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Peter principle (M1)<br />The hypothesis that in a hierarchical organization each person rises to the level of his or her incompetence and stays there. Poor information within INTERNAL LABOUR MARKETs is largely responsible for this. Professor Lawrence J. Peter (1920-90) of the University of Southern California sadly formulated this principle after extensively studying many organizations.<br /> <br /><em>Reference</em><br />Peter, L. and Hull, R. (1969) The Peter Principle: Why Things Always Go Wrong, London: Souvenir Press.
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rates (H7)<br />A tax on non-agricultural property long used in the UK to finance local government expenditure. Periodically, property was revalued on the basis of the expected rental income from property of that type to calculate its rateable value. Each local authority decided, knowing the total rateable value of all properties in its area, what rate in the pound must be levied to obtain a desired level of revenue. Each property owner paid an amount equal to the rateable value of the property times the rate in the pound. As such local taxation has long been condemned for being full of anomalies, many proposals for reforming it have been made. In 1989 in Scotland and in 1990 in England and Wales, the domestic rate was replaced by the COMMUNITY CHARGE (nicknamed 'the poll tax'); in 1990, the UNIFORM BUSINESS RATE replaced business rates.<br /><em>Reference</em><br />Foster, C.D., Jackman, R.A. and Perlman, M. (1980) Local Government Finance in a Unitary State, London: Allen & Unwin.<br /> Layfield Committee (1976) Local Govern-
note issuance facility (G2)<br />Promises by banks to lend money to companies when they cannot raise 1t m short-term securities markets. This is a form of OFF-BALANCE-SHEET FINANCING or adjusted claim. Increasingly US banks are using NIFs as an alternative to traditional medium-term credit facilities, often arranged with a syndicate of banks.<br /><em>See also:</em> revolving underwriting facility 'Not in my backyard' (RO)<br />A frequently made objection to an environmental change perceived to be detrimental with the recommendation that someone else suffer. This plea, nicknamed 'NIMBY', is often uttered when waste dumps and unsightly buildings are proposed.
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