pattern, and even Mom and Dad's face, and he has not seen.
in accordance with the provisions of the hospital, to give up treatment should be the parents of the children to take home, but do not want to fly Kaohsiung. In the hospital, receiving
But in that case, his son during his lifetime, fly to Kaohsiung, could no longer see him. To ensure the ward's health, he and all the parents together, is blocked out in the intensive care unit.
Xinhua that he only returned home, accompanied Jiang Guiyun is confinement. For fear of her body, the family avoided all this. Only one, small vibration and the grandfather in the house turn round and round, could not bear it, he turned to ask the Kaohsiung flight: attention:
only through the lens to a local media, people only understand a small vibration in the ward and the last life. 3 days time, he was always wrapped in a yellow blanket, the same ward as other children, waving his hands and feet sometimes crying, sometimes staring eyes and looked around, sometimes just lying in bed surrounded by metal fence on the , quiet sleep. The only difference is that the bed is no small vibration and the label written cases, and no one in accordance with label instructions, pushed him to a different ward for treatment, the nurses would not bring him back to mother.
because they can not smooth consumption, small vibration, and quickly lean down, his face more and more yellow. His eyes open less and less time crying, but most of the time in bed sleeping. Because the body is too thin, a small child beds are empty most of the area.
1 月 18 afternoon, when the journalists entered the room, small vibration and the He touched the child's cheek, that some muscle stiffness. Subsequently, the nurses verify the vibration and the death, he looks like just asleep.
Kaohsiung see a small vibration and flying, it is the next thing. Before five in the afternoon, he received eye bank staff in Ireland, the telephone, saying that Jiang Guiyun cried one last time to see the child, the wife of Kaohsiung flight might affect the body, decided that he himself a man The next morning, he sat down in first class coach, hastened to Changsha. Children's Hospital's morgue in the hospital next to an alley. Kaohsiung fly standing at the door, watching the gate slowly rising volume, hesitated for a moment, before walking inside.
cold morgue, especially in the winter, chilly. Small vibration and lay in a brown bag. Kaohsiung, picked up his fly and found his son wearing only a gown of white flowers.
one by one the children to wear up.
He then turned his head, sniffled and gave the child's side to go into a pink bottle.
this is his son one last time.

corneal surgical removal of a small vibration in the bed and leave completed. Eye bank staff have never seen such a small corneal donors. When they put a piece of dark green cloth covered in a small vibration and the face, revealing only the eyes of the hole the size of a fist, even half of the small vibration and a small face appeared.
eye bank of the doctors who worry that a baby's cornea may be too small for adults. Thus, small vibration and the cornea may be But when you see the removal of the cornea down, they found a small vibration and eyes particularly large part of the black eye,hyperfuse 2011, the cornea is almost close to the size of an adult level. An eye bank staff could not help but lament: on the eyes
As for the removal of two transparent cornea, were placed in a stainless steel small bottle filled with ice in a cooler of yellow in the cold storage.
Originally, the eye bank plans to corneal transplant to a patient in Harbin. However, the patient was diagnosed with diabetes, not surgery, in second place in the Zhou Xia lucky enough to get to the chance of receiving transplants.
corneal transplant process was very smooth. Zhou Xia bad in the eyes of the doctor to remove the cornea, again covered by a small vibration and the cornea of ​​the eye in the Zhou Xia, and tightly laced together with wire, .
After surgery the next day, Zhou Xia to remove the bandage on the eyes. Front of the scene is still very vague, but the doctor said that if a good recovery, her vision will gradually improve.
Now, the fat girls have come to expect only the cornea to bring her new life.

just decided to donate flies in Kaohsiung, the son of the cornea, when a local reporter had hoped that the cornea can be transplanted to an equally young children. His only hope is the son of the cornea by the younger donors as far as possible, such a small vibration and the eye Today, the 21-year-old Zhou Xia have satisfied them enough.
In fact, in addition to age 21, who lives in Hubei Songzi these basic information on the Zhou Xia Kaohsiung know almost nothing about flying. Zhou Xia He and his wife did not inquire about the phone, did not try to contact her family, because he was worried that they rush to contact, make the family feel the burden,
Zhou Xia did not fly in touch with the Kaohsiung. She did not phone, do not know Kaohsiung fly, and she's more worried about their own clumsy words, that time will be
weekdays, Zhou Xia life is incredibly simple. She does not like to hear music, do not love reading, and now in order to protect the eyes, can not watch TV. The re-infection in the eye last time, the family members are not allowed to do her housework.
she always stay in her new room. Cousin to help her in the layout of the room with purple curtains, purple wardrobe, purple sofa, which is usually the young girls like the romantic color.
can be the life of rural girls who prefer concrete things. She likes this beautiful wedding room, like her husband bought her a black down jacket, like marriage, wore that red coat. Most to make her feel full of hope, it is resumed their eyes, she
only when they talk about new husband,kobe shoes, Zhou Xia will be some slack in the eyes revealed a joy. Little speech her mother, father and also to work, but also farming, it is rarely communicate with her daughter. Home until a reporter in an interview, he remembered a closer look at her, and was surprised and asked: is still suffused with a large color, she is still patiently waiting for their rehabilitation. Now, she needed three kinds of eye drops, 3 cream, a little stimulation would wept. But this was a year of pain and suffering of the girls have felt very happy.

home from the hospital, the eldest son ran Zhenqiang first to fly Kaohsiung asked: his brother This has just vowed to study hard, earn money to his brother grew up treatment boys, first froze a moment, then children with the clearest voice crying.
is from that date, small traces of vibration, and are deliberately erased from the home. Elders have a tacit agreement, not to leave early to talk about the younger son, Jiang Guiyun also put the child's new clothes are sent to the people. Even his son's ashes to fly Kaohsiung also remain in the Changsha, because Ireland eye bank staff told him that all the donor cornea will buried in the outskirts of Phoenix Mountain in Changsha. The scenery there is beautiful, but Changsha
only one Memorial Cup to be the child's grandmother stayed on, plug in the cabinet of the most inside. That is a 30 cm high transparent Memorial Cup, the top of the Memorial Cup, there is a eye shape of the sculpture, and in the following pillars, engraved words: sacrificing the light in the world.
Kaohsiung flight said it was his son at home,
but the emotional pain is still lingering in this family. Sometimes, small Zhenqiang will lie on her mother's arms like a baby, her mother have another brother; Sometimes, Kaohsiung, and Jiang Guiyun will fly together on the couch, take a look at your phone and saved pictures of the small vibration.

the young parents, are trying to extricate themselves from the pain.
2 10 February,cheap hyperdunks 2011, came to the interview by reporters, Zhou Xia for the first time a telephone call to fly to Kaohsiung. The dialogue, Zhou Xia nervous repeated only a few sentences: But rather had been asked to fly Kaohsiung ineloquent Zhou Xia, many people are there at home, father do, how well the eye will now resume.
After this brief conversation, constantly complaining to fly Kaohsiung, home signal is not good, And Zhou Xia is flushed cheek, the tears in his eyes, a long time speechless.
she is probably too nervous, stood up and chilling by cold air blowing in the door of the house, to calm down. Outside the door of her home, is different from another piece of Hunan picture: the land is no longer dark, but the glow of the yellow; a small piece of flat farmland, stands a gray house; the sky is light rain, no mountain in the distance, revealed a moist green.
the 21-year-old girl and smiled lightly. In front of her, those familiar with the mountains, fields, and their life together is gradually clear.
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