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monetary accommodation (E5)<br />A discretionary change in the nominal money supply by central monetary authorities in response to a price change which has changed the real money supply.
foreign aid (H2, 00)<br />Grants, loans on favourable terms or the supply of services by governments or cha ritable bodies to less developed countries. In its favour, it has been argued that aid creates the notion of an international human community, reduces political tension within countries by encouraging balanced development and increases the priority of development within less developed coun tries. A shor tage of domestic savings and balance of payments problems in the early stage of expansion, when impor ts exceed expor ts, will retain the need for aid. As it is difficult to decide the basis for selecting aid recipients, it has been suggested that poverty, a good record in economic and social policies or a good performance in raising the sha re of savings and taxes in the national income should be used as alternative criteria.<br /> Aid is given for many purposes including relief (often consumer goods are sent to alleviate a short-term supply deficiency, e.g. famine relief to Ethiopia), reconstruction (as in the rebuilding of an economy after a wa r, e.g. the MARSHALL PLAN), stabilization (especially short-term help with a country's balance of payments until adjustments a re made to its economy) and long- term development to raise the level of per capita incomes permanently. Critics of aid programmes point out that aid can have the defects of crea ting economic or political dependence, introducing inappropriate technology or spending disproportionately on urban populations.<br /><em>See also:</em> bilateral aid; multilateral aid; tied aid <br /><em>Reference</em><br />Casson, R. (1986) Does Aid Work?, Oxford: Oxford University Press.<br /> Mosley, P. (1986) Overseas Aid: Its Defence and Reform, Hemet Hempstead, Harvester \Vheatsheaf.
<strong>ACG</strong> Academic Competitiveness Grant, a new federal grant available as of July 1, 2006. Eligibility for this grant is based on high school academic performance as well as financial need. More information is available at:
<strong>Repurchase (of a claim)</strong> The lender' s purchase of a defaulted loan from the guarantor that bought the claim.
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