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preference falsification (DO)<br />The expression in public of preferences different from private preferences.<br /> <br /><em>Reference</em><br />Kuran, T (1995) Private Truths. Public Lies.<br /> The Social Consequences of Preference Falsification, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
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<strong>NASFAA</strong> National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators.
below the line (F4, H6, M3)<br />1 In the UK budgets of 1947-63 receipts and expenditure relating to borrowed funds or the servicing of the national debt.<br /> 2 For a firm, expenditure on sales promotion other than on direct advertising.<br /> 3 In the UK balance of payments, official financing.<br /><em>See also:</em> above the line
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IS (E1, F1)<br />1 The equilibrium of investment and savings, usually expressed as one of the curves in the 1s LM diagram. An increase in government expenditure, through its MULTIPLIER effects, will cause the IS curve to shift outwards from the origin.<br /> 2 IMPORT SUBSTITUTION.
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