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rental payment (D3)<br />The payment for the use of a FACfOR oF PRooucrioN. Such payments are common in the hire of capital equipment but, in a sense, the concept applies to labour as wages are paid for labour services, not for the purchase of the worker as would be the case in slavery.
domestic credit expansion (E5)<br />Growth of the money supply, adjusted by the deficit or surplus on the BALANCE oF PAYMENrs current and capital accounts. It consists of the PUBLIC SECTOR BORROWING REQUIREMENr less net sales of public sector debt to the non-bank private sector and bank lending to the private and overseas sectors. The reasoning behind this measure is that a balance of payments deficit leads to a reduction in the expansion of the domestic money stock through excess spending overseas. Conversely, a money supply expands with a balance of payments surplus, increasing foreign currency reserves. This measure was intended to produce a monetary aggregate suitable for open economies. It was first used in the UK in 1968 when it was monetary target popular with the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND.<br /><em>See also:</em> monetarism; money supply
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<strong>SMTP</strong> Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a syntax for text messages sent from one computer to another using email.
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