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Quesnay, Fran ois, 1694-1774 (B3) French physician-cum-economist who founded the PHYS!OCRATIC school of economics, the first French school of economics. His position as a court physician to Louis XV made him an influential person, but it was not until his sixties that he wrote on economics. He did so in Encyclopedie articles on 'Fermiers' (1756) and 'Grains' (1757) and in subsequent articles on 'Hommes' and 'Impot'. But his Tableau Economique (first edition 1758), showing the CIRCULAR FLOW between landlords, farmers and manufacturers, anticipated ?N. PUT OUTPUT ANALYSIS and was to be much admired by Adam SMITH and MARX. Quesnay made economics a major talking point of the day: the salons were fascinated by 'les zigzags', their nickname for the Tableau.<br /> <br /><em>Reference</em><br />Barna, T. (1975) 'Quesnay's Tableau in modern guise', Economic Journal 85: 485-96.
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